Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: yikes!! It's like 2.30am there yeah? How far away is the hospital? It must feel so surreal knowing your going tower him soon. have fun getting ready!!

    @jetsa: I don't think there is much you can take that is safe - but the chemist/pharmacy (whatever you guys call them ) should know what is safe. I suffered though allergies in my second tri. It sucks! I feel for you!

  2. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @jetsa: My midwife gave me her blessing to take Tylenol PM on Tuesday. There's a big going around and I caught it. It's like allergies on steroids. The Tylenol PM enabled me to get the rest I need to get well, and hopefully I won't need it tonight.

  3. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: The hospital is 45 mins away. We're supposed to be there at 5am for a 7am start and should be finished by 8am. I talked to a friend who works in the OR and she said at our hospital they will actually keep baby with me at all times and we can even try to breast feed in the OR while they sew me up. We'll see if that happens but it has me feeling really good about it.

  4. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: eek!!! I'm so excited for you!

  5. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: oh my gosh that's awesome a! I'll keep my FX its correct!

  6. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: ooh that's awesome!! That's the procedure here too for c sections unless they are emergency ones. Hopefully you get some good skin to skin with him straight away!!

  7. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @illumina: I totally, totally hear you. I had such an easy pregnancy up until now. Now I just feel like a complainer. I'm tired, my back hurts, everything is swollen, and nausea is back with a vengeance. At 39 weeks, I'm just so ready for this baby to come but I really think I am going to go late

    @marionberry: EEEEEK!!! I am so excited for you!! What time zone are you in (pacfic i think??) Ill be thinking of you all morning though it will be afternoon here by the time baby J comes. I'm just so thrilled for you that soon you will be a mom with a precious little baby in your arms!

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Sitting in my big room getting the last of everything ready to go. We should have our baby in an hour or so.

  9. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: AHHhhhhh!!!!

  10. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: So. Excited. !!!

  11. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @marionberry: Can't wait to hear the news!!!!

  12. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @marionberry: eeeeeeeee!!!! If they stuck to their time schedule, you are just now getting started! Thinking of you and your family and just can't wait to hear how everything went! You're going to do great!

  13. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @marionberry: Good luck!! I'm so excited for you!!

  14. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @marionberry: Ahhh, I'm dying I am so excited for you!

  15. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: I hope you are holding little J in your arms now. Thinking of you xo

  16. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Every time this thread gets updated I keep thinking we have an update on @marionberry:! not that I'm impatient or anything

  17. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @illumina: me too, me too!!! I can't wait to see his sweet face! I hope her recovery is superhuman and she feels great ASAP

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Jackson Tennessee is here! 6lbs 5 oz and 18.75 inches. He's a small little guy but we love him lots! Here's a pic DH took while they finished my surgery. Oh and he has TONS of hair!

  19. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @marionberry: SO happy to see this update! Thanks for sharing so quickly! Congrats Mama! Did you imagine he'd be so tiny? Glad everything's good with you both though

  20. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: yay!!! He is so precious!!!!!

  21. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @illumina: no I thought he'd be much bigger! He's way smaller than I was when I was born. I still can't feel my legs but I can feel the contractions from the pitocin that they have me to shrink my uterus and they hurt.

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Jennimac: Thank you! Our miracle baby is finally here!

  23. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @marionberry: Congratulations! He is such an adorable little peanut!!

  24. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @marionberry: beautiful!!! congrats!

  25. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @marionberry: Congratulations!!!! I can't believe he's finally here! He's so adorable! And I'm not lying!

  26. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @marionberry: HOORAYYYY!!! Great job, mama, he is gorgeous!!! So, so happy for you

  27. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: So happy for your family!!!!!!!!

  28. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: Nawww now I'm crying like a crazy pregnant woman (oh wait I am! Haha) seriously though what a beautiful picture. I'm so so happy for you and your DH after all you've been through together on this journey. I feel so grateful to have shared it with you from back in our TTC thread. Congratulations mumma!! Enjoy every precious second with him. Xoxox

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Thank you everyone! I'll send a better pic out later today when we're both looking our best. I can't wait for you all to have your babies. It's an amazing feeling!

    @spaniellove: yay for not having to lie!

  30. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @marionberry: He is precious and you are beautiful! Congratulations!!!!!

  31. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: congrats! What a sweet little peanut!

  32. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @marionberry: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I love his little outstretched hand. Take good care of both of you

  33. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @marionberry: Congrats! He is beautiful and I love his name!

  34. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @marionberry: Oh, Jackson is adorable!! Way to go momma

  35. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @marionberry: You did so great mama! Thanks for the quick update, and Jackson is the sweetest little peanut! I'm sure you are completely enamored with your handsome boy!

  36. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Thank you so much everyone! We've had so many family members in to see him already. You'd think he was a celebrity lol. I'm in a little bit of pain but overall doing really well for having had major surgery. We're doing ok breast feeding so far and I really couldn't ask for more. We are SO in love!

  37. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: Oh my..... he's beautiful! Im glad he's here safe and you are doing well. So happy for you and your DH, many congratulations!

  38. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @marionberry: congratulations!!! He is so beautiful, I just love how he's reaching up towards you in that picture! Enjoy this very special time

  39. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @marionberry: Congratulations!!!! He's perfect! And I'm glad you're feeling pretty good.

  40. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @marionberry congrats! Heis super cute! Here's to a easy recovery and baby snuggles.

    AFM i had an appt this morning and am 1cm dilated and 50%effaced. Things are progressing but doctor thinks no baby this week (ill be 39 weeks Monday)

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