Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Jennimac: Thank you! That's what I was figuring but I'd never heard anyone talk about it. I guess they'll probably discuss that at my pre-op appointment Thursday.

  2. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: you're welcome! We've seen hair in the ultrasounds, everyone comments on how much hair the babe has :). My husband and I had very little hair.

  3. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: I'm so jealous! We got only the ultrasound at 20 weeks, so we haven't gotten to see if he has hair or not.

  4. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: ahh yea the first time we saw it was at 32 weeks I think.

  5. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Super cool.
    @mrssquirreld: I saw this and thought of you: http://oneswellstudio.com/2013/08/thank-heaven-for-little-squirrels-baby-shower/.

  6. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    For those talking about hair I swore the baby would be bald bc I had no hair until I was like 3 but when we had our 37 week sono she actually showed us the baby already has a head of hair!

    As for the work situation half the time I feel bad like I should be do more thn I'm like fuck that I'm 8 1/2 minths pregnant! Lol

  7. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    Well I'm up doing the pre-dawn feed here... Breastfeeding is hard work! The steepest learning curve ever tbh birth was easier than feeding H has been the last 4 days! I'm sure we'll get there in the end but its slow progress... Sweet girl is asleep in my chest right now though which us so worth all the frustrations of trying to feed!

    Sorry no individual replies but those if you trying to bring on your labours; I tried RRL tea, prenatal yoga/hypno birthing exercises and lots and lots if walking /"rotating"... Good luck!!! X

  8. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @evenstar982: hope breast feeding gets easier for you soon. Did you use hypnobirthing techniques for labour? I've been practicing and am hoping for an unmediated water birth too!! It's my dream!!

    I don't know what's going on with my hormones today. I've been a mess. Crying almost all day about bein paranoid that the house isn't clean and stuff isn't ready. My DH thinks I've lost the plot cause he says the house is spotless. I'm feeling a bit like a failure though. A lot of the time I feel too tired to do stuff. I just feel sad. I'm jealous of everyone having their babies... I want mine

  9. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: Nawww that's a beautiful shower... I might just pretend that one was mine but with blue instead of pink...

  10. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    After a suprise bad BP reading at my appt on Thursday, I was sent to the hospital to be induced. I started at everything 0, and gave birth to baby Jacob at 11:44AM on Friday! I can't wait to have time to write up his birth story because it was pretty crazy. We are so excited that he is here and are enjoying gettting to know him.

  11. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @pmerr: aww! Huge congrats mama! That might just be one of the cutest baby faces I've ever seen! Can't wait to hear more!

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @pmerr: congratulations! Can't wait to hear your birth story!

  13. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @pmerr: nawwww what a super cutie!!! Congrats so exciting!!!

  14. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @pmerr: what a gorgeous boy!!! Congratulations!!! He looks perfect and I can't wait to hear more about how he arrived

  15. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @MrsClownfish: I am so impressed that you're still working! I can't believe your boss is giving you extra work...I agree, do what you can't but don't push it. This baby could come any day!

    @evenstar982: I hope BFing gets easier! Do you find the night feedings exhausting? I am so looking forward to those cuddles, even if they are at 3am...I am so used to my sleep though so it might be an adjustement period, lol

    @Mrs squirreld: I've been very hormonal too...I watch a Baby Story every morning and bawl my eyes out, lol. I'm also stressed about the house being dirty - running around like a maniac trying to keep everything tidy and clean. DH thinks I'm nuts because at this point everything is pretty much clean!

    I've been having cramps on and off since yesterday afternoon...My dad got so excited and started timing them (I've never met someone more excited to meet a baby than my dad!!). He was convinced the baby was coming last night and basically throwing a welcome baby party. Alas, I slept through them (they were like mild period cramps) but now they are starting to ramp up. They are more intense and I've lost my appetite to eat (not like me!)

    I don't think they are contractions though because they aren't on a regular schedule...sometimes I feel them 5x per hour, sometimes only once every 2 hours. And like right now, I just generally feel awful and crampy with that feeling not going away any time soon.

    This waiting around stuff and over thinking every little symptom is so hard!!

  16. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @pmerr: What a BEAUTIFUL baby!!! Congratulations!!! I can't imagine the shock it must have been to go in for a routine apt and come out with a baby!

  17. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @char54: That's how I felt the other day! I was having contractions all day and night but none were regular. Then yesterday barely any at all. It's so crazy! I think they're pushing us in the right direction though!

  18. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @pmerr congratulations! AHHH all of a sudden babies are being born! Can't wait to hear the birth story

    @Mrs squirreld I have been practicing my hypnobirthing (and have used it when I get cervical checks)

    @char54 I also have been having cramping but nothing consistent and usually all through the middle of the night.

  19. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @MrsClownfish: I'd be the same way, I'll do what I can during a normal workday but that's it. No way should a very pregnant woman be working overtime. What is wrong with your boss?!! Stress is bad for mom and baby! >:O

    @evenstar982: I hope things get easier with the feedings.

    @pmerr: What an adorable lil guy!! Congratulations mama!

    @char54: @marionberry: Ugh, this is me today. My belly keeps getting really tight and uncomfortable, my back is really sore, I am getting sharp shooting pains, there's a lot of pressure like baby is going to fall out, I have to force myself to eat and drink, and I can only manage to walk the pace of a sloth because my hips feel like every muscle is pulled. I've been up since 4am like this. I'm 37 weeks and now I finally get what pregnant women mean when they say they are So. Uncomfortable. I don't think baby is coming, my mind keeps telling me this is still all practice. Can't wait to leave work and go lie down! (end rant, lol)

  20. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Well at my appt today we scheduled our induction for the 17th due to high BP. My doctor left it up to me because she knew I was hesitant to be induced but its the safest option so they can monitor my BP the entire time so thats what I went with. Healthy babe/healthy mom is my #1 goal.

    @pmerr: aww he's beautiful!

  21. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Yay! Now you have a set due date too! How exciting. Can't wait to meet your little one on the 17th.

    @maplemoose: I'm sorry you're dealing with this at work. I hope you get to go home and relax soon. I also agree that I finally understand what people meant by saying the last month really sucks. I can't wait to have my normal body back. I feel like a fat 80 year old.

  22. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: Thank you! I'm ready and so excited! Its crazy to me that I'm ok with it but it truly goes to show that pregnancy teaches you a lot about yourself. In the beginning I would have been so mad but now if there is anything I can do to make sure everything is ok, I'm going to do it....also selfishly, I am SO ready to have my body back I really do feel like a 90 year old!

  23. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @marionberry: LOL at "fat 80 year old". I tell my husband all the time that I feel like a little old man who is constantly complaining abouta different ailment. The pain never goes away, it just moves some place else!!

  24. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Well we're mommies (even if they aren't born yet) so it's natural that we would put their needs before our own, even now. A healthy baby is all that matters!

    @meltini: You're right! It never goes away, just goes somewhere else. Perfect way to put it!

  25. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    So hubster just asked me when we could start trying again and said, what do you think about after Christmas? I said, "of this year?!?!". We've now discussed why that will never happen and agreed to not even think about trying until at least 9 months after we have this baby, but wow, men. We haven't even had the first one and he's asking me about the second...but I get it, with his age we can't really wait forever.

  26. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Haha that cracked me up @marionberry: I would have loved to have seen your face when he said that!!!

  27. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: lol, I'm going to be the odd one and say that, that's about when I'd like to start trying for #2. I'd love to have Irish twins, my hubby though is one and done, I'd like to be two and through but we'll see.

  28. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Updating the list:

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - Boy born 9/2
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - Girl (Emily Elizabeth) born 9/3
    evenstar982 9/12 - Girl (Helena Elizabeth) born 9/5
    pmerr 9/17 - Boy (Jacob) born 9/6

    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsrey122 9/10
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green!
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!
    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/10 mrsstormy- 37/38 week appt
    9/11 char54 - 39 week apt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 jetsa - 38.5 week AFI, NST, and appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
    9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
    9/16-17 jetsa - Induction
    9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
    9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt

  29. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @char54: how cute is your dad?! And a resounding "ugh!" in agreement about how frustrating this waiting and analyzing every little symptom is!
    @jetsa: you get to meet your sweet babe in just 8 days!!! So exciting And I'm glad you're feeling good about it
    @marionberry: hahahaha "fat 80 year old"!!! Yes, exactly this
    And omg I would've died if my DH said that! I think I would've thought he was joking!

  30. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @jetsa: wow you are dedicated!!! I'm impressed. Ill be waiting until atleast his first bday! We are doing a trip to the US then and I don't want to be pregnant.

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I was pretty much like, I may not even have a period by then (not to mention that I won't even be fully recovered from the first one yet). Plus I've read that it really raises your miscarriage rates and such to get pregnant again so soon, and I'm not sure I could handle that well.

    @jetsa: Props to you for wanting another one right away. Is your hubby really against having more than one kid at all or just doesn't want another one anytime soon? Yay for getting your induction on the list. I can't believe that my son will be in here in a little more than 3 days!!

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Where in the US are you visiting this time?

    @mamamagpie: I would've thought he was joking if I couldn't see his face, but he was dead serious. We did agree though that this time once we start "trying" we'll only go 2 months before going straight back to the RE. No waiting another year again.

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @jetsa: @marionberry: Dh originally wanted a big family like 4 kids!!! I dunno about that. I think we'll just have one and see what happens. Maybe only one is good too! Lol
    @marionberry: At this stage we are thinking maybe LA area and the NJ area and then back to Alaska we aren't really 100% sure yet! He's only just had the time confirmed off work so we are just started to plan! I'm so excited!! Although a little nervous about doing a long long flight with a 1 year old!!

  34. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I used a variation on hypno birthing - Lazy Daisy combines active birth and breathing with yoga and hypno birthing techniques. Mostly it was all about the "rotate to dilate" and then lots and lots of calm and deep breathing... I'm still amazed I did it with no gas and air or anything else but I'm certain if I hadn't been in the water I'd have needed some!

    @pmerr: gorgeous! Congrats! X

    @char54: bf in general has got significantly easier in the last 24 hours since my milk came in and now the engorgement is subsiding both H and I are finding we're getting better with each passing feeding; it's definitely a steep learning curve for both mama and baby though - but we've had a pretty successful night last night so fingers crossed to keep improving!

    And here's a picture of our little beauty:

  35. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @evenstar982: she is absolutely gorgeous!!!

  36. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @evenstar982: naaaaaw gorgeous!! Can't get enough of these babies!!

  37. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @evenstar982: She's beautiful.

    @marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: My DH is undecided on 1 or 2 we've been debating it for the last decade. He's an only child and absolutely loved it. I'm the oldest of four and can't imagine life without my siblings. I think part of the difference is definitely gender based and if this babe is a boy, I'd be a lot more inclined to be done. Also, I have no desire to be pregnant every again but we've seen a couple nasty adoptions and so if I want two, pregnancy is how its going to happen and I just want to be done growing kids so the sooner the better Finally my sister and I are 22 months apart and its a great age difference, it took us 18 months to get pregnant this time and there is nothing 'wrong' so its likely that even if we started trying in Dec it'd be 2015 before I got pregnant, plus I intend to EBF which just decreases the chances.

  38. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @evenstar982: she looks such a peaceful, contented baby... you must be so proud! Did you tell us already how big she was or did I miss that?

    @marionberry: @jetsa: @Meltini: I feel exactly the same! I was sat waiting for the midwife today and noticing all these 80/90yr olds walking into the room thinking, that's how I'm walking at the moment, especially if I've just got up from sitting down!

    Exciting that we're all almost at the end now and some of us have a definite date we'll meet our LO's! My midwife said she'll let me go 12 days overdue before inducing, as I've had a perfectly normal pregnancy... so latest baby will arrive is the 1st October which is 3wks away. Sounds like ages, but at least it means I won't be pregnant for much longer!! Everything else is on track, she's measuring just right and isn't lying back to back which I thought might have been the case and the cause of my lower back pain. @marionberry: I don't know how you survived the ECV... my muscles are really hurting just from having the midwife check her positioning earlier!!

  39. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    @MamaMagpie: @Mrs squirreld: @jetsa: @illumina: thanks! She's very chilled out (so far!) - takes after her daddy in that respect! She was 7lbs at birth but lost 9% at her 3-day weigh in due to a slow start with nursing but we've had a breakthrough since my milk came in and she's nursing like a champ now

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: So exciting! If you decide to go north from LA into Oregon definitely let me know! My friends have travelled cross country with a 1-year old so I know it's not impossible, just may take a lot of patience. I grew up wanting 4 kids too, but at this point 2 or 3 would be ok too!

    @evenstar982: What a cutie! I know breastfeeding has been difficult, but so glad to hear it's getting better. That's my biggest worry about the c-section because they say it makes it even harder. I hope we figure it out fast like you guys!

    @jetsa: My sister and I are about 2 years apart and I agree that 18-24 months is a good age difference (with step kids I am one of 10). I am anti-only having one child because I've seen many examples of only children who are unable to see beyond themselves (not saying this about your DH, but even my dsd is this way) so that would never be an option for me. We're the same way though about it likely taking a long time to get pregnant again, especially with BF. I'm crossing my fingers we just miraculously make it work the 2nd time, as I'm sure you are too!

    @illumina: It is crazy how much they have to dive in there to figure out positioning huh?! Yes, ECV not recommended for anyone, lol. I'm glad to hear though that everything looks amazing and you now know the latest your baby will be born. 3 weeks is really not that far away!

    So baby marionberry has definitely moved down (as my boobs are no longer sitting on my belly) but I'm having really strong pain in my pubic bones when I walk - assuming this is due to that. Is anyone else feeling this? I feel like this is just going to increase my waddle...as if I needed that! Oh and today is my last day going in to work for anything. Yay!

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