Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: that looks awesome!

  2. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: hahaha yesssss wine! I've been craving red wine, which I normally am not a huge fan of. I've heard that the best time to imbibe is while you are actually breast feeding bub -- like while they're on the boob! Supposedly it helps with letdown, helps relax the mama, and will be out of your system by the next feed...going to have to as my OB about it!
    @jetsa: I hope the decreased movement does mean LO is coming soon!!!
    @Mrs squirreld: holy cow, your linen closet looks great! Doesn't it feel so great to have that all done?! My nesting mood was in full effect until a few days ago and now I'm just...tired. I still want to organize the shelves in our laundry room but have been procrastinating

  3. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    I've been craving wine too. Doctor said if I'm overdue I can have a small glass. I'm going to have that glass at one minute overdue lol.

    @jetsa: I've been having days of decreased movement noticeable enough that they send me for NSTs. Then baby finishes resting up and has several days of insane movement, to the point it is downright uncomfortable. Guess she's having some growth spurts and gets tired.

    @Mrs squirreld: Impressive organization on the closet!

  4. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mamamagpie: Let us know what your doctor says! I'm killing for some wine and it would be great if I could drink some while feeding.

    @MapleMoose: I've noticed that baby marionberry does that too...one day barely any movement, the next day totally active. It's so stressful but glad to know it's common.

    I finally finished our nursery! We got our mobile hung up and it's just perfect. I'm happy we can officially check that off our list. Now we're focusing on how to move our nursery basically downstairs for the first few weeks.

  5. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MapleMoose: yea Im at the hospital now to do a NST. I figured that'd be the protocol.

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Good luck with your NST!! Let us know how it goes!

  7. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: all is good. I'm just paranoid I guess

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: You're just being a protective mama. We've all been there!

  9. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: Yay for completing the nursery! Do you have to move downstairs because the stairs are too difficult after surgery?

    @jetsa: So glad everything is alright! I kept feeling like I was being over-paranoid too... Until DH made me realize that I am the baby's only link to medical attention, so if something seems weird or I get a funny feeling then I best act on it for the sake of our child. Better safe than sorry.

    Sad day today. Just got back from getting my rings cut off at the fire department. I kept checking to make sure I could remove them until one day I woke up and things were too swollen. It doesn't help that I have sizing balls set into the engagement ring band so that really wouldn't budge. I held out for several weeks but recently the swelling has increased and I was developing an irritation sore on the skin under my rings from them being so tight. So now I can't even wear my rings on a necklace and who knows how long I have to wait to get them repaired because I have to wait for the swelling to go down post-pregnancy. First world problem, I know. But still a bummer, especially since I kept monitoring the fit to make sure this wouldn't happen but things literally ballooned overnight.

  10. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MapleMoose: Ya I've heard that you really should pick upstairs or downstairs and try to avoid stairs. The biggest issue for me is that my bed is really high off the ground so I don't think I could even get into or out of it very well so I'll be sleeping on the couch downstairs. This means moving the PnP, swing, bouncer, etc. all downstairs, when I had planned to stay upstairs where the AC is. It's not going to be ideal, but whatever I guess.

    You're right about better safe than sorry. That's what I had to tell myself too. I'd never forgive myself if he got hurt because I wouldn't speak up.

    I'm sorry your rings had to get cut off today. My fingers started swelling awhile back so I had purchased some fake rings to wear (in case some had to get cut off) but as of the last week I haven't been wearing anything because the swelling is just too bad. At least it sounds like they can fix your rings later? That's all that matters, that you still can wear them eventually.

  11. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: My mom recently had abdominal surgery and was having a super hard time getting up out of bed from a laying position. Dad rigged up some sort of rope attached to the bed frame so she can pull herself up into a sitting position without needing assistance. Random, but might help you if you find it too hard to sit up at first. Hopefully it won't be as much of an issue if you're on the couch that you can scoot off of.

    The jewelers should be able to work their magic... Just me being a sad preggo lady!

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MapleMoose: Wow. I don't think my DH is that handy, lol. We were just discussing how maybe I can avoid having to move everything downstairs. That would be nice.

  13. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    Hi ladies! How is everyone doing? Sorry I haven't caught up in a couple of days... But I gave birth on Thursday!

    Will update with more soon I promise; but our beautiful baby GIRL arrived safe and well, and I managed the unmediated water birth I was hoping for. We just got home thus afternoon and she's currently sleeping on my chest.

    Any other arrivals yet or are we officially the first September 13 birth?!

  14. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @evenstar982: OMG! How did you sneak that past us?! Congratulations on your little girl! What did you name her? There are two other arrivals, mrsmoreau and duckduckkristen. I can't wait to hear your birth story!

  15. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    @marionberry: thanks! We named her Helena Elizabeth in the end (not in our original list of names, naturally!)
    She's a week early so took us a bit by surprise! She's totally perfect tho, will write a birth story post soon I hope.
    Glad to hear there are other new arrivals as well; it's all really beginning for us now isn't it?!

    I'm off to try and put her down and get some rest, it's 2am here! Xxx

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @evenstar982: I love that name! Get some sleep and fill us in later.

  17. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @MapleMoose: so sad about your rings I know that must be rough, but like @marionberry said at least they can be repaired eventually?
    @evenstar982: OH MY GOODNESS!!! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you that you were able to have the birth experience you wanted And I absolutely love her name

  18. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @evenstar982: Congratulations! Looking forward to reading your birth story.

    @MamaMagpie: I actually called the jeweler to see if they would cut off the rings (they can't anymore due to liability apparently) but the woman on the phone said this happens more often than you'd expect so I'm sure they can repair the damage. Just a little bummed, especially since we just celebrated our first anniversary! Oh well, that's just one of the lessons learned if I ever get pregnant again

  19. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @MapleMoose: I'm sorry about your rings

    @evenstar982: hurray!!!!! Congrats! and you were right on her being a girl can't wait to hear more. Enjoy!

    I bet ill be one of those overdue induced ladies.... Just cause I want him here so badly!!!

  20. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    I'm sitting here at midnight, bouncing on my yoga ball because my nesting instinct was so bad today that I totally messed up my hips. I'm feeling super uncomfortable right now and wish I was in bed and asleep. Damn nesting...

  21. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Meltini: I hear ya! After yesterday my back hurts and I'm exhausted!!! I hope you feel better and get some sleep soon!!!

  22. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I'm up due to heartburn and the fact that I sleep so shitty now. I wish for the days when I slept through the night!

  23. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: hang in there! Not much longer! I'm up for the same reason. My LO is all up in my ribs and I'm up with heartburn.

  24. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @evenstar982: congratulations mama! Lovely name and I bet she's beautiful! Can't wait for another update, a photo and to read your birth story! Hope you're both doing great!

  25. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @evenstar982: Congratulations, what a beautiful name! Her birth sounds perfect!

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Jennimac: It's rough. I hope yours got better! Thank God for tums!

  27. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    My mom is now texting me with old wives tales to bring on labor lol. I guess we are all ready! She swears by tonic water.

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: That's funny! It's so weird being in the opposite camp trying to hope my BH contractions don't get regular. But if I was a vaginal labor girl I'm sure my mom would be suggesting all sorts of things like that for me too. FYI pineapple does not work because I've been eating pineapple and drinking pineapple juice for my whole pregnancy because I love it, and nothing has ever happened. So don't believe that one.

  29. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @evenstar982: congratulations on your sweet girl!! I love the name. I still can't believe our September babies are coming!

    @jetsa: I've been getting all sorts of advice for starting labor too...part of me is still a bit scared of everything so I'm reluctant to try! Lol

    @marionberry: @Jennimac: My heartburn has been positively awful too. The dr prescribed me Zantac last apt (wish I knew she would/could do that earlier since I was spending so much $$$ out of pocket buying it over the counter) It helps a lot but I'm still up at 4am - I think it must wear off by then

    DH and I went for a long walk on these trails today by our house. I started having really bad cramps on my right side so we took a shortcut to get back home faster - except that the trail ended so we had to bush whack through trees, mud, streams,..it was quite the adventure! I think my walking days are done...ill stick to neighborhood streets from now on! I've been lying on the couch ever since having what I think are contractions but they aren't very strong.

  30. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: me too its my favorite fruit! I've been eating it the whole time as well, but here lately it sets off contractions like no other. I've heard only fresh will do it but I haven't tested that theory!

    @char54: haha I was that way but with an induction date in sight I've thrown all caution to the wind. I'd love to start labor prior to then. good luck with the contractions!

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: I usually eat it fresh (at least lately) because we get it freshly cut from the grocery store. I haven't noticed a triggering of contractions. Most of my really bad contractions are actually in the evening/night so I need to figure out what I'm doing then that's different.

    @char54: Yes I think now is the time to start taking it easy. We like to go to events and things which usually require a good amount of walking and one day I got pains which felt like a side ache but in my pregnant belly. It kind of freaked me out. I think sticking to local walks that are short is probably the best idea now. Drink lots of water and lay on your left side if you want the contractions to go away. Or sit on your ball and jump around if you want this baby to come, haha! Oh and I wish I would've known you could even take Zantac!

  32. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: my midwife told me that contractions will normally be worse at night because you are worn out and its you body protesting. Idk, but she told me that was typical.

  33. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: @char54: my dr told me I could take Zantac, but even that and tums still don't kick it away. I can't wait to see if the old wives tale of lots of hair is true.

  34. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @char54: aww bless you! Hope you aren't too tired after your walk! Walks seem to bring on my contractions/whatever they are. Yesterday evening was the worst they've been... I really thought something was about to happen as they were painful enough that I found it hard to concentrate on the tv. They tapered off by the time I went to bed though and then nothing again this morning. I'm really glad there are so many of us due at the same time experiencing the same symptoms, otherwise I would be going crazy wondering if everything was ok! I'm not doing anything to bring on labour either, as it still kinda scares me, if I'm honest.

    @jetsa: that's interesting about evening time... I've been wondering why that might be!

  35. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @evenstar982 congratulations!

    Acid reflux over here also considering ways to naturally induce. ...lol

    My boss decided to take on a new project that is due by Friday (by court ordered deadline) and give It to me, bu I refuse to work late or this weekend at 38 weeks pregnant so we will see if it gets done

  36. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MrsClownfish: wow that's ridiculous! What was your boss thinking? I'm going to buy tonic water shortly so we'll see if it works

  37. Joanlindsay

    grape / 98 posts

    I swear acupuncture kick started my labor with DD. maybe 5 hours after I had my 2nd treatment I lost my mucus plug and started regular contraction a couple hours later. DD was born the next afternoon.
    I'm going in on Thursday for a gentle session. I also find it to be SUPER relaxing which is nice when struggling to sleep.

  38. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Joanlindsay: where do you get it done? I wouldn't even know where to start to look? NVM I googled, hmmm if we decide on induction next week tomorrow I may call and get a session of possible.

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Jennimac: I told my husband I'm wondering if that's true too! I was born with lots of hair but my husband and his daughter were not, so it's 50/50 if our son has hair.

    @jetsa: I'm glad you told me that! Knowing your midwife said contractions are most common at night makes me feel better.

    @illumina: I agree, that it makes me worry so much less, knowing what we're all going through. There's power in numbers. And I don't think you're the only one afraid of labor. Even though I'm having a c-section there's still scary aspects I am trying not to think about and I'm praying he doesn't come early.

    @mrsclownfish: Your boss is a jerk! My boss has been making me work from home for the past few weeks and yours is giving you an extra project?! I am so sorry!

    @joanlindsay: If that works again you and I may have babies with the same birthdays! That would be cool.

    Oh, so here's a question, though I'm not sure who might know the answer. If you take a regular medicine (i.e. I take thyroid every morning) are you supposed to bring it with you to the hospital? What about your prenatals?

  40. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @marionberry: I was born with a ton of hair! Btw, my dr had me bring my meds when we delivered last time. If you forget they can also get it from the hospital pharmacy, I think. I know that I'm bringing mine whenever we to go to the hospital.

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