Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Oh I thought maybe my water might have been breaking last night as I got a small gush of fluid that didn't feel like normal cervical fluid but then nothing else has happened since, so I'm thinking it's likely not a broken water. I'm hoping I'll be fine until my doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, but does anyone think I'm being a bad mom not to make sure?

  2. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @marionberry: Have you called your OB? It's probably nothing, but it might be better to find out for sure that it's nothing instead of your water breaking but your baby's bum/fee is covering your cervix. We just talked about something like that in my childbirth class; the mother's water had broken but very little fluid came out because the head was covering the opening. All her fluid came out once the baby was delivered.

  3. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @marionberry: If your appt is tomorrow morning I probably wouldn't worry, seeing as here they make you wait at least 24hrs from your waters breaking til they get you to come in to L&D incase labour starts naturally in that time.

  4. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @MamaMagpie: Exactly! These babies are all coming eventually... Some of us just have to wait a little longer

    @marionberry: The birthing class nurse told us they deliver a baby within 24 hours after waters break because once the barrier is opened the risk of infection increases. We were told to call regardless just to let an expert assess the situation. Sorry, I'm not trying to freak you out. If it were me, I'd call the doctor just to be on the safe side.

  5. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    @marionberry: It does! Thanks!

    @jetsa: meh. As we're getting closer I guess I am getting more at ease with it, but it's definitely not my first choice. Last week at 37W the OB came in and said we're going to induce at 39W since I've had hypertension majority of the pregnancy. I've been praying that baby comes on it's own before, and tomorrow is my appt, so I'm sure we'll be talking about/scheduling an induction which scares me. Hearing some good stories is making me feel good, but on the WeddingBee boards, 2 Sept moms were induced, and one ended in a C-Section and one ended in 52 hours of labor, so I'm definitely hoping that the baby comes out on it's own. I generally do better with "traumatic" events when I'm just thrown into them and have to work through it and deal/adjust after as opposed to planning on it happening. I tend to stress and worry more.

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    At the hospital waiting for a room to open to check and see if my water broke. I'm sure it's nothing and I'm going to be so embarrassed but you all had me scared that he'd get an infection and I couldn't live with myself if that happened. OB agreed we should just get it checked so we'll see what happens. I'll fill everyone in in a bit.

  7. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @marionberry: thoughts and prayers!

  8. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @marionberry: praying for you! fX it's nothing.

  9. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @mrsmoreau congratulations! Amazing job handling an induction without an epi!

    @marionberry good luck. I am sure everything will be ok

  10. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    So far with the little test strip it's negative. They're running the slide to the lab but I'm pretty sure we should be released soon. I feel like such a dope. On the bright side I now know that what I thought was just tightening are contractions though.

  11. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @marionberry: I'm glad you got good news!

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @evansjamie: Thanks.

  13. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: thinking of you, I hope everything went ok last night.

  14. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Guys, I feel like crap. Neither my husband nor I slept well last night. I had some painful cramps from 2-4 and it was just horrible, of course I'm in the office today. Come on baby T!

  15. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: I'm so sorry to worry you over nothing! The birthing class nurse scared me when she mentioned "increased risk of infection" and that really stuck in my head. >_< I'm glad things are okay and it's neat that you got confirmation of what real contractions feel like. I still have no idea if my pains are contractions or just stretching. Are you feeling better after the painful version?

    @jetsa: Ooo! Exciting! (well, minus the pain part)

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @maplemoose: It's ok. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'm still really sore from the version in about two spots on my belly. Just rubbing them hurts. I figure the pain will go away about the same time that I have my c-section and get new pain, lol. The best way I can explain contractions (at least for me) is that for a sizeable contraction my whole belly kind of pulsates and gets really tight. For smaller contractions it doesn't pulsate, but still is really tight. I didn't think these were anything until I watched them happen on the monitor.

    @jetsa: Good luck at your appointment today! I have one today as well and am looking forward to hearing if I've dilated any more. They didn't tell me last night. Oh and I spent 3 hours there (blah) because they basically forgot us, but luckily good news and all is well. I just feel stupid for going. Were they timeable contractions last night? Maybe you're getting close to meeting that little one?

  17. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MapleMoose: haha thanks. I wish it meant things were progressing but it just seems to be an on and off feeling and I wasn't anymore dilated/effaced at my last appt.

    @marionberry: No not timeable, of course...just annoying.

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    We haven't updated this in awhile and I figured we should clear all of our predictions and start writing in the actual stats (since it's that time ladies!). Also update your appointments, induction plans, etc! @mrsmoreau: @duckduckkristen: I didn't have the ability to go back and look up your stats while writing this, so I'm hoping you'll add them in.

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - BOY!!!
    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - GIRL!
    mrsrey122 9/10
    evenstar982 9/12 - Team Green! Guess, GIRL
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    merr 9/17 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green! Guess: Girl
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green! Guess: Girl
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green! Guess: Girl
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green! Guess: Girl
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!

    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/5 marionberry - 38 week appt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section

  19. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: Thanks! I'll start with my weekly appointments...

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - BOY!!!
    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - GIRL!
    mrsrey122 9/10
    evenstar982 9/12 - Team Green! Guess, GIRL
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    merr 9/17 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green! Guess: Girl
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green! Guess: Girl
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green! Guess: Girl
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green! Guess: Girl
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!

    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/5 marionberry - 38 week appt
    9/6 maplemoose - 36 week appt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
    9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
    9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
    9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt

  20. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Just updating the list with my crazy appt schedule

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - BOY!!!
    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - GIRL-Emily Elizabeth born September 3rd at 11:39 am, 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long
    mrsrey122 9/10
    evenstar982 9/12 - Team Green!
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    merr 9/17 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green!
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!

    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/5 marionberry - 38 week appt
    9/6 jetsa - 37.5 week NST and appt
    9/6 maplemoose - 36 week appt
    9/9 jetsa - 38 week appt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 jetsa - 38.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
    9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
    9/16 jetsa - 39 week NST and appt
    9/20 jetsa - 39.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
    9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt

  21. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - BOY!!!
    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - GIRL-Emily Elizabeth born September 3rd at 11:39 am, 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long
    mrsrey122 9/10
    evenstar982 9/12 - Team Green!
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    merr 9/17 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green!
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!

    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/5 marionberry - 38 week appt
    9/6 jetsa - 37.5 week NST and appt
    9/6 maplemoose - 36 week appt
    9/9 jetsa - 38 week appt
    9/10 mrsstormy- 37/38 week appt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 jetsa - 38.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
    9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
    9/16 jetsa - 39 week NST and appt
    9/20 jetsa - 39.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
    9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt

  22. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    We are home!

  23. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @marionberry: Glad everything checked out okay!! Hope you are enjoying your (almost) one week countdown to baby!!!!

    @jetsa: I'm sorry you're not feeling well...You are a SUPERSTAR for still working this late in the game with all the restless nights and everything.

    @mrsmoreau: OMG she is adorable!!! Look how precious and tiny she is! Can I just say it freaks me out that a real BABY like that is inside me right now?? I still picture a little peanut fetus in my head!

    I had my 38 week apt today - had a trace of protein in my urine but the Dr said it was nothing to worry about. The regular doctor I usually see wasn't in today so I had a resident...he was "pretty sure" the baby is still head down; he thought he could feel the baby's back at the top of my belly so that confused him. Ugh. It's been head down since my dr started checking at week 32 so I'm hoping the resident's lack of confidence doesn't mean baby has flipped this late in the game!

  24. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    duckduckkristen 9/6 - BOY!!!
    Mrsdiamonddiva 9/7
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    NBLChicago 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9 - GIRL-Emily Elizabeth born September 3rd at 11:39 am, 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long
    mrsrey122 9/10
    evenstar982 9/12 - Team Green!
    ktgee04 9/13
    joanlindsay 9/16 - Team Green!
    merr 9/17 - Team Green!
    mamamagpie 9/18 - BOY!!!
    marionberry 9/19 - BOY!!!
    izzy 9/19
    illumina 9/19 - GIRL!!!
    char54 - 9/20 - Team Green!
    colee 9/20 - GIRL!!!
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20 - BOY!!!
    jetsa 9/22 - Team Green!
    mrsclownfish 9/23 -Team Green!
    mango.sprays 9/24 - Team Green!
    meltini 9/24 - BOY!!!
    Racheld75 9/24 - Team Green!
    jbean 9/25
    MrsStormy 9/27- Team Green!
    MapleMoose 9/30 - GIRL!!!
    Boys: 5
    Girls: 4
    Team Green: 9

    9/5 marionberry - 38 week appt
    9/6 jetsa - 37.5 week NST and appt
    9/6 maplemoose - 36 week appt
    9/9 jetsa - 38 week appt
    9/10 mrsstormy- 37/38 week appt
    9/11 char54 - 39 week apt
    9/12 marionberry - 39 week appt
    9/13 jetsa - 38.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/13 marionberry - Scheduled C-Section
    9/13 maplemoose - 37 week appt (Full-term!)
    9/16 jetsa - 39 week NST and appt
    9/20 jetsa - 39.5 week AMI, NST, and appt
    9/20 maplemoose - 38 week appt
    9/27 maplemoose - 39 week appt

  25. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Oh my gosh adorable!! How are you feeling?

    @char54: LOL I do too! I guess I keep picturing the view from the ultrasounds and not an actual 3D baby.

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @char54: If your lo is breech I can tell you it will all be ok but I'm sure he's just a dummy and got it wrong. I also find it hard to imagine a full size baby in my belly. Super nuts!

    @mesmoreau: She's so cute! I love her little sweatsuit! How are you feeling?

  27. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @MapleMoose: @marionberry: thanks! so far I am feeling ok. I of course tried to do too much as soon as we got home so DH yelled at me and now I am resting. I have had some cramping but its actually my tailbone that hurts the worst - not really sure why. It is bizarre!
    @char54: even though this is my second, I still just kept looking at her in her bassinet in the hospital thinking "is she real?"

  28. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @mrsmoreau: She is adorable.

    @char54: Thanks, I'm ready to be done working though!

    So can upper back pain be back labor? It started last night and I thought I just did something to it but its continuing and google is telling me thats what it could be, all I know is that its painful and this whole labor thing is making me a hypochondriac

    From this article: http://www.parents.com/pregnancy/giving-birth/signs-of-labor/labor-signs/

    "If you're like a lot of pregnant women, your back may have been aching for months. But when the pain becomes extremely harsh, this can be a sign that you're experiencing "back labor," which happens to nearly one third of women. "Normally, a baby descends the birth canal with its face pressed against the mom's spine," Johnson notes. "But in some cases the baby descends with its skull hitting the mom's spine." The result? "Constant pain that may radiate to the abdomen but is mostly concentrated in the back." Whether you experience true back labor or not, excruciating back pain is a sure signal that you're ready to deliver."

  29. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    So I just had my first internal check (I'm 37 weeks 2 days). Doc says I am 2 cm dilated and my cervix is soft. Baby is head down, posterior, and seems to be off to one side. He projects that I will have this baby in the next 1-2 weeks! This internal exam also cemented my decision to have an epidural. My pain tolerance is way too low!

    @mrsmoreau: She is so sweet!

  30. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @jetsa: My hypochondriac-ness started way back with the TWW. My mom told me she had all back labor when she had me. I won't sugar coat it, she said it was pretty darn painful. I hope you don't have to go through that. On a more positive note, you could be the next one to meet your baby!

  31. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @Meltini: That's such exciting news!

  32. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @MapleMoose: See that is the opposite of what my mom told me. She had back labor with me and apparently at the hospital they got her in a position to move the labor to her stomach and she said it was so horrible she chose to get out of that position so she could have back labor. Must be different for different people? I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be that bad because so far my pregnancy, weight gain, and everything related has been exactly like my moms. I would be thrilled with less painful back labor!

  33. pmerr

    apricot / 491 posts

    Starting the process of being induced. Had HBP at my appt so they sent me in with no dilation. I was very nervous and lots was happening and BP was really high but they got it back down. On bed rest now with a catheter and they started citadel? So we'll see how fast it goes. I was 50% effaced and 1 cm when she put in the meds so hopefully it goes on its own. Bad news is no tub since I'm on bed rest because of the magnesium.

  34. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @pmerr: good luck!

  35. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @pmerr: thoughts and prayers being sent your way!

  36. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @pmerr good luck!

  37. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @Meltini: Good to know that back labor isn't always painful. That eases my mind a little.

    @pmerr: Sending prayers your way for a smooth delivery!!

  38. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @pmerr: good luck! Hope you have a smooth and uneventful labor! Can't wait to see baby pictures!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @pmerr: Good luck with your induction. I've heard the magnesium is really gross and doesn't make you feel that great, so I'm hoping you're handling it well. You're gonna have the next baby! Yay!

    @meltini: So cool that you're already so dilated and your doctor thinks you'll have the baby soon. I think that there's certainly no reason to feel bad about knowing you want an epidural. There is no reason to go through pain if you don't want to. Hell I'm getting a spinal, so it will be virtually pain free!

    @jetsa: @maplemoose: My mom had back labor with my sister and said it was the worst thing ever. From what I've heard it's regular labor plus stabbing pain in your back. But I guess there's always a chance that you're one of the lucky ones who has back labor that isn't so bad.

    AFM, no further dilation (in fact the stand-in OB had said I was a fingertip dilated and my OB today said my cervix was closed). My 39 week appt will be my pre-op appointment and then here comes baby. Aaahh..can't believe it's a week until I meet him!

  40. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @marionberry: I'm glad you went in to make sure it wasn't fluid, don't feel like a dummy for being safe! One week from tomorrow and you get to meet your sweet baby!

    @jetsa: Ugh, I'm sorry you're feeling so icky At least it means you're progressing? Still, I feel your pain

    @char54: I bet that doctor was just inexperienced...I feel like at this stage, you would've felt some major moving if bub flipped around?

    @pmerr: GOOD LUCK!!! We'll all be thinking of you I can't wait to hear how it went and see a pic!

    I had my 38 week appointment today (with the midwife, who I just have to say I LOVE and hope she ends up delivering me, even though I do really like my OB) and here are my stats: 2cm dilated, 70% effaced, -1 station, cervix very low and soft. Eeek!

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