Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @mrsmoreau: @marionberry: Thinking of you both today!! Hope all goes smoothly. And I'll be stalking this thread for updates.

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Headed to L&D now. I'll update you as soon as it's over.

    Here's to a smooth and fast progressing labor @mrsmoreau:! My thoughts will be with you as we're both in the hospital this morning.

    @mrssquirreld: Thank you for the sweet comments on my nursery! It's been my favorite project for awhile now. Sadly though, I buy my creativity and you make yours! I wish I could sew like you!

  3. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    thank you so much everyone for your kind thoughts - she was such a good dog but the time had come so I just have to think of all the great memories. The pregnancy hormones definitely didn't help!!

    @marionberry: Good luck today with your ECV! Hopefully it all goes smoothly and little baby J flips around. If not, you will get to hold your sweet boy in your arms today!!

    @mrsmoreau : Can't wait to hear the news!! Good luck today!!!

  4. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @marionberry good luck!

    @mrsmoreau can't wait for the first September baby!

  5. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: goodluck Hun!!! I'm going to be glued to this phone!!!

  6. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @marionberry: thinking of you and wishing you lots of baby turning thoughts!

  7. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I'm all hooked up to an IV and non-stress test. Baby is super happy and I've had a few contractions. Just waiting for the doctor to get here and then they'll do the ultrasound, give me drugs for relaxing my uterus and then it begins. All the nurses says it's a really uncomfortable procedure. Thanks! Lol.

  8. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    Today is an exciting day for the September mamas! I'll be stalking this thread too!

  9. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: Awww I'm glad bub is happy. I hope its not too painful for you! Ignore the nurses and try and relax

  10. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: seriously?!?! thanks nurses

  11. evenstar982

    apricot / 284 posts

    Whoa! this thread really does move fast It's September (when and how did that happen?!) and it sounds like we've got our first two babies on the way imminently! Good luck @mrsmoreau: and @marionberry!

    @char54: sorry about your pup hun.

    @Mrs squirreld: @mrsmoreau: I your nurseries, well done both of you, they look gorgeous. Mine is finished all except a chair and placing the furniture in the final places... I'll try and share pictures soon I promise!

    @illumina: how are you still managing to walk "miles" even on alternate days? I can hardly walk 200 yards without thinking the baby will drop out! Good for you mama you must be fit The only place I'm considering walking around now is one of the posh supermarkets like Waitrose to see if my water breaks and I get free shopping (I doubt those rumours really are true though... I mean would you really go and admit that the puddle in aisle 4 was your fault?! lol).

    hope everyone else is feeling good; I'm just hanging in there now, all I really want to do is meet my baby!

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    It didn't work. It was the most painful thing I've ever endured (and the nurses said me screaming oh god at one point is far better than most who bawl through it). As long as baby's non-stress test comes back ok in 30 mins we go home and plan for a c-section on Friday the 13th.

  13. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: oh hugs... It's shows you are one tough cookie though. Hopefully bub is ok in there and you can go home, is that what you want? How are you feeling about it not working?

  14. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @evenstar982: LOLed at "puddle in aisle 4"

    @marionberry: Oh gosh... I'm so sorry things didn't work out. I hope you aren't too sore after all that and the stress test comes back alright so you can go home and rest.

  15. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MapleMoose: Super sore! Gonna be bruised I think. Definitely going to be resting all day.

    @mrssquirreld: I guess it's nice now to be able to prepare for his birth but now I really have to prep for a c-section. I'm kind of sad about it but in the end I just want a healthy baby.

  16. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: totally normal to feel a bit sad about it (hugs), but a healthy baby is definitely the most important thing. Your c-section is scheduled for the same day as my cousins who is also due the same time as us and also has a breech baby... Freaky! Very exciting to know when bub will be here and when his birthday will be!!! Hope the tests goes well and you get to go home and rest up!!

  17. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: Oh, I'm so sorry.

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Wouldn't it be cool if you randomly went into labor that day too?! The tests went fine and I'm headed home now (minus a quick stop for dsd's dr appt).

    @mrsmoreau: You're officially going to be the first September baby. Best of luck!

    @jetsa: It's ok. Thanks!

  19. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Is anyone else having a tingling/numb feeling at the top of you bump? This is the third day in a row and its a very odd feeling. I have an appt in a few hrs so I'll ask about it then.

  20. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: Nope but yesterday I got burning fingers and toes! I am so tired of weird pregnancy symptoms. I hope your doctor gives you an answer!

  21. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: me too. It's like the top of the bump fell asleep or something lol.

  22. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @marionberry sorry your birthing plans have to change but at least you will get to meet your baby soon! If it makes you feel better, my fried just had a planned c-section (her baby was almost 11 pounds) as she had a wonderful recovery.

    Are you still working? Maybe stop work a few days before so you feel like you nest and get things ready?

  23. Meltini

    apricot / 495 posts

    @marionberry: Oh no! I'm so sorry it didn't work
    @jetsa: I'm pretty sure I know exactly what you are talking about. Right at the top of my bump in the center, the skin is completely numb. Mine isn't really tingly but maybe it was before (it has been numb for a while). My doctor said it is just because of the way the skin and nerves have stretched and it isn't anything to be concerned about. I'm hoping all the feeling comes back after delivery! I hope your is the same thing and is no big deal.

  24. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @Meltini: yep sounds like the same thing!

  25. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsClownfish: I'm working from home so that will be nice. I can relax and prepare for baby.

  26. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @marionberry: I'm sorry it didn't work and you had to go trough all that pain anyway. On the flip side you now have an eviction date for sweet J - I would love to have an idea of when I will get to meet my little baby!

  27. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @char54: And I'd trade not knowing when he's getting here for a vaginal delivery. Isn't it crazy how the grass is always greener? I'm really happy that all of you don't have to go through that ecv pain though!

  28. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    I have been having strong cramps mostly at night but they just started again while I am sitting here at my desk. Is it considered a contraction if it lasts a long time? so confusing?!

  29. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsClownfish: I asked my doctor about the two I had (separate times) that both lasted at least 20 mins or more. She said it's a contraction but it's just preparatory - your uterus doing a practice run she said. Nothing means anything until they're regular and timeable she said. As a side note, the nurse told me today that the contractions showing on the monitor didn't matter because I can't feel them. Seems weird to me.

  30. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @char54: really sorry about your dog.. I teared up just reading your post so I can't imagine how you must be feeling

    @evenstar982: you get free shopping when that happens? I'm freaked out about my waters breaking while out I refuse to go anywhere without Dh now so at least he can go pay for the shopping or something! I'm not sure how I'm coping so well... though I noticed recently my knees have become more chunky recently, like the muscles around them, so I guess that's my body's way of allowing me to continue my normal lifestyle! How are you doing? Any symptoms yet?

    @marionberry: I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain- hopefully that will all be long forgotten by next Friday when you get to meet J!

  31. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    @marionberry good to know. Last night the cramping was strong enough to wake me up and was way stronger than any menstrual cramps I have ever had (I really never used to get cramps during my period so anything would feel stronger I guess).

    It is just weird because I always assumed that contractions (even braxton hicks) would last a few minutes at most and not for like 20 plus minutes

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MrsClownfish: That's exactly what mine felt like - way worse than period cramps. And I had the same assumption about them not lasting very long.

    @illumina: I hope I can forget that pain too lol. At this point, I would NEVER do that again haha. I am not looking forward to the pain of c-section recovery though. I'm learning there's a lot of different prep work I need to think about now because I was so prepared for a vaginal delivery.

  33. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @MrsClownfish: my cramps started off like this last week, they just seemed pretty continuous. Now I get them a few times a day where it'll go on for an hour or so and each "contraction" has a beginning and end. I should probably start timing them out of interest, but I feel it's nothing to get excited about as they are not particularly painful yet.

    @marionberry: from what I've heard c-sections can be much easier to recover from than a bad tear. I know which I'd prefer! My Mum had 2 c-sections and didn't think recovery was much of an issue.

  34. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @illumina: That makes me feel so much better! I'm not really a good invalid so I'm hoping the healing process goes pretty well.

  35. Joanlindsay

    grape / 98 posts

    @marionberry. That Sucks! Sorry you had to go through that. The most important thing is that you and baby are safe and healthy. Be nice to yourself and enjoy your last few days before baby!

  36. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    GBS negative, baby looks good. I'm no more dilated than last week. We're just waiting for baby to decide to go.

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Joanlindsay: Yes I'm happy that after all of that utter pain for me, little baby marionberry was just all happy and normal. You just reminded me I'm on a countdown now of the "kid free life". Oh my! What do I need to do for the last time in the next 10 days?

    @jetsa: You lucky duck for being GBS negative! Bummer that baby isn't progressing yet though. I know you're eager to meet him/her. Any contractions lately?

  38. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @marionberry: almost every night. I wish they'd progress somewhere some little bitty ones showed up on the NST today.

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @jetsa: I've only had a few that I can notice, but it was really cool having the nurses tell me I was experiencing them without feeling them. Doesn't it excite you?! I wish all contractions worked that way. However I won't be laboring so Idk if I'll actually get to feel real ones.

  40. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Hi ladies! I know I haven't been active on here these last few months (chasing a toddler has kept me busy), but I wanted to pop in and let you all know I had my baby yesterday! I had another quick and easy delivery and me and the baby are doing great and happy to be back at home.

    I hope you all are doing well and get to meet your babies soon!

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