persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: I'm inspired by your running And, yes, I experienced my first yesterday and it was NOT pleasant. I wanted to rip all my clothes off!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Ok, I just woke up and need to catch up on the thread but I just wanted to say....... It's September!!!!!! I know it's not there yet, but it is here!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeek!!! Bring on the babies!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: it's also Father's Day here today! DH would be stoked if he came today... I don't think it will happen though.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: That would be super cool for you and him! At least we don't have to wait that long for it to be September here too!
@jetsa: I have moments where I get super hot all the time. This afternoon my face was on fire!
Is anyone else nesting? I don't really feel like I am (in the way of cleaning and such) but I am actually excited to make a nice dinner tomorrow and make some cookies. Usually I'm dreading maybe that's my version??
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: Ok good, we were sitting at home and thats essentially what started happening, my DH thought it was hilarious.
@Mrs squirreld: OMG yay!!!
@marionberry: Yes me too! I've been making sure all the little stuff that I normally leave for days is done, just in case baby comes!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Mrs squirreld: happy Father's Day to your DH!
@marionberry: I am in super nesting mode! I cannot *stand* for there to be any clutter at all around the house, every pillow needs to be put back in place on the sofa after getting up, and I've cleaned our bathrooms twice in the last week. Totally out of character for me.
@jetsa: hahaha you should tell your DH he should be thankful he'll never have to go through them and to go get you a fan! Better yet, he should fan you like a princess next time! And feed you grapes!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: Now that you say that I am really anal now about my stepdaughter not cleaning up after herself or putting things away, far more than usual. So maybe I'm kind of that way.
OMG my feet and my fingers are swelling tons with the heat today. I hate looking like a giant fatty.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: I feel like that's definitely your nesting instinct
And yes, my fingers hands are awful. Painful, red, ugly, awful. I'm having major carpel tunnel issues over here
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@marionberry: totally nesting!! I am anal about things being out away, cleaning multiple times a unlike me! I'm swollen like crazy today too. DH is marveling at my cankles
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I have turned into a crazy person about the house not being tidy.. if something is out of place I immediately panic and think I can't leave it like this if I go into labor! hahah
Here's my nursery finished for those who couldn't see the gold thread. I have just cropped out his name in these pictures
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: I'm sorry about the carpal tunnel! That really sucks! I had one day where my hand went numb but thankfully it only lasted a few minutes and otherwise no big hand issues.
@char54: Do you find that it's harder to wear your shoes? My feet are so swollen I opt for flip flops anytime I can.
@mrssquirreld: Maybe I'm not as freaked out about those things because DH does all of the cleaning in our house primarily and he's already OCD about it, lol. But funny that you're worrying about anything being left out if you were to go into labor. Like I said on your gold post, I absolutely love your nursery! I think I'll post pics of mine tomorrow. I had been waiting for one thing which we added today but it will still be missing our mobile.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I know its so irrational right? I mean it's going to be the last thing I worry about when I do actually go into labor... it's like my constant need to keep "down there" maintained! As if the midwives are going to care!! Can't wait to see your nursery! Did you end up getting a pouf for your glider?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: HAHA I've had the same thought about "southern maintenance" lol. I try to always keep it kept, but I try to remind myself that every doctor or nurse has definitely seen way worse and in reality they're about to watch a nasty, bloody head come out of there. As far as the pouf, I haven't gotten one yet. The chair took up more space than we thought it would and so an ottoman/pouf will be tight but I think I still want one. I'm looking at one off of etsy, but haven't decided for sure if I think that a round pouf with a really boxy glider/chair looks ok. Maybe you guys can tell me what you think tomorrow. Our nursery is really pretty small, so it's been hard to make it all work given the space.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: Yeah I hear you on the space! We have to keep our footstool tucked right against the chair if I'm not in it, just so there is enough walk space to move around!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Right now we have a small trash can hidden behind our chair, but we could certainly hide a pouf back there too. That's a good idea!
pomelo / 5469 posts
Happy September everyone!!! Our month has finally rolled around!!!
Nothing much going on here. I walked a few miles again yesterday and had a lot of cramping going on after I got home and throughout the evening. I'm so confused as to what it is, because it doesn't feel how others have described BH or any other contractions. It's like period pain in my lower back but more intense like I'm being stabbed for about a second or two every 20-30 seconds. Anyone else get anything like this? Then when I woke up this morning... nothing!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Mrs squirreld: oh wow - your room is adorable!!! I love the theme and each little detail - just perfect!
@marionberry: Yes it's so much harder to wear shoes - even my rainbow flip flops feel tight and they are usually my go -to comfort shoes. I found my old pink crocs at my parents house and have been wearing them around the house, they are like If only I could wear them in public! Why can't it be 2007 again?! Ha
@illumina: I've been having period cramps again - last night they woke me up a few times. This morning DH was SURE the baby was coming and went into complete nesting mode - downloading the contraction app to his phone, packed his bag, got everything ready in the garage so he can plunk it in the car....but I told him he was crazy because they were the same period cramps I've been having for weeks. They're completely gone now. Nothing in my back so far! Hope you feel better soon. Isn't it maddening trying to analyze every little symptom?? I think I will go crazy by the end of the month, lol.
I find this week my body is finally telling myself to slow down. My feet are extremely sore and swollen, my back hurts more easily, and I need to lay down so much more often. My belly feels huge! I was walking 5+ km every day up until last week but yesterday when I tried I could barely make it around the block before I wanted to go home. I think from here on out I will be resting and nesting!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: Good idea to take it easy from here on our! Plus you'll need the extra energy to push out your little one!
@illumina: They're maybe false labor pains? I heard the way to know they're contractions is feeling them in your back and regularity. It sounds like you have both, just not long acting. I'd maybe mention this to your provider next time.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Mrs squirreld: ahhhhh I love love love your nursery! Great job! Ours is almost finished, just waiting on decals and art prints, and I can't wait to share pics!
@marionberry: thanks, I'm just so glad it goes away after baby gets here! I now have so much more sympathy for those who have it for real...and hope that this doesn't mean I will get it later in life
@illumina: I've gotten the period-like cramps a few times in the past week or so, and they are so uncomfortable I think to myself "holy sh*t how will I handle actual contractions?!" I was in the OB office in serious pain last week and he said that it was *part* of my uterus contracting but not an actual contraction. Ugh. The sharp stabbing pains weren't there for me, though, so maybe yours are real ones!
@char54: oh goodness, you are my hero for walking so much for so long into your pregnancy! I agree that resting and nesting are what's in order now And so cute about your DH going into nesting mode!
So, possible TMI here but...last night DH and I DTD for the first time in a few weeks (poor guy!) and it was really uncomfortable for me Like everything is so swollen/engorged down there and I just have such a huge belly and it was not fun at all. I don't want to make him wait till we get the go-ahead after LO is born, but geez it was just not nice for me I guess I should just make myself? Anyone else running into this problem?
apricot / 251 posts
@MamaMagpie: not so much of the discomfort issue here, but DH and I just DTD and I laughed hysterically for about 10 minutes right after we finished. it is just ridiculous! I am so huge and everything is just - awkward.
but I have noticed my libido is definitely decreased - as if my body is saying "this is an exit-only situation" hahahaha
just try to relax, and maybe just talking to your DH will help. if he knows how you are feeling, most likely he will be happy to wait til later. better to have both of you enjoying yourselves. that how my DH feels anyway.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: I've had the same problems with dtd. It's as if everything got way tighter and relocated. It has definitely reduced how often we dtd. I think I'll try to give him one more time before officially shutting things down. He's been pretty understanding.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@char54: my Dh is exactly the same!! Last night I felt so much pressure on my cervix like she was ramming her head against it and it made me wince in pain and Dh was like, "are we having a baby now?" I'm like "no, probably not!". Sometimes I have these funny thoughts of being completely dilated and not in much more pain so I don't notice I'm in labour before it's too late to go to the hospital. But the sensible side of me is sure I'll just know when it's the real thing because it will feel different somehow and much much more painful!! Oh my goodness though, you def need to take it easier... I haven't been able to walk on consecutive days since about week 30, otherwise my hips and knees start hurting so bad. Today my most strenuous activity has been washing our car and trimming the hedges in the garden... that completely wore me out!
@marionberry: I don't see her for another week or so, but I definitely will mention it to my midwife!
@MamaMagpie: yeah, I am very nervous about how I will handle real contractions... I just don't know how good my pain threshold is. To be honest, I don't know whether I am more scared of the contractions or the thought of getting an epi. Also we dtd last week for the first time in a little while and it was super uncomfortable for me... I like the idea of doing it to induce labour, but that's all. Poor Dh!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@mrsmoreau: we laughed, too! So so awkward But you're right about just trying to relax...and I think since we laughed about it and talked about it afterward, it will make the next time less strange? And LOL to the "exit only situation"!!!
@marionberry: exactly! My DH has been pretty great about it, too, but I already feel bad he'll have to wait 6 weeks pp. Oh well, I'm just glad I'm not the only one!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@illumina: I have that same worry, too, about not realizing just how far into labor I am and not making it to the hospital in time! And ditto to liking the idea of DTD to induce!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@MamaMagpie: @illumina: Last night I dreamt I had to get DH to pull over at the community college up the road from us so I could give birth in the washroom since I wasn't going to make it to the hospital on time...the custodian delivered the baby, lol!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: @char54: yes same worry here. I'm supposed to tell my doula and midwife "early" in labor....uh how do I know when that is. I have contractions every other day or so.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@char54: I'm sure I've dreamt similar!!
How long is everyone's drive to the hospital? Ours is about 15mins across the city, but could be another 5 or so in busy traffic. I still worry it's a long drive even though it doesn't sound it! Yesterday Dh actually suggested that when I go into labour, we could go earlier and look around the shops (there are large outlet stores near the hospital) so we're in the area. I was like "umm, no!! I'm going to labour at home for as long as possible!"
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@illumina: we've got a 45-50 min drive. I'm super freaked out about it but like you said I want to labor at home as long as possible.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@illumina: 45-50 min drive here too. With the GBS they don't recommend much laboring at home though anyway.
@char54: What a dream! I've had very few baby-related dreams this whole pregnancy. I would've thought I would have many.
@mamamagpie: You're so sweet. I haven't felt bad at all thinking about DH having to take 6 weeks off lol.
We're headed to the state fair right now and I'm just hoping I can handle all of the walking around. I'm really excited for an elephant ear though!
grape / 98 posts
I was nervous about knowing the "time" to go to the hospital and to be honest it was pretty clear. I went from the "oh boy it's starting with timetable contractions" at about 6 or 7 pm and we were walking the neighborhood to keep things moving.
Went to bed about 10 and could not sleep at all had to sit on my yoga ball and watch a couple pay per view movies started to get angry with husband for snoring on the couch and disrupting my focus. Called my mom at 5 am to come over - she was in delivery with us. Took a shower and by the. Was ha by contractions I couldn't talk through. Got to the hospital and was 6 cm at 6 am still plenty of time for epidural etc. ended up stalling out at 8 cm getting pitocin and an epidural and delivering at a bit before 6 pm.
My first 2/3 of labor were pretty quick for a first timer and then not so much at any rate there was a VERY clear shift from early labor to later so don't worry too much. You will know.
grape / 98 posts
@jetsa I just keep trying to remember what contractions feel like - and worrying about how fast 2nd labors can be and who will watch DD during this whe thing. Yikes!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Joanlindsay: I wouldn't labor very long at home this time given how much shorter second labors really are!
@mamamagpie: Crazy! With my friends this has meant labor in a few days!
grape / 98 posts
@Marionberry We are about 10 minutes from the hospital in traffic so we are pretty safe. I am nervous I could run out of time for an epidural.
@mamamagpie last time I lost mine around 2 pm and was in labor that night baby about 24 hours later!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Joanlindsay: That happened to my mom with both of my sisters (her 2nd and 3rd) because her labor progressed too fast. Her 2nd labor was 4 hours and her 3rd was 45 minutes. So that certainly is a possibility. I guess the only good news is that if you can't get an epidural at least you'll get through the pain pretty quick.
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