grapefruit / 4663 posts
@mrsmoreau: it sounds like we are on the same protocol. I hope you feel better, at least from where im sitting there's nothing worse than being at the end of pregnancy and having BP issues on top of it. I should just put a tent in my dr's office
apricot / 251 posts
@jetsa: agreed!
Additionally, my boss seems to have forgotten that i am enormously pregnant and keeps giving me stressful projects.... can't wait for vacation! oops, I mean maternity leave...
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@mrsmoreau: LOL. I'm ready as well, this baby just needs to get the message. It's really freaking me out all these complications at the end, at what point are we doing more harm than good to me and the babe.
apricot / 251 posts
@jetsa: yes. exactly. DH and I had a long talk last night. I really want to avoid Pitocin this time around, but we have to take into account what's best for both me and the baby - so if I need to be induced, so be it. Hopefully she will just get the memo as you said, and arrive safe and sound on her own.... but when it comes to complications, the best laid birth plan flies out the window.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@mrsmoreau: yes, exactly. I had this super natural no intervention plan and its just not going to happen. Shockingly I'm ok with it, I just want a healthy babe and healthy me. If it takes induction or a section to get there that's fine.
persimmon / 1436 posts
We are heading to our follow-up ultrasound now to see if baby boy gets to stay in a little while longer or if I'll need to be induced this week! As much as I want to meet him, I want him to cook a little while longer -- cross your fingers for us!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: Good luck! Hopefully he gets more cooking time!
@mrsmoreau: @jetsa: I feel both of your pain! Same protocol here but luckily my boss has been super supportive. I'm working from home any day I don't have meetings, which is really nice! I also agree that while I never had some plan for a birth without intervention, that when you're in this position you don't really care, and just want your baby to be happy and healthy, whatever way he/she is born. Here's to many healthy babies!!!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MrsClownfish: Super cute shower decor! So creative
@marionberry: Sending good thoughts your way for your upcoming version.
@MrsStormy: What an adorable nursery!!
@mrsmoreau: @jetsa: Hope you ladies aren't suffering too much with those symptoms. No fun!
@MamaMagpie: Good luck at your appointment today! Keep us posted.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MapleMoose: Thank you!!! We need all the good thoughts we can get that baby turns!!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Appt went fine, I have almost an entire week until my next one! It'll be so nice to not have to be back here for 6 days!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: That's great news! My OB ok'd me to go back to weekly visits too as long as my quick BP check on Friday is fine. But I go in for my version Tuesday, so it will still seem like constant visits. Oh and at my last visit my OB (it's actually another OB in the practice since mine is on vacation) asked about whether my OB would be inducing after the version. He didn't mention anything about it to me, but now I'm really curious!
Can you guys believe we may have kids any day? I'm not sleeping now, but I'm wondering if I'm ready for being up all night with a crying infant. Oh man, it's becoming so real!
apricot / 495 posts
Good luck today @MamaMagpie! I hope you get good news. I'll be checking back frequently for an update. To everyone else having BP issues, pain, etc, we are in the home stretch! Just a little bit longer and we will all (hopefully) be holding our beautiful healthy babies. I can't believe we will have September babies so soon. This pregnancy has been the longest and shortest 9 months of my life, but it has been great to share the journey with everyone on this thread.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: I wish I were on weekly visits! I'm on biweekly until the end but I went MW this week and they're closed M next week so I don't go back until T. Good luck on the version, wow yea surely he would have mentioned that!
I know I'm so ready for LO to make an appearance but idk if I'm ready, I bet we figure it out though!
@meltini agreed it does seen like its been the shortest and longest time! I agree I couldn't have done it without anyone if have drive my husband crazy
apricot / 491 posts
@marionberry: It's so crazy that we'll all be going into labor soon! Already through the September group on WeddingBee, 4 have had babies already!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@pmerr: Wow! Ya I'm surprised we've all been holding out so well so far. I would've thought we would've had 1 or 2 by now, especially given that we have had several moms (including me) with different issues, but these babies are staying put!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Baby boy gets to stay in for at least another week! Abdominal circumference percentile hasn't dropped and fluid looks good -- we will check again next week. Phew! Thanks for the good vibes, mamas
persimmon / 1436 posts
@mrsmoreau: @jetsa: @marionberry: you guys are such troopers! Your LOs are going to be perfect and gorgeous no matter how they arrive into the world I hope your version is a success, @marionberry and I'm so glad you're down to weekly appointments as well!
@meltini: awww you said that so beautifully! I definitely cannot wrap my head around the fact that this September Mamas board will soon be having our LOs -- it absolutely feels like the longest and shortest time of my life! I don't know how I would've gotten through this with as little stress/anxiety as I've had without you guys
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: That's awesome news! Glad he gets to cook more and that all of his stats haven't changed! Thanks for the good wishes about the version too.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: yAAAY! Glad all is looking good and he gets to cook a bit longer.
Tomorrow is full term for me!! I can't believe it!!! I feels like it has taken forever but gone so fast. Check up today & hopefully Strep B results.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I hope you have a good appointment. Tomorrow is full term for me too! Yay for both of us!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: @marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: thank you!!! So relieved!
And hooray for full term! Isn't it just crazy?! At the ultrasound today we got to kind of see bub's face in 3D (that's just what they use at this ultrasound place) but the tech said they never get any good images this far along because the babies are too low and too big. We could, however, make out the sweetest little chin and bottom lip, plus a hand up by his face, that we ever did see! GAH I just melted
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: How wonderful! I'm super jealous! I'm sure he's super cute!
clementine / 818 posts
I'm so glad for so much good news today, sounds like everyones babies are doing good, and I'm so impressed we've almost made it to September with no babies! All you ladies who have been having some issues rock at growing babies and keeping them in as long as possible
pomelo / 5041 posts
So you guys may think this is DH is a "no instructions" kind of guy. Last weekend he put the carseat base in my car using just the 3 pictures shown on the base - no manual. It kind of flopped around so in the back of my head I was thinking, "something can't be right". So tonight I start googling the manual and recommendations for my car and realize it definitely wasn't installed correctly. I'm glad I checked! Tomorrow I will be re-installing it correctly.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: hahahahahahah That's sooo funny. My DH did the exact same thing... and we got into this huge fight because when I shook it, it flopped around and I kept telling him that can't be right - it shouldn't move that much. Finally he read the instructions and re-did it and hardly moves at all now!! I'm not often right about things - so I gloated about that one for a while!!! hahaha
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: Ha! funny. Mine attempted but knows I'm taking it to be installed "professionally" tomorrow so we got to skip what definitely would've been an argument otherwise! In California, the highway patrol and our hospital will install it for you for free -- someone (who has a bad habit of telling me ridiculous things that freak me out) told me they'd heard a statistic that somewhere around 85% of people don't do it right and it freaked me out! Pretty sure if it doesn't move, you're all set, though...I'm only using the service to a) avoid an argument with DH and b) to shut my "friend" up
nectarine / 2522 posts
I tested positive for strep b. there goes my hopes of labouring at home.
nectarine / 2522 posts
Ok I'm having what feels like contractions... They definitely feel different to the Braxton hicks I've had before. Gonna start timing them out of curiosity. I wonder if the midwife prodding me today triggered them.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MamaMagpie: Great news baby gets to stay in longer!
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: @MamaMagpie: Haha men! DH is the opposite. He reads the directions about 40 times before starting. Usually it annoys me but with something this important I'll let it slide.
@Mrs squirreld: Bummer about the strep. And you have me super excited here wondering if your contractions are regular!! What makes them feel different from BH?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm sorry about the strep b results but as you know I have the same thing. More importantly, you're maybe in labor?! How far apart are the contractions so far?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MapleMoose: @marionberry: they were about 12-15 minutes apart lasting anywhere from 15-40 seconds. They have slowed right down now... Haven't had one for half hour. They were slightly painful and really started at the top of my bump and moved down. My Braxton hicks were more around my back, but who knows- maybe they just moved! Haha I dunno they really just felt different. I was too chicken to try and "encourage" them!
@marionberry: sucky huh! I've been told though that ill just be given anti biotics whilst in labor every 4 hours. I will still be able to labor in water so thats good. And I can labor at home as long as my waters haven't broken.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Sounds like things are gearing up to happen soon!!
clementine / 818 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Sorry about the group B strep but I'm glad you will still mostly be able to labor as you want. Also that's exciting you were having some real timbale contractions! Getting close!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
WOW - you guys have been active on here!! I'll try and catch up a bit later today but wanted to pop in and say hi. We are all moved in our new house and it feels awesome - this is definitely my favorite time of the pregnancy...setting everything up, having things organized and tidy - basically nesting at its best!
Now that we have the nursery (mostly) set up, I feel like the baby can come any time but I have to admit I am enjoying this relaxation period after a summer of packing, moving, etc etc.
Here's some nursery pics - it's *almost* finished - just waiting on the crib bedding that my MIL is making and my DH to finish the shelves for our book wall.
My sister is coming over to take some maternity pics, but I will catch up after with all your posts and news!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: yes I would definitely say it did. I had some that night as well I feel the same way on the GBS, no results yet. I should have them next Tuesday!
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