grapefruit / 4213 posts
@char54: Wow you sure do work fast! You just moved in and your nursery looks complete already. What a neat ceiling light.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@char54: beautiful nursery! I love the colors. You are so speedy! I agree that setting things up was my favorite part too.
@mrssquirreld: bummer that your contractions slowed down. I'd venture to say though that your baby won't make it to it's due date lol. My friend had GBS and it really didn't affect her labor at all. In fact she labored in the tub up until pushing.
apricot / 251 posts
Ok ladies I went back to the Doctor this morning for a follow-up. Not the best news in the world, but definitely could be worse.
As of right now I do NOT have pre-eclampsia, but he is very concerned that I might develop it in the last week of my pregnancy. Long story short, he is inducing me on Tuesday morning at 7am.
I cried.
I definitely did NOT want to be induced, I wanted to avoid pitocin altogether, and frankly, Tuesday is just not a convenient day for us! LOL.
but the doctor said he wanted to be cautious, and I definitely agree. So if I do not spontaneously go into labor before then, I will be welcoming my LO into the world on Tuesday afternoon most likely.
Prayers appreciated - I am struggling with this new development.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@mrsmoreau: Oh hun, just think about the prize at the end!! It will be so worth it. And you will probably be the first September 2013 mama so we will all be eagerly awaiting the arrival of your LO!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: If it makes you feel any better, my version is Tuesday morning at 7am and if anything goes wrong I'll be emergency c-sectioning it at the same time as you're in labor. It's not the way we dreamed it would happen, but I think you should just remind yourself that it means seeing your baby even sooner and you've got to be excited about meeting her! Hugs mama!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@mrsmoreau: I'm sorry. I feel you and I would not be surprised if the same thing happened to me in a few weeks. At least you'll get to meet your little girl Tuesday!
apricot / 491 posts
Today we had our 37 week appointment, which included the last time we'll get a glimpse of our baby before it is physically here with us!
Unfortunately, there were no good views, and we did not get a picture. She even tried doing the 3D/4D view with no luck. I did get to see the nose and mouth. Baby is measuring in the 78th percentile at 7lb 4oz, with a good amount of fluid. It's good, but I guess it's weird for someone who has hypertension. They usually have the opposite problem.
After the U/S, I had my NST. Baby passed in 12 minutes, after I drank some juice. I may have had 2 contractions during the NST, or I may have just had baby move. I'm not really too positive. Hopefully I'll know the real deal when the time comes.
Then I got to meet with the OB. My belly is measuring at 40 weeks, which makes sense if I have a lot of fluid in the belly. She also said that I will be induced at 39 weeks if the baby hasn't come by then. Basically, the baby needs to come next week or I'll be induced! That is so crazy to think about!
apricot / 495 posts
I just got back from my 36 week appt. Not a lot to report other than my GBS test was negative which is good since I am allergic to most baby safe antibiotics. Next week I start the cervical checks and then we are in the home stretch!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@pmerr: I'm so jealous that your OB did such a full workup. I'm glad that everything is looking pretty good regardless of your hypertension. Crazy to think you'll be induced at 39 weeks! We're all getting so close to meeting our little ones!
@meltini: I'm glad that you were GBS negative if you're allergic to antibiotics. Yay for weekly checks!!
clementine / 818 posts
@char54: Love your nursery! Putting it all together is totally the fun part!
@mrsmoreau: I'm sorry your news isn't ideal, but I am so excited for you that you get to meet your baby soon! I'll be thinking of you and hoping your baby starts to come naturally before Tue!
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
@mrsmoreau: Hey - I was just stalking the September boards and wanted to drop in with my sympathies. I'm also being induced on Tuesday and what is working for me is to focus on seeing the baby on Tuesday! I'm kinda just ignoring the whole induction aspect of it. And you know, some people have really good stories - it doesn't have to be the horror that we imagine. Hugs.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Mrs squirreld: bummer about the GBS, but at least you get to labor how you'd wanted for the most part! I find out tomorrow my results...
@char54: The nursery looks fantastic! Love the colors and furniture I take it the move went well?
@mrsmoreau: Oh my GOSH! I'm sorry you're having a hard time with this new development Lots of love and prayers going out to you to help you make peace with it. At least you can look forward to her birthday happening so soon!
@marionberry: I didn't realize if the version doesn't go as planned that you'll do a c-section right then -- wow! Are you doing ok with that? I'm sure it's nerve-wracking and will be sending you love and prayers to you, too!
@pmerr: crossing my fingers that your LO decides to come out next week!
@Meltini: hooray for negative GBS! Isn't it crazy getting to that weekly check point?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: I only have to do a c-section right then and there if there's an issue with the baby during the version. It is a possible side effect of the version so I have to be prepared for that. What's worse is that it would be an emergency c-section meaning I wouldn't even be awake to see him be born and my husband couldn't be in there either. So I'm praying all goes well and baby marionberry can handle it. If the version is simply unsuccessful they will plan an elective c-section for 39 weeks I think. My stand in OB said they may also talk about inducing right after the ECV if it works too (to make sure he stays in the right position), so I'm really just dealing with so many different possible scenarios. I'm trying my best not to think about it and get worried, but I think Tuesday morning as I'm driving to the hospital with my bags packed I will probably be freaking out.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: wow, that's quite a lot to take in Big, giant hugs to you I will probably wake up on Tuesday morning thinking about you! Lots and lots of prayers that everything goes well! Baby Marionberry will be ok no matter what happens, but I hope you get to experience a labor & delivery you can look back on fondly
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: Thanks. You're so sweet! There are so many negatives but I'm just excited to meet my son, whenever and however it happens! We're all nearing the finish line and pretty soon having a baby will be a daily occurrence on this thread! I can't wait to see pics of everyone's babies!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: wow! That's full on. I hope the turning goes well though! Is that still what you want? Do you have mixed feelings about it? An emergency ceaser would definitely be frightening but at the end of it all we just want those little ones safely in our arms. Thinking of you and will be sending positive vibes your way come Tuesday!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
I visited the emergency department tonight. Nothing to do with bub- he's fine! I burnt my finger with boiling oil, cause I'm clumsy!!' Urgh it hurt so bad... And then they gave me two local anesthetics in my finger to stop the pain. Owwwww I forgot how much those needles hurt!!!! So now I have a swollen, numb and blister middle right finger.
pomelo / 5469 posts
I'm way behind with replies even though I read this thread multiple times daily, so I'm still in the loop with how the mamas are doing. Still a little shocked that we'll be finishing up August soon and there have been no babies yet but I guess that shows how well we've done at cooking them and providing a nice home for them for the last 9mths!
Looks like we'll be kicking off next week though! @MrsMoreau: & @Marionberry: hope everything goes well for you on Tuesday, I'll be thinking of you. @Grace: you too! I bet you are so excited now to meet your LO!
AFM, baby is doing great. I had my 37wk appt a couple days ago and her heartbeat is sounding really healthy, measuring slightly ahead, so I'll probably end up having a bigger baby just like my Mum did. I can't imagine her coming particularly early... she seems really content in there and I have no signs (apart from the cramps) of anything going on.
Still can't believe we're full term! Started drinking my RRL tea, just 2 cups a day for the moment. Most days I think I'm ready incase she arrives, but the other night I was at my parents and my cramps were so much worse than normal and I kept thinking "I'm not ready for labour... don't let it be yet!".
Copied from the Bump thread, here we are:
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: DH thinks the ECV is really risky and he's almost against it, but we did both agree to at least try it. I just want to see if I can end up with a vaginal birth. There's something about wanting to experience that aspect of delivery that's important to me. A c-section just seems so surgical and not intimate (if that makes any sense). DH isn't upset about the fact that it won't destroy my nether region though LOL, as he pointed out yesterday. Men... So sorry to hear about your poor finger! I hate those numbing needles, they're just as bad as the pain itself. I hope it heals quickly!
@illumina: Thanks for thinking of me. Totally cute bump pic btw! I'm glad all is going well with your baby. My OB hasn't given me a clue as to my baby's size, so I'm totally envious. How big were you when you were born? And isn't it funny that we think we're ready until it starts to happen and then we freak out. I think if I were to go into labor right now I'd definitely be on the freaking out side of things, even though I know in my heart I'm ready.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@marionberry: I was 9lbs 1oz on my due date... my Sister was an average 7lbs something but she was 2wks early! For some reason I keep thinking I'll go into labour in the evening and head into the hospital at night... but then in the evenings I get my cramps and I'm thinking "Oh no, I'm too tired I couldn't possibly go through having a baby at this hour!!".
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Yikes, not fun!!
@illumina: You look great! And look at that view of the ocean... wow!
@marionberry: LOL at your DH's concern with the "nether region"... MEN!
apricot / 491 posts
@marionberry: Yeah, I know! Just hoping I won't have to be induced!
@MamaMagpie: Thanks, me too!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Joining the GBS club
Oh well, I know it's not that big of a deal...but...womp womp
Yesterday I thought my fluid was leaking! I had soaked through a few panty liners and my undies were damp...I already had a doctors appointment so they checked -- nope, just "probably sweat and a little urine". So. Effing. Gross. And embarrassing! It *was* super hot out...but ew.
My OB was kind of rough doing my cervical check and I've been spotting (first red but soon brown so I'm not worried) since yesterday's afternoon appointment. Then I was SUPER crampy/contracting all night...I know that's totally normal but I was like "omg is tonight going to be The Night?!" Anyone else feel like a ticking time bomb?
apricot / 491 posts
@MamaMagpie: Haha, I feel gross most of the time too! I feel like I could go at any second, but I think I'm just being optimistic, since I don't want to be induced. Hopefully I'll go next week! I've been having lots of BH, so I'm always wondering is it going to happen soon!
grape / 98 posts
@mamamagpie don't feel bad. With my first I went to my 40 week Drs appointment all excited cause I thought my water broke (like a 1/4 cup not a gush) that night. They checked and nope. You probably just peed. Awesome. Thanks.
Been having contractions every night but nothing productive. Hoping baby waits until due date. Not quite ready for two kiddos!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@pmerr: Fingers and toes crossed that you do go in the next week!
@Joanlindsay: Hahaha so glad I'm not the only one! Oh the joys of pregnancy, right? Is your LO excited about the new baby? I forget if he/she is old enough to understand becoming a big sibling...
grape / 98 posts
@mamamagpie she will be 2 on the 16th. She has a vague understanding and she is excited but I'm guessing that will pass. She does love babies though so we will see she loves looking at Tiny Baby's (that's what she calls it)clothes and toys. Yesterday she asked if we were going to get Tiny Baby at Costco - I of course laughed so now she thinks its funny to ask that.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MamaMagpie: Sorry you get to join the group, but it's really no big deal. I also understand the nasty, liquid issue. I almost feel bad for my provider going down there for cervical checks - between the sweat, cervical fluid and more I almost feel ashamed. Thank God we'll have our bodies back soon. I am so ready to feel normal again.
@Pmerr: The BH have to be a good sign! I really haven't had that many at all. I hope you go naturally and avoid the induction.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: yes me! Huge time bomb every time I feel a flinch, I'm like is this it?!?
@marionberry: I'm ready to have my body back as well! I had another episode this morning, I thought it was BP but it was most likely blood sugar. I seriously thought I was gonna pass out.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: HAHA I'm more like praying not to feel anything until I can try to get him turned.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Did y'all see that an October momma's water broke? At 31 weeks we should all send our thoughts/prayers.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Joanlindsay: awwww "Tiny Baby"! So so cute
@marionberry: @jetsa: definitely ready to have my body back! Although I suspect it will still take quite a while after LO is born!
Yes, I saw that her water broke I'm definitely sending lots of prayers her way. So scary.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: @marionberry: Oh yea, quite a while I'm sure. I can't wait to go for a run, which is at least 6+ weeks out from delivery and then I'm sure it will hurt.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: Run...ya, that's pushing it for me, lol. But I do look forward to some work on the elliptical or at least a few good walks with baby marionberry in the stroller. If I end up with a c-section though, working out probably won't happen much until I'm back at work, which will suck. I guess the best thing for me to work on after birth is cleaner eating, so that I can lose some weight that way.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: yea, I'm scared of the same thing! Going back at 8 weeks makes it so hard! I'm going to sign up for the STL Chocolate Race on Dec 15. I have no intentions of doing well just finishing.
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