cherry / 199 posts
Had my 37/38 week appt today. still just a fingertip and 50% effaced. GBS negative so that is good.
Doctor says likely no baby this week.
My cervical checks have not been painful at all. I think they key is to just relax while they are doing it. I have been staining and having slight cramping however since the exam this morning which caught me off guard (even though he said I would stain)
clementine / 818 posts
@pmerr: Oh, good luck! Thinking of you guys and can't wait for an update!
@marionberry: Glad everything is okay
@MamaMagpie: That sounds very promising, and very exciting!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mamamagpie: So exciting that you're getting close!!! Apparently I would've had a late baby given my cervix doesn't seem to want to dilate at all.
@mrsclownfish: I feel you on not progressing, but it's giving your baby more time to cook, so you can think of it in that type of positive light. My first two checks I didn't spot but this most recent one I did. It's good knowing it doesn't mean anything. And I agree with you, they're not that uncomfortable for me, especially because they're quick.
@mrsstormy: Thanks. I am too!
cherry / 199 posts
@marionberry I don't really let the numbers affect me one way or the other because I know they are not an actual indicator of when you will go into labor. I wanted to decline cervical checks altogether for this reason by my doctor insisted on them.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MrsClownfish: Ya my doctor never asked me if I wanted them either, it's just routine in their practice. I know that they don't mean much, but I do go in hoping for progress regardless. Although, I should say I used to, lol.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MrsClownfish: I lied to my MIL and told her I don't get them even though weekly is normal in my practice. She works in a beauty shop and would tell everyone, umm no I'm not telling you so that you can broadcast it.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@marionberry: @MrsStormy: it is exciting! I'm trying not to get too obsessed with the numbers, though, because like @MrsClownfish: said, the numbers aren't necessarily an accurate indicator of when you'll go into labor. The midwife was like "this looks great, but keep in mind plenty of women will have all the right signs and then stall, and plenty of women have little to no signs and go from 0-60 in hours"...haha I think she was picking up on how anxious and ready I am and didn't want me to get my hopes up too high!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: lol, so you mean you *don't* want your MIL and complete strangers discussing your cervix?! Why not?! Hahaha
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@MamaMagpie: haha right?!? My mom hasn't even asked and she's asked me twice and my husband more than once, we aren't telling you. It really means very little. Although I do like the info.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MamaMagpie: @MrsClownfish: How exciting that you get stats like that. When did they start measuring you? I had my 36 week appointment today and no cervical checks so far. I wonder if my practice doesn't do them or it's just too early.
@jetsa: LOL probably a good idea to keep that info away from the gossipy gals at the beauty shop
Had my 36 week appointment today. Baby is still head down and heartbeat sounds great. I tested positive for GBS so I'll be on IV antibiotics for delivery. I am also anemic so they put me on another iron supplement in addition to the prenatal vitamin.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MapleMoose: they started doing the checks at 36 weeks, when I started going weekly, but at that point it was just to see if I was that I'm 38 weeks and am progressing, they're able to tell me more than just dilation. I think I've heard that some offices start checking at 37 weeks, but you should ask if you're wondering! Yay for a good appointment today! Sorry about the GBS (I have it, too) and the anemia but it sounds like all is well!
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MamaMagpie: I meant to ask at the appointment today but completely forgot until now. I blame "pregnancy brain"
pomelo / 5041 posts
@maplemoose: My office starts checking at 36 weeks. I'm sorry about the GBS (I have it too) but it's so common and so many women birth through it, including in the tub, so it shouldn't affect you much. I asked the nurse when I was in for the ECV and she said that since I'm having a c-section they just give me a dose of antibiotic beforehand and then I'm good to go. So I guess I got around that problem. I'm sorry about your anemia too. Take care to eat a lot of fiber since they'll be giving you additional iron - you don't want additional constipation.
@mamamagpie: I'm excited too. It's good of your doctor to try to keep you from thinking it may happen tomorrow, but in reality, it still may.
@jetsa: My mom asks crazy questions like that too and would certainly not think twice before passing on the info to friends in even a public setting. So I feel you on that one!
clementine / 818 posts
@MapleMoose: My office does checks starting at 36 weeks. Last week at my 36 week appt they just told me dilation, and babies position, I'm hoping at next weeks appointment they may be able to tell me more, like about effacement.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@marionberry: Thanks, I didn't even think of that with the additional iron. Have fun this weekend and enjoy the last moments of freedom.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@MapleMoose: Thanks. I'd recommend you all treat this weekend like it's your last with your spouse too...because it really could be.
grape / 98 posts
Can't believe there are September babies arriving! I've been having a lot of contractions in the evening. Could be BH but seem like the real deal. Hoping to hold off until next weekend when my mom comes to town to watch DD.
I told my Dr I was nervous that I wouldn't remember wha labor felt like and he laughed a d said he was pretty sure I would remember.
Have a great weekend everyone!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
It's looking like I will be induced at 39 weeks (9/16) unless I go into labor prior to that. The midwife I saw today isn't a fan of my still high even on meds BP and is redoing labs and 24 hr urine. I'm to bring it in to the hospital tomorrow.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Joanlindsay: I hope your baby holds off until next weekend! Have a great one!
@jetsa: As you've seen from mrsmoreau, induction isn't such a big deal, and at 39 weeks your baby is good to go! It's best to do this versus risk stroke or something to your baby due to your high BP. And then you'll get to know when your baby's coming too, just like me. It's fun.
pomelo / 5041 posts
I've been having a fair amount of contractions today off and on and my belly has been hard as a rock most of the time. Because of this, it's been hard to feel movement as often. Do you guys ever worry that your contractions are making it hard to feel movement?
grape / 98 posts
I think that's pretty common @jetsa. I also think the baby moves less during contractions due to the pressure/tension whatever. It's always nice when you get a couple good kicks after not feeling anything for a spell.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: yes I'm actually okay with it, if that's the case. I talk to my dr Monday and she'll make the call I think. My DH is supposed to go to Portland the 17th if at all possible so I think we'll be shooting for 9/18 if at all possible, which per the dr office will be 39+4
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Joanlindsay: yes it is from what I've read online.
@marionberry: my babe hasn't moved much at all today, to the point of the nurses being nervous during the NST. I hope it means labor is imminent what will they do if you go into labor?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: If I go into labor I have to rush to the hospital and call in the c-section team to hurry and get the baby out before he tries to be delivered. The nurse told me I can't really wait as long as the 5-1-1 rule because of that, but it makes me wonder when I should actually go in, especially since I live 45 mins away. I've been having these contractions all night but they don't seem to be following a time pattern. So I'm praying we make it to the 13th, because it doesn't feel like it right now.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: they've not been as often now thank goodness. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
nectarine / 2522 posts
Woah this page moves!!
@pmerr: Hope everything is going great and can't wait to hear!!
@jetsa: Hope your tests go well and that BP stays down!
@marionberry: EEEEK!!! You need to be resting!
I had contractions on and off for the last two nights so yesterday I was like RIGHT.... bounced on my ball, went for a 4km walk, guzzled raspberry leaf iced tea...and nothing... not a single contraction... lol I think the little guy is playing tricks on me... I have been crazy nesting today though, cleaning out cupboards and have hardly sat down....eating a pineapple now and relaxing so we'll see... I am getting impatient... come on little guy! We are sooo ready for you!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@MapleMoose: I'm sure they'll start checking you next week
@jetsa: I'm feeling excited for you! Even though it's not necessarily how you planned things to go, you'll get to know when your LO will be here!
@marionberry: oh goodness, your contractions had me nervous! Glad to read that they've kind of gone away/slowed down.
So I've been awake since 5:00am here and I think I woke up from hunger...starting yesterday, I've been absolutely ravenous almost all day! I don't know if it's because the baby has dropped so low and my stomach actually has room to be filled, or if it's my body's way of getting ready for birth, but I seriously cannot feel full for more than about an hour. It's annoying and I'm trying really hard to make smart choices because I've gained 44 pounds and don't want to gain any more in these last 12 days till my due date...ugh. Anyone else feeling suddenly like a bottomless pit?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: not eating, but thirsty!!! I feel like I drink non stop all day.... I guess it's cause it's warm, but far out I feel like I'm constantly getting up for water!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Yes! I'm thirsty, too! And I'm craving carbonation, which is so weird to me...but I've heard that can be a sign of dehydration so I'm trying to guzzle as much water as possible. I bet where you are and your climate is making you extra thirsty (but I don't feel too bad for you because you live in paradise hahaha ).
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @mamamagpie: I've been starving lately. I'm in the same situation where I don't want to gain more weight but I can't help it. Of course the unhealthiest things sound best too. The contractions had me freaked out last night because all I had felt before was tightening and these hurt. They never got in a set pattern but lasted forever. Then I feel like bub is moving so much less often (but lots when he does) and of course then I'm prodding him at 3am to get him to move. I'm feeling stressed out thinking maybe I won't get him to the hospital in time or something. Ugh. I need a chill pill.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@MamaMagpie: oh definitely climate is effecting me. Carbonated drinks give me killer heartburn, so I've been staying away from them, but what I wouldn't give for a glass of wine!! It will all be worth it
@marionberry: I totally agree on the movement thing. He doesn't move as much, but when he does they are definitely big movements. I'm constantly asking DH to come talk to him cause he always moves when he hears his voice. We only worry cause we care so much. We just have to have faith that everything will be ok.... And I presume most mothers to be feel this way.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @marionberry: I'm definitely feeling decreased movement as well. It's freaking me out, I'm definitely asking about it when I go turn in this test this afternoon which will probably just lead to more tests, even the NST yesterday was decreased from normal, for me.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: @jetsa: You ladies make me feel so much better! @jetsa did your nurses say anything about your NST yesterday? Or are you the only one thinking it was less active? I hope you have a better test today! @mrssquirreld I crave wine so badly too! When do you plan to have your first drink?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: the nurses wanted the baby "buzzed" but the midwife said there was just enough of a rise that it didn't need to be, so everyone noticed it! Normally this kid is trying to knock the monitor off so it was different and has just stayed that way.
@Mrs Squirreld: Because I love me some google, this says that decreased movement could mean labor within a day!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: as soon as I can pump enough milk out!! Lol nah once I have a good breast feeding relationship established. DH is really keen to do night feeds on his days off to give me a break. so we definately plan to pump to get a good stash. I actually had a go at pumping last night.... It was W E I R D!! Haha I did get a more colostrum out than I thought I would.
@jetsa: definitely ask if its worrying you. I mentioned it a my last appt, but he was fine and the amount I said he was moving they said was normal.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: ooh I like that! I have had decreased movement ( but he still moves when provoked), diahorrea (lovely) and serious nesting today!!! I am getting sooo impatient, I really want him to come... I can't imagine waiting a few more weeks!! Ill go crazy!!! Check out what I did today before and after of my linen cupboard... DH thought I was nuts!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: wow! Your closet looks great! Want to come to my house and organize? I would do something like that and my sd would destroy it in days.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: haha thanks... It was a total shove it in there mess!!! Now it's all labelled and pretty and even DH knows where stuff goes now! I can't even go to bed with the house messy now... I can't sleep. I even just washed all the pillows... Goodness knows when that was last done. I have a list of things to do tomorrow to... Here's hoping I won't get to do any of them! but if nothing else it keeps me busy.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm envious. I really haven't been in a nesting mood as far as cleaning and organizing goes. I wish I was!
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