grapefruit / 4213 posts
@evenstar982: So adorable!!!
@marionberry: Yes to the pubic pain. It feels like baby girl is going to fall out! And yay for the last day of going into work!
@illumina: Exciting to know baby will definitely arrive within 3 weeks!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: yay for a last day of going into work! Mine is Friday! I've been told by people that babe has dropped and I had feelings like that for a bit but now idk if I've just gotten used to it or what but I don't notice it anymore.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@jetsa: I'm so excited that you could get to meet your baby any day now... but definitely by the 17th!
cherry / 199 posts
total side note: check out this adorable nursery:
pomelo / 5469 posts
Has anyone started getting "any sign of baby?" messages from relatives yet? Mine started today and I still have 9 days until my EDD!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@illumina: ugh how annoying! My mom and MIL have been calling daily but thats it.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
You guy's will get a kick out of this one:
My DH had a work dinner with about 6 guys last night and one asked if I was the dinner table. Apparently everyone just looked at the guy that asked, until someone piped up "He wouldn't be here if she was dilated!" and DH responds, "uh M thats quite a nosy question don't you think" later in the night the same guy told him to keep him informed of the baby status, and DH responded, "I'll keep you informed but probably not as informed as you'd like"
LOL seriously?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: OMG I can't believe he was asking dinner no less! Weird! And the biggest way I noticed that he had "dropped" was that my boobs no longer sat on my belly.
@illumina: I get so many messages that say "how are you feeling", or "any sign of baby?". It gets old to say the same thing all of the time, but I know they're just trying to be sweet.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@MrsClownfish: Kind of goes with the latest Aztec print trend.
@illumina: People ask about baby's progress to find out how I'm holding up but it hasn't bothered me yet. My mom has been keeping people relatives informed so hopefully they hound her for information rather than me lol.
@jetsa: Awwwkwarddd
cherry / 199 posts
@marionberry @jetsa this is a great response when someone asks if you had the baby over text or email
grape / 98 posts
@marionberry @jetsa with my last pregnancy I just refused to answer my phone and I changed the outgoing message to let people know the baby had not yet been born. I may have been a TOUCH hormonal. It's so frustrating to answer the same question especially when your due date has come and gone.
My husband may have referred to me at the end of my pregnancy as Wifezilla of course he only told me weeks later when I was back to my regular cheery self.
apricot / 251 posts
@jetsa: @marionberry: @MrsClownfish: hahaha I was just laughing about this with one of my friends. I so wanted to respond to the "have you had the baby yet?" question with something like "oh, shoot! I forgot to tell you - she's 3 weeks old!"
it's like... if you haven't heard anything, chances are the baby's not here yet.... people are so impatient haha
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrsmoreau: She's so cute! I can't believe you've already had a baby for a week. I love your comment about "3 weeks". I should use that one!
@joanlindsay: I think my husband is thinking the same of me right now. For the past two weeks I have been uber hormonal and emotional, of which I am normally not at all.
apricot / 495 posts
I am pretty sure I had my first real contractions tonight. They started right after I got home from the chiropractor. They were so intense I was seeing stars after each one. Sadly, they stopped after 45 minutes or so. Definitely was the kick in the butt DH needed. Afterwards he went outside, cleaned out his car, and installed the car seat. Then he came back in and got a bag all ready for the dogs when they go stay with Grandma and Grandpa. It was cute to see him rushing around trying to get everything done just in case.
nectarine / 2522 posts
I swear if one more person says to me "hurry up and have the baby. We want to meet him" I may punch them in the face. That's allowed right?
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Well ladies I'm sitting in my nursery trying to determine what's going on. I've been woke up 2 in the last 4 hours by period type cramping and it doesn't seem to be fading. I kind of wish my water would break so I'd know if this was the real deal or not
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: yes it definitely is! My favorite is "I can't wait to find out if its a girl or boy, really...
pomelo / 5469 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I know right! It's like, trust me, no one wants to meet her more than I do!
@jetsa: Ooh, keep us updated! Hopefully this is it for you!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@jetsa: ditto...I've been up pretty much all night with period cramps and back ache. I have a doctors apt this morning so will be interested to hear what she says. I'm like you, I wish my water would break so I knew it was happening! DH has to work out of town today (about an hour away) and I hate to call him back from his meetings for false labor!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: @char54: isn't it frustrating??! Same here... I just want to know what is happening... We just did the deed and went for a long walk and now I'm bouncing and doing hip rotations on my yoga ball... I want to "really" be in labor!! Lol
@illumina: it's worse when you get it from people who have children, I mean I'm sure they remember how annoying it was to hear that??!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@char54: we are in the exact same situation! DH will be about 90 mins away all day. The cramps are still going on.
pomelo / 5469 posts
@char54: it will be interesting to see what your doctor says. I asked the midwife about my cramping yesterday and she didn't seem to think it could be contractions, just the baby getting into position or pain because of how she's lying.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: @char54: I've been recording tightening every 3-4 minutes lasting 20-30 seconds... Not hugely painful though just uncomfortable. But my constant cramping hurts and my back....Hopefully it's the beginning of something!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
I think I just lost some mucus plug.. No blood or anything but definitely something that resembled chunky snot... Sorry that is gross lol. And now ofcourse I'm googling mucus plugs... Urgh!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I just got to work (because I'm an idiot ) and decided to start timing what definitely feels like a tightening, so we'll see. Yay on the mucus plug!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@jetsa: you're at work?? You are crazy!! Haha my contraction timer told me I was in transition, based on timings... Hahaha I don't think so. They have spaced out a bit more now, but definitely still there.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Ha I know. I thought of that when I was leaving but I was like well I'm either going to sit at home and obsess or go to work and try to keep myself busy.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm on hellobee instead of working All of my timeable contractions are gone, ugh...just another false alarm I guess.
grapefruit / 4213 posts
@jetsa: @char54: @Mrs squirreld: Imagine if you all went into labor on the same day?!
pomelo / 5041 posts
Wow I wake up and so many of you are cramping! Remember the 5-1-1 rule! Surprisingly I've had barely any contractions in the last few days. However my bp was bad yesterday using home monitoring. I gotta take it easy..just 2 full days and he'll be here!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: we don't follow the 5-1-1 rule here. They recommend going to hospital when your having 4-5 contractions in 10 minutes lasting 45seconds plus. In saying that they are happy to have you prior aslong as you are 4cm + they just recommend laboring at home, as a lot of woman's labor slows down when they go to hospital due to adrenalin. In saying that I have up go as soon as my waters break... So hopefully that won't happen for ages into my labor and YES- rest woman!! Rest!!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: @Mrs squirreld: this is so interesting to hear. Our hospital's rule is to come in when you can no longer talk or walk through them OR from beginning to beginning the contractions are 3-5 minutes apart. They also say as soon as water breaks as well because you are on a 24 hour clock at that point.
@marionberry: try to rest and enjoy your last few baby-less days.
persimmon / 1436 posts
@jetsa: @char54: @Mrs squirreld: this is so exciting!!!
We actually had a false alarm yesterday -- painful contractions lasting for about 90 minutes and ranging from 7 mins apart to 3 mins apart so the OB had me come in to check. I was only 2cm but 80% effaced and they told me to walk around for an hour or so to see what they did...they kind of slowed down and decreased in intensity so we went home, and this morning it all seems to have stopped but my stomach is sore in the way it used to be when I did a lot of core work at the gym -- crazy!
We are going to have our bebs soon!!!
cherry / 199 posts
I have also been having cramping but nothing consistent. Hopefully someone is having the real thing!
I also woke up with pain in my right hip which is a new and interesting development
@marionberry yay! only 2 more days!
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