Want to share updated stats on our December babes? Share them here...
Want to share updated stats on our December babes? Share them here...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
They are not!!!
Logan turns one on Sunday, but his one year well visit isn't until December 18th, so I'll update then!
nectarine / 2210 posts
@Adira: K's visit is on the 18th as well, but she instead turns 1 on the 11th. Crazy how quickly this year has flown by!
pomelo / 5298 posts
K's Birth Stats:
Length: 19 inches (55%)
Weight: 7 lb 4 oz (77%)
6 month stats:
Length: 26 inches (55%)
Weight 19 lb 2 oz (92%)
Teeth: none!
Recent Milestone: sitting, and solids
Working on: a tooth and crawling
Current stats:
Length: 29 3/4 inches (72%)
Weight 28 lb 7 oz (99%)
Teeth: a bunch, I think she's got 10 or 11 now
Recent Milestone: climbing? She's been walking for 2 months and tries to run and really likes to try to climb.
Working on: more teeth and hand motions for "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Wheels on the bus"
Side note: K and C were about the same weight at this age but K is TWO inches shorter! I kept saying recently that she seems so much shorter than C was at this age. I wasn't sure if I was skewed in my perception because K started walking almost 3 months earlier than C. Nope, she's really SHORT in comparison.
honeydew / 7444 posts
A turns one next Tuesday but has his 1 year appointment on the Wednesday. Waah!!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Ryan isn't 1 for another few weeks! Following along and love reading the updates : )
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
K turns one next Friday but appt isn't till the week after too! DH has missed so many appts and he really wanted to make her 1 yr one!
nectarine / 2210 posts
@snowjewelz: dh is actually the one who normally does dr appointments since he has Friday afternoons off. Although I'm thinking of taking a long lunch that Friday so I can be there for it as well.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Miss Ariel: The DR we love at our practice isn't that everyday so it's been harder to schedule it. He is always texting me like what's the stats? What's going on? I'm like hold on!!!! I have a baby to wrangle!!!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Jack turned one today but his appointment isn't until next week because of the holiday. I'm looking forward to stats!
@MamaG: So cute with the hand motions! Same here with the height - J was standing next to M's growth chart yesterday and he is WAY shorter than she was at 1.
eggplant / 11861 posts
I'm not ready for all this...lol
We have about 3.5 weeks to go!!!!!
Love seeing all the babes so happy and healthy!!!
G's 1yr isn't until the 28th since her bday is the 17th and we have usually gone around the 23rd well with Christmas....28th it is!!
persimmon / 1050 posts
@josina: M's 1 year appt is on Dec 4th too. Can't believe he'll be 1 in 2 days!
persimmon / 1050 posts
Matthew's 6 month stats:
Length: 26in (36%)
Weight: 21 lbs 7oz (96%)
Teeth: none!
9 month stats:
Length: 27.5in (17%)
Weight: 22 lbs 15 ozs (91%)
Teeth: one
12 month stats:
Length: 29.14in (23%)
Weight: 21 lbs 8 ozs (52%)
Teeth: four, possibly five
Recent Milestone: feeding himself & transferring from one object to another when standing
Working on: walking & ditching bottles
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Birth stats:
Length: 20-1/2"
Weight: 7 lbs, 3 oz.
Head: 36 cm
6 months stats:
Length: 28" (86%)
Weight: 19 lb, 14 oz (78%)
Head: 45.25 cm (80%)
Teeth: None
Current stats:
Length: 30-3/4" (79%)
Weight: 24 lb, 3 oz (87%)
Head: 48 cm (92%)
Teeth: 6
Recent Milestone: Been walking for almost a month, loves to climb on to his chair and into open drawers. He recently started giving high fives.
Working on: More teeth, using a spoon, listening to/understanding NO. He STTN but struggling with bed time lately!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I'm too lazy to look up the older stats so as of today -
Length - 29"
Weight - 20.25 lbs
Teeth - 8 and dr confirmed he felt the 1st upper molar!
Recent milestones -
Walking. She is walking independently more and more everyday! Tho she still tries to hold my hand so she can walk faster. Saying more words! She attempts to say book, flower and please.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@josina: Using a spoon??? My kid doesn't even feed himself finger foods. Jealous!
pomelo / 5660 posts
12 month stats:
Weight: 17 lbs 10 ozs (10 - 25%)
Height: 28 1/2" (25 - 50%)
Head circ: 17 1/2" (25 - 50%)
Teeth: 4
Recent milestone: Chasing the dog while yelling "puppy here". She's been walking consistently for over a month, I swear she runs now.
Working on: Better table manners
persimmon / 1050 posts
@Adira: M just started feeding himself using those Gerber "puffs" things around his birthday last month. I was beginning to think it was never going to happen!
@BandDmommy: M just makes us walk him around in circles chasing the puppy. Poor thing can never sit still anymore.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@Adira: He hates to be 'fed' so is always stealing the spoon from me, so I just let him have it. Can't say he's very good at it yet but he's got the concept!
@BandDmommy: 'puppy here', so cute!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
I had to reschedule Ryan's well visit because he was sick so now it will be 2 weeks late! Oh well.
eggplant / 11861 posts
@winniebee: G's is the 29th almost 2 weeks after her bday too, due to holidays and such!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Birth stats:
Length: 20 inches
Weight: 8 lbs, 8 oz.
Head: 35 cm
6 months stats:
Length: 27 inches (49%)
Weight: 17 lbs 1 oz (32%)
Head: 42.65 cm (19%)
Teeth: None
Current stats:
Length: 29.5 in (26%)
Weight: 21 lbs 1 oz (42%)
Head: 46 cm (40%)
Teeth: 6
Recent Milestone: REAL crawling, cruising, waving
Working on: Teeth! Sharing toys, respecting other's boundaries...
nectarine / 2210 posts
Birth stats: 6 lbs 13 ozs
20.5 in
6 months: 12lbs 5oz 2%ile
23.2 in 1%ile
12 months: 15 lbs 16 oz 0%ile
27 in 5%ile
Recent milestone: can say hi and uh oh. Turns pages in books. And apparently the tantrum she threw in the drs office was ahead of schedule
Working on: gaining weight apparently! Which is kind of crazy because she loves eating. Drinking milk out of a sippie. Walking since she still crawl if she really wants to go places.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
Birth stats:
Length: 19.5 inches
Weight: 5 lbs, 6 oz.
6 months stats:
Length: 26.25 inches (20%)
Weight: 14 lbs 12 oz (5%)
Teeth: None
12 month stats:
Length: 29.65 in (32%)
Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz (14%)
Head: 18.75 in (55%) LOL
Teeth: 4.5
Recent Milestone: walking across the room, giving high fives, STTN on occasion, turning pages in books
Working on: walking steadily, talking (only says mama dada and baba), weaning!
eggplant / 11861 posts
12 month stats:
Length: 31.5 (98%)
Weight: 20lbs 7oz(60%)
Head: 18 (69%)
Teeth: 4 and 2 half out!
Recent Milestone: walking!!! She is about 50/50 now between walking and crawling!
Talks up a storm! Has a crazy vocabulary and a lite personality to match!
Just switched to WCM and seems to be a OK!!!
nectarine / 2821 posts
Frankie turned one on Monday but we don't have our appointment until next thursday!
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