Hellobee Boards


April '14 - Appointments

  1. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Thank you. I am looking forward to tomorrow. My mom said she cannot wait to tell people. I've made her wait too long, lol. I am hoping that it will be more exciting than nerve-wracking and stressful for me to have people knowing.

  2. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    So I had my NT scan today...well, sort of. I had an u/s today, but the silly little plum was upside down the entire time, and when he/she did move, it was AWAY from us. But baby is measuring perfectly at 13w1d, and I go back for the measurement part on Monday. And we got to hear the heartbeat. So exciting! Guess this is actually happening, huh?

  3. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Yay!!!! So happy for you!

  4. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @LovelyPlum: glad it went well! At least you get to see the plum again soon!

  5. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: @T.H.O.U.: thank you! It was so much fun! And we got to hear the HB for the first time, which is the most incredible sound. I just can't believe there's a person in there, you know?? So much love already, though.

  6. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @LovelyPlum: yay for a good appointment...and yay you get another round on Monday!

  7. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Dandelion: thanks! I'm excited for that. Hoping baby cooperates this time, instead of practicing gymnastics

  8. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @LovelyPlum: It is totally, really happening! Yay!! Awesome update. I know, our little bebie was being stubborn too, we almost didn't get the measurements. You get to see baby plum again in a few days.

  9. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @LovelyPlum: hooray for a good ultrasound !!! And lucky you get to see baby again I'm jealous!

  10. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Aww a little heartbeat! How exciting!!!!

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @luckypenny: @megz06: thanks so much ladies!

    Good luck today, @nana87: and @megz06:!

  12. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    Talk me down, ladies. I am ready to go ape-shit on my co-workers aka my medical team.

    Apparently this u/s may not be covered because they only do two under insurance; a 12 week and 20 week. Well, that's all well and good. I knew that, but they said because I had one done at 8 weeks (remember the one that was supposed to be flipping FREE) they billed out to insurance.

    I am so mad, so now they may not be able to do the u/s unless I pay for it. I TOLD them had the 8 week u/s not been promised free to me, I wouldn't have even done it. Apparently she wanted to check for twins. Well, good for you. I'd rather have a 12 week done where I can verify everything is good rather than check if I have two babies at 8 weeks. That does me no good since they didn't even play the heartbeat for me.

    I am so mad. Pray that everything starts coming together.

  13. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    I just got back from my NT scan! Everything looked good, and the baby looks so much more like a baby than even just 2 weeks ago! this was the first time dh was able to come with me which was really nice! The ultrasound tech was NOT very warm and fuzzy (she yelled at me a little because my bladder wasn't full enough...oops!) BUT she said it looked like baby was smiling

    I was able to schedule my 16 and 20 week anatomy scans while I was at the hospital (different office than my OB's): 16 week is Nov 4, and 20 is Dec 6! Plus I have another appt with my OB Oct 15, and then will be scheduling the AFP quad blood test for sometime around 16 weeks too... So many appointments!

    @megz06: that's so frustrating! I hope it all gets worked out!

    @LovelyPlum: fingers crossed for a more cooperative little plum on Monday!

  14. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @megz06: um, I would go crazy as well!!! I will say a prayer that you can still have it!!! That's not fair to you.

    @nana87: so glad for a good appointment! I can't believe that you already have your 20 week scan planned!

  15. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I know! I'm so relieved though to have it scheduled--I'm going to try to go back abroad for my research in between the two anatomy scans if my dr approves the timing...

  16. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    Well, our little one is dancing like no one's watching. Backing up to this morning's situation the u/s only cost $162 bucks, so I just said whatever, even if they don't cover it. We just didn't care. We wanted to see our LO.

    The u/s lady was a big B per usual. If we weren't in such a rural area, I'd seek out a different u/s tech. She was very short when it came to giving us pics, so I have to wait until Tuesday and wouldn't even take a gender guess (just just flippantly told me nope, not until 20), but it looked like a boy to me (and I am terrible with reading these but when I saw between it's legs I was a little like whoa, but I could still be wrong).

    Heart beat slowed down to 173 from it's original 194 heart rate, so I was happy about that. We FINALLY got to hear it. Sounded like a team of galloping horses! Baby is measuring 2 days ahead as well, putting me at 13 weeks with a due date of April 11 (even though she said the 10th), but I am going to keep my original due date.

    We called both of DH's grandma, and both were very excited. My mom has been unleashed on the general public, so she is also happy. Everything worked out

  17. jill_a55

    apricot / 448 posts

    @LovelyPlum: yay! So glad you had a good appointment and will get to see the little plum again! I haven't had an ultrasound since 8 weeks and don't have one again till I think 20!! I'm dying to see the babe! I may try and talk my dr. Into it next time.

    @nana87: so glad you had such a great appt. (minus the yelling tech) that is a lot of appointments! I think I am doing that blood test next appointment too (16 weeks)

    @megz06: yay for getting to see the baby! Even if you had to pay for it that's super annoying that they told you the other one was free and then charged for it!! I love that you "unleashed" your mom on the public, that's how I'll feel when we give MIL the go ahead.

  18. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @nana87: @megz06 yay for good appointments!

  19. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @jill_a55: @jhd: Thank you, Ladies.

    And whenever someone gets the chance to update the appointment list, I have an appointment for October 9 for bloodwork/exam. Thanks!

  20. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    **** This Week's Appointments ****

    10/7 - LovelyPlum
    10/9 - megz06
    10/10 - HazelEyes
    10/11 - Dandelion, T.H.O.U. (NT scan!)

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    10/14 - jhd
    10/15 - nana87
    10/17 - SupernovaJ
    10/18 - PEAPIE
    10/24 - jill_a55
    11/4 - nana87 (16 week AS)
    12/6 - nana87 (20 week AS)

  21. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    So I am happy, guys. Apparently I can go to my delivery center to get my 20 week u/s done so I don't have to deal with the crabby u/s lady here (who did a crappy job with my pics this last time). I guess the delivery center will get pictures of my baby's feet, all the insides, and a great picture of the face so I can tell it even looks like us. And video! And a huge strip of pictures! I am so excited, so I can't wait until my appointment tomorrow to ask my doc.

    Until then, here is the pic the u/s lady took. Oh its so nice to have that nice white dotted line on there blocking my view. It's also nice that the "great" pic she got of him/her was when he/she was facing AWAY from us and looks like a limp wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man.

  22. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @megz06: aw man! I'm sorry she didn't give you better pictures! But hooray for getting to go to the other place next time

  23. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    16 week appointment is 10/23

  24. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @megz06: I'm sorry about the pain in the butt u/s lady, but I am glad that your next experience should be a better one. And white line or no white line, little one is a cutie

    My repeat NT went really well yesterday. DH couldn't come, so it was just me, hanging out with the little plum. Heard the heartbeat again (155) and measuring on time! Plus the nuchal measurements went well, even though baby was still not really interested in being cooperative. Pretty sure we have a stubborn one! And the most exciting news? My mama might be coming in from out of town for my 18 week anomaly scan. I'm so excited!!!

  25. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @megz06: i'm sorry you didn't get better pics. hopefully next time will more than make up for that!

  26. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @LovelyPlum: how exciting! that will be great to share that experience with your mom! glad everything went well today.

  27. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Copying the list to add my appointment! Added yours too, @luckypenny:

    **** This Week's Appointments ****

    10/9 - megz06
    10/10 - HazelEyes
    10/11 - Dandelion, T.H.O.U. (NT scan!)

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    10/14 - jhd
    10/15 - nana87
    10/17 - SupernovaJ
    10/18 - PEAPIE
    10/23 - luckypenny
    10/24 - jill_a55
    11/4 - nana87 (16 week AS)
    11/11 - LovelyPlum (18 week AS and OB appt)
    12/6 - nana87 (20 week AS)

  28. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: thank you! And I can't wait. She lives out of town, and I haven't seen her since I was 5 weeks. It's hard not being able to share this with her!

  29. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @LovelyPlum: That is awesome news! I couldn't imagine having my mommy (yes, that's what I call her when I need her like a child) far away

  30. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @LovelyPlum: thanks lady! And that's so cool that your mom is coming my moms on the east coast so she's never been to an ultrasound think I might take MIL since we are very close and she only had boys.

  31. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @megz06: I can't even begin to tell you how often I tell her that she needs to come and take care of me. It has been so hard not to have her here. At first, I thought it wouldn't be (I've been out of state for 7 years), but about 2 weeks in to m/s, all bets were off. I need her, and I miss her like crazy. But I'm going to visit my parents in two weeks, and I am so, so excited to share the 18 week scan with her. I really hope she can make it!!!

  32. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @luckypenny: that would be amazing, too! My MIL is super sweet, but she's 6 hours away, so I only see her twice a year She has two boys and one girl, but my SIL is only a freshman in college, so I've been trying to share this experience with her as much as possible. She's been super supportive, and I think she really likes being involved. I know that if I have all boys, I would love for future daughter-in-laws to include me, too!

  33. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    My appointment went well today. She thinks I have a small yeast infection, and I was slightly spotting during my pelvic exam, but she said that could have been from a lot of things and wasn't too worried about it. They also took 5 viles of blood, but I was happy to oblige since I got a tasty sucker afterward (and lay down for a 10 minute nap).

    I got to hear baby's heartbeat againt. It inherits it's mother's stubbornness and attitude because it took forever to find the heartbeat, and when she did she kept having to move the doppler away from her ear because baby was kicking, lol. That's my child all the way

    No eta on my next appointment, but I do get to have my 20 week scan and exam at the center I'll be delivering at. I also got the ok to go hunting this November and eat crab this weekend, so I'm very happy!

  34. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @megz06: so glad your appt went well!

  35. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @megz06: glad you had a good appointment!

  36. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    I had my appt today. DH didn't come bc I wasn't supposed to have an u/s, but ended up having one! The doc couldn't find the HB on the doppler, so snuck me in. Apparently I have an anterior placenta, so it was blocking the sound (and means I prob won't feel kicks until 20-22 weeks, grr). But everything looks great, strong HB, saw a little backbone, and Baby looks much more defined than last month Sad DH missed it, but he'll be there for the 20 week.

    Also, I was super worried about weight, but was totally ok. Only gained two lbs (!) so only up one from my initial appt. Didn't expect that at all!!

  37. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Next appt is an u/s on 11/7! Excited even if we are Team Green

  38. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @megz06: that's awesome Enjoy that crab-sounds amazing.

    @HazelEyes: awesome news! Glad it went well We're Team Green too, but I'm still excited to see the little one again!

  39. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @HazelEyes: What a great u/s. Glad everything went ok!

  40. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @HazelEyes: glad everything went well and you got an extra ultrasound!

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