Hellobee Boards


April '14 - Appointments

  1. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Dandelion: that is long! Super exciting, though! I'm excited for you to see the little one. I'm sorry DH can't go with you, though.

  2. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    9/12 - HazelEyes
    9/13 - Dandelion (ultrasound)
    9/16 - PEAPIE
    9/18 - mrsog
    9/19 - Mae, jill_a55, nana87, SupernovaJ
    9/20 - Pink Champagne
    9/24 - gilmoregirl (NT)
    9/25 - Kate6214 (ultrasound)
    9/27 - Dandelion
    10/4 - nana87 (NT)

  3. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: the 27th I have a colposcopy appointment. You can add it on...(you don't have to put the detail, though, lol)

  4. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @sweetkeight: Yay for Teeny and a new due date!

    @Dandelion: Good luck today

  5. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Two appointments to add-

    NT scan on 10/3
    13 week appointment on 10/7

    Three weeks until I get to see the little plum again

  6. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    I had my NT this morning and it went really, really well!!!

    Baby had the hiccups so it was bouncing around like a Mexican Jumping Bean. The neck and nasal scan went well. The last marker is blood they took today and will compare to four weeks from now. Good heartbeat (163) brain looks good... and we got the ok to tell people!! Ah!

  7. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @LovelyPlum: This reminds me that perhaps I should be making my appointment soon

    @HazelEyes: Super exciting!! And for cute that he/she had the hiccups

  8. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @HazelEyes: oh yay!! Congratulations!

  9. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @HazelEyes: yay!!

  10. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    @HazelEyes: hiccups??!! how sweet!

  11. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @Dandelion: yes, definitely take a snack! i took one but didn't get time to eat it & then i felt terrible after

  12. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I'm feeling flutters! I think?! It might be cause I'm so recently postpartum, it might be in my head, but I'm sitting here, feeling squirmy like feelings in my pelvis. So early! Maybe I'm dreaming, lol.

    ETA: Whoops...meant to put this on the regular board...going there to post again!

  13. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @HazelEyes: how cute! Glad you got to see your little jumping bean!

  14. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: could you please put me down for another ultrasound on Oct 14? thank you

  15. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I updated on the regular board, but my next appointment (after the 9/27 one) is on 10/11.

  16. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @megz06: @LovelyPlum: @nana87: @jhd: Thanks ladies!

  17. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: My next appointment is 10/10. I think its just a blood draw to compare to the one taken with the NT appt... boo, no u/s!

  18. babybeemcd

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: I go back 9/23 for a blood pressure check and to see if my new prescription is helping.

  19. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    New appointments!

    NT scan : 9/20 (12 weeks!!)
    OB: 9/27

  20. PEAPIE

    apricot / 344 posts

    The first midwife appointment went well today! It was such a warm, welcoming and comfortable space! We just talked for an hour and I 'submitted' urine and blood samples. We tried the doppler but it was just too early to hear anything. I go in for an ultrasound on Wednesday (9/18) for Due-Dating - even though the midwife was super impressed by my FF chart! We're so excited to SEE it!

    Then my next appointment will be in (8/18) @ 12 weeks.

  21. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @PEAPIE: Glad to hear your appointment went well!

  22. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    Please add my new appointment 10/4 to the list. 12 week u/s and tons of blood work. How lucky am I, lol.

  23. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @PEAPIE: that is so awesome! good luck tomorrow!

  24. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    Figured I'd update the list, so @T.H.O.U. doesn't have to do all the work around here

    **** Upcoming Appointments ****

    9/18 - mrsog, PEAPIE (ultrasound!)
    9/19 - Mae, jill_a55, nana87, SupernovaJ
    9/20 - Pink Champagne, luckypenny (NT scan!)
    9/23 - babybeemcd
    9/24 - gilmoregirl (NT scan!)
    9/25 - Kate6214 (ultrasound!)
    9/27 - Dandelion, luckypenny
    10/3 - LovelyPlum (NT scan!)
    10/4 - nana87 (NT scan!), megz06 (ultrasound!)
    10/7 - LovelyPlum
    10/10 - HazelEyes
    10/11 - Dandelion, T.H.O.U. (NT scan!)
    10/14 - jhd
    10/18 - PEAPIE

    Let me know if something needs to be changed

  25. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Thanks, I haven't had time to gather it all, can you please add my NT scan for 10/11 as well?

  26. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: not a problem on either count And I edited the list!

  27. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    NT scan went great! Saw all the little arms and legs. Baby was sleeping so we got to see lots of cute pictures. Doc said everything looks good so far

  28. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @luckypenny: aw what a sweet little face!!!

  29. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @luckypenny: adorable

  30. PEAPIE

    apricot / 344 posts

    We saw baby yesterday! Measuring right on track, with a strong heartbeat. We got to hear it, too! So weird, but so amazing! They did an abdominal scan (shaved my legs for nothing!) so the picture is pretty blurry from the tech zooming in like, a million times.

  31. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @PEAPIE: Yea! Glad you got to hear it all again!

  32. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @luckypenny: @PEAPIE: Both cute babies!!!

    Good luck at your appointments today, everyone. I know there is quite a few of you!

  33. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Just got back from my appointment, and everything is looking wonderful! My doctor even used the word "perfect" to describe everything so far, which makes this mama-to-be incredibly happy and relieved! All the blood work and genetic screenings from my last appointment came back fine. I got to see baby again, who is looking MUCH more like a baby than at my appointment at 6 weeks, with little arms and legs! Baby was squirming around a lot and I got to hear the heartbeat, which was very strong!

    besides my NT appointment in 2 weeks on the 4th (already on the list) I have another appt with my dr on the 15th scheduled as well

    here's baby, upside down but with arms developing!

  34. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @nana87: Look at those little arms! Very cool!

  35. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    So many adorable babies!!

    @luckypenny: what a sweet baby! I can't believe how developed they are at 12 weeks already!! So, are you going public soon?

    @PEAPIE: yay! Love seeing little ones. And LOL on the leg shaving comment. I only forget to shave when I have to go in stirrups, it seems. Whoops.

    @nana87: look at those arms! So cute! I'm sure you're feeling much better, Mama

  36. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @PEAPIE: @nana87: yay for cute healthy babies!!

    @LovelyPlum: we will probably go public soon! I want to do a cute picture with DD for an announcement but not sure what/how yet!

  37. PEAPIE

    apricot / 344 posts

    @luckypenny: @LovelyPlum: @megz06: @T.H.O.U.: thanks ladies!

    @luckypenny: It's so cool to see what 4 weeks difference makes- your baby has a cute face already!

    @nana87: Sweet little arms!

  38. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    I had a dating ultrasound today and everything went well! At my first appointment I was measuring small at 6w1d. Today the baby looked so much bigger and was wriggling around in there, looking like a little gummy bear. It had little nubs for arms and feet. So cute. We heard a strong heartbeat and the doctor said everything looked perfect. I was so relived! It was really surreal hearing that heartbeat and for a second I really thought I was going to burst into tears! I'm measuring 10w5days and my EDD is now April 11.

    My next appointments are:
    10/3 - NT scan and genetic counseling
    10/17 - regular OB appointment

    Hope everyone's upcoming appointments all go smoothly!

  39. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @SupernovaJ: yay, congrats!!!

  40. PEAPIE

    apricot / 344 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Good news!!!

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