persimmon / 1273 posts
@babybeemcd: @CharityAnne: Congrats and welcome!
@lovelyplum: @luckypenny: Meal planning has gone completely out the window here. I feel so bad about it, but I just never know what I'm going to be able to handle. I've been to the grocery store three times this week to pick up a few things once I get an idea in mind, and I never shop like that. I don't even want to know what our food budget looks like now.
persimmon / 1273 posts
@mrsspadusa: I was super nervous to tell our parents...we ended up doing it around 6 weeks just to get it over with! And of course it went just fine and everyone was lovely and excited. But it was scary, so I definitely understand where you're coming from.
persimmon / 1273 posts
@CharityAnne: I was totally fine until 5w5d, and then bam. Constant nausea, aversions to basically everything.
But now at 7w2d, I'm on my second day of B6 and Unisom and feeling (cautiously) better. I can even see vegetables without gagging now I have been nauseous probably for only 15 minutes today. It's so wonderful.
But honestly, you might not get sick! There are plenty of women who don't, and my fingers are crossed that you're one of them.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Dandelion: yucky. The few times I've gotten sick, I've really only thrown up liquid, not food (like you want to know that). I really feel like if I would get it up, I would feel better.
I'm not feeling so hot today, either. My ab muscles are so sore, and I've got some pressure by my pelvic bone that is making me really queasy, almost like AF is on her way. It is sort of freaking me out, actually. Food alsi sounds entirely unappetizing. I cannot wait to get home and put my feet up.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@gilmoregirl: our budget has gone out the window, I'm sure I'm dlad the unisom is working for you. It isn't doing wonders for me, but it is taking the edge off, maybe? I don't know...I'm afraid to stop taking it.
@ mrsspadusa: I was super afraid to tell mine, even though we are
we are very close. But it did go very well! Good luck!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: That's how I feel at this I just want to get it up and get it over with!
watermelon / 14206 posts
We're telling DH's mom soon, probably tonight, because she's got some health issues that she's NOT dealing with and is trying to ignore. We want to give her a good reason to get herself healthy and not simply try to ignore a serious problem.
I'm still going to wait to tell my parents. I'm just not ready to reveal it. I don't want my mom telling the whole world, and I fear she's going on put me on her church prayer list as soon as she knows. Even after I tell my parents, I'm not telling siblings for even longer. I think I need to see an ultrasound first.
apricot / 448 posts
@CharityAnne: @babybeemcd: Welcome Ladies!!
Woof (buzz, your girlfriend...woof ), what a day... and it's only 11am. I woke up this morning for my 6 am shift, broke out into cold sweats and almost passed out. Then started throwing up... which was the first time I've thrown up in years. so that was awesome. I went in to work and felt awful the whole time and left early. Yay, first trimester!!
@LovelyPlum: I'm going to have to tell him soon, I'm not a very good liar and I don't think my food poisoning excuse will work for more that one time lol
apricot / 448 posts
Random comment/question for you all.. How are you with people touching your belly? When we told my MIL she went straight in and put her hand on my stomach like 3 times...My initial reaction was to turn away or smack her hand but I resisted. I also wanted to yell "that's not a bump, just fat!" haha I don't think I will be very good with people touching me!!
apricot / 335 posts
@Dandelion: Feel better soon. Have fun telling your MIL about the pregnancy!!
@jill_a55: Yucky. I hope you feel better too.
coffee bean / 37 posts
Gah, seems like we are all having rough days today! I was pretty nauseous all day yesterday and puked twice.
Today, I thought I didn't feel sick at all, but NOTHING sounded at all like anything I wanted to eat, which has been a problem all week. I wasn't nauseous until I ate lunch-- I forced down a plain chicken and cheese quesadilla and now feel like crap. I'm trying to drink as much water as I can, but even that makes me queasy now. I have some ginger pills at home I need to start taking, and I'm tonight I'm going to buy some B6 and Pepcid A/C at the suggestion of my sister.
Unrelated: Is anyone else paranoid about gestational diabetes? My sister had it, along with pre-eclampsia, and I am really not trying to go down that road. I know being overweight and having it in my family, I am predisposed, but I just don't know enough about the right balances of food to eat correctly right now. Most proteins I would gravitate towards (greek yogurt, egg whites, meat) sound absolutely terrible right now, so I feel stuck! Ugh.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jill_a55: that sounds rough! I've had random fevers, too. And I told mine because I couldn't conceal it-it made my life so much easier just to have them know!
I don't think I will be good about people touching me, mostly because I'm so sore. I don't really want anything on my belly-waistbands, belts, random people's is way too uncomfortable.
@babybeemcd: I'm sorry you are sick, too! I also take half a unisom with the b6...I honestly don't know how much it helps me, but it helps some people, I know. And yes, I am way afraid of GD. Diabetes runs in my family, and I already have some insulin resistance. I'm trying to be good about carbs, but it is hard! I've been on Metformin before, though, so if it comes to that, I will do it again.
clementine / 811 posts
@jill_a55: ohhh, I had the cold sweats one morning. It was terrible!! So disorienting! I didnt throw up, but I did have nasty cramps for a bit. Ugh, hope thats the only time you have to deal with that!!!
pomelo / 5607 posts
I'll try to read through and see who all is here, but my introduction first!!
EDD if you have one: April 28
When Did You Find Out?: 10 dpo
Child Number: One! (though second pregnancy)
Where You Live: Denver, CO for next two weeks, then Nashville, TN
What kind of provider will you see?: Hoping to find a good midwife, but may see an ob/gyn as well in case things go high-risk (family history of placental abruption)
When's Your First Appointment?: Mon the 19th (want a blood test to confirm!)
What kind of birth do you want?: Hopefully natural water birth
What You're Most Excited For: I've just always wanted to be pregnant/have a baby, so all of it!
What You're Most Scared About: Miscarried the last at 9.5 weeks, so that this one won't stick either
Symptoms so far: Fatigue and some hunger (last time hunger was my number one)
Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: Moving home to TN! And my birthday is sep 2nd and my mom's having a party for me
Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart:
watermelon / 14206 posts
DH told my MIL today. She actually said that she had a gut feeling that I was pregnant and she was actually planning on coming over this weekend and bring liquor to test me to see if I would drink (I admit, I'm a lush)! It's crazy! I'm glad we told her before that got awkward!
She's happy, but understandably nervous. DH told her about all the extra plans they have for me, and that made her feel a lot better about it. I'm starting to think that even though she's the usual worrier, my parents are going to be getting on my nerves about it more than she is!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Torchwood: congratulations again! Glad you are here
@Dandelion: I don't know what it is about moms/MILs. Mine just knew, too. I hope she can be really supportive of you.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: I have a feeling my mom already that intuition kind of way. I'm still not saying it for a while lol
apricot / 335 posts
@Torchwood: Welcome and congrats!!!
@Dandelion: Our moms had no idea, even though my MIL was a lot more weird about sending us pictures of baby items and mentioning how his grandma is starting on a quilt for our child so she has it done when that day comes. Perhaps that was a sign that we were pregnant before we knew? My mom thought I was still on the pill (even though I went off in May), but we didn't tell anyone we were TTC. It happened so fast actually so there was nothing to tell.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Dandelion: My mom had a dream last week that we were having twins. I'm totally counting it as a sign!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
April Due Dates
4/1 - hazeleyes
4/2 - gilmoregirl
4/6 - dandelion
4/7 - lovelyplum, cmbknyc, mrsspadusa
4/8 - luckypenny
4/10 - jill_a55
4/13 - megz06, chibee
4/14 - supernovaj
4/18 - nana87, charityanne (welcome!)
4/20 - THOU
4/24 - littleveesmommy, babybeemcd (welcome!)
4/28 - torchwood (welcome!)
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Torchwood: An acquaintance posted on her facebook that she dreamed that someone on her facebook was pregnant with twins and that the person knows that they are pregnant, but not yet about the twins...according to the dream. I'm scared.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@jill_a55: I hate people touching me. I had to tell my MIL to calm down with touching my bump with S. It just really bothered me.
blogger / cherry / 179 posts
I'm glad to know that there are others besides me that are nervous/hesitant to tell people! I'm just worried that something will happen or maybe some people won't be as excited as we are (ie my MIL). My own mother will be excited I'm sure, but I know she can't keep a secret and then my entire family will know and I'm not ready for that. I think what fuels my nervousness is that my BFF told everyone she knew including all of our coworkers she was pregnant at 4 wks, but then she had a miscarriage at 8 wks and had to have a d&c. She had to tell everyone about it and it just made the whole process even more emotional and drawn out for her. I'm going to try to hold out until 12 weeks just to be safe.
apricot / 448 posts
@Torchwood: Congrats and Welcome!
@megz06: thanks, I don't know if I can handle much of this! @HazelEyes: Yeah, cold sweats are the worst! I hope that's the only time it happens..
@LovelyPlum: @Dandelion: I'm so glad I'm not the only one... If she does that every time I see her, I'll lose it!
blogger / cherry / 179 posts
I have a quick question, if any of you felt cramps in the beginning of your pregnancy when did they go away?? I had quite a bit of cramping the day I found out (Tuesday), and they seemed to have gotten progressively less each day since then, but I just felt a pretty sharp cramp, similar to AF, and it freaks me out!! Is this normal?
apricot / 448 posts
@CharityAnne: Yes! Still get them occasionally. I believe it's your uterus starting to stretch and get ready for the growth..
pomelo / 5607 posts
I only found out today, and I'm only 3w4d (can't believe I even got a bfp this early), but I swear that I feel nausea. But earlier I was just super hungry and it seems so early for nausea that I'm convinced it's all in my head. I actually want to feel sick (a little!) because last time I didn't and statistically the sicker you are the less likely you are to miscarry (correlation, not causation). But I'm pretty sure I'm imagining it.
pomelo / 5607 posts
So here's how I told DH. Last time I was so shocked to see a positive when I didn't expect it that I didn't do anything cute. But this time his bday is next week so I got him an early bday gift and this was it. Did anyone else do something fun to tell DH/SO or your family?
watermelon / 14206 posts
I find it so weird that there's already due dates for the end of the month, and there's about to be a May 2014 due date thread. It's already flying! (which is good, really!)
pear / 1974 posts
Congrats @Torchwood: and welcome! I actually just told DH on the phone because I took a test at work, so... pretty boring here. We weren't trying or expecting so it was a surprise for the both of us.
@CharityAnne: I've had cramps on and off since before my BFP - the reason i took a test so late (15DPO) was because I was convinced AF was just around the corner. I did read that it was normal (uterus expanding to accommodate the little bean) but I've been nervous about it too.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Torchwood: I texted my DH. I couldn't call him at work and I couldn't wait for him to come home. LOL...he then came home early, lol.
pear / 1974 posts
@Dandelion: I look at every day that has passed as a milestone for me! I'm a bit on the paranoid side with this pregnancy and I just want this first trimester over with, so I can kind of stop stressing... today is 5w 6d for me.
pear / 1974 posts
Does anyone NOT have one bit of morning sickness? while i'm thankful, because I cannot stand feeling nauseated, I can't help but think, is there something wrong?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@chibee: I went through my first pregnancy with not a bit of it.
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