apricot / 335 posts
@LovelyPlum: Umm this is a fantastic excuse for a new winter jacket and has actually inspired me to start looking
watermelon / 14206 posts
I woke up this morning with no spotting and no soreness. I'm glad, since I start classes today, I didn't want to worry about any extra stress!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Dandelion: Great news.
I am starting to worry because a lot of my symptoms come and go and aren't really strong. I didn't have much except fatigue with my daughter so I know I shouldn't worry but my first appointment can't come soon enough.
apricot / 335 posts
So I decided to weigh myself since my belly is swollen to the size of Texas right now. I counted calories before I got pregnant and upped them from 1600 to 2100. However, if I am hungry I eat more. Anyway, I thought for sure I had gained at least 5 pounds because of this and maybe bloating. Well, not I'm not so sure that this is bloating because I haven't gained anything...I am the same weight I was before I got pregnant yet here I am with a big belly. Crazy stuff.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@megz06: It is crazy! I know many people who don't gain much but basically it moves from other areas to their belly.
cherry / 202 posts
@dandelion: I'm so glad for your no-spotting morning. I'm keeping such good thoughts for you!
Sorry I've been a little MIA. I'm going to catch up on this thread today while I think happy thoughts
apricot / 344 posts
@megz06: Ugh, I'm currently wearing my s t r e t c h y "skinny jeans" which were a little too big in the waist anyway. They are saving my life right now. I don't FEEL that bloated, but the idea of anything tight is not appealing to me.
@Dandelion: Yay for no spotting! Have a great first day of classes! Stay hydrated!
@T.H.O.U.: Maybe you're just one of those lucky ones! Or it just hasn't hit yet?! I keep thinking of those shows on TLC, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"... apparently, that happens? (I think it's bogus, but it happens enough to make a show about it?!) So maybe this will be another easy one for you!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Dandelion: So glad things are looking better today! Hope your classes go well. ^_^
@megz06: I'm right there with you! I haven't gained anything, but I look clearly pregnant with this belly and I'm only 4w2d!
@T.H.O.U.: Sorry you're feeling worried. I know it's hard sometimes. But I'm sure everything is good, and it's totally normal not to have excessive symptoms and for them to fluctuate! Hope you can feel better until your appointment settles your mind properly!
So I think DH is getting worried that I'm going to get super fat. I'm in maternity pants for comfort because of bloating, and I don't think he really gets that bloating does not equal fat! He kept giving me worried looks when I was eating right before bed. But if I don't I wake up super hungry in the middle of the night. Gonna have to work on reassuring him. ^_^
clementine / 943 posts
@Dandelion: glad to hear your spotting stopped! I had reddish-brown spotting (only when I went to the bathroom) with my first until about week 10. My doctor told me its totally normal, although I can't remember why she said it happens. As long as there aren't bad cramps, baby should be a-OK.
@T.H.O.U.: I don't have any symptoms other than fatigue either!! That was the same with my first, so maybe we are just lucky ladies who don't get sick? I had super sore boobies by week 6 with my first, and this time none at all, and I'm WAY more emotional this time around. Like seriously, I've already cried three times this morning. One- because we were out of coffee; 2- because DH joked that DS might be bi-polar because he was crying and then he was able to make him giggle right after (seriously??? Not cool to joke about that!!) and 3- Because I was cranky in the car on the way to work (no coffee!!!) and DH said, "You are acting so pregnant right now!!".
Like, give me a break. I am pregnant. I haven't had any coffee, and I can't control my emotions. It's not like its fun.
Anyway, yaaaaay pregnancy!!!
apricot / 344 posts
@Torchwood: Yes on the middle of the night hunger. Actually, it's all the time hunger over here.
Ok. I'm so hungryyyyyy. BUT after one apple slice, I feel grossed out. I literally 'ate' Gatorade for dinner last night. I'm not really nauseous, but NOTHING sounds or tastes good.
And someone please get @Pink Champagne: a coffee, for the love of all that is good!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@PEAPIE: Definitely with you on all the time hunger but nothing sounds good. I've been eating a lot of hawaiian sweet rolls. Filling enough and they usually sound edible.
apricot / 344 posts
@Torchwood: OMG! That sounds so good. But I'm gluten free which RUINS EVERYTHING.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@PEAPIE: I think I might actually starve if I were gluten free right now. Bread products are almost all that sounds good. And cheese. I've eaten a lot of cheese.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Also, today is the day FF says AF would be due. It's also the day when my doctor should get the results from my first blood draw. She said they'd only call if something was wrong, and I'd hear from them for real on Fri after second blood draw results were in. I'm still in such disbelief that I'm actually pregnant, so I feel like I just need to get through today and then it will be real. I definitely don't feel like AF is coming, and I'm still testing every day until I run out of tests, cause why not, and they're getting steadily darker. So I'm not worried. I just totally can't believe it!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Dandelion: no, they didn't. Though, it was a few days after a TV. ultrasound, and I had been straining to use the bathroom. So, either one may have been the culprit. I had more this morning, and the circumstances are similar. Still scary, but I'm trying not to freak out about it. I'm glad yours stopped!
@T.H.O.U.: you're 5 weeks? I think I saw on here somewhere that symptoms can disappear between the initial cramping/discomfort and 6 weeks. But I agree, I hope your appointment gets here soon!
@megz06: lucky duck-I am definitely up a few pounds. I suspect that is mostly from constipation, pelvic rest (so no exercise), and the fact that much of what tastes good to me is bread. But now that my body has decided that eating is for chumps, my guess is that it evens out. And my belly is getting bigger ,too...I can feel it getting harder and rounder in spots...it is crazy!
@sweetkeight: thinking happy thoughts with you, love!
@PEAPIE: too big, stretchy skinny jeans are the only pants I like that aren't yoga pants! And food is gross. It is so sad.
@Torchwood: I'm sorry about DH. Bloat is just super uncomfy-if I owned them, I would be in maternity pants right now!
@Pink Champagne: I agree, someone needs to get you some coffee, stat!
So I wrote about it in the miscarriage fears thread, but I will post here too: I had a pretty rough night last night. I came to the realization that while I know that I am pregnant, I'm not sure I believe that means I'm carrying a baby that I will someday get to meet. Instead, I think I'm convinced that I'm carrying a bay that I'm waiting to lose and mourn its loss. I keep having these intrusive thoughts about loss and miscarriage, not seeing a HB and needing a d&c. It is scary and exhausting, and I know it worries DH to no end. I know I should be thrilled that we have seen a heartbeat twice, but I just can't help but think of the next time there will be an opportunity to find out it isn't there.
So, I think it i time for me to go back to counseling. I don't know that I ever fully worked through what was a pretty traumatic spring/early summer, and while it kills me to admit it, my depression is not something I used to have in the past. It is here now, and I have to deal with it. It is super scary, but it has to be done.
And on that note, I hope you all are well.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Torchwood: that sounds delish!! Also, I love cheese. As far as AF goes, I remember that day-it freaked me out. But hooray for being pregnant!
@PEAPIE: I was GF leading up to this pregnancy, and for a while during. Then I fell off the bandwagon, because bagels have gotten me through many a meal.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Pink Champagne: I hope I'm luck and maybe it means another girl?
@LovelyPlum: Yes I'm 5 weeks. I hope thats why the symptoms go away. There is enough that I know I don't feel normal or 100% but not enough to convince me I'm pregnant.
apricot / 344 posts
@LovelyPlum: Oh yes. I used to eat bagels a lot, three years ago. Sad. Well it's a whole other story when it's an actual allergy, not just a diet. I can't really "cheat" without major consequences. And now it's more important that I stay GF, so I can absorb the nutrients baby needs to grow! But no worries, I can still make my own goodies! Just not bagels, or hawaiian bread... unfortunately.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@PEAPIE: My sister in law had severe celiac, and couldn't even touch gluten. Then when she had her daughter somehow being pregnant cured it. She can eat whatever she wants now. So fingers crossed that maybe your allergy will get better too! ^_^
apricot / 344 posts
@Torchwood: REALLY?! My Dr. never told me that could happen!!!! That just made my day!!!! Let's HOPE.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@PEAPIE: Yep. I'm honestly not sure I'd even believe it if I hadn't known her both before and after. It seems so bizarre! But I've watched her down pizza and bread like crazy, and my niece is almost 3 with no regression.
pear / 1974 posts
@LovelyPlum: I'm sorry you're having a hard time, but I really hope that counseling can help you work through everything.
For those of you that have already had an appointment - did you get a prenatal vitamin rx? If so, what did you get? Just curious. I got Prenate Mini.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@chibee: My doctor prescribed progesterone and folic acid (she wants me to take a TON), but not prenatals. Possibly because I was already taking them? I'm taking some from Whole Foods that are plant based.
cherry / 166 posts
I'm back after a long time away. Been ttc for 3 years-hubs has low morphology and I've got dor. Finally got our bfp aft iui #5 with follistim.
EDD if you have one: April 18th based on iui conception date
When Did You Find Out?: 11 dpo
Child Number: #1
Where You Live: NE Ohio
What kind of provider will you see?: OB GYN
When's Your First Appointment?: 8/28 although I had an ultrasound last week due to some heavy bleeding. Beta's keep doubling, still not sure why I'm having off and on heavy bleeding..
What kind of birth do you want?: One that results in a healthy baby and a healthy mama!
What You're Most Excited For: Finally being a mom.
What You're Most Scared About: Giving birth
Symptoms so far: minor nausea, sore/larger breasts, tired, lower back pain, hungry all the time but nothing sounds good & can't eat much at one time, heartburn
Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: Vacation in September-MIL excited to do some baby shopping since we'll be near several outlet malls!
Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart: Too lazy to get up and get my phone to upload a pic lol
apricot / 335 posts
@tessabella76: Congrats and welcome! So happy you got pregnant, and I hope that this baby sticks. I bet the bleeding is scary, but it sounds like you are in good hands. Thinking of you!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@chibee: thank you And no, I am taking the ViaFusion gummies. They just wanted to make sure there was dha in them.
@tessabella76: congratulations!! I'm sorry about the bleeding scares. But I'm glad you're here with us!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: counseling is a good thing! While I haven't experienced any losses before, having DD has now made me extremely nervous. The first time around I was pretty niaeve and disconnected until 20 weeks and now, knowing what this pregnancy could bring me, makes me so nervous something bad will happen
I've been feeling okay lately. Only want to eat chicken fingers lol Trying to keep up with exercise has gone okay. It actually gives me some more energy or helps me nap
@tessabella76: welcome and congrats
cherry / 245 posts
@LovelyPlum: I second hat counseling is so very good for you. I would not be the person I am right now without therapy.
@tessabella76: Welcome! Sending lots of sticky baby thoughts in your direction.
apricot / 344 posts
@LovelyPlum: You've been through a lot! I'm sure therapy would be a good thing. It would help you to heal and reclaim your joy! You deserve happiness lady!
@tessabella76: What a journey you've had! Welcome and congratulations!
coconut / 8079 posts
@tessabella76: welcome & congrats
@LovelyPlum: hope that talking to a counselor helps you to work through things. you've been through a lot! thanks for always being such an encouragement to all of us here
coconut / 8079 posts
Feeling pretty awful today & really having trouble eating. I got sick during the night and didn't sleep well. I really want to tell my parents in a fun way but may have to just call my mom & tell her because I'm just an emotional mess!!
I hope tomorrow is better.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@chibee: @luckypenny: @Kate6214: @PEAPIE: @jhd: thank you all. I've been before, but I need it now. I hate that my fear and guilt is taking the joy out of this pregnancy, and I hate that I am just waiting for bad news. It is so draining, and not what anyone deserves.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: I'm so sorry, honey. That is the worst. I told my mama because I needed her (well, and because she called me on it, lol). If you need her, do it. And hang in there. I hope you get some relief. Are you doing anything for the nausea?
pomelo / 5607 posts
I just realized, doctor hours are over, and no phone call saying my blood test was bad! Yay! Now to survive till I get the results of both on Friday. I am officially stepping away from the hpt's. Had one that was lighter today, and I let it worry me way too much. One definite positive that's a little lighter than yesterday is not a cause for concern!
pomelo / 5607 posts
Oy, double post because I swear it wasn't showing no matter what I did!
Also, I feel like I'm not really contributing to this thread except to update about myself. I just don't really have much to offer the ones who are struggling, and my only experience with spotting/bleeding was a loss, so no one wants to hear that. Though for what it's worth, mine was not much like any that I've seen mentioned on here. So, sorry I'm not bringing much.
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