cherry / 202 posts
@Torchwood: My sister had slow numbers like yours and delivered a healthy boy just two months ago. Keep your chin up - it's not over til it's over! *HUG*
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Dandelion: question-what does RLP feel like? Because I think I might have some
papaya / 10343 posts
Hi all! I'm not sure if I belong here because I calculated my due date at May 3... but there is no May board yet and lord knows I could be wrong so hopefully you'll let me straddle the line here for a bit until I get it figured out!!
EDD if you have one: May 3.. supposedly.
When Did You Find Out?: 10 dpo
Child Number: 1
Where You Live: o-hi-o
What kind of provider will you see?: My regular doc for now. After the 8 week appointment if everything is looking good I may explore other options.
When's Your First Appointment?: Sept 19 for my first u/s-- cannot wait!
What kind of birth do you want?: The kind that ends up with a healthy baby and mom. I don't know if I care yet how we get there.
What You're Most Excited For: At the moment, telling my parents. This is unexpected so they are going to FLIP OUT!
What You're Most Scared About: losing it. It sort of seems too good to be true and I'm just so nervous about this baby not sticking.
Symptoms so far: Nothing really. I was sort of cranky last weekend and I've been burping more/ having a somewhat metallic taste in my mouth for 2-3 days. But pretty minor stuff.
Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: I have a busy fall coming up! I have 3 trips planned and work is going to be nuts. I'm hoping I don't get too sick to enjoy my favorite season!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: In your pelvic area, it's like sharp stabbing pains, especially when you do a quick movement or sneeze or something. It's a pain, but it's a good sign that your little one is growing!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Mae: Welcome! You're more than welcome to hang out here until the May boards show up...and even after! I'm on the March board, too, since I'm due April 6, but scheduling a csection at the end of March.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: My comments have not been showing, too...told Mr. Bee about it. It doesn't show up sometimes until after someone else says something.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: Yeah, pregnancy is weird cause it makes time fly and go by slowly all at the same time, lol.
I just really spammed you, sorry.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Dandelion: oh my time is going so slow right now but I know Apil will come so quickly.
I am So So ready for this appointment. I know I don't want it before 7 weeks because I want to be able to confidently see a heartbeat (not oh come back). But I am counting the hours! I am tying to think of fun stuff to do this weekend and next so Sept 3 comes faster. Any suggestions?
cherry / 166 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Our ultrasound is the 28th and I'll be 6w5d and I'm really hoping we'll be able to see the heartbeat! I know it's a little early but I'm crossing my fingers!
cherry / 202 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Ideas? Yes, here's what I would do if I had time this weekend:
1) Go to the bookstore and wander the kids section to pick up ideas for books to get from the library to read to the new wee one. (Did I read that you already have a LO? Perhaps books about having a new sibling, then?)
2) Create playlists in iTunes for relaxation, needing-waking-up, labor, and lullaby-times.
3) Planning quick snacks for my poor weirded-out stomach.
4) Going to Home Depot or Lowe's to imagine good paint colors for a nursery (we won't have a nursery, but it's fun to pick out fun colors...)
5) Trading massages with DH - he gives good foot rubs, I give good back rubs.
6) Exploring the parks in my city to find one I can visit on lazy days prior to labor, and then after with Teeny.
7) Creating a tshirt to wear in a photo to announce the pregnancy on FB.
(Something about "fortress of solitude" will be included - I'm a huge Superman nerd-fan.)
8) Getting a free makeover at Sephora/MAC (Nordstrom's)
9) Getting fitted for a maternity bra...
10) Creating a notebook of smoothie recipes so I can stomach eating veggies (can't right now, but need 'em) with the fruit I'm craving constantly.
11) Planning the garden we'll tend after Teeny is born
12) Reviewing FMLA regulations for maternity leave at my work and seeing about short-term disability without my boss finding out just yet...
Erm, that's all I've got now. I'm sure more will come to me...
watermelon / 14206 posts
Spotting a bit when I wipe again this morning. Ugh. I'm hating this so much. No cramping, so I know it's probably fine...just it's hard not to be nervous.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@sweetkeight: Those are some great ideas, especially planning some snacks. I also want to get a good meal plan ready for next week and do some good grocery shopping.
@Dandelion: I'm sorry, that would make me really nervous too, but it is probably nothing.
papaya / 10343 posts
@Dandelion: Ugh that sucks. I keep preparing myself for that happening because I know it must be so scary! But I try to remind myself that literally every pregnant friend I've had has had spotting and wound up with a perfect baby... so it really is super common. (One of them even had spotting bad enough and early enough that she thought she was having her period and didn't realize she was pregnant until she was 8 weeks when she missed her SECOND period!!)
apricot / 335 posts
@Mae: Welcome!! Hang out with us all you want!
@Dandelion: I do not envy you. I really hope this quits soon
clementine / 811 posts
OH my goodness, I go back to work for a few days and I miss paaages of stuff!
Welcome to all the new mamas!
I saw some stuff about spotting when I skimmed (I'll go back later and re read for real) but I wanted to put my two cents in, that when I had my u/s the other week the tech said that I had a blood spot on the placenta that was totally normal and that could cause some spotting or just reabsorb. So there is another possibility that someone may or may not have mentioned, but could help alleviate some (maybe a little bit??) of stress.
As for me, four days of work (luckily have today off) and going back to work was tough. I made it three days w/o having to have my reserve half caff (so no coffee those days) and one day where it was a wonderful pick me up to get me through the last hours. Yesterday though, I came home and feel asleep at 730 pm for a two hour "nap" and woke up at 930 to go up to bed and sleep until 730 am. Yes, that is 12 hours. This is the second time I've done this recently. Oh fatigue, you're kicking my butt.
In other news, we are fiiinally breaking the news to the ILs. Having a delayed bday dinner for MIL tonight, and will have mother, father, sister, and soon to be brother-in-laws over. DH is SO excited to tell them. My MIL has been ON us since bf we were engaged about grand babies. Apparently she lamented to my dad at my SILs engagement party a few weeks ago that she thought we were NEVER going to have kids (we have been married for exactly one year. Easy!) My dad got a kick out of that bc he knows we're KU, haha. She is going to FREAK. We have a bday card from her future grand baby saying they can't wait to meet her in late march/early april, hehe.
AND bff and her hubby are visiting this weekend, so we get to tell them too. Then I think we're stopping until after next appt.
Ok, enough about me--long post, oops!-- I'll respond once I catch up
apricot / 335 posts
@HazelEyes: Awesome! I hope your MIL has a great reaction, at least better than mine. My MIl had been on us as well for the last few months, and when we actually surprised her we got close to nothing other than a smile. I think she just wants to tell people though and she can't so she has no one to talk to about it and gush. Once she does, I think she will become increasingly excited.
kiwi / 630 posts
@sweetkeight: you always have such great ideas!!! Maternity bra fitting is definitely on my list
@Dandelion: I'm sorry it comes and goes but no cramping is a great sign!!!!
@T.H.O.U.: good luck with your meal planning, I need to do the same but it's hard when nothing sounds appetizing - except avocados, black beans, tortillas and cheese haha
@HazelEyes: have fun and good luck sharing the news!!! Sounds like you've been a champ at work
I've been somewhat MIA because being on a computer/iPad/iPhone makes me even more nauseous but welcome to all the new mama's! Hope everyone has a great weekend with lots of naps!
papaya / 10343 posts
@HazelEyes: Have fun telling your inlaws!!
I am also telling my parents this weekend. I'm only 4 weeks so I'm sort of nervous about telling them so early-- but I really want to tell them in person and I won't see them again until late October and I do not trust myself to keep this secret for two whole months! Especially because I chat with my mom almost every day on the phone.
So yea, nervous to tell them so early but over all SUPER excited to tell them! I've been married 2.5 years and they've been pushing for grand babies all along. I know they are going to be SUPER pumped. It's my dad's birthday so I wrapped up a baby board book and wrote in his card that he's going to need this in Spring 2014.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: hope spotting stops soon! Mine made me nervous too but I'm sure it's ok
@HazelEyes: have fun telling everyone!
@Mae: welcome & congrats!!
apricot / 344 posts
@cmbknyc: (I may or may not have bought 10 cans of organic black beans yesterday - on sale 10 for $10. But I love black beans, good fiber good protein!)
@Mae: Cute idea for your Dad's Birthday!
@megz06: I'm worried my own mother will have a weird reaction. She's always been really unpredictable in reacting to my life choices. When I decided to quit my job and move to be closer to DH (fiancé at the time) so that we could move forward with our lives, she told me that I was just going to "get married, get knocked up and not do anything with my life". So yeah, not the sentimental type! Haha! But she's better now. I hope...
@Dandelion: Keep Calm and Carry On, girl. I'm sure everything will be fine, especially if there is no cramping/pain. But I'm sorry you've been in a constant state of worry. That would really be upsetting to me too.
@HazelEyes: So I feel like the consensus is, family birthday's are a great time to break the news? My MIL's B-day is Sept 10th... and BIL&SIL will be there too so, I guess it's pretty convenient. I just don't want to steal her Birthday-thunder...
5w1d Today. And nothing to report really. I ate like a normal person yesterday. I guess that's big news. I'm also getting RLP. Sometimes I feel it when I'm turning over in bed, or when I get out of my desk chair or reaching for aforementioned black beans on the top shelf at the grocery store. I feel like it's too early for those pains, but I guess a uterus has got to do what it's got to do to accommodate.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@T.H.O.U.: @Mae: @megz06: @cmbknyc: @PEAPIE: It's gone away since that first wipe this morning. I gotta just keep going, day by day. Only 3 weeks until my ultrasound!
papaya / 10343 posts
@Dandelion: Woot, you can do it! I can't believe how slowly time moves when you're waiting for something as big as an ultrasound. I keep hoping at some point I'll forget I'm pregnant (ha ha ha) and get back to my life and then be like OH right I'm doing that today awesome.
Spending all this time on HB prob isn't helping my cause though..... lol
pomelo / 5607 posts
So, had to take the cat to the vet today, and she pooped on me. Which made me heave big time and almost vomit. And you know what? I'm kinda happy about it. I have had almost no nausea, and almost hurling makes me feel a little more like I'm really pregnant and maybe this one will stick even with questionable numbers.
Also, I just realized that b6 is supposed to help with ms, and I've been taking it since before I got pregnant. Maybe that's part of why I haven't had any issues?
papaya / 10343 posts
@Torchwood: Now there is a silver lining if I've ever heard one! haha. I would've been hard pressed to find something good in getting crapped on by my cat.
apricot / 448 posts
@Dandelion: I'm glad it stopped! Hopefully that will be the last you see of it!!
@HazelEyes: Have fun telling everyone!! Hopefully your MIL doesn't go straight for your stomach like mine did!
I had my first Ultrasound yesterday!! Got to see the little peanut and the heartbeat!! My husband was amazed! My due date got moved to April 7th, so @LovelyPlum: @cmbknyc: @mrsspadusa: if it's alright with you guys, I would like to join the April 7th Party!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Mae: Ha ha, yeah, I was VERY not happy at the time. It's definitely a retrospective happy.
watermelon / 14206 posts
I'm also very sleepy today, so at least with the spotting going on, I know that the other symptoms are still going strong.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@jill_a55: Oh, lucky you got an ultrasound! Maybe with 4 of you due on the day, one of you might actually deliver that day!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@Torchwood: I tell Zeus (my cat in my avatar) that all the time. It's a good thing he's cute! His alternate name is Mr. Naughtypants.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: haha I call my toddler miss naughty pants on occasion
persimmon / 1273 posts
@cmbknyc: I am similarly nauseous when on a computer/phone/whatever. It definitely makes it worse. If I switch to glasses, it helps, but I've been avoiding electronics as much as I can. Good thing I'm a teacher and my job doesn't revolve entirely on being on a computer -- I'd be in big trouble!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@HazelEyes: hooray for making it through! I've got students starting Monday, but fortunately I have two four-day weeks in a row. I'm hopeful that feeling better is coming soon, but I'm expecting the first few weeks of school to be pretty tough.
persimmon / 1273 posts
I have been feeling so sick & tired that I've barely been able to get online, especially because the computer seems to make the nausea worse. I made it through teacher inservice and now will face students on Monday. I'm a little nervous, but I think I'll be okay. My nausea has been at its worst in the evenings on workdays, so I think I can at least get through the school day. It's scary to not be able to leave the room if I need to, so I'm just really hoping all is ok!
Had a first ultrasound yesterday and saw the heartbeat, which was pretty exciting. Then got milkshakes to celebrate haha. My husband has taken to calling the baby "Mr. Gilmore Jr, the 55th president of the United States," which I find charming.
Today I am craving tuna with pickles, which is progress because I haven't eaten anything besides cereal and waffles in days!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
April Due Dates!
4/1 - hazeleyes
4/2 - gilmoregirl
4/6 - dandelion
4/7 - lovelyplum, cmbknyc, mrsspadusa, jill_a55
4/8 - luckypenny
4/13 - megz06, chibee
4/14 - supernovaj
4/18 - nana87, charityanne, tessabella76 (welcome!)
4/19 - pink champagne, tbuzz (welcome!)
4/20 - THOU
4/21 - jhd
4/24 - littleveesmommy, babybeemcd
4/25 - PEAPIE
4/28 - torchwood, kate6214
May 3rd - Mae (welcome!)
grapefruit / 4582 posts
Let me know if due dates need updating. I try to keep up after doc appt changes them but this list moves so fast!
@gilmoregirl: there's an in n out right next to OBs office so I always celebrate with milkshakes too glad everything went well!
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