Hellobee Boards


April 2014 Mamas!

  1. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Yum. tuna with pickles. That actually sounds appealing. And I love the nickname from your husband, lol.

  2. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @Dandelion: So glad the spotting has stopped. Hang in there!

    @Sweetkeight: That is such an awesome list! So many great ideas.

    I'm feeling so blah these days. Still in a big fog, queasy all day and SO tired. But no vomiting. It's like a really bad hangover. I napped today for 4 hours (haha) and finally mustered the energy to go to the gym. I've been really slacking these days and it's making my fatigue worse. I used to be a gym rat but in the last two weeks, I just can't. Also, I'm really backed up. So annoying! I had an appointment today and they gave me a bunch of prescription prenatals with DHA and stool softener. Two ingredients my currents ones are lacking. I know OTC is just as good and these prescription ones are likely pricey but I will probably look into these once the samples run out. Anyone have experience with CitraNatal, NexaPlus, etc? They gave me like 5 different brands to try but I'm nervous some of them will make me retch.

    I had my first official prenatal exam today. More details on the appointment board. I'm measuring smaller at 6w1d than if we go by my ovulation date, so back to the OB in 3 weeks to re-measure but my current EDD is 4/11. We saw the embryo and the blood pulsing through the little peanut. It was moving around. So fascinating! I hope the next three weeks are uneventful and the baby continues to grow and stay healthy. I have a big work trip coming up and will be in Beijing (ugh) for a week and will have the OB appointment the day after I get back. It'll be a long and exhausting three weeks I'm sure!

  3. jill_a55

    apricot / 448 posts

    @luckypenny: I was craving In-n-out a couple days ago, after eating hardly anything for like 4 days...holy moly, that burger was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life!

  4. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    Has anyone lost weight so far? I just got home (yayyyy!!!!) for the first time since getting my and stepped on the scale--I weigh about 4 lbs less than I did when I was home last month (which is the last time I weighed myself). I've read online that that can be kind of normal, what with morning sickness, and I'll ask my dr about it at my appointment on Tuesday anyway, but still, seems really weird! I'm a little overweight anyway (bmi even with the weight loss is still ~26.5) so it's not like I'm wasting away. I haven't really been watching what I'm eating, just trying to eat small meals/snacks frequently because I feel sick when I'm either too hungry or too stuffed, and trying to get enough protein. Plus taking prenatals. I really thought I'd gained weight though because I feel so bloated, I look like I have a bump already except it's soft when I touch it, haha

  5. megz06

    apricot / 335 posts

    @SupernovaJ: Glad your appointment went well. I haven't tried those prenatals. I use New Chapter, which you can get online. I like them because you take 3 a day, and while it is a pain to remember to take them, it is easier on your stomach. Gummies are supposed to be easier on your stomach as well. I was having constipation, and one of the nurses told me to get prunes. She gets ones called orange essence, and they taste amazing. They are the only thing helping me since I don't want to take any meds at this point.

    @nana87: The sickness usually makes you lose weight from what I have read. I would ask the Dr when you go just to make sure everything is still ok.

  6. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    @megz06: I take new chapter too. The only vitamins that don't make me feel sick, nauseous, or constipated. I made DH buy their daily formula!

  7. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    What is everyone up to this weekend?

    We are headed to Monterey for a music festival. Not sure how long I'll last lol but the tickets and hotel cost a fortune so I'm goin to try and make it. If not, at least I can spend the day ordering room service and laying in a hotel bed. Grandma has DD for the weekend so I hope I can at least sleep in!

  8. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes!

    Telling the ILs went really well. DH couldnt wait so said he "found" a card w MILs name on it at our house (?) and it was the card from the Bean. There was lots of welling up--MIL, SIL and even stoic FIL!--but not the big reaction that we kind of expected, haha. But everyone is VERY excited.

    Now to tell bff and hubby today!

    I didn't sleep well last night at all. Got up and moved to the couch finally at 4am. This better not last, I'm too tired to not sleep!

    @SupernovaJ: I take Rainbow Light prenatal and DHA vitamins and they are plant based too. They are the only ones I found that didn't seriously mess with my system. I've done the one a day and the three a day (take two in the morning w the DHA, then one before bed) seems to be fine. Hope you figure this out!

  9. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @gilmoregirl: Ohhh, students change everything. I have inservice next week, so no students until after labor day... deep breath, we will get through this. It is just a few weeks. (That is what I keep trying to tell myself.)

  10. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @luckypenny: sounds like a blast!!!

    DD and I went to garage sales this morning and got some cute stuff including a picnic table, little scooter and some clothes and books for about $30

  11. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    When DH told his mom about my numbers being iffy, she suggested that maybe it was originally twins and one was lost/isn't going to make it. I have NO idea if that's a possibility, but it makes sense to me. So don't tell me if that's not likely, because that's going to be my way of staying positive. At least it's an explanation that could still have a happy ending.

  12. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    I'm so behind on this thread! I'll try to catch up in a bit. In the meantime, I am trying to rest up this weekend before school starts on Monday. I'm super nervous, because I've been feeling so awful, but I hope it gives me something to distract myself with!

    Enjoy your weekend, everyone

  13. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @Torchwood: Could be!

  14. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @nana87: I'm pretty sure I'm losing weight. I don't have a scale, but I'm feeling my clothes fit looser. Happened to me last pregnancy, too.

  15. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    Wow, being pregnant makes it really hard not to be obsessed about something!

    I've been reading things online about spotting, and it looks like my spotting is probably from my cervix, because of the type that it is. It's still frustrating having to wait 3 more weeks for an ultrasound, but since other symptoms are still present (sore boobs, queasy stomach, tired afternoons), I'm going to assume everything is ok. At least as much as I can!

  16. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Dandelion: I'm sorry you're still spotting. They won't get you in earlier, even for spotting? And you're right, it is almost impossible not to obsess!

  17. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I don't have cramping and its not heavy. Its only a few times a day when I wipe and slightly more in the mornings. I've only been told to not do anything and no sex until the spotting goes away. I just hope it doesn't go on until the 13th. I had neglecting dh lol.

  18. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @gilmoregirl: good luck on your 1st day with students! @hazeleyes: I like your positive thinking! Just a few weeks and we will get through this.
    This will be my first full week with students since their first week of school was only Wed-Fri and then last week I was off on Fri for my first appt. I'm nervous.

  19. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    @nana87: I have lost a couple pounds. The week before I found out I was super hungry but nausea has really set in & I am finding it hard to eat anything besides saltines and applesauce. DH said he will hide the scale if its going to give me more reasons to worry!

  20. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @jhd: hang in there! I start tomorrow, too. We can do this!

    @nana87: at the beginning, I put on 3-4 pounds of bloat and water weight, but with the not eating, I've since dropped a few. DH has already hidden my scale.

  21. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Dandelion: yeah, my poor DH has only recently not been neglected, and that may have to tide him over for a while. Though to be fair, he was nervous about it, too.

  22. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    @Dandelion: I hear ya on worrying about every little thing! I hope your spotting resolves itself completely, very soon.

    I woke up today to no nausea and the extreme fatigue was gone. I had been feeling extremely queasy and hangoverish the last week and today I feel like a different person. I also started having some consistent cramping in my left side (pulsating, jabbing pains). I'm thinking corpus luteum cramps? The ultrasound the other day confirmed I ovulated from the left side and she said it was swollen. No idea. There's no spotting and the cramps are mildy umcomfortable, not severe. Only thing I've done differently in the last day was take prescription prenatals that contain B6 which might help with the nausea. My bloating and overall gross feeling is also gone. I have to say that without the nausea I do feel worried, especially because I was miserable in the last week, like a hungover zombie. It's like all of a sudden I don't feel preggers. Blah, it's so hard not to worry about every little thing.

  23. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @torchwood: I've wondered about the b6 helping with ms for me, too. I have had hardly any ms and I've been on daily 100mg of b6 since last month, just queasy once in awhile. I've got the fatigue for sure, but seemingly very little else to say that I'm having symptoms of pregnancy. It sounds weird, but I've almost wished for a bit more to just confirm...

    @supernovaj: I've had that same cramping over the past 24 hours - a pulsating pinch that seems located in one spot. No bleeding, just the crampy-pinch. It freaks me out for sure. FX that it's cl cramps, like you said!

  24. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @sweetkeight: I totally understand wishing I had more symptoms. I'm definitely feeling tired, and hungry, but overall I just don't feel *that* different. More symptoms would make me worry a little less.

  25. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    I agree my poor DH is neglected. I blame the fatigue and just blah.

    I told him today that I feel like I am on that allergy commercial and living in a fog. I just can't wake up, can't focus, and don't have the physical energy to get going.

  26. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @Torchwood: Let's think good thoughts and keep focused on good outcomes together, k? If I recall correctly, you should hear something back tomorrow? Or is that wrong...

  27. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @sweetkeight: I've had that cramping, too. It could also be Round Ligament Pain...based on the fact that mine is by my hip bones, that is what I figured mine is. But it is worrisome!

    I've had a few hours of nausea relief today, which is welcome, but I agree-anything that doesn't feel like it has the past few weeks makes me antsy! Though I do like that I can eat. That is a good thing. And I'm certain that now that I've said that out loud (or relly, now that it is getting later), I'm in for it again.

    @Torchwood: fingers crossed for tomorrow!

  28. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @sweetkeight: I have another blood draw tomorrow. So fingers crossed for good numbers, though I won't know till tues or wed. But definitely focusing on positive thoughts with you!

    @lovelyplum: Thanks!

  29. tessabella76

    cherry / 166 posts

    @SupernovaJ: I'm a worrier too! If my boobs aren't sore I start to freak out even though I keep complaining about how sore they are!

  30. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @Torchwood: Well, I will hope for FAST news for you and that it's the best possible news! I will think about high high numbers, ok?

    @tessabella76: DH has caught me on more than one occasion feeling my boobs to see if they hurt, or if I'm just imagining it. Most times, they do, but I can't tell until I worry about them just a little Huzzah for worriers!

  31. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I've had the hip bone thing, too - it's weird, cause it comes and goes and I think "Surely my uterus isn't stretching to over there...?" But on it goes. I also get the pelvic bone thing and the I-can't-sit-on-a-chair-anymore thing... I'm hoping it's all just part of it and I try to relax, but you know how it goes...

  32. SupernovaJ

    persimmon / 1141 posts

    Aww ladies. The support here is truly the best.
    Sending you all the best thoughts as well...it can get so nerve wracking and our emotions can definitely make us think irrationally. Good luck on any blood work and appointments coming up. Praying for healthy babies for us all. Thank you for being so supportive and reassuring / encouraging. I'm going to try and not dwell too much, though that's easier said than done.

  33. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    Hi ladies, I ended up in the emergency room all of today (Sunday) bec I had spotting and shoulder pain, my dr feared an ectopic pregnancy. Good news is no ectopic pregnancy. Shocking news is that I'm pregnant with twins! Bad news is that I'm measuring 6w2d for baby #1 and 5w5d for baby #2 and only showing a heartbeat for #1. They did say it's normal to not see a heartbeat so early for #2. I'm measuring 2 weeks behind what I should be my cervix is still closed so all we can do now is wait to see if my hcg doubles is the next few days and pray... I'm worried, sad and shocked.

    Thank you for letting me put it out there and Sorry for the long post - just needed to get this off my chest.

  34. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @cmbknyc: wow! I'm glad you are ok and I'm sure you are very shocked. I hope all goes ok and this is just normal. When will you go back for a follow up?

  35. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @cmbknyc: Oh my, twins! How shocking! I hope babies stay safe in there!

  36. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @SupernovaJ: @sweetkeight: Yep, that sounds like RLP. Just your uterus stretching and making room!

  37. cmbknyc

    kiwi / 630 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: @Dandelion: thanks for the well wishes! I had an ultrasound already scheduled at my obgyn today so I have to call this morning to see what they want me to do next. From what the ER obgyn said I'll probably be Going in for blood and ultrasounds several times in the coming weeks.

    I keep going from excitement to reality checking that this may all end very soon so trying to keep the emotions at bay...

    @Dandelion: I'm sorry you keep spotting! From what they said at the ER it's completely normal and not to be alarmed unless it's bright red and enough to fill 2 pads an hour. Hope that brings you comfort until you make it in to the dr.

  38. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @cmbknyc: Today I'm not spotting...hopefully my cervix has decided to give it a rest! lol Still a long ways until the 13th!

    I'm glad you have another ultrasound today. Hopefully you can get some good answers about what is going on!

  39. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @jhd: @gilmoregirl: @LovelyPlum: Good luck today ladies! We can do this.

    @SupernovaJ: That happened to me too. It is a great relief, but it is a little too good to be true.

    @Torchwood: Good luck today at your appt

    @cmbknyc: Ah!!!! What?? Omg, all my fingers and toes are crossed really hard for you

  40. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @cmbknyc: That is great that you get to go in again today for another check up.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! Another week down, I am finally at 6 weeks and cannot wait for my appointment next tuesday.

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