persimmon / 1141 posts
@cmbknyc: Wow what an update. I hope your twins continue to grow and thrive! It must really be a combination of feelings - shock, excitement, fear. Will be thinking if you today and the weeks to come.
kiwi / 630 posts
@Dandelion: good I'm so glad!!! @HazelEyes: thank you so much I need it all right now @T.H.O.U.: yes I'm glad as well, I feel like they'll be better equipped to answer some of the bigger questions @SupernovaJ: thank you so much!! It means a lot - I really am so lucky to have you guys as a support system
Good luck to all the appointments today!!!!! Can't wait to read updates
apricot / 335 posts
@cmbknyc: Twins! Oh my...I am praying so hard for you right now. I can't imagine the many different things you are feeling right now. I hope you get good news soon
eggplant / 11408 posts
@cmbknyc: oh my goodness, twins! Hoping and praying that the little ones stay right where they are and grow like weeds. Congratulations, Mama, and hang in there. We are rooting for you!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@T.H.O.U.: yay 6 weeks! Hoping this one flies for you!
@HazelEyes: @jhd: @gilmoregirl: good luck ladies! Happy new school year!
8 weeks today Never been this far, and it feels great. Well, I don't feel great, but to be here does. One more week until I get to see the little plum again, and I can't wait!
Happy Monday, everyone!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@cmbknyc: Wow! I really hope everything just goes perfectly for you! Sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your little ones!
apricot / 344 posts
@cmbknyc: Twins! How precious! Thinking of you and praying for healthy babies!
@LovelyPlum: Yay for 8 weeks!
@Dandelion: Yay for no spotting today!
And I hope everyone else is feeling ok!
I'm still super nervous that I don't have strong enough symptoms and I still have 21 days until my first appointment! I do feel tired and dizzy, have sore boobs and momentary aversions, oh and hungry all the time. But nothing extreme yet. I keep telling myself there's still time for ms to start happening ( hope not ). I'm 5w4d today!
I hung out with my mom yesterday and didn't say anything... we might tell them this weekend when we're at the lake together, but again, I'm having trouble feeling like this is REAL. Anyone else having similar feelings?
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@cmbknyc: oh my gosh! Twins !!! Praying for the best of numbers and growth for the little ones!
@LovelyPlum: 8 weeks! Ah! Time is flying
@T.H.O.U.: 6 weeks! Woo Hoo!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: glad for no spotting!! How are you feeling otherwise
Had a great relaxing weekend away with DH. We were able to get a lot of great sleep and had a ton of fun at the music festival it was nice to not feel like "mama" and just like grown up me for a day or two
pomelo / 5607 posts
@sweetkeight: Thanks!! And maybe that it doesn't hurt this time. Normally blood draws are painless for me, but my elbow *still* hurts from the one last wednesday. And for the record, yes, DH has definitely caught me doing the boob check for soreness.
Anyone else a little bewildered by how many people think you can find out the gender super early? One person said "so, you can find out at like four weeks, right?" Um, at four weeks you're lucky if you even know you're pregnant. It's the size of a poppy seed! At least half the people I tell ask if we know the gender yet, even if I also tell them how far I am.
Speaking of which, five weeks today! Part of me is afraid to look at the "your baby this week" things, since last time it made it harder to realize that what we'd been picturing was weeks farther than the baby actually made it, but I can't resist. Sesame seed today!
pomelo / 5607 posts
Also, this is so much better than the babycenter and other sites for the "your baby this week." And she mentions the constant boob checks!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@luckypenny: I'm ok...mostly tired, but not much I can do about that!
watermelon / 14206 posts
I am wearing maternity jeans this week! Not because I have any sort of a bump, but sitting in classrooms all day, at computers made my regular jeans really uncomfortable. I decided to break out the maternity jeans. Luckily, no one can really tell, unless I lift up my shirt, and fat chance of that happening!
cherry / 103 posts
Hi ladies. Hope everyone had a good weekend and that Monday is off to a great start.
I'm dealing with a headache today
Also, anxious for my appt Friday. We survive the tww only to have to wait some more. Thankful that I have you ladies to pass the time with.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@Dandelion: Good for you! Why should we be uncomfortable just because some people would think it's too early? None of their business!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@tbuzz: I agree, the pregancy wait is torture too.
I am trying to convince myself that if my 7 week appointment goes well, then I am not going to torture myself "waiting" for the 12 week check up. Even though I know there is still a risk of loss, I don't want to go nuts, I want to enjoy pregnancy while I still can and I'm not huge.
apricot / 388 posts
Hi ladies, I think I am going to be due in May but I'll chat here while I wait for the May boards to pop up.
I have been super crampy for the last few days. Feels like the first day of your period. Once in a while they get kinda strong - it actually woke me up in the middle of the night. No bleeding or spotting at all yet tho. Anyone else get this?
My appt isn't till 9/18 and that seriously feels like a lifetime from now!
watermelon / 14206 posts
So, last year, when I first got pregnant with S, I had an abnormal pap. I then switched to my midwife, who got the records and said that it was a form of HPV. I decided against any further actions at that point, cause I knew that that type of thing could actually go away. So, I decided that after I had S, I'd get another PAP and go from there.
So, when I got pregnant with this one, I went to my new OB place (can't go to the birth center this time!). I got a new PAP and got the call today. It came back abnormal again. Different OB than last year's office, but I'm guessing it's still the HPV. So, I go in the 27th for the colposcopy. They said it's just a vinegar wash and it's not risky for the pregnancy.
Anyone have one done?
persimmon / 1273 posts
@mrsog: yes, definitely. I was pretty crampy through 6 weeks or so. Sounds normal to me. It was weird for sure, and I was always expecting I'd see my period.
cherry / 166 posts
Well ladies, the exhaustion has really set in now. I thought I was tired before but today has just been horrible. I am counting down the minutes until 5 when I can go home and nap!
Otherwise, I feel like I'm on my period! Tired, cranky, crampy, lower back ache. And I feel like I'm bleeding but I'm not. I've been to the bathroom a million times to check!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@cmbknyc: Oh my goodness, what a shock that must have been. Thinking of you and praying for those babies.
persimmon / 1273 posts
How are all the teacher ladies doing today?
First day with students today, and boy am I glad its over. It was a good day, and I have nice kids, but the anxiety of day one was really wearing on me. I go everywhere with a ginger ale and a bag of crackers, so I'm sure I'm fooling none of the other teachers, but whatever it takes, you know?
persimmon / 1273 posts
@Dandelion: I've never had this, so I can't add experience, but thinking of you and hoping everything is just fine.
apricot / 335 posts
@T.H.O.U.: So are you going to start telling people then or how do you mean? Genuinely curious as it is getting increasingly hard to stay mum until 12 weeks as well.
@mrsog: Welcome! Cramping is totally normal. I had cramping until early last week (I am now 7wks 1d). Actually right now, especially at night, it feels like someone is stretching my belly button (and technically I guess someone is lol). It's uncomfortable, but oh well. No bleeding so that is a good sign
eggplant / 11408 posts
@luckypenny: I know!!! I'm not sad, though. I'm glad you got to relax this weekend! Are you doing bump pictures? I was contemplating a gold bump thread...thoughts?
@PEAPIE: I am 8 weeks and still not sure it isn't real. I've seen the heartbeat twice, I have a picture on my fridge, and's hard, you know? I hope that if you do decide to tell her, it goes very well and you are happy!
@Torchwood: hooray for 5 weeks!
@Dandelion: dude. I am so buying some this weekend. I know some people don't show until much later, but I swear, my stomach feels hard, and real pants make me want to cry. So, maternity pants it is! The only reason I can wear my real jeans is that I hadn't bothered replacing the ones I had before I lost 20 pounds. So those were 3 sizes too big, and I like them just fine now
Also, I think I saw a post on this recently(ish). I've never had it, but I think there are a few ladies on the board who have.
@tbuzz: I hope you feel better! And that's the nasty secret, right?? The TWW is nothing compared to the "hurry up and wait" of pregnancy. Hang in there!
@T.H.O.U.: I so hope that you get to enjoy after your appointment next week. It's so hard to be stressed all the time!
@mrsog: welcome! You're more than welcome here, but I'm surprised no one has started the May board yet. You know, you could start it, if you wanted As far as the cramps, yes, they are scary! But they're also pretty normal. Hope they don't get too bad.
@tessabella76: lovely feeling, no? I'm glad there's been no bleeding!
@gilmoregirl: whatever it takes. I'm advising (as opposed to teaching) this year, but this afternoon was totally nuts. By the time I got to my own grad class, I was feeling super nauseous and worn down. Tomorrow is the true test...longest day. Hoping it goes well. I'm glad you made it through!
My eyes have been throbbing all day. I think it's from being in fluorescent lights for an extended period of time. I think when I get home, I am going to leave the TV off and lay down...maybe that will get them to stop.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: I haven't yet. DH is bummed because we started at 6 weeks with DD and now he says we're already not paying as much attention to this LO. But honestly at 8 weeks last time I had a bump and this time I still look the same as I did before BFP so I guess I didn't see a rush. I was thinking of starting at 12 weeks. But if you start it....I join it
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@megz06: I just can't get excited yet because I don't know for sure there is a healthy baby in there. After we seethe heartbeat we will slowly start telling family and close friends. I just mean that I am going to try to get excited and start planning once we see that beat. @LovelyPlum: yes after next week I really want to get excited.
coconut / 8079 posts
@gilmoregirl: I'm so glad your first day with students went well! Good luck tomorrow!! This was my day 9 with students. I made it! I have a purple plastic cup with a straw to hide my ginger ale. I teach high school so I'm not sure how long I can hide it. I want to try though!
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: I hope you are able to get some good rest tonight! Good luck with your long day tomorrow!!
coconut / 8079 posts
@cmbknyc: twins! wow! congrats!!! sending all kinds of good thoughts your way.
kiwi / 630 posts
Thank you all for all your kind words and prayers, it really helped a rough day get better I went to my OB today and right now all we can do is wait until next Thursday for another ultrasound and take it from there. My HCG was 42,000 which apparently is super high at 6 weeks so doing betas again won't really show them much - normal hcg at 6 weeks 5,000 so crazy
@luckypenny: your weekend sounded perfect!
@Dandelion: you better believe I'll be getting some of those soon - jeans are the worst right now!
@LovelyPlum: 8 weeks - ahhhhhh so happy you've made it
@T.H.O.U.: you can do it!!! The more positive and relaxed the better right?
I hope all the teacher bees had great first days!
I'm sorry if I missed something there a lot going on today!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@cmbknyc: at least they are gettig you in Thursday!
I am just not believing this is real yet until we see anything. Once we see a healthy baby I will be excited. It doesn't help that I'm just tired and hungry but no real symptoms.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@cmbknyc: thank you!! Hopeful.for you for Thursday. Grow, babies, grow!!
apricot / 344 posts
@T.H.O.U.: Me too, lady. Maybe we're just the lucky symptomless ones?
@cmbknyc: Crazy high HcG is good twin-wise, right!? Or is it bad if it's too high? (I'm sorry I'm so clueless) Can't wait for you to get to see your babies again and hope they are both measuring on track now!
clementine / 943 posts
@Dandelion: I had a colposcopy done in college... It can hurt a little and you'll bleed a little after but better to get things checked out.
My abnormal paps went away after a couple of years and I haven't had one for probably 7-8 years. Try to not worry too much.
pear / 1974 posts
@Dandelion: Yep - had two from abnormal paps and eventually led to a LEEP (where they sort of cut out a part of your cervix with the bad cells) back in May. Colposcopies are no biggie, they do a vinegar wash and look closely at your cervical cells using a colposcope and if they find abnormal areas, they will take a tiny tiny pinch of cervical tissue for a biopsy - but I'm going to assume they skip this part if you're pregnant. Don't worry, it's easier than a pap i think!
@cmbknyc: crazy news, but amazing!!!!
Sorry, this thread goes so fast I can't keep up! I'm having a super bummy day. I know i should be so grateful for what's happening but i am so tired to the point it is making me miserable at work, i haven't been able to wake up early to work out like i normally do, no food appeals to me at the moment and i'm battling weird nausea at night now, and my face just started breaking out. I'm kind of wallowing in my own misery at the moment. I'm moody, i dread going to work bc of this stupid fatigue, i feel like i look gross lately and ugh! sorry, i guess i'm not one of those "i feel amazing and glowy" pregnant ladies.
pea / 11 posts
I have been stalking this thread for a while but it's my first comment. This is my first pregnancy. Had a positive test 3 weeks ago and OB confirmed with a urine test. I had my OB Dating Ultrasound today and confirmed 7 weeks and EDD is April 12. I also told my mom. She was shocked (only been married 9 weeks) but so happy. No Morning sickness but fatigue so bad. I sucked it up and went to the gym today and feel much better. I need to keep the workouts going. My first OB appt is 9/11.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@chibee: haha I was never one of "those women" with DD. felt gross the entire pregnancy. It's a hard and messy business growing a baby
@NY_Smiles: welcome to HB and the boards! Congrats!! That was my due date with DD
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