grapefruit / 4582 posts
April Due Dates!
4/1 - hazeleyes
4/2 - gilmoregirl
4/6 - dandelion
4/7 - lovelyplum, cmbknyc, mrsspadusa
4/8 - luckypenny
4/10 - jill_a55
4/13 - megz06, chibee
4/14 - supernovaj
4/18 - nana87, charityanne, tessabella76 (welcome!)
4/19 - pink champagne
4/20 - THOU
4/21 - jhd
4/24 - littleveesmommy, babybeemcd
4/25 - PEAPIE
4/28 - torchwood, kate6214
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Torchwood: hehe thats okay lady. thats how I feel! But I think we're all in a place that we're allowed to talk/complain about ourselves a little bit growing a baby is hard work!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Torchwood: first, I'm glad you've given up on the HPTs. They will so nothing now but cause worry. Also, I think you're right, no news is good news for your numbers. Hoping for sky high ones on Friday!
And don't worry, you contribute plenty! We are all here to share our experience with each other. Bring what ya got
For the record, fried food and I are no longer friends. I had fish and chips for dinner tonight, because it sounded good. But I have been I'm so much pain ever since dinner. Gassy, awful pain. So I'm breaking up with fried food. Boo.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: oh god, i'm a total list failure lol. This thread moves too fast! I always want to put it at the top of every page but, alas.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@luckypenny: dude, you are pregnant and chasing a toddler. I'd say you're doing just fine
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: thank you. I'm just doing ginger ale & saltines. I just couldn't eat much at all today which made me feel even more anxious!!!
We face timed both sets of parents tonight & I feel so much better. I wanted to do cute announcements but in the end I really just needed their encouragement so we told tonight.
ETA and they were all thrilled to hear they will be grandparents again!
pear / 1974 posts
@LovelyPlum: ahh as much as I love fried foods, I wish they would make me sick so i could stop eating it! I had five guys for dinner last night
@jhd: it's exciting to break the news isn't it? DH and I were awful and told our parents & siblings the day we found out - haha so I'm super impressed with everyone here that hasn't told anyone!!
@Torchwood: I feel the same way - I really try hard to reply to as many people as I can but this thread moves super fast and I suck at going back and forth on the pages. Lazy, I suppose, but this thread is for chatting too, right??
Fatigue has been really tough on me. I am out of my house from 5am to 7:30pm and I feel totally dead when I come home, and during the day at work every day now I feel like I'm not going to make it through the day! I try to eat healthy, energizing foods throughout the day, I work out every day, nothing helps! When I had the day off to see the dr on Tuesday, I took 3 naps. And I still went to bed at a normal time. Ugh, I'm grateful I'm not dealing with morning sickness, but this has been really tough. Is anyone else dealing with extreme fatigue?
watermelon / 14206 posts
@chibee: Last pregnancy, I was in this groggy fog the entire 39 weeks. I hated it and really dreaded that happening again this time around, but thankfully I'm tired, but not in such a funk as I was before. I'm also keeping busier during the day, so I don't notice fatigue until I finally sit and relax.
persimmon / 1472 posts
I took a hpt this morning and its super light compared to my previous ones and now I have some spotting. I don't know what to do. I'm leaving for a 10 day cruise with the family today (as in leaving in two hours) and my appt isn't until 9/12. I'm trying not to freak out but I am seriously freaking out here. =X
pear / 1974 posts
@Dandelion: Ugh i have a desk job so I'm just sitting all day.. I do try to get up every hour or so and walk around but it really does not do much!!! I really hope this goes away soon it's making me kind of miserable.
@littleveesmommy: do you have any cramping? either way, I would call the doctor and see what they have to say! Are you using the same brand of HPT that you had been using before?
apricot / 335 posts
@littleveesmommy: I wouldn't worry about the lighter line on the test because apparently even though I am pregnant I can't create a dark line to save my soul. The spotting they say is normal, but just keep a close eye on it. I know this is stupid of me to say but just try to relax and enjoy your cruise. They do have doctors if absolutely necessary. I hope you have a great time and try to relax as much as possible. Cruises are a blast!
persimmon / 1472 posts
@chibee: Mmm a little bit of cramping but I've been having littlest twinges since two weeks ago and they are random. Ill try to give the OB a call and see what they say.
@megz06: Thanks so much for your positive thoughts! I'm trying real hard not to over think it but it's so hard. Hopefully this is nothing and I'm just over thinking it. I know spotting is normal and I just need to relax a bit. Keep me in your thoughts please! *sticky baby sticky baby sticky baby*
pomelo / 5607 posts
@littleveesmommy: I had a lighter line yesterday, and it worried me. So I don't have any real input, other than I really don't think it's a huge deal. But I'm right there with you, so lots of hugs. Hope you're able to really relax and enjoy your cruise!
@chibee: I've been really tired, but it's not consistent. One day I can't keep my eyes open and nap for hours, the next I'm just tired. Hope you're able to get some relief soon!
My symptoms are so inconsistent! I know I'll totally regret saying this if it happens, but I wish I could just have some real ms for a little while so I'd feel more like I'm really pregnant. Oh well. Going to focus on enjoying the lack of sickness. And go stuff my face with anything that sounds good, because the one consistent symptom I've had is that I'm always STARVING. Only nothing sounds good, so woohoo. >_< Just wish this pregnancy weren't so exactly like the last one. I was hoping it would feel more different.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@littleveesmommy: Thinking of you and hope it is nothing.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@chibee: ummmmm, 3 naps sounds amazing!
@littleveesmommy: thinking of you! I've heard that the line doesn't necessarily always get darker. I hope everything is okay and you can enjoy your cruise lady
persimmon / 1472 posts
@Torchwood: @T.H.O.U.: @luckypenny: thanks ladies!!! I will stay positive and try to enjoy this vacation. Looking forward to 12 beautiful days with the fam and hopefully I will have good news when I get back. Sending lots of love to you ladies!
pomelo / 5607 posts
Ugh! My phone just rang, and at first all I could see that it was a longer name (which my doctor would be, and DH or my mom or someone would not). Thankfully it was the vet, confirming my cat's appointment tomorrow (gotta get sedatives for the 20 hour drive next week, she does NOT like being in the car). But it made my stomach just drop for a second.
cherry / 202 posts
@torchwood: *HUG* The waiting sucks!
@littleveesmommy: I can't create a dark line on a wondfo to save my life, either! In fact, wondfos keep coming back bfn, despite the fact that blood test confirmed 137 hcg level. Hang in there and we'll hope for good news when you return!
cherry / 202 posts
It's official: April 30 is my EDD. My RE said to use that date for planning appointments until we get the first u/s. I'm an April mama! Huzzah!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
April Due Dates!
4/1 - hazeleyes
4/2 - gilmoregirl
4/6 - dandelion
4/7 - lovelyplum, cmbknyc, mrsspadusa
4/8 - luckypenny
4/10 - jill_a55
4/13 - megz06, chibee
4/14 - supernovaj
4/18 - nana87, charityanne, tessabella76 (welcome!)
4/19 - pink champagne
4/20 - THOU
4/21 - jhd
4/24 - littleveesmommy, babybeemcd
4/25 - PEAPIE
4/28 - torchwood, kate6214
4/30 - sweetkeight
watermelon / 14206 posts
@littleveesmommy: After a few weeks, the hpts aren't as good...they don't get continuously darker after a certain point and they remain lighter because of more fluids going through your body.
I'm sure everything is fine.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@sweetkeight: Well, just one day over and you're a May momma, lol.
I'm going to be a March Momma, but since I'm on par with others due around me, I'm here also.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Well, the good news is, I found something to distract me from waiting for my blood test results.
For those who aren't gold, just found out DH's company wants him to move to Alaska for a month and a half, starting Monday. It's complicated and I don't know much yet, but I'm VERY not happy about it. Maybe I should go back to worrying about my test results. They're less upsetting.
watermelon / 14206 posts
I feel like this pregnancy is already flying by! I'm almost at 8 weeks already! Maybe cause I'm not paying attention so much. The novelty of being pregnant wore off with S, so I'm more focused on school and DS. I'm glad...i need it to fly by!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: I know right?! Especially once the second trimester rolls around and I'm feelin good time will FLY!
cherry / 103 posts
I'm late to this party, but so happy to join! Congrats to everyone!
EDD if you have one: 4/19 based on LMP
When Did You Find Out?: 8/20. Not sure of DPO
Child Number: 1
Where You Live: dallas,tx
What kind of provider will you see?: OB GYN
When's Your First Appointment?: 8/30
What kind of birth do you want?: one that ends in healthy/happy baby and mom
What You're Most Excited For: The experience!
What You're Most Scared : The experience!
Symptoms so far: nausea, cramping
Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: just enjoying this new season of life.
pomelo / 5607 posts
Well, frak. Doctor called (got the results early), and my first number was 50, second, after 48 hours, was 74. Not the end of the world, but not what you're looking for. She wants me to go in again Monday for another blood draw. She said it could be because it's so early, but I really felt like she was just trying to keep me calm and didn't mean it. Has anyone had numbers that were slow to rise but things ended well? This has been a crappy day.
apricot / 335 posts
@tbuzz: Welcome!!
Well, today I am ashamed to say at our potluck lunch I completely destroyed all the food that was brought. I probably ate more than I should have but does it count if it had fruit in it? Not sure what excuse I can use for the tie dye frosted red velvet cupcake...the baby wants it??
coconut / 8079 posts
@Torchwood: hugs! i have no experience to share but just wanted to say i'm sorry you've had a bad day. sending tons of sticky thoughts your way!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Torchwood: Sorry for the crappy update. Things did rise, and I'ev read that it can take 72 hours for things to double so maybe it was just too soon between draws.
@megz06: I'm trying so hard to avoid packing on the pounds but I am so hungry!
coconut / 8079 posts
@megz06: i can't find anything that sounds good right now so enjoy some yummy food for me!
pomelo / 5607 posts
@T.H.O.U.: @jhd: Thanks. I was already feeling like I shouldn't have done the blood test. The worrying during the wait for results didn't seem worth it. Now I really feel that way. If things are fine I'm worrying more for nothing, and if they're not I don't feel any better having to spend this time sitting around waiting to know. At least I could have been happy a few more days.
apricot / 335 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I've actually been pretty good at keeping my weight in check. I haven't really gained anything yet, but today was just ridiculously hard for whatever reason! This is the first day this week I haven't been nauseous, so maybe that is it.
@jhd: I think I enjoyed enough yummy food for you and rest of the April mamas, lol.
watermelon / 14206 posts
@megz06: You don't need an excuse to eat red velvet velvet is the best!
eggplant / 11408 posts
Lots to catch up on here today!
@chibee: I'm sleepy all the time. It is awful. I start school next week, and night classes are going to be killer.
@littleveesmommy: I've heard that too, that hpts are super inaccurate after you get pregnant. So, step away from the tests, and enjoy that cruise!!
@Dandelion: I go between feeling like time won't move at all, and time is flying. Already 7+3 today...crazy!
@tbuzz: yay, welcome!!
@megz06: you need no excuse for a tie dye frosted red velvet cupcake, except that it exists!! That sounds so yummy!!!
@Torchwood: I am so sorry that you have had such a rough day. I really hope Monday brings good news.
@T.H.O.U.: I have decided to stop obsessing over my weight right now. Nothing sounds appetizing, so when something does, I'm going with it!
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