grapefruit / 4582 posts
Congrats to all of our new Mamas!
April Due Dates!!!!!!!!!!
Team Pink
4/3 - amelieisme (arrived ?)
4/4 - supernovaj (Baby girl born 4/8!)
4/7 - mrsspadusa
4/18 - charityanne
4/19 - nana87 (Baby Rosalie born 4/2!)
Team Blue
3/28 - ctran
4/2 - gilmore girl (Baby Benjamin born 4/4!)
4/6 - dandelion (Baby Matthew born 3/31!)
4/7 - jill_a55 (Baby Cruz born 4/1!)
4/12 - NY_Smiles (Baby Campbell born 3/30!)
4/13 - megz06 (Baby Tristan born 3/31!)
4/17 - stacy
4/20 - preggomeggo82
4/21 - jhd
4/25 - PEAPIE
4/29 - beyond2
Team Green
4/1 - hazeleyes (ITS A BOY! born 3/23!)
4/4 - luckypenny (ITS A GIRL! born 4/7!)
4/9 - lovelyplum (ITS A GIRL! born 4/9!)
4/18 - tessabella76
4/19 - pink champagne
Let me know if any of the dates/names are wrong/left out...I tried to keep track!
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: oh wow! I will have to beef up my Netflix list sometime soon too then! How is everything going?
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: things are going good! L is a pretty good baby and I'm still trying to get to know her. She's a lot different than E was, much more sensitive. DH has been great helping with night time so I feel pretty rested. The fact that I can have as much coffee as my little heart desires makes things a little better too How are you doing lady? You're getting close!!
The only time E has been jealous is at bedtime. She knows the baby is sleeping in our room and she got out of her toddler bed for the first time ever (shes been in a "big girl bed" for about 8 months now) and came in our room last night. I think between the new baby and the two moves we have coming up I'm just going to go with the flow and not be too strict about it. If we all end up in the same room for a few months its not the end of the world...especially if we are all getting decent sleep.
I'm also SO ready to not be so crampy/sore. I'm getting a little stir crazy. We went out to Costco yesterday but I could feel my bleeding getting heavier and I was ready to go home by the end of the trip. I think we are going to try and get out to lunch tomorrow and maybe babyGap to pick up a few things now that we know its a little girl
apricot / 448 posts
@luckypenny: my date is wrong, we were 3/31 too!
I went to target for the first time yesterday and had the same feelings...I was exhausted by the end of it and had a lot more bleeding afterwards too.
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: I hope you have fun today! Shopping for baby is always so much fun. I'm glad to hear you are getting some rest and yay for coffee! I'm sure you will work out something that helps everyone at bedtime. I have no experience to offer but I'm sure whatever works at this point so everyone sleeps can't hurt!!
eggplant / 11408 posts
Hi everyone! I'll catch up later but wanted to check in. We came home yesterday from the hospital, and it is really good to be home. Miss G is a pretty good baby, but she is having some latch issues. Namely, she'll latch like a champ for about 30 seconds, suck, swallow, then FREAK OUT and banshee scream for ten minutes. Rinse and repeat ad nauseum. My milk is in, so that's not it. For the time being, I've been pumping and DH has been feeding her with a dropper while still offering the breast. I'd say she is actually taking it and doing a full feeding from the source about every other time. Progress? Also, we found some blood in her diaper, so that was scary. Pedi said just to keep an eye on it, so we'll talk about it tomorrow.
I'm healing pretty well, though I'm still sick and coughing. The coughing makes my incision hurt, so I can't wait to not do that anymore. I've also been super emotional, so that's interesting too. I just can't believe that I'm not pregnant anymore-it's hard to describe my emotions. I keep rubbing my belly, expecting to feel her, and she's not there. Physically, I feel *so* much better, but emotionally, I'm not sure I really understand what just happened. I'm sure the whole thing is exacerbated by the fact that I've had about 12 hours of sleep or so since Wednesday, so I'm not really working with a full tank. Trying to catch up so I can feel at least a little human.
@luckypenny: oh my gosh, my feet are huge too! Is this normal? I wasn't expecting to be more swollen now! I hope that your outing was successful. We're headed out tomorrow for the first time, so we will see how that goes.
@jill_a55: good luck tomorrow! I hope that you get only good news!
Pregnant mamas, hang in there! I am so excited to see more announcements. I hope you can get some relief from the awful end of pregnancy pain. The end is in sight!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: swelling is normal, especially with an epidural. Outing was a success! It feels good to get fresh air I have the same feelings as you. I have phantom kicks and it feels so strange not to be pregnant. I also think since Dh and I decided we would only have two, I am trying to come to terms with the fact I won't be pregnant again or give birth again. I really love giving birth. I could do it a million times. I'm sure the blood is nothing. Little baby bodies do weird things.
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: glad your outing was a success!
@LovelyPlum: good to hear from you! I hope you are able to get some rest and that the cough goes away really soon. You are doing great!
eggplant / 11408 posts
@luckypenny: I forgot about the epidural fluids, thanks! I just want my feet back! Also,thanks for the list baby Imogen was actually born 4/10, but the fact that you were able to think straight enough to even put that much of the list together is impressive
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: thanks Also, please tell me you're not going to work tomorrow...
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@LovelyPlum: haha well if go back to see the post and it says 4 days ago and I'm like four days counting today? Or four days not counting today? Lol I'll change it next time
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: at this point I'm going to try to go tomorrow and only because I have some things to wrap up that will be easier to do at school than from home. I think this is the best option but if I don't feel well enough in the morning then I won't go. But I have decided that the best thing for baby and for me is for tomorrow to be my last day.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@jhd: ok, fair. Just be gentle...this stuff is really hard. I ended up making my last day of school last Monday, and it was a good idea. We are not superheroes, and you did awesome for making it so far!
watermelon / 14206 posts
@LovelyPlum: I've been coughing, too. My incision is healed but it's definitely making my belly sore. My feet swelled up about a week afterhaving M but 3 days later I was back to normal. Even with natural childbirth, it's normal to have feet swelling.
watermelon / 14206 posts
I've been getting such cabin fever lately, so this weekend I managed to take M and DS to our county museum on Saturday and then yesterday we had a successful trip to walmart, thanks to my carrier. He seemed pretty cozy being worn.
DS goes to his dad's house until Sunday for spring break. I'm gonna miss him and I'm usually quite depressed when he has to go for long stretches, but this week I'm somewhat thankful. I can sleep more when M sleeps and it wouldn't be a very entertaining week for DS. normally I have a ton of things planned for us to do but I just can't swing it this year. So we'll save our adventures til summer and i'll let gis dad attempt to entertain him. Luckily this is the last long stretch until Christmas. He normally juat goes every other weekend.
apricot / 355 posts
@jhd: I've decided to work from home after today as well. I've dropped significantly and am suuuuper puffy. My coworkers are convinced I won't be back based on what my doctor says at my appt this afternoon, but either way I think working at home sounds really nice rigth about now. I just have to make it to 1:45!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@Dandelion: cabin fever is no joke! It's been a week and we have been out of the house twice. DH has been taking DD1 out a bunch while I stay home with L but I need to get out out. The museum is pretty impressive! My bleeding gets pretty bad still if I'm walking too much. I may try and go out to a nice brunch Thursday with DH while grandma has DD1 so I don't lose my mind
watermelon / 14206 posts
@luckypenny: This museum isn't that impressive. Just a small muncipal one down the road that had some science thing going on this past Saturday. we do go there a lot, though, cause they have a planetarium. Our membership is for a whole chain of their museums they have here, including a children's museum (DS has outgrown it, but M will enjoy it pretty soon) and a living history farm. We just went to the most low key thing around for a Saturday.
coconut / 8079 posts
@preggomeggo82: good call on working from home. How did your appt go today??
I spoke too soon on the swelling thing. My feet and ankles are awful today. It doesn't help that it got pretty warm here over the weekend.
And I had pretty much the worst possible last day at work. Everything that could possibly go wrong did and I still have one more set of tests left to grade that I couldn't get to while at work.
coconut / 8079 posts
But on a brighter note DH has been absolutely wonderful these past few days and is currently gone to pick up a pizza & breadsticks so I don't have to think about cooking.
apricot / 355 posts
@jhd: Appointment went OK. No progress from last week - 80% effaced and still 1cm dilated. She's worried about his size if we go too long, so I'm not going to be allowed to go to 42 weeks anymore. If he doesn't come on his own, I will have an induction scheduled at 41w3d (the 30th). I'm really torn by this. I knew induction was a viable option, but I didn't really expect it for myself and it threw me off to be discussing it before I'm even at my due date. My doc has been super pro-natural/spontaneous labor up to this point.
coconut / 8079 posts
@preggomeggo82: I'm sorry! That must be disappointing to hear. But there is still lots of time for baby to come!! I wasn't dilated at all on Fri, but my OB said "that doesn't mean he won't decide to come tonight!" Basically anything can happen. FX that both our babies will decide to make an appearance soon!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@preggomeggo82: I was in the same situation except that my induction was scheduled for 40 weeks 5 days and I felt like it was way too soon. I did go into labor on my own, and I was the same amount dilated/effaced as you at my 40-week appointment. Fwiw, my baby was big-ish (8.5 lbs) but not nearly as big as they'd estimated and my delivery was fine. Hoping for you to go into labor on your own too.
@jhd: glad to hear you're getting a break from work. I do not regret for a second cutting it off early. Those last few days were awful.
apricot / 355 posts
@jhd: @gilmoregirl: I'm really hoping that he decides to come on his own between now and then! Lots of time, I guess!
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@preggomeggo82: anything can happen in between now and then so don't give up hope!
apricot / 355 posts
@luckypenny: My fingers and toes are crossed and I am bouncing on my yoga ball as we speak!
coconut / 8079 posts
@preggomeggo82: I need to dig out my yoga ball. I never unpacked it after we moved!
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: brunch with DH later this week sounds like a good plan! how are you doing today?
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: ok. Pretty tired lol but that's expected. Taking E & L to story time at our local bookstore and the park today while our housekeepers come, so I'm hoping the fresh air will give me some energy. How are you lady? Sorry you had a bummer last day
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: I hope you have a fun time out with your girls!! It's rainy & yucky here today so I'm staying at home. Organized a few things in the nursery & now I'm going to find something to watch on Netflix! Feels good to be done with work!
persimmon / 1273 posts
@jhd: we are doing pretty well. Baby appears to be going thru a growth spurt and is a little fussy and not napping today. I'm stuck on the couch with mastitis but I saw the dr and got antibiotics so that should clear up soon.
grapefruit / 4582 posts
@jhd: have you seen the west wing? We are finishing the last season soon! I'm also rewatching the office for something fun and light while feeding L.
@gilmoregirl: oh man! Hope the mastitis clears up quickly!
coconut / 8079 posts
@luckypenny: I watched several seasons of The West Wing last summer. I need to finish that series. It's a good one!
@gilmoregirl: oh no! Hope you feel better very soon and that LO sleeps better too!
watermelon / 14206 posts
My baby is a dictator today. He's been sleeping in one to two hour increments since last night. What I wouldn't give to sleep more than 2 hours at a time!
At least he's cute.
coconut / 8079 posts
@Dandelion: I hope he decides to sleep a little longer soon!! It is definitely a good thing that babies are cute!
eggplant / 11408 posts
Hi loves! I am so sorry that I haven't checked in...we have a gas/spit up monster that requires both of my hands when nursing (I'd love it if that would stop, for the record), so no real chance to HB. But I've missed you all!
G is really a good baby, but I'm learning that even good babies are hard! She keeps doing this thing where we'll change a poopy diaper to feed, then she'll pee everywhere when the diaper is off, then she'll spit up. So we clean her, change her clothes, get her ready to nurse...and she'll poop again, before I've even fed her. I told her that she was going to have to use less diapers if she wanted to go to college
Last night was our first really rough night. She spits up a lot, and every time I got her clean after a feeding, she was hungry again. Thank goodness my mom is here and took her at 7 so I could get some more sleep. She had lost more weight at the pedi on Monday, so we have to wake her to eat. I think we've turned a corner now, but I can't wait to get the all-clear to not have to wake a sleeping baby! And can I just say, having Mamas come up to visit is the best?!
@Dandelion: dictator is a good word. Hope you survived.
@gilmoregirl: mastitis?? Oh honey. Feel better soon!
@preggomeggo82: I'm sorry about your appointment yesterday. I really hope he decides to come for you soon! Are you relieved to be done with work?
@jhd: how are you doing Mama? Get the papers done? I hope you were able to do it with your feet up!
@charityanne: how are you holding up, lady?
@luckypenny: how did the excursion with E&L go? Getting out sounds lovely, but it SNOWED here yesterday. We still took a walk, but it wasn't nearly as warm or spring-y as I was hoping!
Hope you're all well. I'm so glad to be sharing these crazy days with my fellow April mamas
coconut / 8079 posts
@LovelyPlum: I'm so glad your mama is with you!!! And it sounds like little G is keeping you on your toes with diaper and clothing changes. I hope things calm down soon! And snow?!?! We got some yesterday but it didn't stick. I actually ignored everything yesterday but I'm feeling a little more motivated today. Will finish grading those tests and do a little laundry.
apricot / 355 posts
@jhd: Yoga ball feels amazing on the hips. How are you feeling today? Hope working from home is going well! I'm a little stir crazy already and it's only been 2 days! I feel like I might have jinxed it and I am getting so anxious for something to happen.
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