Hellobee Boards


April 2016 moms!

  1. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @MrsRoo: Yes, I was 15 weeks,when I first felt E ticking. This time I was only 13 weeks - I'm getting tickles and twitches.

    @MaisyMay: Its lovely, isn't it!

    @jh524: I'm glad to hear baby is ok in there. I'm so sorry you're dealing with scary cramping. I can't believe they didn't call you back, how terrible. Thinking of you.

  2. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @jh524: How scary! I hope everything is okay. Sending you lots of good vibes today and I hope your cramping stops.

  3. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    So glad to see everyone doing so well! I ended up getting shingles a few weeks ago and I'm still recovering. (Worst experience ever!)
    Tomorrow is the day! We get tin find out if we are having another little or a this time! I am hoping for a boy but I have a strong feeling its another girl. Ill update as soon as I find out

  4. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    So I am experiencing pain in my tailbone. It freaking hurts! I feel like I fell on my ass and bruised it but I definitely didnt. Lovely pregnancy symptom here.

  5. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    I have my first follow up appt today since my nt scan and bloodwork. Is it wrong that I hope the doctor slips up and uses a pronoun or accidentally reveals the gender? I assume it is in the chart with the blood results, so, maybe...?

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @bloved: I would feel the same. I really, really want to know!,

    @AMommyThang: Ouch! Sounds painful!

  7. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @jh524: How are you doing?

    I ended up having a partial placental abruption last night. I've had no bleeding up to this point and then last night happened and scared me beyond words. We went to the dr this am and saw that the baby is doing ok thank goodness. I'm to stay off my feet for a week which sucks in the short term since I already have been missing my workouts a lot lately. But as long as the baby stays healthy it's worth it. I hope I can start working out again soon and going on hikes. I love this time of year.

  8. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @AMommyThang: shingles during pregnancy sounds awful. I hope your appointment went well this week!

  9. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @autumnleaves: Oh how scary. Glad you are ok!

  10. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I've had lower back pain this pregnancy. I want to ask my dr if she recommends prenatal massage, a chiropractor, or acupuncture to help with this. I didn't have any of that with my first pregnancy but feel it may be needed this go round.

  11. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    Baby looked great, but had its legs crossed the whole time, even after I did some jumping jacks and the umbilical cord was in between the legs so I didn't have a chance!. I rescheduled my appointment for next Tuesday.

  12. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @AMommyThang: oh no! How frustrating! On the up side you get to see baby again...

    @autumnleaves: yeah I am thinking a prenatal massage sounds pretty good lol I looked into prenatal yoga but the only place near me has a class Saturday at like 7am and that's just not going to happen! Lol
    Eta: oh my goodness how scary! Glad baby is doing ok!

  13. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    Yes! Silver lining!

  14. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @autumnleaves: Oh no, how scary. Glad you're ok. Rest up.

  15. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @autumnleaves: that sounds so scary! Glad the baby (and you) are okay!
    @amommythang: oh how frustrating! My daughter was never in a good position for ultrasounds. I joked she was camera shy.

    I had an appointment this morning. It was the first one my husband could come to since the baby was just a speck, and we were both looking forward to seeing our boy. But, no ultrasound this appointment. Argh! However, the heartbeat was good and strong (and I only had a momentary freak out when the dr couldn't find it - this baby is hanging out way up high, near my rib cage) and hearing it was a huge comfort. I was offered a blood screening test for spinal issues, so I took them up on that because why not. We'll get the results in a week and a half. And, our 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for 11/20. Can't wait!

  16. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @autumnleaves: take it easy, lady!

    Yesterday DH and I went to a check up. We are meeting a new doctor each time we go. It took awhile to find the heartbeat, but it was strong 155-159 bpm. I got my flu and TDAP shots too. We also went over my preventative glucose test results- I passed.

  17. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @autumnleaves: That sounds so scary. I'm glad that everything is okay and that baby is doing well. Rest up and keep that LO cooking!

    @AMommyThang: What a tease! It's awesome that you get another appointment though, that's exciting!

    @poppygirl15: Wow, up by your rib cage! My LO just started to make it's way up near my belly button, and I think that's exciting!

    I'm doing well. I've become a bit obsessed with my doppler this week. I need to lay off of it! But baby is just under my belly button now, instead of my pubic bone. It has helped my anxiety a lot and helped me be a happier pregnant woman. I started to pop this week, although because I always carried a little extra up front I don't think it's that noticeable. I'll have to post a bump pic this weekend sometime.

  18. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @autumnleaves: how scary! I am glad everything is ok. How are you feeling?

    @AMommyThang: that is so frustrating that baby was not cooperative. But good that you have an appt again soon, and always nice to be able to check in on baby!

    @auggiefrog: I hear you. I am obsessed with the doppler. However, last saturday I could not find the heartbeat and I was making myself sick. I've thankfully found it since then, but it definitely made me realize the doppler is a blessing and a curse.

  19. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @autumnleaves: I'm doing okay. Thank you! Im still having cramping, extreme tiredness, and other odd ailments that make every day living somewhat unmanageable. I don't know how to get through this! It's so much harder with a toddler!
    How are you?! How's scary!! What were you doing when it started??? Glad baby is doing okay!!!

    Anyone else breastfeeding? A friend told me the other day that bf-ing while pregnant can lower your progesterone and that can cause spotting, cramping, tiredness, depression and many other issues. I'll talk to my Dr. About it today.

    I had to get the Rogam shot on Friday because of my spotting as I'm O- blood type. Not fun at all! But good news is no spotting over the weekend! I literally took all of last week off from exercise. I may have got a sub for myself anyways but get this. The daycare lo goes to flooded from a broken water heater and it has to be completely gutted. She'll have a temp building that starts tomorrow so not teaching today either. I feel like the rest was needed and I'll stop teaching all together if I have to keep baby safe

    How's everyone feeling?

  20. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @jh524: I actually weaned my 11 month old. She was showing no real interest in nursing and I was over it. She is on WCM. It's a tad bit earlier than I'd like but she LOVES WCM and drinks 6 ounces a snack/meal.

  21. akcoffeebean

    cherry / 204 posts

    @jh524: I'm still nursing my 2 year old at night. We cosleep and he's an all night nurser. I'm definitely tired, but as long as I eat well and drink enough fluid I'm not noticing any weird effects.
    I have problems with my joints that I think is the main cause of being tired rather than the nursing.

    I've been having a lot of trouble with my pubic bone and SI Joints. I'm see the Chiro and in physical therapy but it's not been super helpful. I have an appointment with a new OB today who has a special focus on pain in pregnancy so I'm optimistic that life will improve soon.

  22. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @BandDmommy: I'm trying to wean him but my problem is, he nurses to sleep. I'm starting to cut minutes away every other night. Hopefully it works 😉
    @akcoffeebean: oh wow. I hope things get better! A new OB with that special focus sounds promising. Do your joints just hurt or more than that, like swelling? I've been starting to get hip pain at night where i need to rotate. That's no fun
    I cannot believe you nurse lo all night!! Wow! I can hardly do two daily sessions at this point. My nipples hurt like no other when he's suckling!!!! Oooouchie!!!

  23. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @jh524: agh, we never nursed to sleep so it was easy to cut sessions. She's a total unicorn baby, started STTN at 2 months.

  24. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @BandDmommy: oh lucky!! I had a perfect babywise baby but I don't know when I started the nursing to sleep thing because that certainly isn't babywise!!
    He's still an excellent sleeper but the nursing to sleep, which I previously loved, has now become a problem 😉

  25. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @jh524: good luck weaning! My daughter was still nursing as part of the bedtime routine at 2. I started cutting minutes and then it just so happened I had to go on medicine right when u was getting reading to wean her completely. I told her I couldn't nurse because of the medicine and that was a good enough reason for her. So maybe try blaming some outside influence (other than you being pregnant, of course) on why you can't nurse anymore? At least then it's not your "fault."

  26. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @jh524: I successfully weaned my LO at 26ish months and her only session at that point was nursing to sleep. At first I substituted a sippy of warmed milk and lots of snuggles, then weaned to just a regular amount of snuggles and no milk. It was surprisingly (and sadly) way easier than I thought it would be. So good luck, it can be done!!
    @akcoffeebean: ugh, joint pain in pregnancy is the worst. My hips are killing me. Hopefully your new OB will be an improvement for you!

  27. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Now that I can function like a normal human again, I feel like I blink and another week goes by. 15 weeks today and I peeked at baby at work tonight- little party animal in there. Legs were crossed though, so I didn't get to see the "goods". Maybe next week baby will be in a better position.

  28. akcoffeebean

    cherry / 204 posts

    @jh524: good luck weaning! I've been super lucky that nursing hasn't been uncomfortable. Well, when I was 6 weeks pregnant it was uncomfortable, but I think he had a bad latch for a few days and was teething. Keep us updated on on how cutting back goes, I've read fabulous reviews of that method of weaning.
    You're so tough for doing gentle weaning even though nursing hurts. I don't know if I could do it!

    My joint problems are some pain, and some swelling. The doc thinks that my ligaments are relaxing too much, too soon and that I pulled some muscles because the joints weren't in the right spot. I had similar problems with my first pregnancy but not until much closer to delivery.

    Starting around eight weeks this time walking became really painful and my knees and hips would start to swell throughout the day. For now I'm taking pain medication at night and an ambien to help me sleep and it helps a bit. After this baby is born I'd like to look into more testing because joint problems and auto immune issues run on both sides of my family.
    @poppygirl15: that's such a good idea! When we get closer to weaning I'm using that!

    @MrsRoo: thank you! I left the appointment feeling a lot more optimistic than when I went in. Thanks so much for the good wishes.
    I'm glad your weeks are flying by. I feel that way too. It's bittersweet since I can't wait to meet LO but I feel like I should be savoring my pregnancy.

  29. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    I just got a call from the nursing company. I'm supposed to start progesterone shots next week. They are supposed to come to my house every week to give me shots. Biggest hurdle is how long it takes insurance to approve shots.

  30. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    Its a boy!!! I am beyond excited. Now I have one of each

  31. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @AMommyThang: congrats!!! Boys are so much fun!!

  32. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @BandDmommy: @JennyLayneAZ: @Cherrybee: @poppygirl15: @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @auggiefrog: @bloved: @jh524: thanks for the well wishes and support! I had a follow up dr appointment today and things looked good - no more problems since the partial abruption on Friday. The dr said I didn't have meet any of the risk criteria for it but it can happen randomly. I should be able to pick up my son and resume normal exercise by the beginning of next week.
    So I started telling family, coworkers, and friends that we're expecting. It is so nice not to keep it a secret anymore!

  33. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @BandDmommy: that does not sound fun. Are the shots given once a week?

    @AMommyThang: Congratulations!

  34. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @poppygirl15, @MrsRoo: thank you for the great advice! I'll take it!
    @BandDmommy: why do you need progesterone?
    @AMommyThang: congrats on your BOY!!! 😊
    @autumnleaves: happy to hear you can get back to a normal routine soon! But geez, how's scary!!

    I actually felt like a normal person today! I don't want to get too excited but it feels so good to feel good again! I was barely making it there so hoping ms is over !!!!!!!!!!!😁

  35. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @autumnleaves: yep. Last time I did progesterone suppositories every day so I'm actually glad to only have one shot a week.

  36. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @jh524: i have pre term babies. DS- 34 weeks DD- 36 weeks

  37. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @BandDmommy: oh goodness ok. Keep this one in the cooker!!!

  38. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @jh524: hahaha I'm happy with 36 weeks. :). Not possible for me to go longer. You are only allowed to be on progesterone past 36 weeks. Without progesterone my water breaks.

  39. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @AMommyThang: omg I just really looked at your photo!!! Yes. That's definitely a boy. Lol

  40. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @AMommyThang: congratulations on your boy!

    @akcoffeebean: ouch! Sorry you're having joint problems!

    @jh524: glad to hear you are feeling better!

    @autumnleaves: glad to hear everything seems to be ok!

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