Hellobee Boards


April 2016 moms!

  1. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @AMommyThang: congrats on your boy!

    @autumnleaves: so glad everything is ok!

  2. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @autumnleaves: glad everything seems to be okay now! That must have been so scary.
    @AMommyThang: Congrats on your boy!!!

  3. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    April Mamas

    4/3: BandDmommy:
    4/5: Surbro:, AMommyThang: , PoppyGirl15:
    4/6: MaisyMay:
    4/10: Rinna9:, GwenMarieDC:
    4/11: mamabolt:
    4/13: auggiefrog:
    4/15: Mrs. Lemon-Lime:
    4/18: MrsRoo:, Canoli:
    4/19: JH524:
    4/20: AKCoffeeBean:
    4/21: Lauraeva:, Den mom: , PeanutsBaby:
    4/22: AutumnLeaves:
    4/23: JennyLayneAZ:
    4/24: Bloved:
    4/25: Cherrybee:

  4. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    Happy (early) Halloween everyone! Next year we'll have cute little babies to dress up!!

  5. Nibygd

    pea / 13 posts

    Hi fellow April mommies! This is my first post at 17 weeks! First time mom, and in the lovely "advanced maternal age" category. Anyone else having some major hip pain? Hubs and I went for an extra long walk today and now I can't find a sitting position that's comfortable and forget bending over! Anyone find a sleeping position that helps/is comfortable?

  6. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Nibygd: welcome! When are you due? Do you know what you're having or going to be surprised? Please share and I'll add you to the list!

  7. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    How much weight as everyone gained?

    I've gained 7 lbs since losing two after the pregnancy was confirmed. I don't know if that's too much already. One thing for sure is that I have to make walking more a priority!

  8. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @Nibygd: welcome and congrats! I'm also having really bad left hip pain. My job is pretty physical and I'm sure that's part of it, but some days it's so bad by the evening that I can barely walk. Definitely going to be talking to my OB about it. The only comfortae position I've found to sleep in is on my side with a body pillow between my knees/legs.
    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: umm, I've gained at least 10. Maybe 12-13? I've brought back prenatal yoga into my life 3-4 times a week though, so hopefully my weight gain will slow down!

  9. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @Nibygd: welcome! I am having a hard time getting comfortable sleeping as well. I find holding onto a pillow (so I am half lying on it if that makes sense) helps me be more comfortable.

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: um I have no idea. I am eating horrendously and often so I am petrified to step on the scale. I can already tell the difference though bc I am gaining all over, versus with my son when I only gained in my stomach (and ate a lot healthier).

  10. Nibygd

    pea / 13 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I'm due April 10. Our LO will be a surprise, we can't wait!

    As for weight, I'm right at about 7 lbs too, but I've been fluctuating a lb here and there.

    Starting to feel little "bubbles" I think might be baby, anyone else?

  11. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Nibygd: welcome! I'm not having hip pain but lower back/pain in my tailbone. So no advice but commiseration!

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I don't know how much I'm up. My scale at home only works sometimes so ??? Between my first and second appointment I only gained 1 pound but it's been a few weeks since then now!

  12. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Nibygd: Welcome! I'm AMA as well. This is my 3rd baby. I already have a 3 year old boy, 11 month old girl and I'm expecting a boy. This is our final baby.

  13. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: No idea, but I hadn't gained much at my last appointment. Now that my morning sickness is gone I'm going to try and eat better and get back to going to the gym every day.

  14. Nibygd

    pea / 13 posts

    @bloved: yeah, the pillow hug helps. The worst is flipping over, ouch! All things considered, everything else has been going well so far, so can't complain too much. Hope yours is too!

  15. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    4/3: BandDmommy:
    4/5: Surbro:, AMommyThang: , PoppyGirl15:
    4/6: MaisyMay:
    4/10: Rinna9:, GwenMarieDC:, Nibygd:
    4/11: mamabolt:
    4/13: auggiefrog:
    4/15: Mrs. Lemon-Lime:
    4/18: MrsRoo:, Canoli:
    4/19: JH524:
    4/20: AKCoffeeBean:
    4/21: Lauraeva:, Den mom: , PeanutsBaby:
    4/22: AutumnLeaves:
    4/23: JennyLayneAZ:
    4/24: Bloved:
    4/25: Cherrybee:

  16. GwenMarieDC

    pea / 8 posts

    Hi Mamas! Long time no chat! I've been through a whirlwind at work and just starting to come down from the crazy.

    Exciting news - we are having a BOY! So very excited. We also made our news public on the interwebs on Saturday with this pic on FB and Insta!

    I keep waiting to feel something from the babe, sometimes I think I do but then rationalize that I'm imagining it.

    Welcome @Nibygd - my fellow 4/10 mama!

  17. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @GwenMarieDC: Cute announcement pic! And congrats on your boy, how exciting!

  18. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @GwenMarieDC: Nice announcement and way to go preserving the testosterone around here! Congrats!

  19. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime ..I think I've gained about 3 pounds so far. With my 1st I only gained 10 my whole pregnancy but I started off a bit over weight so I do my absolute best to keep the weight gain at a minimum.

  20. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @GwenMarieDC: congrats! Your announcement is so cute! And too funny that we have one more boy on our list!

  21. Nibygd

    pea / 13 posts

    @GwenMarieDC: Congratulations and super cute announcement!!! Will be interesting to see when we actually deliver having the same due date.

    I keep feeling little things that feel kind of like a muscle twitch right in the lower middle of my belly when I'm sitting still. Have felt every day now for about a week, so starting to think it's baby, but I could be crazy

  22. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    Anyone else feel like this pregnancy has put them in a bad mood/taken away their patience? I'm a manager and I hate to say it, but I'm on the verge of snapping at every single one of my employees. Silly questions irk me to no end and I'm just so tired (physically and emotionally). I've started meditating, but am having a really hard time pulling myself out of this funk.

  23. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @poppygirl15: not more than usual. I'm always grumpy

    I was annoyed that I had three back to back calls from customers before I could even set foot in my first office today. But, if I had missed those calls I would have had three VM to listen and respond to. Always an upside!

  24. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @poppygirl15: completely depends on the day for me. Some days I feel this way, some days I'm fine. I notice that my moods are more, I don't know, heightened than they were pre pregnancy. Some days I'm ridiculously happy for no reason whatsoever. I've only really had one sad day so far, so I am pretty thankful for that

  25. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @poppygirl15: yes! Me! I was just talking to my girlfriend last night about how this baby is stealing all my patience. I can't wait for these hormones to pass so everything can stop annoying me; I hate it!

  26. Canoli

    persimmon / 1458 posts

    Got the results of my genetic testing today! Boy for this mama! That makes boy #3 for me!

    I haven't commented much recently but have been following along. Hope everyone is feeling better as we move out of the 1st trimester. I know I'm starting to get some energy back!

  27. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Canoli: congrats!!!

  28. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    Still painting April blue!!

    4/3: BandDmommy:
    4/5: Surbro:, AMommyThang: , PoppyGirl15:
    4/6: MaisyMay:
    4/10: Rinna9:, GwenMarieDC: , Nibygd:
    4/11: mamabolt:
    4/13: auggiefrog:
    4/15: Mrs. Lemon-Lime:
    4/18: MrsRoo:, Canoli:
    4/19: JH524:
    4/20: AKCoffeeBean:
    4/21: Lauraeva:, Den mom: , PeanutsBaby:
    4/22: AutumnLeaves:
    4/23: JennyLayneAZ:
    4/24: Bloved:
    4/25: Cherrybee:

  29. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @Canoli: congrats! How fun to have a house full of brothers!

  30. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Canoli: congrats on boy #3!

  31. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @mrs. Lemon-lime: @Jennylayneaz: @bloved: thanks for your replies! Makes me feel better to know I'm not alone! I didn't work from home at all last night and treated myself to ice cream and law & order instead. Feeling a bit more ready to take on the world today! Hope you ladies have good days, too!

  32. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @GwenMarieDC & @Canoli: congrats on your boys!!! Painting this board blue big time!!!! 💙@poppygirl15: I've been much more short tempered as well. I understand completely and if im feeling frustrated and daddy's home then I'll ask him to take over.

  33. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    Ugh my progesterone shots arrived.. My reality for the rest of pregnancy

  34. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts

    Joining up! I'm due with my second girl on April 24. I'll help the pink ranks on the page

    Second pregnancy, so I'm already gigantic...or so it feels.

  35. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @BandDmommy: ugh sorry. I did the progesterone shots for the first 8 weeks of this pregnancy and I know they can be a pain (literally and figuratively).

    @BlueWolverine: welcome! We are due date twins! Congrats on your little girl.

  36. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @BlueWolverine: congrats!

  37. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @BlueWolverine: congrats and welcome!

  38. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @jh524: the short temper is so hard! Good your husband can help out some. Mine's been stepping in more at bedtime, too. Sometimes doing the dishes just sounds easier to me than getting a three year old into pjs.

  39. poppygirl15

    apricot / 400 posts

    @BandDmommy: Oy! That doesn't look like fun! Good luck. At least you know it'll be worth it in the end.
    @bluewolverine: this is my second and my bump is huge, too! Or, it's loud & proud as I've been telling anyone who comments.

  40. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @BandDmommy: I'm sorry hon. This doesn't look like fun, but whatever you need to do for baby!

    I've been lurking but not posting much. I received a call from my actual Doctor on a day she wasn't in the office today. But the message said to call her nurse for my test results. So after about 5 or 10 minutes of sitting on hold I finally got her. My AFP test results were elevated. They were 2. Something. I'm going in next week to retake the test and see where my results are then. But I've been checking in on baby and his or her heart is beating away and I think I'm starting to feel flutters. I'm just trying to be greatful for all that I have right now despit all the bad blood tests. In five or six short months I'll probably be sitting here with a happy, healthy baby. And if there is a problem, we will deal with it appropriately. But I'm seriously not looking forward to anymore testing.

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