Hellobee Boards


April 2016 moms!

  1. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @Cherrybee: Lorelai is so pretty! @JennyLayneAZ: Savannahs is a lovely! @MrsRoo: Kennedy, it's been a favorite since childhood. We have only decided on a boy's name- August. One of these days we'Lloyd figure out a girl's name.

    Based on replies, I guess I should spend some of my time off checking out DCP availability. Last time I checked prices we should be paying $1100/ mo. My mom still is saying she's up for watching the baby, but just in case...

    Purely frivolous, but any planned babymoon'so in the works?

  2. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: I LOVE the name August. That was my top pick for boy's name but I could not get my dh to agree.

    No baby moon for us since we already have a baby. I would love to do one last vacation as the three of us, but being a teacher I don't have any vacation time except winter break (which is full of family stuff) and spring break (which is too close to my due date to really travel anywhere far and NJ before April doesn't offer many options!). What are you thinking of?

  3. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Nothing for us, either, because we already have a LO. We went away (2 weeks all inclusive on a Spanish island) when I was 9 weeks pregnant and it was exhausting! E had a ball, of course. We went on a boat trip on the sea and, oh my goodness, I was sick as a dog! First tri + boat = bleugh!!

    How about you?

  4. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: no babymoon but we are taking both kids to Disney world in January.

  5. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Nothing for me. I've been invited to go to Louisiana with my Mim, Dad, and sister in January, but with everything going on with this little bub, and with all of the additional appointments I'm going to need to go to, I'm afraid to commit to anything or even ask for a whole week off work.

  6. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @bloved: Thanks, my husband actually suggested it.

    @Cherrybee: I think we're set on doing a short 2 nights or 3 nights in Key West after the New Year. It's about 4 hours away, but once there it's a world away. Originally, we wanted to go to NYC for the holidays, but life just got so busy to plan the trip. I'd love take a proper two weeks vacation someday!

    @BandDmommy: DW is always a fun time!! Are you all going to get a hotel sitter for at least one night for a romantic dinner alone?

    @auggiefrog: That makes total sense. You'll have all the time in the world and peace of mind too once baby is here & in your arms.

  7. Canoli

    persimmon / 1458 posts

    @bloved: I live in NJ too! Where do you live?

    No babymoon for us. We already have 2 LO at home and we went to Turks and Caicos ALONE in June for our 5 year anniversary!

  8. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @Canoli: central jersey. Where are you? Too funny but we went to st Thomas alone for our 5 year anniversary in June!

  9. Canoli

    persimmon / 1458 posts

    @bloved: South Jersey. Gloucester county.

  10. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @Canoli: Not too far (I think about an hour south of me). I am in mercer county.

  11. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    We are now also considering Dakota 💝

  12. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Ok ladies we are stuck between Savannah Victoria or Piper Delaney. I created a poll in the name category if anyone wants to vote

  13. PeanutsBaby

    pea / 21 posts

    Has anyone started or thinking of starting Prenatal Yoga? I signed up for three classes to see how I like it and I feel a bit iffy about it.

  14. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: piper was one of our top name choices when we had our first son, so I am biased, but I vote for that!

  15. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @bloved: Haha thanks!

    @PeanutsBaby: I thought about taking prenatal yoga but the classes I found weren't very close to home or at times that don't work for me. But I was hoping it would help my lower back.

  16. PeanutsBaby

    pea / 21 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: My lower back is constantly bothering me and I was told that the yoga is supposed to help. I really hope it does.

  17. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @PeanutsBaby: let me know! I may have to suck it up and go lol

  18. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    Just ordered furniture for nursery. Should be here in 12-16 weeks.

  19. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I like Piper.

  20. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @PeanutsBaby: I just read that prenatal yoga is good for edema- swollen feet, a symptom I just acquired this past week. I really like yoga and mat pilates. Pre-natal yoga sounds good too.

  21. PeanutsBaby

    pea / 21 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I go next Saturday. I'll let you know if all goes well.

  22. PeanutsBaby

    pea / 21 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: Mine are a little swollen, but not too bad. I figured since my Dr banned me from running anymore until after the baby is born, walking and some yoga would keep me in shape.

  23. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    Quiet group... Busy with holidays?

  24. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @BandDmommy: I just don't have a lot to say! Its not like the first time, is it, when everything was new and exciting! I don't have much gear to research or buy, I don't have a birth plan to think about (because we all know how that worked out!) and there are no parenting philosophies to research because it would appear that babies neglect to read the books! All there is to do is wait and waddle!

  25. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    I took a mental health day today even though it is our busiest week. I am just so tired. And I hurt, numbness in legs and wrists that I didn't have with LO1, upperback and neck pain that is also probably job related and pregnancy related
    Dh and I celebrate our 6th anniversary this weekend and his patents are keeping our girl for us, but instead of a sexy night out, I just want a hot bath in an oversized tub where I can soak all of me at once and to sleep, but I don't know how to tell DH that. Any ideas? He had been so supportive and encouraging, helping me to rest when I can.

  26. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    It's been a busy week for me. I had an early GD test last week and passed - no GD yet - they will retest again at 28 weeks. I had a follow up U/S last week to get the images they were not able to get the first time around and the dr said everything looks great. That was wonderful to hear. We took a road trip to Ikea this weekend (3 hours away one way) and bought the crib for LO2 and a play kitchen and activity table for LO1.
    We put up the Christmas tree but no ornaments yet as LO1 is enjoying pulling things and getting into things he shouldn't be.

  27. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    @autumnleaves: I have my follow up us this Friday to get done of the heat and face pics LO wouldn't give us a few weeks ago. Since it is at a teaching hospital, we get a ton of extra info when they explain to the intern what they are looking for and why

  28. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @MaisyMay: Is there a bed and breakfast or hotel near you that you could stay at with an oversized tub or romance package? If not, I may show some excitement for some candles and bubble bath and say how great it would be to use these on our anniversary.
    Lower back pain is the one problem I have right now - only in the middle of the night though.

  29. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @Cherrybee: the December thread was very active (lots of 2nd time moms). But they were all also more active on HB in general. So, you never know....

  30. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @autumnleaves: why are they making you retest if you already passed?

  31. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @MaisyMay: I did that yesterday when DH took DS holiday shopping and DD was napping. The bath was glorious!

  32. MaisyMay

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts

    @autumnleaves: we have a nice hotel room we are going to stay at, and will go to the hot tubs, so I an going to get some of what I want, just need to muster up some energy for what DH wants. When we are there, it will be better.
    About being tired, and uncomfortable, I have an appt tomorrow with my doctor and will be talking to my work about going to 4 1/2 days towards the middle on January and just 4 days a week in February. As long as I keep 30 hours a week, my benefits are okay. I can't telecommute or work remote but they are willing to work with me a bit on schedules and hours.

  33. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @BandDmommy: I think there is still time for it to develop. They were testing for early onset since I had it the last time but usually it develops between Weeks 24 and 28.

  34. autumnleaves

    pear / 1622 posts

    @MaisyMay: That is great that your work will be flexible with hours! I hope you have a relaxing & fun anniversary and that your dr appointment goes well on Friday - it will be nice to get see the baby again!

  35. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @MaisyMay: happy anniversary. Hopefully you
    Get a nice mix of what you want and what your husband wants.

    @autumnleaves: glad you tested negative. Fx that trend continues!

    Not much new with us. I have a consult scheduled for 12/28 to go over vbac vs csection. I really want a vbac but so far 3 doctors have told me they prefer I do a csection for various reasons. We are going to go over the pros and cons of both and I guess I will get scheduled for our csection if that is the route we go.

    We also decided on a middle name for the baby. We were talking to ds and asked him what we should name the baby. He said "Flynn rider" (from tangled). We then looked up flin which means "son of the red haired one" which is pretty perfect since dh is a redhead so I think Flynn will officially be the middle name!

  36. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @BandDmommy: I am generally more of a lurker than poster lol sorry! I try to speak up when I have something worth sharing though!
    Not much going on right now. Still have lower back/tailbone pain. Feel the baby move all the time which is awesome.

    Opinions on a bassinet? We have a crib, a rock n play, a pack n play....do we need a bassinet or cradle too? We won't be cosleeping, I move way too much in my sleep!

  37. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @bloved: oh that's cute I like Flynn

  38. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: we never used a bassinet. We used the Rock and play for the first 6 months or so and it was great!

  39. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @bloved: Flynn is a great name!

    @autumnleaves: Great news that you passed your GD test! I failed mine at 16 weeks and I'm already so sick of healthy food!

    @MaisyMay: Happy Anniversary! I hope you get to relax big time.

  40. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    This is my 2nd boy but I can't stop buying tiny boy clothes. My son was born at 34 weeks and I wasn't ready. Because of that I go crazy early.

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