Hellobee Boards


April 2020 Due Date Thread

  1. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Here's baby girl

  2. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: OMG! So cute! It's amazing how clearly you can see all her features. Do you think she looks like your DD1 did as a baby?

  3. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: thank you! I think she did in the early ultrasounds, but she's starting to look a little different. Chubbier cheeks, rounder face, rounder nose She'll probably come out and be a twin to DD1 though just to shock me lol

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I remember feeling like DS2 looked soooo different from DS1 when he was born, but now looking back they look pretty darn similar. I wonder if it’s some sort of weird mom-brain thing

  5. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: I can believe that lol I don't expect her to look much different. My husband's genes are strong lol DD1 looks just like her cousins, so I'd be surprised if #2 looks like me lol

  6. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: thread crashing here, but we’re you marginal or complete before? I was dx as complete at 18.5 weeks and won’t find out for another 6 weeks if it’s moved...doctor was pretty pessimistic lol.

  7. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @skiierchck99: crash away! I had a marginal previa. I hope yours resolves! Have you had any issues? I had no bleeding or anything, so I was completely surprised when they told me about it. I was also 18ish weeks at the time.

  8. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I had some spotting at about 11 weeks I think? But I also had a SCH and they attributed it to that resolving so who knows! Nothing at all since. I’m 21 and 4 and they said they would do another us at 28. They also didn’t formally say “complete” but that’s what we interpreted based on what they said. I’m fine to have a repeat Caesarian, but the not knowing is tough for me, ya know? I don’t want to get my hopes up but would like to have it move so I can relax and enjoy my last pregnancy.

    So glad it moved for you! And beautiful us pics

  9. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @skiierchck99: Yeah, I get it. I'm also having a repeat C-section, but, I was anxious to know whether it would have to be at 37 weeks or 39. So, at least I know I have those two weeks (unless she decides to try to come earlier than that lol). The end of March just felt really close and the second week of April feels a little more calm to me lol

  10. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Repeat c-section is officially scheduled for April 14! Currently sitting in the waiting room because today is glucose day. The drink wasn’t as bad as I remembered but I suspect I’ll crash later

  11. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: I hope you have good numbers and aren't feeling too crappy now. Yay for having a scheduled date!!! I seriously can't wait to find out mine lol

  12. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    So I’ve been a long time follower but never took the leap to post... until reading and seeing the lack of involvement on hello bee... realizing what a great resource this has been, and realizing I’m part of the “problem.” So here goes nothing. I’m due 4/29 with our 2nd girl.

    Yep it freaked me out when I saw how many girls you all were having due in April and then I found out I was in the club. No excuse but we’ve gone through 3 miscarriage in 3 years - two at 15 and 16 weeks - so confidence level and feelings of ginxing are part of my equation. But time to open up and celebrate no matter what happens! Excited to join this group and thanks for letting me follow along.

  13. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Hi there! I'm so glad you took the leap to join us. I also lurked on HB for a good long while before becoming active so I understand how it can be a bit intimidating, but hopefully more people keep joining and help keep the community alive. How crazy that you're part of the girl club too!!

    And I'm so sorry about your previous losses. We had a TFMR at 14 weeks and a CP just before this pregnancy so I felt very little confidence in it's success but after my good anatomy scan I'm feeling infinitely better and now I'm really able to soak in the joy. Do you know if this is likely your last or do you still want more? We're undecided so I feel awkward sometimes thinking this might be my last, but also might not.

  14. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    Thanks for the welcome.. we also had a great anatomy scan and have had a supportive ob who was willing to see me every 2 weeks. We had one scare where the doplar didn’t pick up the hb, and had to wait the longest 5 min of our lives to get the u/s to confirm hb - so many flashes back to the miscarriages - but now there are so many kicks and movements. No need for so much monitoring.

    I would love to have 3, but we had actually given up and I had started bc and organized all the babystuff (to 5t) to yard sale when I found out I was prego. Ha. So we are just happy with where we are now, and with my advance maternal age I think we are done. The journey for us being a family could not be planned and always offers surprises.

    So my next appt is for the 1 hr glucose. I failed and then passed the 3 hr with my first but a little worried going in to this one because of a few pre-existing conditions not in my favor-age, weight, etc. Would love to hear others experience/advice.

  15. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Ugh, that sounds like a terrifying moment. But I totally agree on the constant movement being such a reassurance. I'm borrowing my friend's doppler but haven't used it in months.

    Good luck on your glucose! I don't have any advice since I've passed the 1 hr each time, but I feel like there are a lot of ladies elsewhere on HB who might have experience.

  16. GalaxyMoth

    pea / 22 posts

    @Bmaja: Hi! And welcome to the girl club ! Though you have my condolences for previous losses, congrats and warm wishes for this baby! And fingers crossed your glucose test goes well! I wish I had some sort of great advice or seasoned experience to give you, but this is my first baby and I happened to pass with no changes whatsoever. I'm glad you jumped in and joined us!

    Sorry I've been pretty absent! Its been a busy little while. DH just graduated with a degree in economics and we're moving! (Though not to WA as we'd originally planned. My insurance doesnt extend out of CA and with no back up plan we'd rather not lose coverage and struggle finding an OB.) Since we'll have property, we're taking on my parents' dog to free them up to take care of my maternal grandfather in NM before we all migrate northwest. Easier said than done for sure. We have a large pit mix and a coydog already and throwing a dog-aggressive Akita x dane has definitely given me quite the workout, both physically and emotionally!
    BUT with all that said, I'm glad to officially be in the third trimester! I also feel like I've finally popped and I had no idea I would feel so happy about having a baby bump until I did! I was afraid of having a bump because I have bad back problems, but since it came on so gradually I've been able to adjust just fine. I hope all of you ladies are feeling good too!

  17. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @GalaxyMoth: Looking good! And wow that does sound like a hectic time. Do you think the dogs will all be good with the baby once she gets here?

    As for me, today marks exactly 10 weeks until scheduled c-section! Woohoo!! Feels like it's getting really close

  18. GalaxyMoth

    pea / 22 posts

    @JennyPenny: Thanks!! Is it weird to say I worry less about them with the baby than I do with each other? They're all saints around young toddlers and adore older kids, I think they're just having trouble establishing a pecking order amongst themselves.
    Dang! The countdown is real! How is your oldest doing? Has his behavior leveled out? And how's your youngest doing with potty training?

  19. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @GalaxyMoth: Well I think that's a good sign. I know there are tips online for how to ensure dogs understand that baby is way higher in pecking order than the dogs too which might help.

    And my 5 year old is still challenging, but we have definitely seen some improvements in his behavior. I'm not sure if I can take any credit - probably just another phase. And potty training went amazing! My youngest spoils me in so many ways. Day 1 he was holding his pee for 2-3 hours and we have had very few accidents. Really the only struggle has been that the kid will take 20 minutes to poop and it can come at the most inopportune times. Oh well....

  20. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @GalaxyMoth: thanks! And you go mama! Still figuring out this whole posting thing. Ya for reply!
    @JennyPenny: ahhh. 10 weeks. Goodness its flying.

    Is everybody’s nursery put together? I feel like I’ll be washing lots of clothes here soon... so excited for the smell of Dreft or is that just me. Ha.

    Also for those of you with or had only children... did you start to experience them becoming more independent and pulling toward DH? I’m guessing this is natural but it’s also a little sad.

  21. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: I am so excited to wash and put away all the baby clothes! We are putting this baby in the same nursery we used for our other two, so I have to get DS2 out of it first. Thankfully we got DS1 set up in his new room this weekend, so it should be fairly quick to transition DS2. Then I can start adding some feminine touches and stock the drawers with the beautiful girly clothes! Can't wait!

    As far as parental preference, I feel like it ebbs and flows all the time in our house. DS2 is currently in a major mommy phase but they've both gone back and forth enough times that we know any preference is only temporary.

  22. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Well, DS2 threw all my plans for loop because he decided last night that he's done with his old room (the nursery) and wants to go ahead and sleep in DS1's old room. On the one hand it's going to make fixing up the big boy room a bit more challenging since we'll have to do it while DS2 is awake, but on the other hand it means the nursery is already kid free!

  23. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Hi ladies, sorry I feel like I've been MIA!

    Welcome @Bmaja: So sorry about your losses, but congrats on baby girl #2 coming I don't know if I'm too late re: glucose testing, but my advice is go easy on the carbs the day before. I failed my 1 hr and passed my 3 hr my first pregnancy, but this time I made sure I didn't have carbs for dinner the night before and passed the 1 hr, thankfully.

    @GalaxyMoth: you look great, such a cute bump

    @Bmaja: @JennyPenny: oh man, parental preference - always me. And I feel like the closer we get to EDD, the clingier she is She seems excited for baby sister, but I also feel like she's acting out a bit at the same time.

    Also, my dogs are acting different. Like, peeing in the house. Its pissing me off lol One of the three doesn't seem phased at all, but the other two are having accidents several times a week - two nights ago one of them pee'd in the kitchen next to me while I was making dinner. I seriously don't know what to do about it. She wasn't with us when I was pregnant with DD1 (we took her in when dd was about 2 months - she was my MIL's dog who suddenly passed away during my pregnancy). And the other dog had UTI issues so she has accidents occasionally, its just been so much worse lately (and doesn't have an active UTI right now either). blegh.

    In other news, my C-section will be on 4/9/20. I don't know what time yet as the scheduler was out today, but the dr said she'd make sure I get scheduled for that day, so, yay! I have three more u/s before then too, which seems excessive but I'm not complaining (the last one is the day before the C-section lol) I feel like there was more I was going to say but I've been rambling on long enough and pregnant brain is kicking in, so, hope you all are doing well

  24. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Hey ladies! Anyone else get the tdap shot recently? I got mine on Friday. Just wondering when my arm will stop hurting LOL I didn't get it with DD1 (my old Dr basically left it up to me and made it seem like it wasn't a big deal) so I don't even remember the last time I got it. But man, my arm hurts like someone beat me with a bat!

  25. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I remember my arm hurting for awhile also. I think it means your body is doing what it needs to do! Though I’m still going to hope I don’t have to do it again for a few more years. Ha.

    @JennyLayneAZ: thanks for the welcome! Ya so I have to do the 3 hr. I definitely didn’t ease on the carbs the day before.

    Wow! Beginning of April is coming so fast. That’s basically a month away. Wow.

    Ok so is anyone obsessing over baby products? I’m slow on my registry...

  26. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Yes! Mine hurt for several days. The nurse asked if I usually hurt after the T-dap and I said I didn't remember. She told me its one of the more painful ones for some reason. And I think that was true for me. It definitely hurt longer than the flu shot did.

    @Bmaja: I've built an amazon registry full of things I need to replace from previous kids, but it's all identical to what I had before. I literally copied stuff over from the last one. I just want to make sure I have everything on it that I'll want completion discount on.

  27. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: ya Im only doing it to get the discount on all the diapers things have changed from then tho. Like this foot bootie sensor thingy for SIDS.. I just remembered having this terrible pad to sense movement that would false alarm all the time, usually in the middle of the night

    Also I swear I’m not loosing my mind when I said beginning of April was a month away... in my mind it feels like February is flying by. Exciting!! And also I still can’t believe it’s all happening.

  28. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: haha, I actually have the same pad monitor, but I LOOOOVE it. But that's because the version I have, the sound monitor has a snooze function that I think is why my kids are such good sleepers and I haven't seen it in any other monitor. But my work bff got the owlet sock and loves it too.

  29. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: yes, definitely longer than the flu shot pain lol that wasn't that bad at all! My arm feels mostly normal today, thankfully!
    @Bmaja: I feel like April is a month away also LOL January always takes forever and then February is such a blink! It'll be March before we know it!

  30. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Whew, 30 weeks and I can feel all the discomforts of the end of pregnancy settling in. I'm having very frequent BH contractions, feeling way too full after a normal sized meal, and baby girl is starting to push into uncomfortable spots. How's everyone else feeling?

  31. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: oh man, me too on "feeling all the discomforts" lol I have trouble catching my breath these days, and I am most definitely waddling now LOL getting off the couch or out of bed is such a chore And, yes, baby has her ways of hurting me sometimes, I just have to push back on her (gently of course) and get her to move....but she likes to act like she's trying to break out of there through the top of my belly LOL

    I am having occasional sciatic pain also, which thankfully hasn't stuck around long term. In my first pregnancy, I had the pain from around 15 weeks until I delivered, it was awful.

  32. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    We haven't done an updated list in a while, and since we have a new member, I thought I'd post one

    April 7: CatchAFallingStar (#3 ) - 32w1d
    April 15: JennyLayneAZ (#2 ) - 31w0d
    April 21: JennyPenny (#3 ) - 30w1d
    April 27: GalaxyMoth (#1 ) - 29w2d
    April 29: mrschickpea (#2 ) & Bmaja (#2 ) -29w0d

    Let me know if I missed anyone/anything

    ETA: hopefully fixed the girl emojis

  33. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    ...and one more update for me today, they called with my C-section time, and I'm all set up and scheduled with the hospital. So, yay that that's all taken care of, but can I just whine a little for a second? My surgery is scheduled for NOON. No food or water for 8 hours prior. I'm not worried about no food, but, damn I'm gonna be thirsty! lol

  34. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Ugh, that stinks! With DS2 I was scheduled at 1:30, but they ended up calling that morning and saying they could actually take us at 11:30 if we wanted so we jumped on that! It was definitely still a challenge though. I hope they can end up squeezing you in earlier.

  35. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: yeah, it'll be nice not having to rush out the door to get DD1 to grammie and papas house, but, I'm so stuffy all the time I wake up with a really dry throat! Ah, well, it is what it is.

  36. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Ugh yes! I am SOOO stuffy, it is driving me nuts. And I also wake up with a dry throat because I end up mouth breathing all night. My humidifier helps a tiny bit but it's still really annoying.

  37. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: ugh i started snoring because of congestion.

    @JennyLayneAZ: I’m with you on the waddle. Plus the feeling of feeling like I’m going to be split in 2.

  38. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    ...and my whining continues LOL I woke up with a head cold this morning it's literally just a stuffy nose (you know, worse than normal lol) but I snored all night long so I woke up with a sore throat. I did wake up from sneezing in the middle of the night, so that's fun. Uggggh. I just want to feel normal again.

    Speaking of humidifiers, @JennyPenny: and anyone else who wants to answer, what kind do you have? We have one in DD1's room that runs pretty much every night (its so dry here all the time!) but it is a PITA to clean. So, I want to get something different for her, and i'll need to get one for DD2 as well. Any recommendations? The one we have is just Vicks brand or whatever and I bought it at Walgreens. I don't mind spending a little extra money if it means all the parts that need cleaning come off the motor (or whatever can't be submerged) and I can actually get my hand into to clean it.

  39. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I have this one - https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Enrichment-MistAire-Ultrasonic-Humidifier/dp/B013IJPTFK/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=humidifier&qid=1581626377&sr=8-4
    I wouldn't say it's great, but it is easy to clean. Though I always find myself wondering if there are more parts that need to be cleaned that aren't visible...

  40. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: It’s not whining its commiserating right?! Sitting here waiting to be stuck 3 more times for this glucose test. The seats are terrible, and I don’t feel awesome- BUT a 4 day old baby was brought in - hoping not to be stuck also, he is soooo tiny and soooo cute. So excited to be just 11 weeks or so away. But man am I ready for a donut!

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