Hellobee Boards


April 2020 Due Date Thread

  1. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I just had a meeting a doomsday coworker so I went ahead bought a giant box of Size 1. I think it'd be about 20 days supply so hopefully enough for a quarantine...they may be too big but it seems like a good start.

  2. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Up until now I hadn’t been too worried about catching coronavirus myself since pregnant women don’t see to be at any higher risk, but it just occurred to me that if I am sick around delivery they may keep baby away from me! And that would be devastating 😬

  3. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: OMG that would be devastating! I was really not all that worried about all of this until today. And now I feel quite panicky. We ordered some diapers and wipes last night, and I went to the grocery store on my lunch hour, but then the president went and did his national emergency speech and now I feel like I need to go get more. I spent $350 on that one trip alone, and in no way have enough for two to three weeks. And what if this crap lasts longer than that? UGHHHHH.

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I did another grocery run this morning and I think we're definitely good for 2 weeks at home. But, I don't think they'll end up closing grocery stores since they haven't in Italy and it's worse there. I also heard a rumor that they'll close schools in our county 3 weeks starting Monday. No official announcement, though I heard the rumor this morning. At this point I honestly think I should just stay home anyway. It may be overkill and I may go stir crazy but I just don't want to risk it

  5. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: I'm also feeling incredibly guilty that I'm bringing a child into THIS environment, ya know? Like, we've been so responsible timing things out to where we are comfortable and the economy was going well and then this happens and now everything feels so incredibly uncertain. And I also sort of wish I had the baby already because then I'd be all stocked up on everything already and be quarantined just because I have a newborn lol that feels a little irrational....well, it all does right now.

    Our school district is on spring break this week...haven't heard anything of them closing for longer but I do know they all did deep cleaning this week. I also got a note from daycare that they will remain open unless someone in the center tests positive and then they'll close and follow the guidelines from the health department or whatever. Yesterday at work we had a meeting about all the changes occurring right now (my maternity leave, etc) and they said "we're in a good place if we need to work remotely" and I have no idea what they mean by that because most of us don't have remote log ins and what not. So...we'll see.

    Sorry. I feel like I'm rambling.

  6. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I feel the exact same way! If I was 37 weeks now I’d be asking for an early c-section. But as it is a preemie in this seems terrible. I also feel like I had a perfect March and April planned so that my boys are taken care of and I can be well prepared and relaxed for baby girl and that is all out the window now...

  7. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: @JennyLayneAZ: I’m with you guys on feeling a little unsure and concerned about the end of this pregnancy. Ultimately I’m focusd on trying to stay calm. I want to be prepared but not go overboard. Stress is not good, and even though I am ready to stop worrying about all the things that could happen - I’m trying to remember that the longer baby stays put the better it will be. If I get sick while pregnant, baby will get all my good antibodies. If I get sick after birth she’ll get them from breastmilk, and I will wear a mask and be very careful. You guys, we are the best for these babies - keep up the prep, but try not to overwhelm yourselves! Vent, ramble, get it out. Ok I’m hoping this helps... but yes I’m buying another going box of diapers just in case and reading about the number of cases in my area

  8. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: you’re absolutely right! I may need to come back and reread what you wrote frequently because it really helped me gain perspective

  9. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: Thanks. This group means a ton to me, and we are in this together.

    This is an incredibly hard time for us all. So much uncertainty, so much out of our control. I had to give a talk yesterday- it was super boring - but it had a good message for right now -change is inevitable- but use the 4 a’s... ask questions (or google, but use your best judgment on when to stop), accept (do we have a choice?), attitude (feel like this is especially important if you have kids at home, we scared our daughter the other day when she listened to a phone call - we are working to not scare her but also answer her questions) and accept. There are other a’s that are applicable - alter, adapt, etc. Ok did I help you to get back to sleep? I helped at least one person when I spoke.

    Speaking of sleep I think I slept through the night without getting up once!! Of course then I worry I’m dehydrated. The packages are coming in from Amazon- and yes I lysol them at the door. Then once I open the box debate how crazy to go disinfecting baby stuff. Makes me glad I have a few weeks before baby comes - as they will “self-clean by then!

  10. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    Ok calm me is over time to vent. My mother stopped by to take my daughter on a “ride.” We had an hour talk about symptoms of covid, precautions, status in our area, our worries, possible complications for me being prego, etc. how she wants to stay healthy so she can help with baby come april, how we were thinking of not going to see our friends tonight because we knew they had been out at a large gathering.

    then she left, went to get some gas, went to the library to “place books in the drop off.” Ok great could use a break, then I get a text that they are at the playground and then went inside to the kid computers. Grrrrrr. I mean fine whatever. We have no confirmed or presumed cases in our community - but seriously! And she is going to school Monday. But still. Ok deep breath. Can’t control every moment, but come ooooonnnnnnn!!!! Ok freak out over. Just have to laugh right.

  11. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Ugh, that's rough. It's hard when the grandparents don't follow instructions on the best of days, let alone when it pertains to a public health emergency!!!

    Our county officially closed schools today for the next 2 weeks. So for now I'll be home with DS1, but I assume it's just a matter of time before DS2's daycare closes as well...

  12. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: @JennyPenny: hi ladies. Sunday updates from me: our school district and the neighboring one are both closed until further notice. Havasupai falls is closed to tourists until 4/14, so, my Drs hike will be cancelled which selfishly, as her patient, makes me feel better that she'll be here lol after i got home with my groceries on Friday i felt a little better, less panicked.

    On to baby stuff, we finished moving DDs toys and stuff to her new room and cleaned the nursery. I found a box of newborn clothes and washed those along with bibs, burp rags, swaddles, etc. I need to find the 0-3 month stuff still, but glad i got started!

    Hope you all (even those I didn't tag) are having an uneventful weekend!

  13. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: This weekend has actually been really interesting. It's the first time in a long time that we've literally had nothing to do and nowhere to go. DS1 has been independently playing with the neighbor kids for the last 3 hours at this point. I didn't think I was ready to be inside while he played outside, but I think now is perfect timing to give it a try!

    Mostly, I'm just in awe of how different this coming month looks now compared to what I had expected/planned for. I'm a mega-planner so it is just surreal to toss everything out the window. I had initially expected I'd be spending this weekend prepping for DS2's birthday party next weekend, but that's obviously cancelled now. DH was supposed to be out of town at a conference this weekend too. I'm still feeling ready for baby girl - I'm glad I got so much done early now. All that remains really is ordering my breast pump and I can't do that for another week.

  14. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: ya baby stuff! I keep going into the nursery to hang. Everything is going to be super organized and ready!

    Had gotten a hypnobaby book from ebay (no cd’s unfortunately) last week, potentially will have time to cram through it. DH think I’m crazy. But I figured it’s worth trying?

    Ok what else - anybody got any good recipes for the freezer?

  15. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: This is what I made the last two times. It definitely worked better when DS1 was born because when DS2 was a newborn, DS1 was in the prime of picky eating so it was a bit frustrating. Either way, I love all these recipes.

    Chicken, rice and veggie casserole - https://mykitchenescapades.wordpress.com/
    Chicken parm bake (make 1 meal batches, not good leftover) - http://www.hellobee.com/2014/05/22/chicken-parmesan-bake/#more-101246
    Chicken and pesto shells - http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2010/05/pesto-chicken-stuffed-shells.html
    Chicken and biscuits - http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/chicken-stew-with-biscuits-recipe.html
    Chicken taquitos - http://ourbestbites.com/2014/07/baked-creamy-chicken-taquitos/
    Chicken tortilla soup - https://www.skinnytaste.com/crock-pot-chicken-enchilada-soup/
    Turkey taco soup - https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-chili-taco-soup/

  16. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    After I posted yesterday, the governor shut down school in the entire state, so that happened...

    Still had to come to work today tho! 🤦‍♀️

    Is anyone elses older kids becoming extra clingy/experiencing seperation anxiety? My daughter has been so bad for the last week, it's making drop off hell! It was just at daycare, but this morning it was just as bad dropping her off at my parents house😢

  17. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Aww, that's so hard when they seem to need you more. Kids definitely know a big change is coming when a sibling is on the way. Though my 2nd is currently changing his behavior to be a defiant little troll! He is misbehaving consistently and just laughing at any form of reprimand or consequence. I honestly don't know what to do with a kid who doesn't care about losing dessert, tv, playtime, etc.

  18. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: OMG she is totally misbehaving also, it's driving me crazy ☹ the only "threat" that seems to have any impact right now is that her toys will be taken away....but it's just a temporary fix.

  19. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: yum so many good ones to check out! Thank you.

    @JennyLayneAZ: @JennyPenny: Maybe threaten to take their pillows? No more forts I’m warning you!

  20. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: omg, can you see into my house!?! We literally have a pillow fort upstairs and downstairs. They’re DS1s creations but I bet that threat would actually work 😂

  21. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: hahaha I’m looking at my own right now - combo of boxes, pillows and chairs. Thankfully limited to one room today. It’s a constant battle to keep pillows on couches and beds.

  22. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: @JennyPenny: 🤣lol She's not quite there yet, but I did threaten to take her brand new chair and pillow/ottoman back to target lol

  23. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Today’s random coronavirus thought: if I deliver when schools and parks and everything are closed it is going to be a much bigger burden on whoever watches my boys. Thankfully we have two sets of local grandparents, but it will be a much bigger ordeal than it would have been otherwise. And that’s assuming I feel comfortable exposing our parents to our kids. In theory they won’t be seeing anyone for a while as long as they they aren’t currently infected but asymptomatic it *should* be fine...

  24. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: my mom is currently helping with my daughter and they are being super creative and finding all sorts of random fun stuff to do. It’s good for kids to get bored, they usually rise to the challenge! If all else fails, make mud pies! Side walk chalk, if it rains jump in puddles, paint some rocks or shells. Sounds like you have the right attitude about isolation, and you’ve still got a few weeks right? This sure does make time fly when I cant say I really want to rush. Ha. I’ve got a dr appt tomorrow- will be interested to see what they say.

  25. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    Anybody else see the doctor and get directions? Like stay home?

  26. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: My next appt isn't until next monday but I just did a webinar with L&D nurses from our area hospitals and they were definitely saying that pregnant women should stay home as much as possible. They were saying that currently the CDC is recommending that if a mom tests positive that there is isolation from the baby, but different hospitals are interpreting that differently. But for me that means I want to be extra, extra careful.

    The other new, and frivolous, piece of information I learned is that the newborn photographer that goes around our hospital doing in-room photos isn't allowed. I've loved those pictures for both my boys so I'm a bit bummed. I've added some ideas to my hospital bag of things to bring for photos. Like a selfie-stick, since I won't have extra visitors to take pictures of all 3 of us and I don't think I want to be the crazy lady bugging the nurses about it

  27. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: @JennyPenny: my next appointment is Thursday. My hospital just cancelled the tour and all classes until at least May. They were nice enough to call and give me the info I would've gotten at the tour though, so that's good. Dh is allowed with me at all times. Dd being allowed is up in the air, it's a fluid situation, so I'm sure I won't know until I'm there. One visitor at a time as long as they're healthy. I think that's the best I could even hope for right now!

    The specific city I live in declared an emergency about an hour ago too. No dining in anywhere. I'm mostly concerned about groceries at this point, but hopefully will be ok. We can still get delivery and to go orders too lol

  28. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: i was looking forward to newborn photos in the hospital also.

    @JennyLayneAZ: @JennyPenny: My dr is suuuuper laid back. She allowed lots of questions and the office was careful with social distancing, but so far our community is not hit hard that we know of... so she was like you are good. If you can work from home that’s better. But you are doing fine. Guess I was hoping she’s be like stay hoooome.

    Think my company is close to telecommuting but we will see. Poor person taking over for me just started Monday and is probably in shock with how much I’m trying to give him at a time. Come home ready for bed at 5pm (no ready for nap at 2 let’s be honest). Allergies are acting up, feet are swollen, and other pains. 6 weeks left... will it fly or drag?

  29. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: so, today the hospital started not allowing visitors at all. The 2 exceptions are that a child can be accompanied by 1 adult, and laboring mother's can have 1 support person.
    We'll see how long that lasts for 😕

    I keep going back and forth between feeling ok and completely stressed out.

    3 weeks tomorrow till c section day. We'll see what the world is like then.

  30. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    It's just crazy how all of this is affecting what I expected for birth and the newborn period. Right now I'm trying to come to grips with what maternity leave will be like if both my boys are home full time too. I had planned them still to go to daycare and school and thought I'd have some nice relaxing time to bond with just baby girl. Right now I don't have much hope that they'll be in back in school and figuring out how to feed the whole family while recovering is going to be exhausting. In theory DH should be able to do it, but I care so much more about food than him that I'm not sure I could relinquish control.

  31. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I just had some rhythmic, timeable, slightly more painful than usual contractions during lunch today so I just packed a quick start to a hospital bag. Of course they stopped once I got up and moving around. I remember how exhausting this time period is. Always reading into everything wondering if it's a sign that time has come...

  32. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: wow I’m not ready for this stage! Ha. Currently on the couch with giant swollen feet. So ready for bed!

    Also I’m with you on trying to change my expectations for maternity leave. Not so sure we are going to get much homework done with a newborn at home.

  33. skiierchck99

    kiwi / 518 posts

    I’m a little further out than most of you but got pushed up to 5/5 and feeling similar stress. The only upside is once the baby comes I won’t be parenting and also working which is killing me right now. Hugs to all ❤

  34. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @skiierchck99: Hi there! That’s a really good point about not having to try and do work too. DH also gets paternity leave so in theory he’s be much more help with the older kids then too. How are you feeling about being moved up? I feel like early-mid may is still a giant question mark about what our lives will look like. I have run through every scenario trying to decide if earlier or later would be better for me with no clear answer, obviously. I do think it’d be best if I could deliver vaginally to reduce my hospital stay. But is it a big enough difference to push out my scheduled c-section if I make it that far? I have a cervical check on Monday at 36 weeks which I assume is to early to also do a sweep. But I may ask how soon we could start being kind of aggressive to encourage labor to start....

  35. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Hi ladies. I feel like everything is changing so rapidly, I'm trying to go with the flow and not stress. My concern today is, what if my parents get sick? What will we do about DD1 during my hospital stay. I think we'd probably find someone to babysit during the day, and have DH go home at night to be with her.

    I got checked yesterday @JennyPenny: and am not dilated at all. I had to see one of the nurse practitioners because the Dr was at the hospital doing at C-section that started late. So, she started telling me all the things I can do to get dilating lol I'm like, um, does it matter since I'm having a C-section? Nope, it does not lol

    Apparently I was supposed to start weekly ultrasounds & non stress tests this week...oops. So, I'll start next week. Ultrasounds on Mondays, NST's & Dr appointments on Thursdays for the next three weeks. So, three more ultrasounds before C-section.

    I go back and forth between wishing I'd already had the baby, and wishing I was a little further out (with the hopes that this all subsides fairly quickly) @skiierchck99: I'm sure anyone pregnant right now has similar feelings! Hugs to you as well!

  36. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: and sorry about your swollen feet! I was so swollen with DD1 from around 30 weeks on, it was miserable!

  37. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Today I had the realization that I think I'd be completely enjoying this quarantine if I weren't pregnant and due soon. This past week has been really good for my kids. They're getting to have the kind of childhood I dream for them but never seemed to make happen during regular life. They've had hours of unstructured outdoor play each day, and some good independent play as well as playing with each other. I never would have let my kids play without me outside until this quarantine made it a necessity if I wanted a chance to get any work done. Hopefully some of this can carry over into the future too.

  38. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    You guys, I slammed my finger in the car door. This is horrible. Dh just went to Walgreens to get a splint and stuff. 😭😭😭 and Tylenol is just not doing anything for the pain.

  39. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Oh no! I’m hoping you wereable to get ahold of your ob. So hoping it isn’t broken! Ouuuuch. No fun, with covid going on or otherwise. Distractions are high right now, everyone be careful.

  40. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: ouch! That hurts so bad. I hope it’s a bit less by now 😬

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