Hellobee Boards


April 2020 Due Date Thread

  1. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: How'd the test go?
    @JennyPenny: thanks for the recommendation!

    So, we finally bought some stuff for the baby! yay! lol We have a bassinet, stroller/carseat, mamaroo, bath tub seat thing-a-mabob lol and a high chair on the way. Feeling much better! DD1s room is so close to being done. Its painted now. Termite people are coming this weekend to take care of that issue (its under warranty, so this is a re-treat since they came back ) then we'll have carpet installed and she can get moved in.

    A friend of ours' daughter had twins this weekend, identical boys. They're adorable (yes I'm old enough that my friends are having grandbabies born lol) She also has an 18 mo daughter, so, they're going to have their hands full, that's for sure! But so so cute!!

  2. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: I passed! Thanks for asking. It was funny thought they kept giving me interns to do the draws, and I told them to use the same spot, the last time they said oh no we should switch, ok whatev... then she must have broken through because the bruising is terrible.

    And the little baby in the waiting room did have a blood draw, the worst cries ever. Brave mama!

    Also I’m there with you on friends with grandkids. The good part is they have time to come help out, unlike the friends with kids

    All your preparations sounds great! I’m starting to pull stuff down next weekend... need to take inventory and possibly add more the registry. Did just find out about two big consignment sales coming up next month - so definitely need to have my list ready.

    So is anybody else listening to podcasts on birthing, breastfeeding, etc. It’s amazing how much I’ve forgotten. And all the new info. Like had you heard about eating dates 4 weeks out!! There are legit papers out there on the effectiveness to help ripen and decrease pain.

  3. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: @Bmaja: I feel like I'm in the final countdown for preparation for sure. Today marks 8 weeks until c-section date! Thankfully, my parents took my boys to the beach this weekend so I got a bunch of stuff done. I packed away all the boy clothes and organized the girl clothes I've got so far. I also did a good scrub of the nursery so things are mostly clean and ready to go. Big things I have left are:
    - Registry completion. Really I just need to buy everything I've been putting on my registry to keep track of like new bottles, pacis, pump equipment etc.
    - Get out all my big gear from storage (car seats, bouncers, etc) and give it a good clean
    - Order a breast pump
    - File for maternity leave

    I guess I should start prepping for the birth part too. Maybe order some recovery supplies and some red raspberry leaf tea (or dates!) I would really love to go into labor naturally before the c-section date, though having it scheduled is so convenient with kids at home already.

    I did look back at my notes from my first 2 kids (I have some OCD records of their eating and sleeping) because a friend who gave birth recently was asking questions about cluster feeding. Looking at those charts left me exhausted though. I forgot (aka blocked out) how often they eat in the early days....

  4. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: ugh that reminds me I never made my registry public. Don’t expect anyone to actually get us anything though. Seriously though I’m so pumped to get the clothes out. And feel ready- as much as you ever can be. I have 10 weeks left... trying to try to remember all the things. I wish I had been OCD about writing down how it all went. Did you use a general notepad or an app or something?

  5. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: I used the BabyConnect app with both kids and loved it. It has a nice visual display to let you identify patterns. And then I saved and annotated it after the fact and it’s been super helpful to look back on. Definitely sending major thanks to my past self.

  6. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: wow that’s incredibly detailed! Way to go mama. I’m working on the nursery today. Imagining holding a little baby in the rocking chair one day soon. Hahahaha. Hormones!

    So went by target and decided to go ahead and register. So I was slowly walking thru the aisles and i was really impressed with all the lactation stuff they have - a spectra pump, lactation cookies/shakes, a huge selection of nursing bras. I love amazon, but sometimes it’s nice to get out of the house.

  7. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Aww, I hope you're making good progress We visited our friends with a newborn today and it definitely made me wish I was holding mine already. So excited. I just finished the quilt I'm making for baby girl so I'm done with the baby prep tasks I had scheduled for this weekend. I'm debating being productive this afternoon but I might just take a nap

  8. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: wow you made a quilt? That’s great. We got a ton done this weekend. Including pulling out the dreft. It doesn’t quite smell like I remember - but the label said it had changed formula., it was still fun to look through the clothes and remember my first daughter wearing them. it seems like a ton of stuff, but i also reminded myself of all the outfit changes.

  9. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    Hi ladies! I feel like I've fallen off the face of the (hellobee) earth lol I've been training my replacement at work and it just takes everything out of me. I'm an introvert, so, being with someone all day everyday is just exhausting.

    Onto baby news: I had my 32 week growth ultrasound last week and baby girl is growing right on her curve (68%) and doing well. I think they said she's about 4 lbs and 18 in already!

    We are *this* close to getting our big girls room done, hopefully we'll finish it up this weekend (carpet being installed Friday afternoon, A/C unit being installed on Saturday - we have central HVAC but this room was an add on years before we owned the house and it just gets way too hot in there in the summer - eastern facing windows with no cover - so we're installing a 1 room unit for her so she'll be comfortable). So, if we get that all done we can start moving her in, and then I can go through all the baby stuff and get it organized in the nursery

  10. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Yep, I've made one for each of my kids. They are far from professional, but I have fun with it I have also accumulated way too many clothes...hopefully we can use them all!

    @JennyLayneAZ: Good to hear from you! That sounds like great progress. It sure feels like we're in the final countdown now to get stuff done.

    As for me, I had a surprise little shower at work yesterday which was super sweet. I'm *this* close to pulling the trigger on my amazon registry completion. It'd be nice to have it here and ready and put away soon but I'm nervous I'm forgetting something. Otherwise my baby tasks for this weekend are to get out old gear from storage and give it a good cleaning. We also have maternity photos on Sunday, so of course it's FREEZING in the forecast...

  11. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: you gotta do what you gotta do. I was starting to get worries I scared everyone but @JennyPenny: off! I’m so hopeful I’ll get a named replacement soon to turn-over scope. Hopefully I’ll go until close to my due date, but you never know. Someone asked me if I started packing my car yet. I was all ughhh noooo! I’m ready but not THAT ready.

    I get my next ultrasound in 5 weeks, so excited to check in. A little nervous though aa fundal height os 2 weeks ahead. 68% is great!!

    That’s a lot of renovating! Bet it will feel so good to have it done. All you need for baby is a few onsies, a car seat, and some diapers. Maybe a drawer?! Ha ok too much Little House on the Prairie. Trying to be funny in writing doesn’t translate does it.

    @JennyPenny: so about clothes - been pulling and washing and i have so many 0-3 month clothes, but not so much on the rest. Not sure if I gave it away or what! We have a big consignment sale next week so I’m going to try and not go too crazy.

    Showers are nice to get stuff, but I get so uncomfortable with gifts and having to react. I’m fairly extravert but the ewwwh ahhhh expectation makes my stomach turn. Growing up my cousin was amazing at it, so I would be all ya what she said.

    Ok sorry for the novel... but is anyone else slightly concerned about the coronavirus? Trying my best not to be.

  12. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Yeah, it's hard not to be concerned with how much it's dominating the news cycles. I feel like yesterday I kept hearing about how way more people are asymptomatic carriers than they had expected which feels both great and terrifying. On one hand, it's nice to know that it can be super mild so that you don't even notice, but on the other that makes it much harder to contain. My husband is supposed to travel to Texas next week and then half my office will be traveling for our big international conference at the end of the month so that's a little scary too

  13. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: Ha, I haven't packed my car yet either. I know what I want to put in my hospital bag, but really, I don't want to pack my clothes away just yet if I want to wear them between now and then! If I miss/forget something, I can always send DH home to get it, the hospital isn't very far (about 15 minutes - 7 miles away) so he can handle going home if needed. This morning I did realize I need to install the infant car seat to see if I need to move DD1 behind me, or if the baby seat will fit behind me.

    We finished DD1's room this weekend, just need to get the blinds put up and then move her in! Also got the kitchen cabinets installed, ordered a new microwave and a new ceiling fan for the living room (the one we have isn't that old, but something is off with the electrical on it, which is unnerving and annoying because that is our only light in that room and sometimes it takes HOURS for it to finally come on).

    As soon as DD1 is moved into her room this weekend, I am going to go through the totes of clothes I have and pull out all the newborn & 0-3 month stuff and get that washed and put away

    Yes, the coronavirus is a concern here too (I'm in a state with confirmed cases - AZ) so, I feel like it's a question of "when" and not "if" at this point. So, I'm mostly concerned about DD1 and the baby once she's born. Of course I worry about myself and DH as well, but, they're fragile you know? And, I worry for my parents also. They're not old (60 & 61) but I worry about them more each year that passes.

  14. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Whew, that's a lot of stuff you've checked off, must feel great! And thanks for the reminder on the infant seat. I'm not sure when I'll get that installed. We're doing 3 across in my husbands car and I kind of want to put it off because I know it'll be a nuisance having it set up that way before its needed. But in the past we've always done the car seat check before baby arrives so it's one less thing to do to get discharged, so maybe I do need to get on that

    I actually went to do my amazon registry completion this morning but the sheets I wanted are out of stock. Now I'm wondering if I should a) buy something else b) wait on the whole completion until they come back, or at least a week or 2 to see if they do, or 3) do the completion now anyway and figure out sheets later.... 6 weeks to go, so still plenty of time but also its starting to feel short.

  15. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    UGH! First confirmed case of coronavirus in my county.....yuck yuck yuck!

  16. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: so Ive looked at other boards but I’m curious what you plan to pack in your bag. For my first I took way to many baby clothes and didn’t use but one outfit. Did enjoy having shower flip flops and nice travel shampoo and conditioner for that first shower. And that’s about all I remember. It was such a haze. Oh and a speaker to listen to some carolina beach music - it was perfect at two am for hubby to dance her to sleep.

    So I almost ordered stuff this weekend from registry but hesitated - not sure why. Started working on our master bedroom closets instead. I mean who needs diapers and an infant car seat (old one expired) when you can have an organized closet!

    @JennyPenny: So I’m no doctor- but Ive been trying to read some articles about this virus and it sounds like pregnant women and children hadn’t seemed to have the complications of others. Try to take care of yourself, get good sleep if you can still and try not to stress. Easier said than done! Good thoughts are going out to all!

    So glad I reached out to join this group- crazy to think that soon a few people will deliver!

  17. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Yes! I've been doing all the same googling and it definitely makes me feel better than neither me, DH, nor the kids are high risk. I do have asthma which I think ups my risk slightly, but I just put in for a refill of my rxs in case so I'm feeling much better.

    I just took a look at my hospital bag list from my other kids and it just seems so odd. I have 0 recollection of taking showers in the hospital and I really don't know if that's because I didn't at all or because everything is such a haze. I also have on there packing my camera and camera charger!? Who uses real cameras anymore

  18. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: @JennyPenny: I don't remember everything I brought with me the first time around either LOL I'll probably Google "hospital bag packing list" or something and go from there. I do remember I bought a travel toiletries pack from Walgreens that had all my bathroom essentials in it so that I didn't have to pack my full sized shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/paste, etc, and it came with some Olay face cleansing wipes that I remember were a Godsend in the middle of the night lol So, I plan on getting another one of those (something like that anyway) to have in my bag, ready to go. Then, clothes for me and a couple of outfits for baby. That should be about it...charger for my phone. I don't remember needing much, I used all the free hospital things I could lol

  19. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    Shew is anyone else nesting like crazy? And waddling? I’m basically a duck.

    Ok so now that it is the weekend, I vow to work on getting essentials from my registry... definitely some pampers diapers and wipes. Did anyone hit up the old navy sale today? - they had a bunch of nursing stuff on sale. I guess nesting for me just means buying food not things. What do ya’ll have planned for the weekend?

  20. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: Yes, totally. I put in my amazon registry completion order just a few hours ago. I also did a big grocery shop for easy/nonperishable meals. Partly that was driven by irrational coronavirus fears, but I figure they'll be great postpartum as well. I actually had some nursing clothes on my registry that counted for completion discount which I was pleasantly surprised by. I lived in this dress with my 2nd so I bought another color for this go around https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072BBVS9H/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_FxWyEbENF8Y6S

    Otherwise this weekend we have a birthday part and monster trucks planned. Should be fun!

  21. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: me too! The coronavirus was like the kick in the pants we needed to focus on after baby. The house projects are great, but they can always get done. I ordered the essentials last night from amazon, ha now I’m going to go look for nursing clothes. Hadn’t even thought of amazon for nursing. Thanks for the suggestion!

  22. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I love amazon prime. All my registry items arrived and I’ve washed and put it all away. So the nursery is officially ready. I also got car seats and carriers and things out of storage and washed all that as well. Feeling ready!

    ETA: sorry for the upside down picture 🤷‍♀️

  23. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I’m curious - do you ladies feel like baby is head down already? Or has a doctor told you position? I’ve been thinking for a while that baby girl is still shifting a lot and right now I’m getting hiccups way up top so I’m thinking probably transverse still. Google says most babies are in position by 34 weeks which I will be on Tuesday. DS2 was a c-section for being breech so I’m curious what this little lady will do...

  24. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @JennyPenny: yaaaa for the nursery! And the car seats! You are ready. Yes I was told position at 28 weeks - and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t moved. Next Ultrasound is 36 weeks... hopefully she flips!!!!!! Anybody ever had to do an inversion? Looks super painful.

    I hit up goodwill today after realizing I lacked long sleeve warm stuff - and it was half off today! Lilly pulitzer, little cloud, little me! Bought some diapers and emergency formula - good gosh I forgot how expensive it was.

  25. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: oh no! Hopefully she’s flipped and you just didn’t notice. I did try a version with my son but it wasn’t successful and for me it was incredibly painful. Way worse than the c-section. Interestingly I’ve had 3 friends since have breech babies, all of whom tried a version and had it fail. I know it’s not how statistics work, but the 4% chance of being breech and 50% chance of a version being successful are far from accurate in my circle, making me question it for sure.

  26. CatchAFallingStar

    nectarine / 2806 posts

    Hi ladies! I have not been active on this board at all but wanted to say hello and kind of read through how everyone is doing. I’ll likely be induced before April, but my official due date is 4/7.
    Has anyone been having fairly strong nighttime Braxton Hicks? Mine felt like period cramps last night. I’m 36 weeks on Tuesday.

  27. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: hey, it’s really good to hear from you. I hope you’re doing well. With my son I did have painful contractions in the middle of the night, every night for a week or so right around 36 weeks. During that time I dialated a few cm and also lost my mucus plug, but then he turned from head down to breech and everything stopped. Who knows what might have happened if he’d stayed down, but my OB at the time thought I was likely to go soon. Hopefully it means good things for you

  28. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: oh, I'm definitely waddling. Somewhat from the size of the belly, and somewhat from the sciatica pain. Nesting hard core over here too. I still feel like there is so much to do, and, so so little time left to do it lol

    @JennyPenny: Aww, nursery looks great! Yes, DD is head down. She's been that way for quite a while now. I do feel like I feel her hiccups in random places though LOL

    @CatchAFallingStar: Hey there! I've been having Braxton hicks like crazy lately. It's annoying when I'm trying to do something that requires bending and I cant because my stomach is rock hard I've had quite a few over the last couple weeks that are slightly painful but obviously not labor, if that makes sense. I'm just hoping to make it to my C-Section date on 4/9!

  29. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    @CatchAFallingStar: so I don’t feel like I had BH’s my first, but this time through if I stand for too long my stomach is tight and stays that way until I sit. It’s not periodic like BH’s are supposed to be (or that’s how I assume to them to be). I know it’s not my abs of steel for sure!!

    @JennyLayneAZ: ya I’ve got the sciatica pains also. Not consistently thankfully. Just when I over do it. Like this past weekend. I also I’m having some not so glamorous issues. I was laughing with someone the other day about all the stuff no one really does (or probably can) truly prepare you for... anyway, this seems like a nice group so I won’t go there. Ha.

    Amazon registry stuff is starting to come in. I forgot how good pampers smell (before use)!

  30. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: LOL Oh I have a lot of not so glamorous issues as well over here. I'm also pretty sure she dropped, as my belly looks lower to me (I noticed that my boobs look higher all of a sudden LMAO) and so every time I stand up, I feel like I need to pee. So, that's fun.

    And in case anyone is wondering, I've worked in the construction field for 20 years, I don't get offended easily LOL so, feel free to share whatever you want!

  31. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @Bmaja: @JennyLayneAZ: After having two kids already I am amazed at the things I am willing to discuss with friends and even coworkers. I think child bearing takes away all sense of personal humility. Though I do have a very clear memory of a coworker telling me about her hemorrhoids while I was still pregnant with #1 and I hadn't yet reached that point. It was TERRIFYING. So, lesson learned to disclose only with seasoned moms.

  32. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: haha oh my! On a similar note, I do remember having no issue allowing any and everyone handle my breasts while trying to breastfeed in the hospital lol that was surprising to me, but, at that point I had no shame left 🤷‍♀️

  33. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Just got back from my doctor's appointment. She thinks baby is head down but measuring a bit small so I'll have an ultrasound next time. I'm going to try not to worry about it over the next two weeks. She also told me that they currently have flu procedure in place and no kids under 12 are allowed to visit and she expects they'll just leave that in place because of coronavirus. I know it's for the best but I'm bummed my boys will have to wait to meet their sister.

  34. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: Aww, I'm sure baby girl is just fine in there! I'll be having another ultrasound next week also.

    I'm wondering what the hospital will be allowing in terms of children also. I go for my hospital tour (better late than never! lol) on the 21st, so I will definitely be asking about it then. I'll be super sad if I can't see my daughter for a couple days!!! As far as covid19 goes, at this point I'm worried about the visitation at the hospital, and my second worry is for my moms health. She isn't that old (turning 61 later this month) but had pneumonia two or three times last fall alone. So, that has me a bit worried Oh, and third, I'm worried about not being able to get items I need when I need them lol I'm not trying to stock pile on tp and what not because it takes up a lot of room, but, damnit if people aren't buying it all up right now! I also wanted to make a Costco run before baby comes, and now I'm not sure that's going to happen.

  35. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @JennyLayneAZ: Yeah, with my first I bought a ton of diapers in advance and then it was annoying because sizing was all wrong. So I had planned to just get diapers in the right size as I go, but like you I'm worried about possibly not being able to get things I need later. Ugh, just super annoying timing!

  36. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @JennyPenny: yeah that's my plan also (buy as we go) but as if right now I only have one small package of newborn diapers in a brand I don't even know lol (gifted to me at my work baby shower). So, i need more of that size and some size 1s. I also wanted to get some formula. Yes, bad timing for sure!

  37. Bmaja

    cherry / 134 posts

    Shew guys - what a crazy time to be pregnant and almost due! I’m trying my best not to worry, to stop touching my face - never realized how much I did, and be as ready as possible. How many diapers are enough?!

  38. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I was browsing the April group on BabyCenter to see what other people were being told. Apparently a lot of hospitals are also restricting you to just 1 visitor. I may do this myself anyway if my kids aren’t allowed to come. Last time I made sure DS1 was the first to see DS2. My parents will freak out if they aren’t allowed though...

  39. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: I am terrible about touching my face 🤦‍♀️ I try not to if I've been out and haven't washed my hands yet, but it's hard to remember sometimes!

    @JennyPenny: Lol I'm a member over there too. I don't post a ton (the amount off people and posts are a little over whelming lol) but it's good info sometimes and entertaining at others lol
    anyway, last time only my parents came to visit (per my husband's request) and they'll have my daughter, so that's the plan for this time as well.

  40. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @Bmaja: oh and re:diapers, I so don't remember lol I'm sure there's some guide online somewhere but I'll get probably a box or two to start and go from there. It all depends on your baby's growth spurts!

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