kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: I think it depends on your age. I'm 36 so in the advanced maternal age category so it is recommended by my OB. For those younger, I think that NT scans are only recommended when there is a known risk such as a previous child with DS or a family history.
Quick update: I'm at 14 weeks 3 days and last night vomited for the first time. Today is much of the same - a lot of gagging and hoping not to vomit. Yuck! I was so hoping that the morning sickness was going away. Up until yesterday I'd only had really bad nausea. I'm not complaining because it's a reminder that we have a little one still in me but I'm surprised because I was hoping that I was getting better now that the 2nd tri has started. Did this happen to anyone else?!
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: I think it's encouraged even for younger moms, since it's such a safe test (basically an ultrasound and a blood test).
coconut / 8299 posts
@aMohror: I know it's optional so not everyone takes the NT scan. But most OBs will recommend it. Some parents choose not to do the NT scan because they say it won't matter one bit whether or not their baby has down syndrome. They will keep the baby no matter what. For me, I would rather have been prepared before the baby arrived, whether he/she had down syndrome or not. So it's a personal choice really.
persimmon / 1341 posts
@alittlep: My 1st trimester woes have definitely not gotten any better. In fact, I'd dare say they've gotten even worse. Every time someone tells me it will get better in the 2nd tri I want to cry because so far that just isn't the case and it feels like they're taunting me with something I can't have. I'm 14 weeks today so I keep hoping something magical will happen and the 2nd trimester bliss will kick in any day now. Today was probably the worst day I've had yet.
apricot / 468 posts
@banana: Thank you ladies for your information! I appreciate it I guess now I need to decide if I'm going to go ahead and do it or not. I'm 22 and not at high risk so I guess I will just have to decide. Thanks again!
Update for me! Today I'm 14 weeks 6 days, I have another check up appointment on the 20th, I'm so looking forward to 20 weeks so we can find out the sex. I want to move forward with the nursery and it's been killing me to not buy anything since I want to know what it's going to be now! My morning sickness has been much better, it still comes occasionally but not every day anymore. My bump is slowly getting bigger, I'm getting annoyed with many of my shirts and I think I have worn a sweatshirt everyday so far this week... I really want to wait to buy maternity shirts, I was given some pants so I'm set in that area. I just want to wait till spring so I can buy cute summer stuff!
@ALittleP: AHH! It scares me that you vomited for the first time! I haven't thrown up yet but I had such bad nausea a lot of days I felt like if I could just throw up I'd feel better.
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: The NT scan can only be done between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days. Check with your OB asap if you still want to do this.
In terms of clothes, I'm almost 14 weeks and I have less and less things to wear each day! I mostly live in dresses and tights for work and jeans on the weekend. I also want to wait until it gets warmer to buy bigger size/maternity clothes! I'm not a leggings person so I will probably just buy summer dresses instead of separates.
coconut / 8299 posts
I'm definitely showing MUCH bigger and earlier this 2nd time around. I look around 17 or 18 weeks pregnant and I'm only 14 weeks. I've already started sporting my maternity pants. I need to buy more clothes though. Most of my maternity clothes are winter clothes (from my 1st pregnancy) and I'm in need of some spring/summer clothes!
@ALittleP: How are you feeling this week? Is your nausea still bad? I'd say mine is like a 4 out of 10 level. Still there but not nearly as bad as 2 weeks ago. Hang in there! It'll get better!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@aMohror: I had the NT scan because I wanted an ultrasound not because I was high risk. I really loved seeing our little bean moving around and was glad to have some reassurance when the test results came back fine.
I'm 14 weeks 3 days and just wore my first pair of maternity pants this week. I still have a few pairs of my old pants I can wear and most of my jeans still fit. I still get pretty frustrated when I can't fit into something anymore...I think I need to buy a few more pairs of pants and just put away the old ones for a while.
apricot / 468 posts
Thanks again ladies. I don't think my doctor even mentioned this to me.... I know they gave me a pamphlet for my next appointment to check for what I thought was the same thing the NT scan was. I go in on the 20th so I will be sure to ask about this and why I didn't know. Makes me wonder that's for sure! This is my first pregnancy so except for friends and you wonderful ladies I don't know much about this kind of stuff!
I'm 15 weeks today! It's finally starting to go faster to me. The weeks don't seem as long as they did in the beginning! Thank goodness...haha
Oh! I almost forgot, are any of you ladies exercising? I haven't done anything since I found out I was pregnant. I keep thinking about it and telling myself I really need to. I also want to try to start eating healthier now that I am feeling better, I just don't want to eat the healthy food anymore lol What about you ladies?
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: Aren't ultrasounds so fun? I get so excited when they slather my belly with that warm gel and put the camera on my stomach. My husband loves them too.
The 20 week one is especially fun because that's when they check for the gender. Can't wait! I remember the nurse asking my DH and I if we wanted to know the gender because she said she's 99% sure of what the gender was. And we were so excited! That was definitely one of our most memorable moments during pregnancy.
In terms of exercise, I haven't. I take long walks every day but I haven't done anything more serious. I should though....
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: Our anatomy scan is schedule for 3/2 ( a little over 3 weeks!). I will only be 17w4days but my OB said they should be able to see everything they need to by then. We are hoping to find out the gender at that appointment too-I can't believe it's so soon!!!
As for exercise, I've been trying to keep up with my 4x/week gym schedule. Some weeks I am only able to go 3x's but I've managed at least that since becoming pregnant. For me, I've always been pretty into exercise so if I wasn't able to go, I think it would really bother me. I'm certainly not working out as hard as I used to but it feels good to be able to continue with the routine I had before. I just bought an exercise DVD on Amazon yesterday and am excited to try it out.
coconut / 8299 posts
@Orvis18: How exciting! You must let us know what the gender of your baby is. I think it would be fun to take a guess and see if we're right.
What gender do you ladies think you'll be having?
For me....I'm gonna guess....GIRL!. hehehe. Let's see if I'm right!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: I think girl for me but that's probably because I've only really been around girls growing up (12 sister, 3 nieces). I just can't imagine having anything else. DH is hoping for a boy, of course.
I will absolutely let you guys know once I find out! I may even post it on Facebook, but I doubt it
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: That is so exciting! I'm going to guess boy based on nothing in particular.
@aMohror: I'm not exercising, even though I keep telling myself that I'll start tomorrow. I already gained 10 pounds and I'm short! (5'1") I was planning on only gaining around 20, so I really have to start watching what I eat and moving around more. I've just been too tired!!
kiwi / 575 posts
Hi ladies,
Today's the first day since Monday that I've been able to leave the house. The past two and a half days were the worst of pregnancy yet. I hope that I can get back to where I was before. I'll gladly take the nausea that I was having last week instead of the vomiting and dry heaving that I've had this week. My DH bought me a pair of sea bands last night and those seem to be helping. I have an acupuncture appointment tomorrow morning so I hope that also helps!
@aMohror: I haven't been exercising's terrible. I really should even if it's just walking every day. It's hard here in Seattle though
@Banana: thanks for checking in with me! I appreciate it!
So, while I'll take whatever we get, I secretly would love a girl!! I have no clue what we're having and I'm excited for March 12 when we find out! I'll be 19 weeks!!
coconut / 8299 posts
@Orvis18: You think girl too? Fun! Based on the chinese gender prediction calendar thingy, it says I'm having a girl so I guess that's what I'm basing my guess on.
@Marley: I know what you mean! I've been so tired lately too. I can EASILY sleep 10 hours a night. Except I have my little 2 year old waking me up every morning at 7am. sigh.
@alittlep: Here's hoping that this is the start of your nausea decreasing! I know how hard it is because it's allllll you think about all day. Nausea has got to be one of the worst feelings you can have (pregnant or not pregnant). Ugh. At least it's a good sign for a healthy baby! I'm also secretly hoping for a girl. But another boy would also be fun, especially for my little guy.
apricot / 468 posts
@marley: I hear ya! I'm 5'1 also and now that I haven't been as sick I REALLY need to start eating healthier! I just don't want to...but I know it will benefit me and baby! I think about working out everyday I'm just not sure when it will happen. I tried a prenatal yoga video and hated it. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right things!
apricot / 468 posts
@ALittleP: Seattle huh?! I'm in Post Falls, just north of Spokane I haven't even been walking. It's either too wet and cold or too icy or I'm just lazy... I really just don't want to risk falling! I cannot wait until the weather warms up, then I won't mind walking around the block a few times
kiwi / 575 posts
Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing! Fingers crossed and knock wood, I've been feeling so much better. The gagging and dry heaving seem to be gone except for an hour or two at night before I go to bed. My appetite is slooooowly coming back.
I have my next OB appointment on Tuesday though my next u/s isn't until mid-March for the gender scan and thorough review of baby.
Has anyone started to shop or put together a registry? I'm dying to but now that we've decided to find out the gender, I need to wait
How's everyone else doing?
coconut / 8299 posts
@alittlep: Yay! Glad to hear your nausea has decreased. I'll take gagging/dry heaving a few hours a day over all day ANYTIME! lol.
My next OB appt is on Tuesday too. I haven't scheduled the u/s yet but i'm hoping for 3/15 since I have that day off.
I'm not doing a registry since this is my 2nd but I do have a few things I"d like to buy for baby #2. And if we have a girl, i'll definitely be doing more shopping for girl things.
apricot / 468 posts
@ALittleP: I've been wanting to purchase so many things but we have stopped buying stuff until we find out the sex. Should be soon! My next appointment is on Monday and I'm thinking we will be scheduling our next ultrasound then, I cannot wait for that one! The last ultrasound was at 8 weeks and you couldn't see much! Glad to hear you are slowly feeling better, everything counts!
kiwi / 706 posts
@ALittleP: Glad you are feeling better! I started a registry on Amazon, but keeping it private for now. I picked out some gender neutral things. There are things where I'd put boy AND girl versions of, and I can just delete them when I find out the gender next month.
I'm 14 and a half weeks now and I'm just starting to show - as in other people noticing the bump. It's a weird but exciting feeling! Also, I can't help but feel a little fat in the midsection when I sit down. I have to remind myself that it's a baby in there and not a gut.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: How did your appointment go yesterday? Did you schedule the U/S?
@marley: my Amazon registry is still private too but I've really racked up the items lately
How is everyone else feeling this week? I feel like I'm starting to show a bit-much more noticeably at night after I've eaten dinner. I've also been way more hungry the past week or so but it hasn't translated into a huge amount of weight yet. We're counting the days until our U/S next Friday when we find out what we're having!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: I got my first "are you pregnant" this past weekend. I was surprised because I was wearing a coat and really didn't look very pregnant. I might have been sitting with my hand on my "belly", which I noticed doing sometimes throughout the day without thinking.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@marley: I find that I definitely look more pregnant when I'm wearing maternity clothes. That';s when most people seem to comment on my belly. I also catch myself unconsciously putting my hand on my belly more often and I'm sure this is a tell-tale sign for lots of people. It just seems natural to put it there now.
apricot / 468 posts
I had a checkup this past Monday and our little baby still has such a strong heartbeat! I'm SO excited because we scheduled our 20 week ultrasound so I have one month to wait until we can finally find out what the sex is!!! I hope this month goes by fast!
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: the heartbeat!! We heard it during the NT Scan and it was sooo weird and surreal!! I can't wait to hear it again at my next checkup. I have 5 weeks to go until the anatomy scan and it seems like forever.
@Orvis18: I don't have maternity clothes yet, just trying to wear all my dresses until I can't anymore. I am wearing the maternity tights by Spanx.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@aMohror: yay! That's great news about the last appointment and the upcoming anatomy scan too! Do you have a feeling about what you're having?
apricot / 468 posts
@marley: It does feel surreal! I recorded it on my phone this last time because my husband hadn't heard it yet. He was SO excited when he did. It's like step by step it all becomes more real! I'm looking forward to the ultrasound because we haven't seen anything since 8 weeks. Crazy how fast they grow in such short weeks!
@Orvis18: I really don't know...I'm wanting a girl so I'm not sure if I keep thinking it's a girl because I want one, or it feels like that lol. My husband wants a boy so anytime we talk about it, he says things like take care of my little boy for me and I respond by saying oh, I will for sure take care of our little girl We both really don't care what we have though, either way we will be over the moon I've had people tell me they think I'm having both boy and girl so right now I really have no clue.
coconut / 8299 posts
@Orvis18: My appointment went well! Thanks for asking! Just did a heartbeat check (good to go!) and just some bloodwork. I scheduled my anatomy scan ultrasound on 3/21 so I'm excited about that one! Wow, your ultrasound is next friday? So exciting! Let us know how it goes!
coconut / 8861 posts
I haven't checked in awhile. We had our 12-13 week appointments. Baby's heartbeat is a strong 160s. Our jellybaby was super stubborn with our first ultrasound and wouldn't get into position for the tech. It was a fun hour of trying to figure out to get our jellybaby into position. I had a transvag at that same time. The detail was amazing.
I have my 16 week appointment in mid-March and then my 20 (21) week ultrasound in April. We're slowly announcing it to friends and family. I haven't made it facebook official yet. I'm not planning on until April.
Otherwise, I've been having a bunch of aches and pains today at 14 weeks tomorrow. My pants are slowly beginning to not fit anymore. I still haven't caved and bought maternity stuff yet. My aunt took me shopping and we got a maternity dress and sweater. That's about it, maternity clothes shopping wise.
apricot / 468 posts
@cascadecherub: Good to hear your Jellybaby has a strong heartbeat going on!
apricot / 468 posts
I keep wondering if I'm gaining weight too fast. I know I'm only supposed to gain the 25-35 pounds during the whole pregnancy and I'm beginning to think it's going to be more than that! Hopefully not though...haha
Where are you ladies at weight wise?
I'm 5'1, 17 weeks and I've already gained 13-14 pounds. Ahh! I need to start moving a little more since I'm not even halfway there yet!
kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: I'm 5'1" and at 17 weeks too. I've only gained 5 pounds since my first OB appointment. I was terribly sick though with morning sickness so I barely ate anything the last month and a half. I've not been there done that yet so I don't have much to share but I would ask your OB if you're concerned! I would much prefer having gained more weight than had m/s
I'll be curious to hear what other mommies have to say!
pomelo / 5720 posts
I'm 5'4", 17 weeks today and have gained about 2-2.5 lbs. I work out 4 days/week and know I should be eating more on those days to make up for the calories but have found it's hard to eat much more than I am used to. I have my next appointment this Friday so we'll see what my OB says...
coconut / 8299 posts
I'm 5'5" at 17 weeks. So far I gained around 4 lbs (mostly due to morning sickness). You'll gain most of your weight around the 2nd trimester (that's what happened to me with my first). First trimester I gained barely any weight because of MS. And then I gained a lot in the 2nd trimester. And then the 3rd trimester I had horrible heartburn and acid reflux so I didn't gain as much as the 2nd. My goal is to gain 25lbs through my entire pregnancy. Hope that works out!
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: I gained 4 pounds at my last OB visit compared to my first OB visit. But I might have gained some before the first visit and since my last one; so I'm going to say I gained around 7-8 pounds.
My goal is to gain no more than 20 pounds. I'm also 5'1"! I'm 16 weeks. I don't really exercise and I'm looking into prenatal yoga DVDs right now.
I didn't have morning sickness in the first trimester. I ate like a monster though. I think my appetite has subsided in the last few weeks.
I wouldn't worry about gaining 13-14 pounds. We're almost half way done!
kiwi / 575 posts
How are you ladies doing? It's quiet around here, which is probably a good thing since there's less complaining about morning sickness, etc.
Now is the time when we are all going to start finding out the sex of our little ones! I'm super excited.
After wanting to be team green, my hubby convinced me that we should find out...our gender scan is on Monday morning and we'll ask the tech to write it down and place it in an envelope. I'll take the envelope to the cupcake shop and ask them to fill the middle of two cupcakes with the corresponding sex in the envelope. I'm also thinking of going to Baby Gap or somewhere else and choosing a boy and a girl outfit and give the cashier my credit card and tell them to gift wrap the correct outfit based on what's inside the excited!! If we do one or both either way, it'll be so much fun!
I'd obviously be very happy with either as each have challenges and fun benefits but I suspect I'm having a girl - I'm probably way off
Are you all going to find out or be on team green? Do you have an inkling as to what you are having? When is your gender scan scheduled?
kiwi / 706 posts
@ALittleP: Monday! That's so exciting! I love the cupcakes and the BabyGap idea. I saw an ad for Diane von Furstenberg for GapKids today! The line, coming out on March 15, will have baby clothes. So cool!
We find out in about 20 days and I can't wait. I don't think we have the patience though and will probably ask the tech to tell us. My mom will be in town and my MIL has that week off so they're both going to the scan with us.
I don't really have a suspicion for what I'm having, but I'm leaning towards boy because it might be easier? I don't know. It keeps changing. Girl stuff is definitely cuter though!
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