pomelo / 5720 posts
Hello!! I guess it has been a while since we've all checked in. I had my anatomy scan last Friday and we found out we're having a boy!! Total shock to me since I was convinced I was having a girl We decided to have the tech's put it in an envelope and we opened it at dinner. I made some cupcakes and filled them with blue frosting and gave them to our families last weekend. My mom was the only one who guessed correctly that it was a boy. We are super excited and I can't wait to start decorating. There were a couple of concerns about the scan and I have placenta previa but we are hopeful that the concerns and the previa will resolve themselves. I'll update more when I know more next week.
Another exciting bit of news-my sister is having twins! She told us last weekend and is due 5 weeks after me. She already has three and this was not planned but they are super excited. I hope everyone else is doing great!
apricot / 468 posts
@Orvis18: Congratulations on your baby boy!!! I'm convinced we are having a girl too, I guess my husband and I will see who is right since he is thinking boy! A friend of mine was just saying how I could have the doctor put it in an envelope and do something similar to what you did. Such a CUTE idea! I'm getting tempted to do something like that, makes it a little more fun, even though it's already so exciting as it is!
I hope all goes well for you and the concerns they had, definitely keep us updated! Wow!! She is going to have 5 kids now! Crazy, the people I nanny for have 5 kids, there is Never a dull moment around here, that's for sure! Congratulations to her too, that's amazing!
kiwi / 575 posts
@Orvis18: Yay for a boy! Yes, please do keep us posted on the placenta previa, etc. WOW - 5 kids! She's going to be exhausted but have a lot of fun ahead of her
@Marley: Lucky you for having your family with you!! Keep us posted when you find out!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@aMohror: Thank you! DH thought of the envelope idea...I thought we were finding out in the room but afterwards I was so glad we didn't. It was nice to be able to share that moment just between the two of us Good luck with your appointment-I can't wait to hear what it is!
@ALittleP: Thank you! I will definitely check back in about all the concerns. I have another appointment in 2 weeks and will have another ultrasound to check for the placenta previa in 6 weeks.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: congrats on having a baby boy! and having 3 babies in the family! Yes, definitely keep us posted on the placenta previa, although I heard for most people the placenta just moves up on its own.
pomelo / 5073 posts
copied from the Weddingbee August Board:
So, yesterday had the biggest freak out moment of my pregnancy so far.
I put in a call to my doctor about my swollen feet just to be on the safe side. His nurse calls me back yesterday afternoon. Why are the nurses always so rude and mean? Is it because they feel they have to 'weed out' all the mommas that will call all the time? This is my first time to call about anything. So, she starts off saying, "Well, you had some really high blood pressure to start off before you were pregnant and you're on medicine already, so you need to watch that." Really? Duh! My OB put me on a mild medicine because he doesn't think the high bp was baby related and wanted to get a hold of it before the pregnancy went further along. I did tell her that my feet went back to normal last night, so that was a good thing. Then, she proceeds to tell me that she was going to call me anyway because my blood work came back flagged and I need additional testing to rule out anything. I asked, "Rule out what? What kind of testing" I need a level 2 ultrasound and it's to rule out something that was flagged in my bloodwork. I had to push to find out what it was. I was like, "Down syndrome, what?!?" Finally she told me it came back flagged for a neural tube defect. I asked how I scheduled this ultrasound and she was like I will have to call it in and then I'll let you know when the appointment is. Well, I am a teacher; I have to call in a sub to take a day off; I can't just take a day off on a whim. So, she got my appointment and I called my parents. My husband called in the middle of this, but I didn't want to tell him on the phone since he was on his way home, so I waited. My mom was like, "don't be upset, I would call your dad and talk to him." My dad is a doctor...a pathologist who processes the bloodwork, etc from all the different specialties. He also taught my OB when he was in med school before they went to their specialties so we have a long time history with my OB. I called my dad and told him everything. He asked what my levels were, what tests did thye run, etc. I told him the nurses wouldn't give me those details, I didn't know. So he said, I will call you back. He hangs up and calls me about 20 minutes later. He called my OB, went over the levels/tests, told me there was nothing to worry about, and proceeded to have me write down a number. I now have my OB's cell phone so i can call when I am worried about something. I definitely will not use it unless it's an emergency, but I was so glad to talk to my dad, hear from him that there is nothing to worry about, adn then my OB called me and said with my levels (that were only slightly elevated) and the chances that they give, he would be blown away if anything negative showed up. He was like, there is nothing to worry about. So, by the time my husband got home, I had cried because i was upset, cried because it was okay, and told my mom to be super sweet to my daddy because he really helped his little girl feel so much better.
good news, I think my Mom will go with me to the Level 2 ultrasound (and they may throw in some 3d) since my husband will be working. She was over the moon excited about it.
coconut / 8299 posts
@jennimac: Wow, what a scare! Glad everything is turning out ok! Seriously, some of those nurses need to take some classes on bedside manner. I've experienced wonderful nurse and not so wonderful nurses and boy, what a difference! Please keep us posted though!
@Orvis18: Congrats on your baby boy!!! How exciting. I have a 2 year old boy and he's so much fun! I also had early placenta previa and was told that it should move by the time I deliver (and it totally did). So no worries!!!
kiwi / 575 posts
@Jennimac: WOW - what a scary episode. So glad your doctor dad was able to step in and help you out. Great that your mom can go with you to your next u/s appointment!
This morning was our level II u/s and we found out that our little one is very healthy and everything looks good! It's a relief as I know someone who went in for her level II and found the baby had a major heart defect. She was induced and the baby was born sleeping (so devastating). So, I was nervous for it. However, everything was wonderful.
And, we found out that we're having a baby girl!!!! I'm scared, excited and very nervous. Let's just say that I was a challenge growing up - and I think this is a way to pay me back It'll be fun to have a baby girl!!
I can't wait to hear as more and more of us find out!!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: Thank you!! I'm hopeful that the PP won't be an issue as I really want to have a vaginal delivery.
@ALittleP: Congrats on the baby girl! I'm so glad your level II went smoothly and the baby is okay. I was a challenge growing too so I know exactly what you mean about being worried about our LO's.
coconut / 8299 posts
@ALittleP: Yayeeee!!! I"m so excited for you! A baby girl... how wonderful. I'm glad everything looked good with the ultrasound. Kinda neat seeing the baby on the monitor huh? I love ultrasounds!
@orvis18: Crossing my fingers that your PP moves. I'm sure it will though because I"ve heard that it's not that uncommon and it usually resolves by the time the baby is due. When I went in for the next ultrasound (I think at around 28 weeks because they wanted to check my cervix) the placenta had moved by then.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: Thanks! I'm hopeful that it will. I've talked to a few other people who've had this and it resolved by their next U/S.
Impatiently waiting for our test results...I called the lab and they are complete but my OB doesn't have them yet so I have to wait. Ugh.
pomelo / 5720 posts
Update: I got a call from the genetics couselor last night on my way home from work. The Materniti21 test is negative!!! Our chances now are 1/100,000 and similar for Trimsomy 13/18. I could not be more relieved and overjoyed to know everything is okay. I'm so glad we decided to take the test and that I can actually feel happy again about being pregnant.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: Great news!!
I've been feeling the little one move around a lot this week. (I'm 18 weeks). Anyone else feel theirs moving around too?
pomelo / 5720 posts
@marley: Our little guy has been moving around for the past week or so (I'm 19 w 1 d) and it is such a neat feeling! A little strange still but I love knowing he's in there wiggling around, trying to get comfortable. I may not feel the same when he's bigger and kicking me, but for now I really like it
coconut / 8299 posts
I've been feeling the baby moving for about a 2 weeks now (I'm 19 weeks). I love the little flutters! I probably felt the baby move earlier this time because I already knew what they should feel like from my 1st pregnancy. So I knew it wasn't just gas. LOL. I can't wait until the kicks get stronger and then you can see the baby move from the outside of your stomach. Hubby loves this part too.
kiwi / 575 posts
@Orvis18: What a relief! Great news!!
I've also started to feel her move around in me...the past 24 hours, she's been moving a lot (or at least I'm aware of her movements)! I also have gotten lucky (not) to have gotten some in my crotch area. Not fun. Anyone else have this problem? Is it round ligament pain or something else just growing and stretching?
kiwi / 706 posts
@ALittleP: you're feeling movements in the crotch area? maybe your LO's feet are facing that way and is kicking?
I got the most intense round ligament pain the other day when I got up from the couch. It only lasted about 15 seconds though. I hate feeling like I'm fat, sick, and old, all at the same time.
coconut / 8299 posts
@ALittleP: The kicks in your crotch area...does it feel like the baby is kicking your bladder? I get that from time to time and then I have to all of a sudden go pee.
kiwi / 575 posts
Hi ladies, sorry for disappearing. Life is getting in the way now that I'm feeling better
Yes, I think she was probably just kicking me down there...I haven't had any pain since the middle of last week - so it was either that or just growing pains!
I feel like my belly has grown a lot in the past week - anyone else? I started to build my baby registry, which is a daunting but fun experience - so much harder than a wedding registry (LOL).
How's everyone doing?
kiwi / 706 posts
@ALittleP: Glad you're feeling better!
I think my belly grew a lot in the past week too! My regular jeans are no longer comfortable soI just ordered maternity ones.
I started putting stuff in my registry a few weeks ago on Amazon but it's set to private for now. It's definitely harder than the wedding registry because I don't know what half of the baby stuff is! Also, I don't feel comfortable putting a lot of the baby essentials in there such as the breast pump and parts.
apricot / 468 posts
I just had to share my excitement I'm having today! I go in this afternoon for my 20 week ultrasound and we get to find out what we are having!!! I'm so incredibly excited!!!
kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: YAY! Keep us posted
I had my 20 week appointment this morning. Our doc confirmed that the u/s showed that we have a very healthy baby in there. Her heartbeat today was 166bpm and she had a hard time finding it because the baby was moving around so much and wouldn't stay still long enough!
@Marley, our Amazon registry is set to private too but I think I'll make it public soon. Good luck building your list
pomelo / 5720 posts
@ALittleP: Glad to hear your LO is happy and healthy.
I have an Amazon registry too and just recently made it public. The only one who knows about it s far is my mom, though I'm sure she's shared it with everyone already I did put things like a breast pump, etc on it, mostly because you get an extra 10% discount on things not purchased and you can start buying them up to 30 days before your due date at the 10% off. The pump I want is expensive so I'll happily save some extra money on that!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: I want to put the pump on the registry for the discount too. I just have to get over the embarrassment?
apricot / 468 posts
Well it's official.....we are having a baby GIRL!!!
@ALittleP: Glad to hear your appointment went well and you have a healthy little one!
coconut / 8299 posts
@aMohror: Congrats on your baby girl! Looks like there are 2 girls so far (aMohror and AlittleP) I have an ultrasound today so I will let you all know what our little bean's gender is! So excited!
apricot / 468 posts
@marley: @banana:
Thank you ladies! I can't believe how excited I am still just to KNOW that it is, it even seems a little different now that I know!
@banana: Yay! I'm so excited for you and to hear the news!
kiwi / 706 posts
@banana: so excited for you! keep us updated! I can't wait until mine next week.
coconut / 8299 posts
@amohror: I totally know what you mean. Once you know, you feel more "connected"? I know my husband and family definitely felt much more connected after they found out the gender. At least now you can refer to her as "her" and not "baby".
Are any of you ladies curious to see what your baby looks like ??? I was totally dying to see what my baby looked liked. When he finally came out, I wasn't all the surprised for some reason. He came out kind of how I pictured him in my head! I'm totally curious to see what our 2nd baby looks like!!!
apricot / 468 posts
@banana: Yes! That's exactly it, I do feel more connected and she has more of a name then she did before! I love it
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: Good luck at your appointment today-can't wait to hear how it goes and what you're having!
kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: YAY!!! Another girl
@Banana: I can't wait to hear what you're having!!!!! Hope the scan went well. Let us know when you get a chance.
coconut / 8299 posts
I'm back! The scan went well and everything looked like it was in proper working condition. They checked for the gender and told us it was a GIRL!!! With the exception of @orvis18 (yay for boys!), we've had so many girls in the August 2012 board!
@jennimac @ marley, when are your anatomy/gender scans?? So excited to see what you are having too!
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