kiwi / 575 posts
Hi girls! How's everyone doing?
I have another OB appointment tomorrow. I'm starting to get and feel really big though I get mixed reactions from people - either you're really big or you're really small! So, who the heck knows if I'm really one or the other. Let's face it, I'm 24 weeks pregnant - haha! I'm getting big either way LOL.
How are you all feeling? I was a really great healthy food kick but somewhere in the last week, I've lost it. I need to get back on it.
apricot / 468 posts
@ALittleP: I have another OB appointment tomorrow too! Things are going pretty good. I was sick on Friday so that wasn't too much fun Headache, runny/stuffy nose, sore throat....bleh! Today my nose is still bothering me but the headache is gone. I'm the same way, some people think I'm REALLY pregnant and others think I just look normal. My husband can't imagine my stomach getting any bigger, I'm 24 weeks as well and well, he's sure in for a surprise haha!
Sleeping has been tough, in the last couple of weeks my hips have been aching so much at night so I have to keep changing sides and I keep waking my husband up when I move Poor guy! I've been trying different things so hopefully it will get better I've been off and on with healthy foods, it seems so challenging....
I can say I HATE everyone around me who is getting in shape, and losing weight, getting toned for summer/ swimsuit season, ugh! It's the one time I should just enjoy it right? But I WANT to do it lol Oh well!
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Amohror: I am totally crashing this thread (I am not due until September, although I'm due the first week, so I could deliver in August! :P) to say that I rolled my eyes and immediately tossed the Victoria's Secret swimsuit catalog that recently arrived in the mail. And I normally love to peruse it and pick out a suit or two, but this go around, I just couldn't do it.
apricot / 468 posts
@MsLipGloss: HAHA! I saw a Victoria's Secret commercial the other day and did the same thing! I was just glad I didn't have to watch it with my husband when I'm sitting there with this giganto belly lol
kiwi / 706 posts
@MsLipGloss: I did the exact same thing!! Especially knowing that some of these models had babies and got their old bodies back in like 2 hours.
@ALittleP: I've also been trying to eat healthier. Over the weekend I ate nothing but fruits and vegetables. Then I ruined it by eating some potato chips and drinking a soda.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@Marley: Yanno that whole *I had a baby yesterday and still made my photoshoot today nonsense,* yeah, well, *pblblblblblbt* to that! My internal conspiracy committee is totally telling me that that is pure propaganda . . . *and* that the models are made out of the stuff they used to put in that toy *Stretch Arm Strong.*
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@ Marley: Seriously? Damn her. And her lovely, adorable bump. I hope at least her feet swell occasionally.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@ALittleP: Hey there! 24 weeks here too and feeling bigger by the day. I swear my stomach is twice as big now as it was two weeks ago! I've been trying to stick with the healthy foods and 3-4x/week exercise but it certainly has gotten more difficult because I'm not sleeping as well. I usually go to the gym in the mornings and I just haven't been able to when I haven't had a lot of sleep. Has everyone been able to keep their weight in check? I'm starting to freak out a little as the scale goes steadily up....
coconut / 8299 posts
Hi ladies! I have a doc appt on thursday (so many doc appts this week for us Aug baby mamas). I'm feeling pretty good, except for the uncomfortable sleep positions. I have a wedge pillow which really helps a lot but nothing helps 100% so it's always somewhat uncomfortable. I'm starting to get some acid reflux, like I did with my son. UGH. Hopefully it won't get as bad as the first time around.
This week, the hubs and I are trying to narrow down our baby names. It's so hard! We still have no idea what we want to name our little girl. sigh. Having a toddler to chase around definitely keeps us distracted.
We bought some new furniture for the nursery this weekend so I'm excited for the pieces to arrive this Saturday. Have any of your ladies started prepping the nursery yet? I think my nesting instincts are starting to kick in a bit!
kiwi / 706 posts
@banana: nursery furniture! so exciting! We don't have that luxury for now. We're in a one bedroom and the baby will sleep with us for a year or so. We live in NYC and a 2 bedroom costs about $1500 extra, so we're trying to stretch out our time in our current apartment. Thank god our room is big enough for a crib and an extra wardrobe we're planning on buying.
We picked out a crib (Oeuf Sparrow) and an armoire from pottery barn teen. Can't wait to start filling it up with cute dresses!
Good luck with the appointment!
@Orvis18: The scale is definitely scary. So far I've been able to keep the weight gain to 15 pounds. My doctor doesn't want me to gain more than 25. I'm only 5'1"". But 10 pounds in 4 months seems impossible!!
apricot / 468 posts
@Orvis18: Weight in check....I don't think so! At my appointment I had today I'm officially up 25lbs and I'm only 24 w 4 d!!! AHHH!!!! My doctor has not said anything to me about it though, I keep waiting but I guess I'm doing ok if she doesn't comment on it? I'm only 5'1 and so I'm mostly belly but still, I have gained a bit in other places.
@banana: We've been getting stuff for our nursery for a while now, these pictures are of what we have so far. We have the pain picked out but we need to wait until it warms up to paint! Also, after we paint I'm sure we are going to put up decorations and pretty stuff do I add a picture? lol
coconut / 8299 posts
@amohror: We can't post pictures but we can post links to 3rd party sites that house them. Would LOVE to see pics of your nursery/furniture!
apricot / 468 posts
@banana: Here is the link! Nothing too special yet but we have the basics!!
Our Baby Girl's Nursery So Far
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: So far we've only painted the room but haven't started decorating. We were gifted a crib and rocking chair from some friends but won't likely be picking them up until sometime next month. I have everything picked out that I want, I just need to bit the bullet and start buying things I would have thought that would be easier but it's so hard thinking about spending money on it for some reason.
@aMohror: @marley: Yeah, I'm only 5'4" so I'm trying to keep the weight to a healthy minimum too. I find it's pretty do-able during the week but then somehow over the weekend I gain 1-2lbs! So far I'm only up 10lbs but I feel like if I'm not super cautious it could easily go up a lot faster.
kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: I love the nursery! It's really coming together - how exciting!!
We haven't done anything yet - we're in the process of buying a house so I'm waiting until we get it. I think my nesting instinct is going to kick in the minute we get those keys in hand
I had my 24 week appointment yesterday. I'm up 17.6 pounds - 7.6 of which I gained in the last month. My fundal measurement (I think that is what it is called) is 2cm ahead at 26 weeks. Maybe one of our BTDT mommy's can share what this means. I don't quite understand Other than that I have to do the gestational diabetes drink test at my next appointment.
Hope that everyone having appointments this week have great ones too
Sounds like there are a number of height-challenged mommies here I'm one of them at 5'1".
coconut / 8299 posts
@amohror: Yay! Your nursery is coming together (LOVE your crib and dresse)! I can't wait until my furniture arrives this weekend so that I can finally start decorating and preparing the nursery!
@orvis18: How nice to have so many nursery items gifted to you! I know what you mean about biting the bullet and buying things.I held off til the very last minute to buy my baby items too. I waited until after my shower to buy things, which I"m so glad that I did. There's a reason why so many moms recommended waiting til after the shower!
@alittlep: Sounds like your 24 week appt went well! Your fundal height sounds great! It's basically (as far as I know) a measurement of your uterus and it should be relatively close to your gestational age. I was always a week ahead and they didn't seem concerned at all. Hope your gest diabetes goes well during your next appt! I don't have to take it because I already took it at 12 weeks.
apricot / 468 posts
@ALittleP: Thank you! It's getting more and more exciting! I've gotten all the big stuff so now I'm set on buying stuff until after the baby shower! Dang, I wish I was only at 17lbs! Ugh, I try to just not think about it! I have to go in in two weeks for my glucose test as well. Not really looking forward to it from some of the stories I've heard about that nasty stuff! haha
@banana: Thank you! It's difficult trying to decorate! I was happy I finally found bedding I liked so at least that will help with color choices! That's so exciting your furniture is on it's way!
kiwi / 575 posts
HI girls!
How's everyone feeling? I'm excited because I just got back from making my first major baby purchase!!! I found a brand new UppaBaby on Craig's List - never used and still with the box. It's the Cruz - the Vista was too heavy for me - in Denny Red. I'm so excited!!! I feel like this is now seriously becoming very real!
Also, we are closing on our new house on May 18, so I can start to order baby furniture and have them delivered to our new house!!
Have you girls started buying and decorating?!
coconut / 8299 posts
Hi ladies! Wow, can't believe we're just a few months away! Ah!!! So exciting though. I had an ultrasound yesterday to check my cervical length because my son was born at 36 weeks. Everything looked good, which was as relief. I got 3d ultrasound pictures though, which was super fun but kinda freaky I admit! They look so smushed up in there and all their features look all distorted. The nurse told me that's what all the mothers say but that the babies come out perfectly fine. But still, couldn't help but analyze every single piece of the photo!!
I got my furniture last weekend and I'm so happy! The nursery decorating is finally on its way. I just have to figure out how I want to decorate my son's toddler room. I'm so indecisive about it! Have you ladies decided on theme/colors for your nurseries yet?
kiwi / 706 posts
@ALittleP: I registered for the Vista, but I've never seen it in person. Good to know that it's heavy! Maybe I'll look around for another.
@banana: 3D pictures! how cool! Wish you could post pictures here.
coconut / 8299 posts
@alittlep: Exciting! I've heard good things about Uppa in general so I'm sure you will love it. My friend has the Vista in Denny Red and it's a great neutral color.!
@marley: The 3d pictures are definitely interesting to say the least. lol.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@ALittleP: Yay! Congrats on the steal and closing on your house! So exciting!
We haven't made any big purchases yet but we do have a crib and rocking chair that are being given to us by friends. I ordered a bed skirt, sheets, and a changing pad cover online yesterday though which I'm really excited about I don't know whether to wait until our shower to buy some of the big items or just buy them ourselves so I don't have to stress about it. I know we'll probably buy the carseat/stroller ourselves but I don't know what else I should buy before then, aside from furniture/decorations.
We have another ultrasound in 3 weeks to check on my placenta. I'm hoping to get a 3D look too but it will depend on which room they put us in (some have them, some don't). Either way, it will be neat to see how much he's grown!
We went to our first birthing class last weekend too-it was really eye opening I am actually excited about giving birth now, where before I was terrified. I'll probably change my mind as the time gets closer but I am really glad we decided to take this class. The instructor is great!
apricot / 468 posts
Hello ladies
Just stopping in to see how everyone is doing! I went in for my 1 hour glucose test today. I should have the results by tomorrow, I'm crossing my fingers I pass! I ate right after the text, thankfully they only had to take 2 viles of blood so once the hour was over it only took a minute to do.
What about you ladies? Have you done your glucose test yet?!
coconut / 8299 posts
@amohror: I took the glucose test at 12 weeks because I had GD with my son so I won't have to take it again at my 28 week appt. Hope you passed!!
Right now, I"m dealing with constipation again. UGH!! I was fine for a while and now it's back. Anyone else dealing with this?
kiwi / 575 posts
@aMohror: Good luck with the results! I take mine on May 16. I'm terrified that I'll have GD because everyone tells me that Asian's have a higher incidence of it. Fingers crossed
@banana: Oh no! So sorry to hear about the constipation. That sucks. Does colace help with constipation? Anything else?
Everything here is fine. Got nervous today for a little while because our little girl was pretty quiet but it turns out that I was just overly active and couldn't feel her. I laid down for a bit on the sofa and she started to kick up a storm - whew! I worry too much.
In other news, I got our pack-n-play from BRU this morning. I got a Graco one that retails for $150 and only paid $50! I had a coupon plus I exchanged some items from my baby shower back East. Score on bargain shopping
coconut / 8299 posts
@alittlep: Those "OMG I don't think I felt the baby move for a few hours!" moments are always freaky. haha. You would think since I've been through it before, I'd be more chill about it. But nope. I still freak out about that. haha. Yay on your BRU score! That reminds me that I need to grab my pack n play from storage and set it up next month or so. I need to sterilize it so might as well do it soon.
Oh! My best friend gave me a bunch of stuff the other day for free. She has 2 kids and said she's done so she gave me her baby things. I got a used baby carrier, playmat, and a bunch of clothes. Woohoo! Love free stuff!!
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: I had mine done on Monday. They actually gave me the test by mistake as it was really scheduled for the 18th. Anyway, my OB said if I got under 100 then I don't have to do it again, and I passed! So relieved because diabetes run in my family (don't know if that has anything to do with gestational diabetes) and my cousin failed her glucose test.
My mother-in-law and my best friend are planning my shower right now and I'm so excited! I already got 2 gifts and I feel a little guilty about them for some reason.
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: I have been dealing with constipation on and off. Senokat (sp?) helps with softening and that seems to be my biggest issue. I only take it when I really need to though.
@marley: Yay for passing the test! Mine is on 5/18.
pomelo / 5073 posts
Hi, ladies....just wanted to check in with you. We are doing okay. We tend to have more good days than bad days. I had my 6 wk post partum check-up and we have been given the green light to start trying again! So, hopefully our TTC journey will be short and then will end with a beautiful baby we get to hold in our arms.
kiwi / 575 posts
@Jennimac: Yay for getting the all clear! I'm glad that you're having more good than bad days. I really hope your TTC journey is brief and that you can bring a baby home with you within the next year. I'm so glad you stopped in with an update. Please keep us posted!! Cheering you on from a distance.
coconut / 8299 posts
@jennimac: Yay! Cheering you on from Los Angeles!!!! Please keep us updated!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@Jennimac: So happy for you! Please keep checking in. we are all cheering for you
How's everyone feeling this week? Anything new and exciting?
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: So far so good! My gas/constipation is much better after taking Colace every day (per my OB's recommendation). My belly has been itchy like crazy though! I try not to scratch it cause I heard it can make your stretch marks worse. So I've been massaging lotion on it whenever it gets itchy and it helps a lot.
We're now starting to look at baby names. I think we have the list narrowed down to 5 but still have no idea what the end name will be. We probably won't know until the day before. haha.
Have any of you bought more baby gear? We received a huge bag of clothes from a friend, which was a relief cause we had nothing to dress her in. I still need to buy a few essentials and decorate her nursery. Have any of you ladies felt your nesting instincts kick in yet?
pomelo / 5720 posts
Baby name discussions were a hot topic in our house until we found out we were having a boy. We're using DH's name so once we knew it was a boy, that was the end of that. It did relieve some of the stress of picking one but I still can't imagine actually using it when he's here
No nesting for me just yet...we're still waiting for the crib and changing table to be delivered from our friends. I think once that happens, I will get into decorating the nursery more. It's certainly stressing me out that nothing is done but I feel like my hands are tied until we get the big stuff. We also need to get a new car which means selling my current one, but I can't seem to get motivated to do that either! haha. I better hurry up though, August will be here soon!
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: Yay for not having to stress over baby names! sigh. It's HARD picking out a name. Either I dont' like it or my husband doesn't like it. And it goes back and forth. Hopefully we'll settle on something asap!
How exciting to get your crib and changing table from your friends! Once you see it set up in the room, you'll probably be more motivated to decorate. I'm not doing a full on decoration (I'm kind of a minimalist by nature) but I want to do a few DIY projects here and there to make it cozy and inviting.
Oh you're getting a new car? Are you getting something because you're planning for the baby or did you just need one anyway? We ended up selling my husband's 2-door Accord and getting an SUV when the baby arrived. It's NICE having a big car! What car are you thinking of getting?
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: I'm a minimalist too...and just not that into decorating. I agree with making it cozy and also keeping the clutter to a minimum (if that's even possible). I've bought my bedding already so I have an idea for what I want and I think once the furniture is here I will be in full nesting mode
We're buying a new car to replace mine (2004 Jetta). My car is still great but we have a black lab and I don't want her in the back seat with the baby and we take her with us all the time. I'm thinking about the new Outback or possibly a Honda CRV. We're leaning toward the Outback because I want something with AWD but still gets decent gas mileage. What did you end up going with?
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