coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: UGH. The car purchase is always a sore point between my DH and I. I originally wanted the Acura SUV (actually I wanted a mini van but he said heck no) and after going back and forth, we ended up getting a BMW SUV. He was kinda going through like a mid-life crisis (haha) and was in this "You only live once!" phase where he just bought whatever he wanted. He's actually a HUGE saver so it was really weird of him to do that. After the baby was born, he totally regretted it cause now we have this huge stupid car payment for 5 years! UGH!!! I still nag him about it to this day.
The Outback sounds nice! Good gas mileage is such a plus! (Don't get me started on the horrible gas mileage our SUV gets). I wish we got the new Honda minivan. It's so nice!! haha
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: @banana: No real nesting instinct yet, maybe I'm cleaning a little more? I'm already a clean freak but it's been a little out of control. We bought an armoire to store all the baby stuff we've bought or received so far, so that's exciting. It's so fun to see all the little dresses hung up!
I've been feeling kind of gross lately. I'm swollen all the way up my thighs and it's really hard to walk around. I don't think I gained a lot of fat, just a lot of water, but it feels the same. And I got heartburn for the first time ever.
pomelo / 5720 posts
So I failed the one hour glucose test on Friday-boo! Back for the 3 hour on Monday. Any hints on how to pass it? I really don't want to do the carb load diet for the 3 days prior as I really don't eat that many carbs and can't tolerate gluten. I'm hoping just by fasting and not eating any candy for a few days will ensure that I pass. I only failed by 6 points and had just eaten lunch minutes before so I'm blaming it on that Our ultrasound was great though and he's measuring 3lbs and 57th percentile. We even got to see him in 3D which was so cool!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: Sorry to hear that you failed the one hour test. But I heard that it is definitely easier to pass the 3 hour test, so if you only failed by 6 points I wouldn't worry about the 3 hour so much. Good luck!
I really want another ultrasound! Did you get an elective one or was it something your doctor does routinely at this stage? It's crazy to think our LOs are so "heavy" now. It seems just yesterday they were like 10 cm long.
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: Oh you only failed by 6 points? That's practically borderline! I failed by 30! I wouldn't worry about it too much. How fun you got another ultrasound. Our next one is in 2 weeks so I'm pretty excited about that! I feel like I haven't seen her in forever!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@marley: yeah, I think I'll be just fine. I can't imagine not passing but who knows.
I got the ultrasound because I had partial placental previa and they wanted to make sure it moved out of the way. Otherwise I wouldn't have had any more.
I know, 3 lbs seems like ton!
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: How cool you got to see him 3D. My 3d pics freaked me out! She looked all smushed up and uncomfortable haha. It was fun seeing her though. She looks a lot like my son so we'll see when she comes out.
OMG ladies, can you believe we're only like 2 months away? Craziness!!!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: I know...I can't believe it's coming so soon!
I just found out on Friday that I will be out of a job (grant funded and we lost our grant) as of July so I think my last day will be 7/20. The timing works out well with the baby coming but it's still pretty stressful not knowing what will happen and whether or not I will find another job when I'm ready to come back. I am happy that I will be able to go on unemployment instead of FMLA but it still stinks. I really like my job and was looking forward to coming back part time in November. I'm trying to be optimistic about it but being hormonal, it's a little more difficult
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: Oh no. Well,, like you mentioned, the timing worked out in that you would've been on leave anyway. I ended up switching jobs while I was maternity leave (with my son) because i couldn't stand all of the long hours and traveling I had to do with my previous job. Maternity leave was actually a great time to do interviews! I didn't have to lie to my boss or take sick/vacation time off. Maybe you'll be able to find another job during your leave!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@banana: That's my hope. My supervisor is committed to trying to find me something else within the hospital but there are few other positions that I would want. I might be able to find something closer to home though, which would be nice.
I hate everyone telling me how bad they feel and how sad they are. As if I don't already cry enough, I certainly don't want to do it everyday for the next 8 weeks. I can't wait to be on maternity leave
coconut / 8299 posts
@orvis18: Yes, maternity leave is nice. It's hard because you're sleep deprived but it's nice because you get to devote all of your time to your little one. I'm excited about my leave too!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Orvis18: oh no! I'm sorry to hear the news about your job. But like you said, at least it's good timing.
I also can't wait until maternity leave. My feet/legs swell up so much in the afternoon they hurt so much. NYC subways are just not pregnant women-friendly. I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore!!
coconut / 8299 posts
@marley: Oh no. I had major swelling when I was pregnant with my son. Like I can literally feel the water running up and down my veins on my legs. But it's not so bad with this pregnancy because I've been trying to watch my sodium intake. Not sure if that helps or not but it seems to be helping me. my husband gives me a leg/foot massage every night. And I also put my legs up any chance I get. It'll be allll over before you know it. 2 months goes by fast!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@marley: Oh man, I am so glad I don't have to take the T here in Boston...people aren't any nicer here either.
@banana: a leg/foot massage every night!? I am SO jealous!
kiwi / 706 posts
@banana: @Orvis18:
Ugh, just got elbowed really hard this morning on the subway.
I would love a foot massage. My husband asked if I wanted one the other day, and I took a look at my disgusting swollen feet and told him to stay away from me. : ( I was so self-conscious even in front of my husband!! And I stopped changing in front of him recently. Can't wait to lose all this weight!
pomelo / 5073 posts
Hi, ladies! We got the all clear to start trying again! I'm on CD 1 of Cycle #1. Fingers crossed it won't take long!
Hoping that all of you are doing well. @Orvis18: so sorry about your job!!!! That's awful! Fingers crossed that something awesome works out!
kiwi / 575 posts
Hi ladies,
Sorry I've been MIA. We moved on Thursday and things have been hectic. We're in the middle of unpacking and it takes me three times as long because of my huge baby bump
@Jennimac YAY! I'm so glad you got the all clear. Keep us posted!! I'm hoping it doesn't take long for you at all
@Orvis18 so sorry to hear about your position but at least the timing seems to fit well with the arrival of your little one!? I hope that the final outcome gives you a position that is perfect for you!
@Marley oh no! The swelling! I've been getting it too after being on my feet for long periods of time. Maybe you can treat yourself to a pedicure with a leg massage?! Hee hee, I'm watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians with my feet up and playing on the computer while my hubby unpacks some more boxes! He said that I've done enough for the day
@Banana I can't believe that we're almost there too. The time has flown by and I am so ready emotionally to meet my baby girl but so not ready in terms of her room, stuff, etc. for her to arrive! LOL - we've got a lot to do!
I was so happy to have passed the GD test that I had a week and a half ago. I so wish that I got another u/s because I'd love to see her once more before she arrives but I won't get one unless there are problems so I don't really want one! Along with less than two months to go, I've graduated (as my OB said) to every other week appointments!!! We're getting close and I'm getting excited!
Are you girls reading lots of books to get ready? I haven't read much except Happiest Baby on the Block. I read a couple of natural birthing books but more anecdotes than how to help myself. I want to find a good breast feeding book and someone said to get What To Expect In the First Year. Any recommendations that you all have read and love?
kiwi / 706 posts
@Jennimac: good luck! keep us posted!!
@ALittleP: The swelling is definitely the worst symptom. I can't stand for more than 10 minutes before my feet start to hurt. I had to actually sit down to blowdry my hair today, and need breaks when I'm cooking. A pedicure with a leg massage sound awesome right now. I have a feeling I'll be all self conscious with my elephant legs/ankles/feet at the spa.
apricot / 468 posts
Gosh I am behind and need to catch up on here later! I think back on page 7 I had shared a picture of our nursery with you ladies....Well, we finally decided on how we were going to paint it and it's officially PAINTED! I still need to put everything back but I wanted to share the pictures with you because I am so proud of my husband and I for how it turned out! Let me know what you think!
Here is the link to my blog!
kiwi / 706 posts
@aMohror: OMG I LOVE the paint! It's so original!!
(I stopped getting emails telling me that someone's posted, kind of annoying.)
pomelo / 5720 posts
@aMohror: I saw this on weddingbee I think-love it!! We are having our baby shower next weekend so I'm hoping to get some serious decorating done after that. We're still waiting on the crib and changing table our friends are giving us but we should get those in 2 weeks.
Someone asked about books we're reading. I'm in the middle of Happiest Baby on the Block and I like it so far. I also read a Breastfeeding book by Ina May and have Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby, or something like that. I'm trying to cram as much reading into the next few weeks as I can.
coconut / 8299 posts
@aMohror: Love the paint!! What a fun room!
@Jennimac: Yay for the clearance!!! Crossing my fingers for you that it won't take long! I have a good feeling that it won't. Keep us posted!!
@ALittleP: If you're reading this, hope you're doing well! I've been keeping up with your blog posts and sounds like she's still in there baking away!!!!
@marley: I had really horrible swelling when I was pregnant with my son so I know how you feel! Just keep your legs propped up as much as possible. Have you looked at support socks? They're kinda ugly but they work and you can wear them around the house if you don't feel comfortable wearing them out in public!
@orvis18: Yay for your baby shower! I'm having mine on 6/30 so I'm excited for that too!
nectarine / 2163 posts
Hi everyone! How's everything going? August is getting soo close!
We ordered our crib a month ago, and it should be arriving by Monday! I'm so excited. We also bought our pram over the weekend. It was the first big purchase we actually got to bring home! It's finally all starting to seem real.
Now I'm getting worried that I don't have enough time to get everything done, even though I've still (hopefully) got at least 8 more weeks!
coconut / 8299 posts
@penny lane: I know!!! August is soooo close! I'm not even sure I feel prepared yet, and this is my 2nd child! I still need to decorate her nursery and buy a few essentials like diapers and stuff. I need to get crackin!
Have any of you had your 32 week ultrasound yet? Mine is tomorrow and they will be checking her position. I feel like she's head down because I feel SO much movement at the top of my belly, which I think are her feet/legs. We'll see I guess!
kiwi / 706 posts
@banana: I haven't looked into those socks yet, but I was on vacation and the swelling pretty much went away. It came back a little today at work though, and I was working on a floor cushion all day in my office!
Is the 32 week ultrasound standard? I'm 31 weeks right now and I want another scan! I have no idea where her head/feet are right now, it feels like she's moving and kicking everywhere!
@Penny Lane: a month! I better order my crib now! I haven't really bought anything yet, but I had a shower this past weekend and I've been getting a lot of gifts in the mail.
kiwi / 575 posts
Hi girls!
@Banana: thanks for checking in. I'm still here. Baby is doing ok. Her heart had some decelerations again today and so I'm being monitored even more closely. It's insane to think that I'm going to have a baby in 17 days or less Guess that makes me part of the June 2012 babies instead, right?! But you girls are my group! I won't leave you all!
So, I'm just hanging in there and trying hard not to fall apart. There's so much to do but none of will get done and I just have to be OK with it!
I hope that the rest of you have uneventful pregnancies Have fun organizing and decorating!! Post pics too!
pomelo / 5073 posts
Hi, Ladies.....
Glad you are doing well! Hubby and I took this month off and are going to start trying this next cycle, which should happen sometime next week. I think we both were not ready emotionally to have to deal with TTC again. I, being the weird freak that I am, have already checked out the EDD if we happen to get lucky this first month of trying. Ironically, the EDD is March 29th, which is when we delivered our daughter. I don't know what to think about it, but it's weird to think that I could find myself back in the hospital a year later, delivering a baby again. Hopefully, the outcome will be much better.
I probably won't check in again before you all start delivering. It will be too hard, but I wanted to pop in again and say, "Happy delivering to healthy babies!!!!!" Hugs and Kisses to all!
nectarine / 2163 posts
@banana: we only get one ultrasound here, at 20 ish weeks. How often do you guys get ultrasounds? I'm assuming you're in the states...
pomelo / 5720 posts
@Penny Lane: I know exactly what you mean...we won't be getting our crib for another couple of weeks and it is really stressing me out. I just want to have everything in the nursery and set up in case he comes early. I also need to start washing clothes, diapers, etc but can't seem to find the motivation!
@ALittleP: Thanks for checking in! I've been keeping up with your blog and praying that your LO stays put at least until you're 35 weeks. I can't wait to see pics and hear your birth story.
@Jennimac: So good to hear from you. Although I can't fully appreciate all that you're going though, please know I'm thinking of you, praying for a healthy pregnancy and thankful that you're part of our group. I am wishing you lots of baby dust and look forward to following you on your journey. *hugs*
apricot / 468 posts
@marley: Thank you! That same thing happens to me too! After a while I just have to come back here and check to see if there has been new posts!
@Orvis18: Yes, it was on Weddingbee as well! Let us know how your shower goes! I just had mine on the 9th, it was a blast! How was the Breastfeeding book you read? Is is an easy read or rather boring? I figure I should probably read something on it since I'm kinda clueless! I'm hoping to take a breastfeeding class in the next couple of weeks and hopefully that will help!
@banana: Thank you! It makes me so happy now that it's all put together! I have a checkup on Monday and I'll be 33 weeks so I don't think I will be doing an ultrasound because I had one at 28 weeks. I wonder if I will have at least one more just for checking her position...I hope so!
coconut / 8299 posts
@penny lane: Yes, I'm in the States. I think we typically get 4 ultrasounds? 12 weeks for viability, 16 weeks for NT, 20 weeks for gender/anatomy, 28 or 32 weeks for fluid level checks/baby positioning. I don't know if that's what everyone gets but that's what I've gotten with both pregnancies.
@amohror: I didn't get one at 28 weeks but I will be getting one at my 32 week appt on Monday to check for fluid levels and positioning. So excited to see her!
apricot / 468 posts
How are you ladies doing?!
How are you holding up in the heat wherever you are?
I'm currently 35+ weeks and can't stand to be out in the heat for any length of time. Luckily I'm in N. Idaho so it's not too miserable for me I'm definitely ready to have baby Camdyn come! I know 37 weeks needs to come first but hopefully she will come soon after that I'm mostly just hoping she comes early because I'm due August 3rd and my insurance starts over on August 1st. SERIOUSLY! lol what are the odds? So our deductible is going up and our coverage is going down Not by a lot but still, I don't want to have to pay the deductible twice! UGH!
Have you ladies packed your hospital bag? What did you decide to bring? I have my bag out and have only gotten as far as three things, deodorant, toothbrush/toothpaste and her birth certificate papers! I need to get on it pretty soon probably haha.
coconut / 8299 posts
@aMohror: Hiyee! I"m 35 weeks today and feeling so tired lately. I'm carrying her really low so I'm not getting that heart burn/stomach acid feeling I used to get with my son at around this time. Awwwww, you're naming her Camdyn? Adorable! Can you believe we're still deciding on a name? UGH. We're such procrastinators!
I packed my hospital bag last night! I delivered my son at 36 weeks and when I realized I was 35 weeks now, I started freaking out and packed it last night. I pulled out my roller suitcase (so much easier than the duffle bag we used the first time) and so far I've packed:
Toiletries (bought travel size versions of everything)
Some makeup
Flip flops
Comfy clothes
Baby going home outfit (newborn and 0-3 month...not sure how big she'll be)
Camera + Charger
My extra iphone charger
Cord blood kit
Paperwork (birth certificate, HR paperwork, important phone #s)
Nursing bra and nursing pads
My own maxi pads (I didn't like the hospital ones..Too rough)
A book (I'm having a c-section so I will be in the hospital at least 4 days)
I still have a bunch of stuff left to pack so I will probably do that tonight. I really hope my baby girl bakes in my belly as long as possible!!
I hope she comes a little early for you so that you can take advantage of your health insurance!! How long do you plan on taking maternity leave? I'm gonna take 3 months because that's all I'll get in full pay.
apricot / 468 posts
@banana: We are really close together I've definitely been pretty tired lately as well, I usually get some kind of short nap in on most days. I'm jealous you aren't having heartburn! I'm glad for you though! Mine seems to be getting worse, I keep chowing down otter pops because it makes it feel so much better, I just wish they didn't have sugar in them! haha
Yes, we decided on Camdyn about a month ago, we had another name picked out before then but we couldn't agree on the spelling so one day I was flipping through a name book and BAM! There was Camdyn and it was perfect for her, and we instantly fell more in love with it than the first name Lol you will pick one out soon I'm sure! It's such a tough decision sometimes, so many different things to consider.
I never thought about using my little suitcase, I'm totally doing that now! Camdyn is our first so I feel so completely clueless on what to pack. I will be stealing ideas from everyone, that's for sure I just need to start throwing stuff in. Some of the stuff like my makeup I won't want to pack until it's time since I use it everyday. Did you buy comfy clothes or are you just bringing some from home? I don't really have much at home that I could wear so I'm considering buying something but not sure it's even worth it. You want pretty thick maxi pads don't you, since there will be a lot of bleeding?
Unfortunately, I've been laid off since Memorial Weekend so I won't have a maternity leave per say. I am only able to stay home until November (financially) so I will have about three months as well. I tried looking for a job for almost a month and nobody wanted to hire a super pregnant lady! which could be for the best too...I've adjusted now, I just hope I can find a job after the baby in time
I'll be crossing my fingers for your baby girl to continue baking!
coconut / 8299 posts
@amohror: I love the spelling of Camdyn. It's such a pretty feminine name. We've narrowed it down to 5 (i know i know!) and we told ourselves that we would HAVE to narrow it down to 2 by end of week for sure!
The roller suitcase is really nice cause you can also place things on top of it when you leave for home and just roll it out. I would also bring an extra bag for all of the extras you'll be taking home (things that people bring you, things you take from the hospital, etc). Anything to make it easier for your SO to carry because you will be carrying the baby! So exciting!! Oh, don't forget to take the car seat! I know a few of my mommy friends that forgot it at home.
Regarding comfy clothes, I just packed a pair of yoga pants and a cotton v-neck shirt that I just had at home. Even after you deliver, you'll still have a slight belly pooch (like as if you're maybe 5 months pregnant?) I thought it would go back to flat but nope...there's still a pooch. So I would pack something with that in mind. You never know what you'll be wearing when you deliver so it's good to have an extra set of comfy clothes in case. Yes, you'll want extra thick pads. I bought some long overnight super thick maxi pads that I'll be using while at the hospital. They'll give you some but they're not as soft as the ones you buy. I guess it depends on the hospital but the ones they gave me were super rough!
Hope you are able to find a job before your leave ends! I actually found a new job during my maternity leave with my son. I submitted a few resumes during the first few weeks of my leave and got a call back during the 2nd month. So it's totally possible!
persimmon / 1341 posts
Hi ladies! I'm due August 9...I can't believe we're all getting so close. I started packing my hospital bag last week. I have a list on my phone and add things to it here and there as I buy them/find them around the house. So far I have:
Flip flops (no way I'm showering in the nasty shower without these!)
Small camera and charger
Hair tie/bobby pins
Yoga pants
Face Wipes
Nursing tank
I still need to pack:
Change of clothes for my husband
Phone charger
Laptop/charger (so we can skype my mom)
Some random clothing for me (zip up hoodie, another nursing tank, etc)
Coming home outfit for baby, 1 newborn/1 0-3 months. I'm waiting until after my shower so I can see all our clothing options and pick one then.
coconut / 8299 posts
@eeh: I know!! SO close!! EEK! Your hospital bag looks just like mine! haha. Ditto on the nasty shower floors (flip flops are a must!).
I forgot that I also packed my boppy. I started a thread asking other Bees if they thought a boppy was necessary and everyone recommended packing it. I didn't last time but I'm definitely going to this time!
apricot / 468 posts
@eeh: Sounds like you have your hospital bag covered just like @banana:
I think I will go continue packing some more into mine! I feel a little behind! haha Is your shower coming up?!
persimmon / 1341 posts
@Banana: I'm planning on taking the poppy.
@Amohror: I'm having two showers, one on the 14th and one on the 15th. I'm hoping baby stays put until then!
pomelo / 5720 posts
@aMohror: 35 weeks here too and definitely feeling the heat these days. Ugh. I love the name you chose!
@banana: Hiya! Thanks for reminding me about the boppy...I still have to get one of those. I received the My Brest Friend pillow for my shower so I guess I could take that instead if I don't get a boppy in time. I have no idea why I feel I need both
You ladies are all waaaaayy ahead of me on the packing. I have a list but have not started packing anything and feel so behind! we still don't even have our nursery furniture and I'm waiting until the end of this week to order the remaining items on our registry so I can get the 10% completion discount I hope he waits at least a few more weeks so I can get more things done! My sister went 2 and 3 weeks early with my nieces but I suspect I'll end up going late just because I hope you are all feeling well and ready to enjoy a day off tomorrow!
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