Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @mrskc: Congrats!

    @pui: Glad your appointment went well!

  2. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Booked my ultrasound for April 1st! I can't wait to find out if we're having a girl or boy!

    Both my SIL and sister are having girls, so I'm kind of hoping we're having a boy for some variety!

  3. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @pui: yay!! I'm the opposite - there are only boys on my DH's side of the family so I'm hoping for a girl (DH is hoping for a boy, of course) I have my anatomy scan on April 1st also.

    Guys, did you see that there's a November 2014 board already??? That means we're getting there!

  4. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @pui: @chibee: I'm booked for April 1st too, but we are finding out early (for free!!!!) on March 12th. Eeeee.

    I'm home sick today with a fever. Silly husband is in doctor's offices all day and (shocker) we both got the crud that's been going around. I've only been at my job for 6 weeks and I'm so upset to already be missing. At my previous 2 jobs (4.5 yrs of working) I never took a single sick day. I'm so worried that I look bad.

  5. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    Question for anyone! I am going to my perinatologist next Monday for a cervix length check - I researched and found that they do this through a transvaginal ultrasound. Do you think it's possible they could peek at the baby's sex during this? Otherwise, I'm booked for an elective on the 15th to find out, but I figured they're already there, can't they just peek??

  6. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @chibee: That's crazy!! I still feel sooo newly pregnant!!

    @BakerBee: Oh no!! I got a 12 hour flu my 3rd day of my new job!! I ended up going in, because how am I going to take a sick day so soon?! This is my 6th week now, so I know how sick you must have to be I hope you feel better QUICK!

  7. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @BakerBee: don't feel bad - most work places would rather you stay home when you are that sick anyway. Don't strain yourself and get plenty of rest!

    @swurlygurl: i do too, at almost 16 weeks (omg 4 months!) i still feel like it's all a dream??? especially now that the morning sickness is gone!

  8. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @chibee: They should totally be able to take a peak. Doesn't hurt to ask.

    @swurlygurl @chibee: I'm hoping they are glad I'm staying away. It's a small office (4 people) and I don't think they would want me to come in and get everyone sick. Luckily I called and said I was going to remote in and so they know I'm working. I'm just doing it in bed with my two puppies and pajamas.

  9. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    We had an eventful weekend. We announced our pregnancy on facebook - just a bump picture, nothing well-planned. I also painted the nursery a nice gender-neutral aqua color. I wanted to get the room painted before finding out the sex (10 days left, OMG) so I could make sure it was definitely neutral. Its the first thing we've really done to prep for baby so it feels like a big step

  10. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    @mrst927: I totally get where you're coming from! I have struggled with my weight/self image most of my adult life and am either in full time dieting mode or free for all! So far I have turned my back to the scale at the doctor's office bc I know I would freak to see the number. However, this had also enabled me to continue eating whatever I want so I don't know what's better... I have been trying to go to the gym a couple times a week though... I totally commiserate, though!!

    @mrskc: Yay!! How exciting!!!

    @jennypenny: congrats on announcing! I enjoyed it more than I thought I would

  11. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    EDD: Aug 4th
    How far along? 18 weeks today
    Team pink, blue or green? If you don't know yet, when will you find out? We find out on Friday!!
    Feeling any movement yet? I think so...??? Mostly in the evenings
    Symptoms? Actually feeling pretty good lately
    Most excited about: finding out the sex, having movement dh can feel, meeting the baby!!
    Most worried/nervous about: pretty much everything. I am pretty neurotic/paranoid...I've gotten much better recently but still worry about how's the baby doing
    purchase any baby gear yet? A dresser. And A friend actually gave us our first onesie this weekend...so small!!! Can't believe a human will be wearing that in 4 short months!!

    p.s. I am correct that I am 5 months pregnant today, correct?? I know the weeks-to months don't match up like I previously thought they did...(like divide by 4 to figure out the months) just hope I'm not telling people the wrong info!!! Lol

  12. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: So exciting that you get to find out on Friday! I get confused on the weeks/months thing too. This is what babycenter says: http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-pregnant-am-i-pregnancy-by-weeks-months-and-trimesters_10326878.bc

    @chibee: They should be able to peek then! I forget how many weeks you are, but they can definitely tell the sex with a transvaginal. My NT scan was transvaginal because my uterus is tilted and you could definitely see the crotch (though obviously it's hard to tell at 12 w).

  13. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    Is anyone feeling movement yet? I keep feeling like I feel something but I'm only 14w3d so it's probably digestion and/or wishful thinking!

  14. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrs. 64: i wish! i try really hard to pay attention but nothing. my ob said she doesn't really expect me to feel anything until much later on so i'm not concerned! but i can't wait! what does it feel like?

  15. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @mrs. 64: I'm 15w2d and sometimes I do feel what I think it's something, but I'm not sure! I can't wait until it becomes more obvious!

  16. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @chibee: Hard to describe, but kinda like a bubble maybe? I'm pretty sure I'm just delusional though. I have probably felt that my entire life and just now paid attention.

  17. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @chibee: mine feel like solid thumps.

  18. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    I think I'm starting to feel something, but it hasn't been clear or consistent enough to really believe its baby It helps to be lying down and relatively still.

  19. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    I'm pretty sure I have felt the baby kinda roll around. I have felt pops that may be kicks but the rolls feel exactly like what it felt like with #1.

  20. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @chibee: with M the first time I was absolute sure...the best way I could describe it is the vertical rolling motion of a lava lamp might feel like in your stomach! LOL

  21. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @locavore_mama: Yes, a lava lamp is a good way of describing it. A lava lamp that is hard and can push.

  22. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @locavore_mama: A lava lamp is a PERFECT description! I was going to say kind of like the baby is on a roller coaster, but that's just weird... haha!

  23. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @swurlygurl: That's so funny, I was going to say when I really focus on it, it feels like the baby is riding waves.

  24. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    Sometimes I think I feel something. When I actually lay still and pay attention. But I have anterior placenta again this time so it will probably be a few more weeks before I start feeling consistent movement.

  25. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    AHH. Question.... I just felt two random flicks from the left front part of my stomach. Like literally something is flicking me from the inside. Is that the baby kicking? FREAKING OUT.

  26. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @mrskc: what do yours feel like?

  27. Phxbee

    coffee bean / 36 posts

    @bakerbee: Sounds like it's your baby moving/ kicking to me!

  28. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @sera_87: I've felt like little thumps or like someone is flicking me on the inside. I've also thought I've felt the lava lamp/wave like feeling others have described. It's so faint tho. I'm not 100% sure it's the baby. We had an ultrasound friday and she was moving around like crazy and I couldn't feel any of it.

  29. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    Thanks Mrs. 64. This was the page I was looking at that says I'm five months
    And this:

    How crazy that sources can be so different! According to babycenter I just started 4 months but according to the others I just started 5....bizarre!!!

    The movement I think is baby feels like thumps...almost like when my heart beats hard...still not totally sure it's the baby though and not just bodily functions haha

  30. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    I had my appointment today and all is well. The doc had a hard time catching the HB on the doppler, so she pulled out the US machine. She tried for a while to figure out the gender, but baby wasn't cooperating, oh well! I'll schedule the anatomy scan for around 18 weeks.

  31. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: scary!!! Glad all is well.

  32. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: glad all is ok with the baby! Must have been neat to she him/her tho!

  33. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: Yikes that must have been scary. So glad baby is doing well!

  34. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @locavore_mama: @mrskc: @mrs. 64: Thanks ladies! It was a little scary, though she insisted she was able to find it, just not loud enough for me to hear. That's why she pulled out the US, I didn't even have to ask And she tried pretty hard to find the gender. I would've felt guilty finding out without DH there, but of course I wanted to know!

  35. Claire.Peonies

    apricot / 402 posts

    EDD: Aug 6th
    How far along? 18.3 weeks today
    Team pink, blue or green? If you don't know yet, when will you find out? Team Pink!
    Feeling any movement yet? Yes! More and more each day. ( I have heard if your placenta is posterior, you will feel it sooner)
    Symptoms? Still short of breath and some fatigue. Occasional nausea. My boobs wont stop growing!
    Most excited about: Starting to decorate the nursery!
    Most worried/nervous about: Finding childcare for after maternity leave!
    purchase any baby gear yet? No, but will have to start soon! Have crib picked out already!

    Congratulations everyone! I have missed so much! So excited to hear as everyone gets further along.

  36. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @JennyPenny: ooo do you have any pics of the room with the new paint? i love seeing peoples nurseries.

    @chibee: i would ask for a quick peek! i don't see why they couldn't!

    @Claire.Peonies: congrats on your baby girl!!!

    @Mrs.Someone: glad the baby is doing well! and that you got an extra peek at the baby!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Everyone is progressing nicely and out of the first trimester!

    8/2 -jennypenny (#1) - 18 w, 4 d
    8/4 - apples4teacher (#1) - 18 w, 2 d
    8/6 - sera_87 (#2) - 18 w, 0 d
    8/6 - claire.peonies (#1) - 18 w, 0 d
    8/7 - avabear (#3) - 17 w, 6 d
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - 17 w, 6 d
    8/7 - buffalove (#2) - 17 w, 6 d
    8/9 - phxbee (#2) - 17 w, 4 d
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2) - 17 w, 0 d
    8/14 - sharpie (#1) - 16 w, 6 d
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1) - 16 w, 4 d
    8/16 - mrst927 (#1) - 16 w, 4 d
    8/16 - mrskc (#2) - 16 w, 4 d
    8/17 - kodybear (#2) - 16 w, 3 d
    8/17 - dankrist (#1) - 16 w, 3 d
    8/18 - stratosphere (#1) - 16 w, 2 d
    8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2) - 16 w, 2 d
    8/20 - bakerbee (#1) - 16 w, 0 d
    8/21 - chibee (#1) - 16 w, 0 d
    8/21 - xinfinity (#1) - 15 w, 6 d
    8/22 - swurlygurl (#2) - 15 w, 5 d
    8/23 - beckysue (#1) - 15 w, 4 d
    8/23 - pui (#1) - 15 w, 3 d
    8/26 - erind425 (#1) - 15 w, 1 d
    8/27 - locavore_mama (#2) - 15 w, 0 d
    8/30 - mrs.64 (#1) - 14 w, 4 d
    8/30 - msmug (#1) - 14 w, 4 d
    8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2) - 14 w, 3 d

  38. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: You don't have me on there!

  39. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @swurlygurl: Got you added!

  40. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Yay! I can't believe I'm almost 16 weeks already... I have not been keeping up with this pregnancy!!

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