Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @swurlygurl: I know, now that we are out of the first tri, I kinda keep forgetting what week I am on!

  2. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    August mamas!
    8/2 -jennypenny (#1)
    8/4 - apples4teacher (#1)
    8/4 - mrs.m (#2)
    8/6 - sera_87 (#2)
    8/6 - claire.peonies (#1) - Team Pink!
    8/7 - avabear (#3)
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - Team Pink!
    8/7 - buffalove (#2)
    8/8 - yellowskates (#1) - Team Green!
    8/9 - phxbee (#2)
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2) - Team Green!
    8/14 - sharpie (#1)
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1)
    8/16 - mrst927 (#1)
    8/16 - mrskc (#2) - Team Pink!
    8/17 - kodybear (#2) - Team Blue!
    8/17 - dankrist (#1)
    8/18 - stratosphere (#1) -Team Pink!
    8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2) - Team Green!
    8/20 - bakerbee (#1)
    8/21 - chibee (#1)
    8/21 - xinfinity (#1)
    8/22 - swurlygurl (#2)
    8/23 - beckysue (#1)
    8/22 - pui (#1)
    8/26 - erind425 (#1)
    8/27 - locavore_mama (#2)
    8/30 - mrs.64 (#1)
    8/30 - msmug (#1)
    8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2)

    Upcoming appointments!
    3/7 - apples4teacher (anatomy scan)
    3/10 - mrs. m (anatomy scan)
    3/10 - aandmklover (anatomy scan)
    3/10 - yellowskates (anatomy scan)
    3/10 - chibee (16 wk appt)
    3/12 - jennypenny (anatomy scan)
    3/12 - bakerbee (gender scan)
    3/13 - sera_87 (anatomy scan)
    3/15 - chibee (elective u/s)
    3/17 - mrs.64 (appt)
    3/19 - kodybear (anatomy scan)
    3/19 - t.h.o.u. (anatomy scan)
    3/24 - aandmklover (20 wk appt)
    3/24 - mrst927 (anatomy scan)
    3/24 - mrst927 (20 wk appt)
    3/28 - swurlygurl (anatomy scan)
    3/31 - pui (19 wk appt)
    4/1 - chibee (anatomy scan)
    4/1 - pui (anatomy scan)
    4/1 - bakerbee (anatomy scan)
    4/3 - locavore_mama (anatomy scan)

  3. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @swurlygurl: @T.H.O.U.: same! its going faster this time bc i am chasing a toddler around! and i'm def not keeping up with bump pictures like the first time around..

    excited that we are all about to go through our anatomy scans!! lets get more on team blue!!

  4. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @kodybear: @T.H.O.U.: I did a weekly pregnancy journal for L... the thought of keeping up with that now is cracking me up! Although, it was really sweet and makes me cry when I go back and read it.
    I think once I find out the sex and get started on prepping L's big girl room and the nursery it will get more real again. But, for now, it's definitely in the way back of my mind!

  5. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @swurlygurl: I really want to get DD's photo books finalized and all of her documents and photos in order before #2 arrives!

    I need a good digital photo storage process. I like to load to shutter fly where I think I have a good file structure set up now (the year I want to do a book for and then quarterly folders plus special event folders). But I would also like to back up copies on a hard-drive somewhere at home!

  6. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: AH! YES! I was supposed to finish L's scrapbook for her first birthday, but it's still only up to month 4. Ugh. If I don't do it before #2, it will never get done.

  7. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @swurlygurl: I know, my fear is all these things that just WILL NOT get done once #2 is here. I'm really glad we already have her big girl room checked off the list.

  8. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @swurlygurl: are you switching your LO out of the crib b4 lo#2? lo#1 will be 20-21 months and i feel like thats early! but i don't really know whats average.. and i also had a weekly journal for lo#1 and this time is more like... every other week maybe? haha so sad

  9. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @kodybear: We moved DD around that age and it went fine! She went straight to a twin so we have the crib and mattress.

  10. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @kodybear: Yeahhh... That's the plan! We'll see how that goes. L will be 19 months when #2 is born, and I'll want to switch her out a couple months before so she doesn't hate the baby. I'm realistically just too cheap to buy a second crib. DH and I have been wanting to upgrade our Queen for a King, so L will get our Queen - on the floor for now. I'll likely put up rails on the bed, and our rooms are on the second floor so I'm wondering if I'll have to put a lock on her door somehow? We have a gate, but I still worry she'll fling herself against the gate and go toppling down the stairs.

    But yeah, it will be a bedtime adventure for awhile! Just as she's starting to STTN too... ugh, haha!

  11. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: That is SO good to hear!

  12. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: hmm i may have to rethink my whole plan. i was just gonna buy a new crib, but it would be awesome to save that money. any tips on the transition?

    @swurlygurl: yeah i'm worried about that too! or that she just gets up and plays instead of sleeps? aiyah i'm sure its alot less stressful than i imagine in my head.

  13. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @kodybear: Haha, yeah, I'm torn between the Montessori room where everything is kid-level, and a room where all toys and books are out of reach so she doesn't play!

  14. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    DH and I have been talking about making DS his toddler room to show him he's a "big boy" now that he'll have a sibling. He'll be 22 months when #2 gets here so we also plan on moving him to a toddler bed a little while before to get him used to the new bed and changes before the little one comes. Plus, I'm sure getting him to stay in bed is going to bed fun.

  15. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @swurlygurl: I had a weekly pregnancy journal too on my blog. Um I think I've done maybe 2 entries so far. oops.

    @T.H.O.U.: i feel sooooo behind on DS's baby book and photo organization. I'm wanting to do a photo book for every year. I finished 2012 by end of jan and I haven't even started 2013 yet. ugh. And I have an actual baby book for DS that is maybe 5% filled out. I did do monthly blog updates on DS so maybe I'll turn those into a photo book and that can be his baby book.

    @kodybear: we transitioned DS out of a crib really early (8 months) to a floor bed. I keep him in a sleep sack and I think that deters him from getting off his bed. When he wakes, he just sits up and waits for me to get him.

  16. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    My nausea had been mostly absent for about 4 days but was bad yesterday. Turns out I have a stomach bug. It has been working its way through the classroom , but I tried to be super diligent about clorox wipes, touching surfaces, and washing my hands. Guess the germs won. I'm home today but hoping I will be back tomorrow. Not fun.

  17. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Yay, just scheduled my anatomy ultrasound! Its on 3/21 (18w6d), and my next doctor's appointment is on 4/9 (21w). @kodybear: Next time you update the list, can you add these in? Thanks

  18. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @mrs. 64: Oh no!! Damn weakened immune system. Feel better!!! Rest-up!

    @Mrs.Someone: Can't wait to hear what Baby Someone (ha!) is!!

  19. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @mrs. 64: oh no! Feel better!

    @Mrs.Someone: yay! I can't wait to find out what you're having? Do you have any intuitions what it could be?

    @kodybear: my next appt is April 10 for anatomy scan and 21 week app.

    I'm glad I opted for an early ultrasound. I would not have been able to wait until April 10! My doc seems to schedule anatomy scans later compared to the rest of you ladies. Same thing with DS. Didn't get a/s until 22 weeks.

  20. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @mrskc: I'm thinking girl, based on HR mostly! (And because I'd like a girl first ) My doctor said to schedule it for 20 weeks, but the form from the Ultrasound place says 18-20, so I figure I can follow that instead. I'll be a day shy of 19w.

  21. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Today I went to the doctor about my minor spotting (they seem to think it's related to the yeast infection I also have) and they said if I was worried I could get an Ultrasound... I was SO tempted to get one just to see if I could find out the gender, but then I decided to save tax payer money lol.

  22. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @pui: you are so strong!!!!

  23. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @pui: Forget the taxpayers, you should've gone for the u/s! When is your next one?

  24. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @pui: as a fellow (local) taxpayer I fully authorize you to GET THE ULTRASOUND. (Besides, you pay taxes too! Think of it as a refund of all the $ you've contributed over the years! ;))

  25. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    I've been Mia for a little while bc I've been dealing with the worst flu I've had in recent memory! I was bursting into tears and dh kept thinking it was cuz something bad happened to the babies and I didn't want to tell him. Which only made me feel worse since I felt like he was being insensitive to how miserable I was feeling from the flu! Anyways.. Now I have some cramping and I'm wondering if any of you dealt with that? I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow.

    I called the OB hoping they could squeeze me in this week or next but the soonest they could get me in to check everything out is the 20th. Sucks.. And I hope the babies are doing OK.

    I have my anatomy scan scheduled for 3/29! Woohoo!

  26. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: April 1st! At least they should be able to tell for sure by then!

  27. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Welp. Interesting day.
    Got my blood work results and my glucose levels were fairly high so I have to go get tested again and fast this time. I was fairly surprised as that was during the first tri when I had no sweet sweet tooth and didn't have anything sweet at all that day.
    I'm anemic which I kinda expected so I'll be on daily supplements.

    My MIL went for a MRI yesterday for back pains she's been having. The doctors called her back today and want her admitted. They need to put a rod in her back. They found 3 spots on the scan they're unsure of. ...... Thoughts & prayers, if you're the praying sort will be appreciated.

  28. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: exciting! Just 2 weeks away! I hope it's a girl!

    @pui: glad the spotting is nothing serious! I wouldn't been able to say no to an u/s!

    @msmug: oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes I feel slight cramping.

    @locavore_mama: eeek. Hope your glucose levels come back normal after the next test. I'll be thinking and praying for your MIL.

  29. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    Thanks guys. I've been resting and drinking non stop today. I'm starting to feel better.

    @pui: Glad everything is okay. I wouldn't hesitate to put that on the taxpayers! You Canadians are so considerate.

    @Mrs.Someone: Yay, can't wait to find out!

    @msmug: I'm surprised they couldn't squeeze you in before then. I'm sure the cramping is just normal stuff. So excited to hear what you are having!

    @locavore_mama: Hope it turns out that your glucose is in the normal range. I'm sorry to hear about MIL. I hope she has a quick recovery. Thinking of you guys.

  30. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @locavore_mama: Wow, what a day. Hopefully the next test goes smoothly! Also, wishing for the best for your MIL.

  31. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    Just got back from our scan...I tried to attach a picture...

    It's a.....

  32. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    Shock of our lives because at our 12 week scan the doctor said he thought it was a girl. We settled on a girl name but still have a lot of boy names to choose from. But overall, feeling so happy everything looked good and so blessed that we have technology that enables us to see our son!!

  33. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: Congrats!

  34. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: Yay! Congrats!!

  35. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: congrats on your baby boy!! yay team blue!! thats surprising that he thought it was girl but it ended up being a boy! i think it usually is the other way around, but who knows what they saw the first time around.

    @locavore_mama: hoping the best for your mil! something similar happened to my fil. he is currently recovering after surgery/radiation.

  36. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: Congratulations!!!

  37. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: Congratulations!!!!

  38. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: Yay!! Congrats!!!

  39. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: congrats!! boys are such fun.

  40. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: congrats!!!

    @kodybear: hope recovery goes well!

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