Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @locavore_mama: @msmug: yayy congrats!!

    @bakerbee: i would have cried for sure - the rollercoaster would be too much for me too! but yay for boys!

    @pui: ahhhh omg i would be going crazy but the most important thing is baby is healthy and good!

    i also had my anatomy scan today - it was long because they had a training fellow do it alongside an experienced technician but i didn't mind bc i got to see the baby for a long time. everything was normal and great - got to see the baby yawn and play with his feet! kind of amazing how detailed everything was. still very much a boy!

    also, started feeling my baby this past week! it's kind of amazing, it made me connect with the pregnancy soooo much more, and i love every little tiny kick i feel now!

  2. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @xInfinity: I should hopefully be able to find out in a few days.

  3. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    @bakerbee: that is crazy!! I couldn't handle that many flip-flops and would have probably shouted something uncharitable at the doc/tech just out of frustration!

    But congrats everyone on healthy babies from today's anatomy scans!

    We had ours today too and little girl looks happy and healthy (and normal) in there.

    Is it dumb that I'm disappointed the tech didn't get a single good pic? Like she didn't even try for a profile shot. She got a weird frontal half-skeleton looking shot of the head but you totally can't tell what it is because it only shows like a weird half of the skeleton face. All the other pics are also totally indiscernible close-ups of supposedly feet and hands and limbs and heart but they don't look like anything to me!

    During the scan itself I could make out more as she moved around but she only froze the worst most blobby looking images it seems. She tried to get some 3D pics of the face but baby kept moving during the shot and distorting it terribly and/or putting her hands up right in her eyes, covering her face the whole time. The only shot we have that looks like anything is of her forearm and hand blocking her whole face, with just her mouth peaking out. It is pretty cute (like, "no paparazzi!!") but I would have loved a classic profile shot. When the tech put the equipment away I was like "wait, that's it? But you didn't even get any good pics for us!!"

    I am however very very very happy that baby looked healthy and was measuring exactly at her due date. The doctor came in afterward and said she looked great so we most likely won't need another u/s for the rest of the pregnancy!

    Oh, and we found I have an anterior placenta, which is weird because I feel the baby move sooo much, and have since 18w. The tech said that's probably because a) I'm paying attention and b) I'm very thin, which apparently can make it easier to feel baby, even with an anterior placenta. I guess I'd feel a ton more if the placenta weren't anterior, so maybe I should be thankful I've got a "muffler"!

  4. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @stratosphere: same! my 12 week and this anatomy scan, i have terrible pictures!! Like not even worth sharing, and it's so annoying because I was there for almost 2 hours since they were training a fellow, couldn't they have gotten at least 1 good profile shot of the entire baby???? Ugh totally feel your frustration.

  5. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @stratosphere: No, I totally agree. With my first I had amaaazing profile shots and pictures. I have not had a single good one of this baby. Sooo blurry and grainy. It's the SAME tech, machine, location... A little bummed

    @pui: Those are great pictures!! Such a sweet little profile!! I've always felt like you're having a girl We'll see!

  6. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    August mamas!
    8/2 -jennypenny (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/4 - apples4teacher (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/4 - mrs.m (#2) - Team Blue!
    8/6 - sera_87 (#2) - Team Blue!
    8/6 - claire.peonies (#1) - Team Pink!
    8/7 - avabear (#3)
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1) - Team Pink!
    8/7 - buffalove (#2)
    8/8 - yellowskates (#1) - Team Green!
    8/9 - phxbee (#2)
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2) - Team Green!
    8/14 - sharpie (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/16 - mrst927 (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/16 - mrskc (#2) - Team Pink!
    8/17 - kodybear (#2) - Team Blue!
    8/17 - dankrist (#1)
    8/18 - stratosphere (#1) -Team Pink!
    8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2) - Team Green!
    8/20 - bakerbee (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/21 - chibee (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/21 - xinfinity (#1) - Team Pink!
    8/22 - swurlygurl (#2) - Team Pink!
    8/23 - beckysue (#1)
    8/22 - pui (#1)
    8/26 - erind425 (#1) - Team Blue!
    8/27 - locavore_mama (#2) - Team Pink!
    8/30 - mrs.64 (#1)
    8/30 - msmug (#1 & #2) - Team Blue x 2!
    8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2)

    Upcoming appointments!
    4/9 - mrs.someone (21 wk appt)
    4/9 - kodybear (follow up scan)
    4/10 - mrskc (anatomy scan/21 wk appt)
    4/10 - beckysue (anatomy scan)
    4/15 - mrs.64 (anatomy scan)
    4/28 - kodybear (24 wk scan/glucose testing)
    5/5 - pui (24 wk appt)
    5/30 - kodybear (28 wk appt)

  7. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    i had a 20 wk appt today. i was able to talk to the dr about the findings at the last anatomy scan. it def helped relieve some worries! about the echogenic bowel, she said that 5-10% of pregnancies will have this marker, and having just 1 marker isn't a concern. having 2 or more is when they start to think there may be a chromosomal issue. so thats a relief. and she also said my cord insertion was off to the side, but it wasn't severe where the veins are exposed (which was what i was scared of since it can cause alot of delivery issues/stillborn!) so the only thing i have to worry about is the babies growth but at least they can monitor that and make sure everything is on track.

    also, i am getting my glucose testing next appt! eek! that stuff is nasty. hope i pass, i love sweets too much!

    @bakerbee: how are you doing today? so the details in my head are alittle fuzzy, but didn't u get the last gender screening at a different place (not your normal doctor?) i wonder if that place makes these mistakes alot or maybe babies legs were closed?

  8. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @kodybear: Thank you for asking! I'm feeling so much better!

    Yes, I went to a college that teaches ultrasounds and the instructor did it. We actually commented on that to the u/s tech at my doctor's office (sort of blaming them and saying we shouldn't have gone to a non doctor's office) and she said that she had actually gone to that school and studied under the lady that did it. Cue small panic (slash awkward). My doctor thinks that maybe they just got a weird shot and that was why it had three lines - she said that this woman who did the scan was confirming most likely by the absence of parts and not searching for everything she should have been, or something to that effect. I'm glad to get another scan at 24 weeks and I've watched the DVD of the scan maybe 6 times (slash made one of my good friends who is a midwife in Memphis watch it and confirm the parts).

    That's great news about your scan! - I'm so glad baby is healthy and that it just means some extra monitoring. I'm confident he will be just fine .

  9. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @BakerBee: Agh, that's making me really nervous now!! I'm a little hesitant to actually believe our results - baby was cross legged the whole time and the tech couldn't get a shot. She was jabbing my stomach to try to get the baby to move, and just briefly got a small glimpse that *kinda* looked like the three white lines. She said she was 90% sure (seems like she was also looking at the absence of boy parts!), but I'm not entirely convinced...

  10. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @swurlygurl: Agh! I worried right after posting that I would get someone stressed out.

    My doctor said that this is VERY unheard of in 2014 and that gender determination at 18 weeks should have been accurate. Don't you go worrying!

  11. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @BakerBee: Haha! I was already worried, I left her office totally side eyeing the decision, but I didn't want to dwell. At least the girl nursery and girl clothes are already done, so I'm not spending any frivolous money!

  12. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @swurlygurl: Very true! I love that you were side-eyeing her on the way out of the office.

  13. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @locavore_mama: congrats on your girl!!!

    @msmug: Congrats!!!

    @BakerBee: oh my goodness! I would be upset too. But congrats on having a boy! Now you've kind of got me worried tho. I've already been telling my husband that they're going to say it's a boy at our anatomy scan next week. He thinks I'm silly. She was moving around a ton and kept her legs crossed and the tech only got on shot with her legs spread. She seemed pretty confident it was a girl tho. I really hope it doesn't turn out to be a boy!

    @stratosphere: glad your anatomy scan went well! I also have an anterior placenta and I've been feeling movement for weeks already too! I wonder what they would feel like if I didn't have a anterior placenta!

    @kodybear: that's good news. I'm glad your doc was able to ease your worries.

  14. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @BakerBee: and now because you've made me even more paranoid....

    This is pretty obvious girl, right?! Like the boy goods couldn't be hiding in this position.

  15. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @mrskc: definitely looks like a girl to me.

  16. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @mrskc: Definitely looks like a girl. Here's a pic we got of the money shot of our little boy... there's definitely a difference

  17. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @mrskc: I got to work and was able to get the picture. I really think the people who did my 18 week scan were just stupid. I was able to get the same shot you have and as you can see... BIG DIFFERENCE. You've got a little lady on your hands!

  18. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @mrskc: DEFinitely a girl!! Three perfect white lines!

    @BakerBee: That's an awesomely clear picture!! My tech was telling me that girls have 3 lines and boys look like a turtle - I see where she gets that from!

  19. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @JennyPenny: @BakerBee: @swurlygurl: ok good! You guys made me feel better! the boy parts are definitely different looking!

  20. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I am DYING over here guys! I really hope I find out the gender today... I REALLY do not want to have to wait over the weekend!!

  21. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @pui: I'm dying for you!!! I really hope you find out today too

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @pui: gah! It's like some form of cruel punishment! I hope you find out today!

  23. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrskc: that looks girly to me!

    @BakerBee: man, i don't even know what your other u/s place was seeing bc thats clearly a boy! maybe its tough when the legs are closed tho, but still, i feel like they'd be able to get a glimpse of some boy parts when they're looking around.

    @pui: hope you find out today!

  24. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I finally have the news... it's a GIRL!

    They told me repeatedly that that isn't 100% accurate, but yeah, they're saying girl!

  25. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @pui: Yea! Not what I was expecting but congrats!

  26. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Me neither! Everyone around was was sure it would be a boy lol. She's already surprising everyone.

  27. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @pui: yayy!! congrats!! i had a feeling u were having a girl!

  28. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @pui: Yay, congrats! So glad you finally know

  29. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @pui: Yayayayyyy! I was totally thinking girl (no idea why). You must be so relieved to finally know!!

  30. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @pui: Congrats!!!

  31. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @kodybear: @Mrs.Someone: @swurlygurl: @mrs. 64:

    Thank you everyone! I am so happy to finally know!

  32. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @pui: Yay!! So glad you finally know!

  33. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @pui: yay a girl!!! we need more girls on the board! congrats!

  34. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @pui: congrats!! For some reason I thought it was going to be a girl.

  35. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @BakerBee: @chibee: @mrskc:

    Thank you!

  36. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @pui: Totally thread stalking, but ahhhhhh congrats on your girl!!!!!!!!

  37. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @pui: Congratulations!!!

  38. xInfinity

    cherry / 240 posts

    @pui: Yay, another one joining team pink! Congrats!

  39. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @pui: congrats!!!

  40. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    I know I don't ever need to buy clothes for this little guy, but I totally justified this as his going home outfits. (Plus. The cute. I die).

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