Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @kodybear: oh no! I'm sorry you didn't get some great news at your appt. Take it easy and rest!!!

  2. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @beckysue: Congrats on your girl!! We need more girls to balance out all the boys this month!!

  3. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Yay! I just felt 3 kicks on the outside this must be a strong little boy, the doctor said yesterday that it should still be a while until I felt anything. Hopefully he'll perform for DH tonight!

  4. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    I had my anatomy scan today. So neat to see her again! Everything checked out completely normal. She was estimated at weighing 15 oz which puts her right on track. She moves around a lot tho! The technician kept saying how much she moves around. Same thing when we had the 16 week gender scan. lol Much more movement compared to my son. Does an active baby in the womb mean an active baby outside the womb?!

    I have my next appt. on May 8. Just a regular 25 week check up. I have to get my glucose test done then too. Boo! They changed it from a 1 hour test to a 2 hour test with 8 hours of fasting beforehand. That's going to be fun.

    @Mrs.Someone: Yay! That's exciting! I've been starting to feel a lot more kicks on the outside too. DH hasn't been able to feel one yet tho.

  5. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: Woo-hoo!

  6. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mrskc: Hopefully you can go do the glucose first thing in the morning! Glad everything checked out good.

    Any aches and pains ladies?

  7. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: I just started feeling kicks on the outside this morning! Everytime my husband puts his hand on my stomach they suddenly disappear, of course.

    @Kodybear: I've been traveling for work and just saw this - thinking about you and your sweet baby boy! Take it easy!

  8. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @Kodybear: That's so rough, I'm sorry!! I'm thinking of you both, and hoping the measurements were off!

    @beckysue: Congrats!!

  9. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    Jealous of all the external kicks! I'm only just now barely feeling kicks on the interior. She's started dancing on my bladder though... good times...

    No aches and pains, feeling pretty great actually! My hips had started locking up a month or two ago, so I had to start getting a LOT more active (not much activity, just more than sitting on the couch all winter!). Now a whole day in the kitchen doesn't cripple me anymore. I can definitely feel my hips spreading much earlier this time though

  10. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @mrskc: Why the change from 1 hour to 2 hour?

  11. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @swurlygurl: That's great you're feeling better re your hips! So I guess my OB practice has done away with the two tests (1 hour and 3 hour). So they made it one 2 hour test that you pass or fail. If you fail it, you don't go on to do the 3 hour test.

    @T.H.O.U.: I'm going to do it first thing in the morning. I scheduled my next check up for 8:30 so I can go start the glucose test before I go to my appt.

    No aches and pains for me. Feeling really great. Need to enjoy this time before I get huge.

    What have you ladies been doing for exercise? I really think I need to be doing something. At least taking a daily walk. Man I already gained over 15 lbs! Ack! I think all the fast food during the first tri and now my cravings for ice cream isn't helping. I'm trying to not let it bother me too much but I think I need to be a bit better at watching what I eat.

  12. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @mrskc: I've gone on a couple walks, but mostly it's just doing housework. I spent all summer plopping on the couch after work, and being lazy on weekends, so I've been making an effort to spend 1+ hours on my feet each night during the week - vacuuming, cleaning the floors, cleaning out the fridge. We were doing a lot of painting and trimwork in L's new room, so that was something else. It's not strenuous, but it's keeping me moving.
    DH has been bit by the weight-loss-bug, so he's been in serious loose weight mode. Kind of annoying to a pregnant wife, haha. He now weighs less that I do (awesome...). He's been interested in actually working out after L goes to bed, so we might head down to the basement to do weights for a little. I'll probably just piddle around with low weights (paranoid still about hurting the baby!).

  13. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    August mamas!
    8/2 -jennypenny (#1) -
    8/4 - apples4teacher (#1) -
    8/4 - mrs.m (#2) -
    8/6 - sera_87 (#2) -
    8/6 - claire.peonies (#1) -
    8/7 - avabear (#3)
    8/7 - babybean404 (#1) -
    8/7 - buffalove (#2)
    8/8 - yellowskates (#1) -
    8/9 - phxbee (#2)
    8/13 - Aandmklover (#2) -
    8/14 - sharpie (#1) -
    8/16 - mrs.someone (#1) -
    8/16 - mrst927 (#1) -
    8/16 - mrskc (#2) -
    8/17 - kodybear (#2) -
    8/17 - dankrist (#1)
    8/18 - stratosphere (#1) -
    8/18 - t.h.o.u (#2) -
    8/20 - bakerbee (#1) -
    8/21 - chibee (#1) -
    8/21 - xinfinity (#1) -
    8/22 - swurlygurl (#2) -
    8/23 - beckysue (#1) -
    8/22 - pui (#1) -
    8/26 - erind425 (#1) -
    8/27 - locavore_mama (#2) -
    8/30 - mrs.64 (#1)
    8/30 - msmug (#1 & #2) - x 2!
    8/31 - jmarionsmith (#2)

    Upcoming appointments!
    4/15 - mrs.64 (anatomy scan)
    4/15 - beckysue (appt)
    4/16 - kodybear (followup scan)
    4/28 - kodybear (24 wk scan/glucose testing)
    5/5 - pui (24 wk appt)
    5/8 - mrskc (25 wk appt/glucose testing)
    5/30 - kodybear (28 wk appt)

  14. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrskc: @beckysue: @BakerBee: @swurlygurl: thank you for the support! i'm trying to take it easy but its def more challenging with a toddler!

    @mrskc: ahh 2 hour glucose test?? i'm doing mine next appt too. not looking forward to it! and i've also gained 15 lbs too! eesh. i try to compare with last time to see if i'm at a good pace, and i'm definitely weighing a couple lbs more than last time at this point.

    yay for everyone starting to feel movement! i feel this guy a lot esp after i eat. i have a feeling he'll be an active one!

  15. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @kodybear @mrskc: I've gained 15 lbs too! Although I did have a s'more pot de creme last night so it's probably more like 500 lbs today.

  16. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @BakerBee: I want to ask what that is, but I feel like I will be jealous and regret it... Sounds pretty delicious though!

  17. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @swurlygurl: It was at a restaurant and I had a flat out love affair at it. It was delicious..... down to homemade marshmallows!

  18. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @mrskc: I've gained 22lbs already Its made me panic so I'm trying to be extra good from here on out. I'm trying a prenatal pilates dvd in the morning, and a 20-30 min walk in the afternoon. Plus I started tracking my cals in myfitnesspal again. I'm not trying to stick to any particular goal, but it helps to see "oh, those cookies have *that* many calories each!"

  19. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @JennyPenny: Oh, that's another thing that's been helping me! DH has started tracking his calories, so it's really opened our eyes to how much we're actually eating at dinner! We had noooo idea how many calories pasta and cheese had. I knew it was a lot, obviously, but not THAT much. We've both started eating a lot less this way.

  20. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @BakerBee: That sounds SO worth the million calories, yum!

    So I've gained 10-12 pounds, and my doctor gave me a hard time about it on Wednesday! (I started out on the heavier side). I listened to her, but I really think I'm doing pretty good. We're more than half way, so I don't think 15 pounds is even a problem.

  21. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @swurlygurl: Yeah...its amazing what just tracking will do. It also makes me hesitate for snacks. Like 'do I really want this handful of pistachios enough to enter it in?'

  22. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: How sad!! I think 10-12 pounds is great!! With L I was definitely at 15-20 pounds by now. My Dr. never made a big deal about my weight, which I was sooooo thankful for. Even this pregnancy I started out 30 pounds heavier than my first (already heavy) and she didn't mention anything. My SIL had a Dr. who commented on her weight EVERY time, and she is teeny tiny.

    @JennyPenny: It's quite amazing. The small things really add up!

  23. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @swurlygurl: When I first met her, my Dr did say that at any time I could tell her to shut up about weight for that day. She had always said I was doing well though, so I was a little surprised. I'm not worried though

  24. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @swurlygurl: those sound like great ways to be active. I think I'm a bit more active this time around since I'm a SAHM now. I'm constantly chasing after DS and doing stuff around the house. It's a good reminder that I'm not actually seditary all day long.

    @Mrs.Someone: I don't get why some docs get so hung up on weight gain. I think 10-12 sounds normal. My doc didn't say anything to me and I think I gained 10 lbs in these past 6 weeks since my last appt. I just worry personally because I think at this point last pregnancy I had only gained like 7 lbs. I gained majority of my weight at the end. Like 1-2 lbs per week. So I just worry I'm going to end up gaining more weight than I did with #1.

    Well I'm glad I'm not the only who has gained 15+ lbs. I think I've actually gained like 17-18 lbs.

  25. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    Is anyone having bad heartburn/reflux? I've had it bad for the past few days. It is awful. Does anyone have anything that has helped?

  26. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mrs. 64: I take papaya enzyme for it. Helps better then tums and I don't have to worry about excess calcium.

    Surprisingly a bit of apple juice at night helps too. Milk is actually to be avoided

  27. xInfinity

    cherry / 240 posts

    TMI question...anybody else's breasts start leaking already? I'm pretty sure this happened to me last night. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee and I had a crusty spot on the side of my arm and a wet spot on my sheets, both were at the level of my breast. Definitely too low on the bed to be a drool spot lol. Didn't realise it could start this early but Dr Google says you can start leaking colostrum as early as 14 weeks. Fun times!

  28. xInfinity

    cherry / 240 posts

    @mrs. 64: I've had a bit of heartburn the whole pregnancy but definitely noticed it getting worse in the last week. I went to the drugstore to re-stock my Tums and the lady looked at me funny with my 3 large bottles lol. P.S. is your ultrasound in the morning or afternoon tomorrow? Can't wait to hear your news!!

  29. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Thanks for the tip. My sister had some papaya enzyme so I took some today. I couldn't tell if it was helping or not. How many do you usually take and how long does it take to start working?

    @xInfinity: I haven't had the pleasure of that symptom yet, but I was just reading in my pregnancy book that it could start happening any time now. My ultrasound is in the afternoon. I'm going to be so anxious all day!!

  30. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mrs. 64: I usually take 2-4 and I chew them up. Usually it helps mild cases right away.

  31. stratosphere

    apricot / 329 posts

    @mrskc: @kodybear: @BakerBee: I've gained 14 pounds too. My mom has a very similar body type (though about 3" shorter) and apparently only ever gained 20-23 pounds with any of us kids (and she always lost the weight right away--we were all 8 lbs-ish) and I've been keeping 25 lbs in mind as my goal for weight gain.

    If I'm up almost 15 lbs at 22 weeks I don't know how I'm going to keep it to just 10 more pounds the rest of the pregnancy!! Ugh!! I think I do need to add in exercise--I have been very sedentary since week 7 and now that the nausea isn't so bad I really should get off my duff after work and at least go for a walk. Also should probably try to snack on fruit instead of graham crackers....

    @mrs. 64: yes, I've been struggling with heartburn for the past week much worse than before, when it was always at night and not every night. Now I'm getting it all day some days! Tums do help mine but I'm concerned now that I have it all day that I'll be getting too much calcium if I take them all day long!

    As far as aches/pains I've been pretty lucky. My belly really popped this past week and I've been feeling it stretch out and it's pretty uncomfortable--not painful, just a discomfort that my skin and muscles and everything are stretching now beyond any size they've ever been before.

    I also had a terrifying bout of what must have been round ligament pain--I had food poisoning last week and after a few hours of vomiting and diarrhea I went back to bed and then coughed just slightly while leaning back on pillows and something about that set off the worst Charlie-horse-like pain in my lower abdomen that I have ever felt. I was literally writhing and screaming on the bed, bending backwards and forward to try to "stretch it out" and make the spasm stop. It was crazy painful--I couldn't speak while it was happening, and it lasted about the longest. 30 seconds of my life. After it stopped I told my husband it felt like I was getting flayed open on my lower belly in multiple places at once. It hasn't happened again in the past week. I imagine/hope it was round ligament pain (maybe both sides at once?) and that I never feel that again!!

    Feeling lots of kicks now, stronger and stronger and my husband has also felt some good ones too. Last night she was kicking so hard while we were reading before bed that I threw the covers off to see if you could see them from the outside and sure enough, you could! It was so crazy to see a little tiny quick bulge a few times in the spot that must have been her foot kicking out against the front of my belly a few inches below my belly button. I have an anterior placenta but almost no abdominal fat (it's all in my hips/butt!) so I guess that's why--I thought I'd never see/feel movement distinctly when they told me about the anterior placenta but I have been feeling plenty!! Glad I have a "muffler," in fact, as I don't want to know what it'd feel like without!

  32. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @mrs. 64: Heartburn is my worst nightmare lately. I get it really bad at night and nothing can help it. I eat a lot of tums. Good luck today, can't wait to hear whether Baby 64 is or !

    @stratosphere: Your body does what it needs to do! Like you, I struggled (and still sometimes struggle) with horrible MS -- I think all bets are off in that scenario. I didn't feel like working out and I ate what I could hold down.

    My husband felt his first few kicks this morning. My sister in law says that her son was much more active than her daughter and that it is majorly reflected in their activity level out of the womb.

  33. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @xInfinity: Oh no! I have been concerned about that, especially since this is baby #2. I've been worried since my boobs know what to do now they might start to leak. If you used those milk-catchers you put in your bra, maybe you could have a decent stash before baby comes! Hahaha

    @stratosphere: Ah, yes, that sounds like RLPs I get a little scared whenever I have to cough now, just getting ready for those horrible muscle spasms

    @BakerBee: Cute! DH keeps trying to feel kicks, but I tell him I can't even really feel them, so no chance he's going to. He's a lot more interested in this pregnancy than the first one - it must seem more real to him, now that he knows there's *actually* a baby in there... haha!

  34. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @stratosphere: Oh yea, I forgot to mention - I've read to curl up in a ball if you feel a cough or sneeze coming on. RLPs are exacerbated when they occur in a lying down flat position. Like @swurlygurl , I now just loathe coughing or sneezing. They can be so incredibly painful. The first time I had one I got my husband to google it immediately because I thought something was wrong and that my sneeze had like dislodged the baby (first time mom problems)... Dr. Google quickly said it's just RLPs.

  35. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @xInfinity: I haven't had any leaking yet but I'm worried it might be coming. My nipples have been occasionally tingly lately for no reason - like pins and needles. I'm a FTM so I don't really know if this is what anything in particular feels like, but it seems like its gotta mean something...

    @stratosphere: Yeah, I get these when I cough or sneeze too and its awful. Makes me terrified for what contractions will feel like

  36. xInfinity

    cherry / 240 posts

    Had another ultrasound today and confirmed the guess at 17 weeks was correct. She's still a girl. Yay!

  37. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    Baby 64 is a GIRL!!!!! I am so shocked and excited!!!

  38. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @xInfinity: Yay!! Even after having the ultrasound today and seeing the evidence (or lack thereof) I'm still worried that somehow they will be wrong!!

  39. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @mrs. 64: congrats!! Are you guys thrilled?!?

  40. mrs. 64

    nectarine / 2936 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Yes! We're so excited!

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