Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    To do list :

    - buy nursing bras
    - get swing back from friend
    - buy 4oz liners & nipples
    - buy pack of newborn diapers
    - install/rearrange car seats
    - organize/put away shower gifts
    - wash LO#1's newborn stuff
    - decide if I'm painting and/or ordering prints for the boys bedroom
    - pack hospital bag (not a huge task, probably won't do it until I actually need to)

    Already have freezer meals set up and a plan for LO when I go into labour.

  2. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @swurlygurl: I just had a similar talk with my OB! I am having so many more aches and pains this time around (mostly my inner thigh region-I literally wince getting in and out of the bed and the car, getting dressed., etc.) I feel like if baby boy really wanted, he could just kick his way through at this point. The OB compared the second pregnancy and on to a balloon being blown up (the first time it's harder to blow up, the second everything is stretched out and easier). Not sure I wanted to picture my body in that way!

  3. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    I feel like I am in the constantly conflicted stage:

    A) I am tired and hurting and am ready for the baby to come out.
    B) I know baby is not done developing and needs to stay longer to be healthy.

    I think I have this conversation in my head 1,000 times per day.

  4. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Amen!

  5. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: same! except i have NOTHING in my house for the baby (i am SO terrible at this) so i am definitely not ready but sooo over being this big and uncomfortable!!!

  6. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: this. exactly

  7. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: I'm really feeling the pain today too, tried a yoga class yesterday in hopes of helping me loosen up, but it hasn't worked yet

  8. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I actually still feel ok thus far at nearly 32 weeks... Maybe that will change in the next couple of weeks! I'm super excited to meet LO, but I'm not desperate to get her out yet.

  9. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @chibee: Yes, that is the third part of the argument in my head.

    You really are not ready, so instead of complain about it, actually get stuff done!

  10. beckysue

    cherry / 186 posts

    @pui: I feel l the same thus far. Almost 32 weeks and I really can't complain thus far. I feel very excited to meet LO but so far I am feeling good.

  11. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    A friend keeps telling me, all you really need is a safe place for baby to sleep, some clothes, a food source (yay boobs), and diapers. Everything else is bonus

    Though, we only have 1/4 (boobs!) Planning on doing a lot of shopping next week after my shower!

  12. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: Also a carseat to bring LO home in! Unless you're having a home birth... or walking!

  13. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @pui: Yep, good addition. Still 5 essentials isn't so bad!

    I've been playing chicken with Amazon for over a month on a mattress! Finally I decided to go with the Naturepedic's less organic brand (Lullaby Earth). Just waiting for my text coupon from either Buy Buy Baby or Bed Bath & Beyond.

    I've signed up for the diaper service, just need to pick up the covers from a friend. I may do that next week if she doesn't show up at my shower.

    Car seat and clothes are coming from the shower on Sunday. I'm sure I'll need to buy more clothes too. And plenty of other registry stuff!

  14. Mrs. Milk

    blogger / apricot / 310 posts

    Hey all! Just got caught up on everybody, and just sending out general love to all of us - the final stretch! I'm at 34 weeks tomorrow (due the 8th - I'm not on all of the lists on here), but I wouldn't hate it if baby showed up a week early. Just a week.

    @T.H.O.U.: This is quite LITERALLY exactly what I say in my head all day long, since Monday.

    For some reason, starting this week, I have developed muscle pain on my lower right side, kind of under my belly. It starts off ok in the morning, and by afternoon, it's just short of excruciating. It's not tender or inflamed or accompanied by any other symptoms- just ouch when I walk or want to engage my legs in any way.

    One week ago, at 32-33 weeks, I would have said the same of most you gals- I feel fantastic and just generally good and positive and grateful for having had a truly great pregnancy. And I still would! But then this pain- I actively fight the bad mood it wants to put me in by the end of the day. I'm pretty positive it's just the heaviness of my belly getting to me as the day goes on, but I'll be bringing it up at tomorrow's appt. with the midwife. I just don't want a belly support thing- it's so hot right now, I can't imagine strapping this belly in. It's like a switch went off at 33 weeks 3 days, or the baby shifted and my abdomen muscles or pelvic muscles or something can't take it. Boo!

    Anyway, it sounds like I'm in the same place as a lot of you with stuff for the baby - I have the big items that are actually 'necessary' and now it's the endless list of finishing touches, like putting said items together and ready for a human to use them!

    Wishing you all a great rest of your day and into the weekend!

  15. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Anyone have a favorite stretch or yoga pose for this stage of pregnancy?

  16. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: Does sleeping count? What if I gave it a fancy name like "Downward Sleeping Bump on Log" ??

  17. MrsT927

    olive / 51 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: I'm a fan of the cat stretch on all fours. It seems to help baby get into a good position especially before bed and relieves some of that heavy feeling in the belly late in the day.

    I found a downloadable prenatal yoga video that is 30 minutes which seems to be the perfect length of time for my attention and body these days. It's the AM & PM sequences at http://www.blooma.com/yoga-at-home

    Congrats to all the mommas having a shower this weekend! Enjoy your day!

  18. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    Exactly two months today!

    We're finally making head way on the nursery and made final accent color selections.

  19. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @BakerBee: Hah! That's my favorite pose too

  20. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @BakerBee: haha this one i can get on board with! Mine is more like, sideways hugging snoogle worm pose. you're in trouble when the snoogle is no longer working for you.

    I definitely felt great until about a week ago now i complain that i am uncomfortable every day. I have a 2 hour commute each way on the bus and that, is getting to be a huge annoyance. And sitting at a desk for 8 hours is doing NOTHING for me right now! Originally, I planned on working until 8/15 (due 8/21) but I am going to throw the towel in on 8/1. Also - nothing in the nursery department yet, i am officially "the worst preggo ever" in the words of my sister.

  21. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @chibee: You will have plenty of time to accomplish stuff if you end work on 8/1!

  22. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Those of you who are having #2+, how are you configuring your car seats? I'm thinking of moving DS to behind the passenger seat and putting the bucket seat in the middle. Hopefully DS doesn't mess with the baby. But if he does, I guess I'll have to have them both outbound. I park on the right side of the garage so the passenger side is against a wall where I can't open the door. It's going to be a pain, but I'll have to strap DS in before putting the bucket seat in.

  23. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @mrskc: We are still trying to decide this arrangement. Right now DD is behind the passenger seat. Originally we thought we would switch her to behind the drivers seat and put the bucket seat behind the passenger seat. The more I think about it I'm not sure. I think DD would definitely try touching the baby if he was sitting in the middle. She loves trying to touch babies when we are out and about lately.

  24. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Mrs. M: my thought to deter DS from messing with the baby is having the canopy open.

  25. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @mrskc: not sure but LO is behind the passenger. Bucket will likely go in the middle.

  26. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    Just taking a moment to realize, OMG, it's July?!

  27. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: I KNOW ahhhhhh

  28. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: AH! We are the next month up! Anyone feeling like they will be having a July baby not an August one? I don't see this kid coming out ANY TIME soon.

  29. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: We're all having babies next month!!!!!! Aaahhh!!

    @T.H.O.U.: Ugh, yes, I am the same way. I really don't want Sister to come early, but OMG the pain. It is so different than my first pregnancy. Poor stretched out body... haha!

    @BakerBee: That is definitely the best pose. Anything that involves sleeping

    @chibee: Granted I don't have to get a nursery ready, but I really haven't done *anything* to prep for baby! Well, I moved L out of the nursery successfully, but that's it. People at work keep telling me to get my bags packed, but good grief, I have 2 months!

    @mrskc: Oh car seats... crap! I haven't even thought about this! I wonder if I can even fit 2 next to each other? I'm going to try to put Sister in the middle. I really don't think L can reach out of her car seat, the sides are too tall for her to reach down to bug the baby? I hope so at least. Sister will have to be on the outside of DH's car, but he has a dinky 2-door car - there's no way Sister could be in the middle. L is even FF in his car because it's impossible to put her in RF back there They will be in his car maybe once a week though, and it's only a 5 minute drive to/from daycare (can you tell I rationalize this to myself all the time?!)

  30. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @BakerBee: I want to say that she's going to be 2 weeks late just to spite me, but L was a week early - I would like to keep that same timing!
    Although some days I swear she's coming super early - I feel so 'off', and I've heard it said a lot that's the first sign. I'm probably just being whiny though

  31. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @BakerBee: I'm hoping baby boy will be right on time! If he's more than a few days early, the inlaws will have to change their flights, or if he's late they'll be here while I'm in labor. Though I'd love to have him on my Dad's birthday, but it would be a little too early (36.5w).

  32. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @BakerBee: I'm hoping she comes early like DS did (38+3) only because DH is a teacher and it would be nice if he was still on summer break when she comes.

  33. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @T.H.O.U.: We did a stretch today in my prenatal yoga class that was AMAZING! You basically hold onto something supportive that's about chest height and stand about arms length away. Then drop your back down and your butt out. It stretches shoulders, lower back, quads - awesome! Then our teacher went through and put a bit of pressure straight down on our lower backs - right by the tail bone and it relieved all the pain thats been building up for me there. I'm definitely saving this as a laboring pose!

  34. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrskc: DD is currently behind the driver seat so we'll probably put the baby in the middle so theres one extra spot in the back.

    @BakerBee: i'm thinking i'm having a july baby or very early august. my first came at 37w5d which would put me at the end of july, very beginning of august. but knowing how this baby is so much drama i wouldn't be surprised if he was late! luckily i have the option to get induced because of the issues so i know i won't go super late. and i also hope the baby comes in late july/early august for the same reason as @mrskc. dh is an assistant principal so he'll be going back to school the 2nd week of august, it'd be nice if the baby was here a few weeks before he starts!

  35. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @swurlygurl: bags packed??? i didn't even put together a crib or a car seat!!!! People are crazy. I procrastinate... i gather this is the last time i can really effectively procrastinate on something. a baby is not gonna wait to get fed or anything ya know? haha

    i'm hoping baby is right on time! my husband has to take a really important exam on 8/15, and i'm due 8/21 so i don't want to distract him from the studying he has to do!

  36. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    So, I didn't sleep well from Saturday to Sunday and woke up at 6am with contractions 10 min apart. I timed them for 2 hours before I called L&D at 8. The oncall DR had me take my contraction meds early and luckily they slowed down then eventually stopped. That drug is like magic.

    DS arrived at 37w0d so with all these contractions I'm interested to see how long this one stays put.

    We pulled out all the big stuff last night. (Car seat, swing, bassinet) and the nursery still needs to be painted. DH had the next 2 days off so hopefully we can get it painted this week. The next big step is getting DS (21 months) moved to his big boy twin bed so we can put the crib in the nursery.

    Oh, I just found out my best friend is throwing me a little sprinkle this weekend. A diaper freeze. So people can bring us diapers and frozen dinners to help us out after LO arrives. I'm super excited.

    I just figured we'd put DS behind the passenger seat and the bucket seat behind the driver. Is that wrong? Lots of you are putting one in the middle.

  37. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @Aandmklover: Procardia is seriously magic.

    Your shower theme sounds so fun! I've never heard of that before - very cute, especially for a 2nd time mom. I would probably not have the will power not to break into the frozen meals early, ha!

    Keep cooking the baby and keep us updated. You'll be in my thoughts!

  38. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @Aandmklover: oh no!! hope the contractions go away soon. how many weeks are you now? do you know if they would stop labor at this point if it came full force? i'm just putting the baby in the middle just in case we need to squeeze one more person in the backseat. so the person doesn't have to climb over the carseat base. thats the only reason for us.

  39. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @Aandmklover: oh wow! Hope baby stays put a little longer! And that's a cute idea for a sprinkle! There's nothing wrong with having the car seats both outbound. With the way I park in the garage, I don't want to have to back out first to get both kids in the car so I will put the bucket seat in the middle.

  40. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @kodybear: I'm 34 weeks today and if I go into labor now they won't stop it BUT She has me on procardia until 35 weeks. I thought originally the meds just put me at ease but after Sunday I can see that I really need it. I guess I'll keep having them until I go into real labor.

    @BakerBee: thanks! I'm pretty excited. It only like 10 person sprinkle but it will be nice seeing all my friends and mothers together.

    I have an appointment tomorrow along with ultrasound to see the baby's size and if it's head down, which it was two weeks ago when I was in the hospital. I'll let you know if anything changes.

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