Hellobee Boards


Calling all August 2014 Mummas!

  1. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @mrskc: that makes sense. I'm going to have to make sure DH doesn't park too close to me in the driveway otherwise I will have a hard time getting the kid out that's behind the passenger.

  2. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Aandmklover: that's just the sweetest sprinkle theme!!
    Hope baby keeps cooking!
    Ugh, you just reminded me I have more things to wash.

  3. sera_87

    pomegranate / 3604 posts

    @mrskc: I was going to FF #1 behind the driver and put the infant behind the passenger. I really don't want to be leaning over the seat to take the bucket seat in and out all the time. I'm a shortie

    @BakerBee: I've always had the feeling that this little guy would come in the last week of July. But watch me be totally wrong lol. Both sides of grandparents are out of the country until August 9th anyway so it would just mean a longer stretch without help if he decided to come early. Oh well.

  4. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    Realistically, I've got a good chance of delivering in July, since my due date is Aug 2. One month from today!!! I waiver on whether I'd like him to come early or on time - but definitely not late. As if we can control these things.

    I also noticed today that my Amazon registry completion is available now, so I'm trying to do a double, triple check that I've got everything I want there, since its a one time deal. I'm so eager to pull the trigger and have everything though!

  5. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @Aandmklover: hope the appt goes well today!!

    @JennyPenny: omg 1 month?? i know you're the frontrunner in our group but i still can't believe its that close!!

  6. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    Baby is measuring 4lb9oz (but it could be 1lb +\- ) but perfect and on track size for 34 weeks. next appointment next week Wednesday 7/9.

  7. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @JennyPenny: That's crazy - you could have your baby THIS month!! Every week that passes seems like it's flying by SO fast.

    @Aandmklover: Oh my goodness, I can't believe our babies are already somewhere around 3 and 4 pounds! I guess twin momma's have their twins around 32 weeks and they come out around that size... No wonder my belly has been so heavy lately

  8. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Aandmklover: exciting!

  9. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Not sure about the source on this but this is what I've been reading.

  10. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    I swear this baby i'm cooking up is like 10lbs right now, that's how heavy my stomach feels!! Is it normal to be this uncomfortable at just 33 weeks? i feel the best in the morning and by about 3pm i'm DONE - and when i'm home at like 7:30 i feel so tired and worn out that it actually makes me depressed. I cried into my soup the other night at dinner.

    Anyway, my "nursery" is nonexistent but i just wanna say... my breast pump is here! I'm doing 1 thing right! I ordered it yesterday through insurance and i cannot believe it took literally 18 hours to process the order and have it shipped to me! I ordered the Medela Freestyle and i'm excited to go home and take a look!

  11. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @chibee: I feel like I hit a huge wall at 32/33 weeks (and I remember it being like this last time too). I was just "bragging" about how my back didn't hurt, I was still sleeping, etc. Now I have so many aches and pains its not funny!

    Congrats on the freestyle, I loved mine!

  12. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @chibee: You pretty much just described my life right now. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who runs out of steam come night time. I always have very lofty goals for after work, but end up just feeling to crappy to do anything. I'm also struggling with some feet swelling.

    Congrats on the breast pump! That's what I plan to get too!

  13. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    @chibee: Yep, I think 33 weeks is when I started to really feel like I was slowing down and ready for the baby to come. Congrats on your breast pump! I'm planning on ordering mine tomorrow after a breastfeeding class tonight.

    So I had my Strep swab at the doctor today and while she was doing that she asked if I'd like a cervical check just to see what's going on. I said 'sure'. Apparently I'm already 1 cm dilated! She said it doesn't mean anything about labor coming within a specific time frame, but that my body is getting ready. Crazy!!!

  14. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @JennyPenny: Exciting! I think I will do a first cervical check at my next appointment at 35 weeks

  15. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    Went shopping with MIL today and got this as Sister's coming home outfit!

  16. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @swurlygurl: Aw, super cute!!!

  17. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    @swurlygurl: adorable! I love it.

    I added the bucket car seat this weekend. I have DS behind me. 1. Because it's just easier right now and 2. It will be easier for me as the driver to get to the infant if it's behind the passenger. Also, the basket in the middle is my dogs car seat. Lol

    I hope everyone had a great 4th.

  18. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @Aandmklover: We just installed the bucket seat as well! LO kept pointing at it yesterday saying "huh?" Little does she really know what is coming!!!

    I am officially over this pregnancy (as I say to my husband daily)!!! I'm still sick about twice a day (which is actually a positive change), but the pain in my inner thigh region is insane. I wince getting in and out of bed, getting dressed, walking up stairs, etc. I never felt this way with my first pregnancy so it's been a bit of a surprise! I lost some of my mucous plug today (sorry tmi) so I'm wondering how much longer I have left. With my daughter I lost it 3 weeks before delivery. If only I had a crystal ball to know!

    Anyone else in nesting mode? I have so many things I want to get done right now, but my body isn't able to keep up with my mind! I have a list and am determined to get the majority of it completed!

  19. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    I read somewhere that I'm well past nesting mode, and into hibernating mode at 32 weeks with twins! Lol

  20. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @msmug: I can't even imagine!!!

  21. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @msmug: I bet you are so over it! I would totally hibernate here on out!

  22. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    @mrs. M, @t.h.o.u. : I thought I was doing pretty good... But last week started getting harder. Pretty sure I passed out at my desk at work. The sleepiness just completely overcomes me! The hibernating is Right on! Haha

  23. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I've definitely been feeling more tired... getting harder and harder to function at work! Luckily my replacement is almost set to well, replace me!

    Also the other day I had a bit of a scare. I had some bleeding. I was advised to go in to the hospital. They monitored me for about an hour and had the doctor check me and I was fine, no signs of preterm labour. I didn't really think anything was going to be wrong, but better safe than sorry I guess! They said it was probably just a popped blood vessel or something? I haven't had any more bleeding since that day.

  24. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @pui: Glad you and baby are ok!

  25. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @msmug: I can't imagine being this far along with twins! Many naps for you, my friend

    @pui: Yikes, glad you and baby are OK! I can't believe that we'll be doing this for real very soon...

    I've been taking naps occasionally after DH leaves in the morning. Mostly on the mornings after busy days. Today I didn't even brush my teeth before napping for 1.5hrs. And afternoon naps still happen often too!

    We took a tour of the hospital yesterday. It seems like a pretty baby and mom friendly hospital. Tubs in all rooms, 1-to-1 nursing care, no formula, etc. Their gowns suck though, so I need to find something else to wear. Maybe I'll talk to my doula about that.

  26. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Mrs. M: @Aandmklover: that's actually a really good idea to pre install it so our toddlers get used to it being in the car. I I do need to pull it out and wash the cover as well.

    @pui: glad everything is OK!

  27. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    @pui: yikes! glad everything checked out ok!
    I had a similar scare the other week.. they wanted me to go to the hosptial so they could evaluate me for preeclampsia. Luckily, babies and I are ok so they sent us home.

    @mrs. someone: I'm ready for a nap!!! A quick 30 minute power nap at my desk should suffice!

  28. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @pui: glad you and baby are okay!

    @Mrs. M: i'm def nesting. i finally got the nursery done and ready for baby!

    i definitely feel like i'm at the done with the pregnancy stage! actually i think i've been over this for the last couple weeks. i just had a growth scan/cervical length check and my cervix got significantly shorter. it ranges from 0.3 - 0.9cm (should be about 3cm at this point). so the doctors say it will probably happen within the next couple weeks, but they've heard of people making it to term too. so its hard for them to tell how much longer. so they just said be prepared. they won't stop the labor at this point so i just need to watch for labor symptoms. the baby is growing okay, slowing down a bit but they didn't seem too concerned. i'm measuring a little less than a week behind now. the baby is abt 4lb 12oz now. i'm hoping i make it to 35-36 weeks at least! im alittle over 34 weeks now. so close to the end. my to do list is basiclly just sterilizing pacis/bottles, short term disability stuff, and installing the carseat. not too bad!

    eta: baby is NOT breech anymore!! yay! one less thing to worry about..

  29. smores

    cherry / 163 posts

    @Aandmklover: what an adorable shower theme!
    @chibee: exciting you got your pump and can cross something off your to do list!
    @Mrs. M: sorry to hear about your pain. Only a few more weeks!! I go in between nesting and being exhausted!
    @pui: sorry to hear about the scare, glad to hear everything seems ok though!
    @msmug: glad to hear all is well with you and the babies, too! Have your doctors said when they think you might deliver...is it earlier usually with twins?
    @kodybear: that's awesome that your to-do list is so short! I hope baby cooks a little but longer, but that is great that your doctors are aware of everything and watching you closely!

    I can't believe I'm less than a month out from my due date (Aug 4th). Sometimes it seems far away still and sometimes it seems like its just around the corner.

    Any other FTMs afraid of labor/delivery?? I am terrified!! Although I don't have a lot of knowledge of the process (other than the obvious, of course!) I'm waiting till our Labor/Delivery class and tour on Sunday before I start thinkin about it a lot. But other people's birth stories tend to freak me out!!! I go between wanting him here and wanting to be pregnant forever!

    My to-do list:
    Put together pack and play and rock and play
    Sterilize bottles, pump (right?!) and pacifiers
    Replace smoke detector that doesn't work
    Get car seat bases checked at fire station for correct installation
    Take Labor/Delivery and tour class this weekend!
    Make freezer meals (will do this in two weeks once summer school is over!!)

  30. xInfinity

    cherry / 240 posts

    Oh man, I wish I had time to slow down now! I work from 8:30 to 5 and then go over to our house and work on renos till 9 or 10 every night. Our new (to us) but old (approx 100 years) house has been in reno mode for the past 2 months since we took possession and we should be done in the next 1.5-2 weeks and ready to move in. Then I can start doing all the "nesting" stuff like getting the nursery set up and washing baby clothes, sheets, cloth diapers etc. My last day of work is July 31 so as long as this little girl doesn't come early I should have a couple weeks to get everything sorted out once we move in. *fingers crossed*

  31. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    Hey ladies! I'm an August 2013 momma popping in to wish you all luck! My advice is to get prepared because your babies might be here before you know it. Quite a few of us August moms had our babies in July. Enjoy this time, go on date nights, and most of all get excited! Your babies will be here before you know it and you're in for the most amazing adventure ever!

  32. JennyPenny

    nectarine / 2460 posts

    I just bought a Bellefit girdle for recovery after delivery. The before/after pictures are just inspiring and at this point I am SOOO ready to stop expanding and to start shrinking! *Fingers crossed* it actually helps:)

  33. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @msmug: Oh man - major props to you! I hope those babies are taking it easy on you!

    @Mrs. M: Oh yes, that pain is awful!! Switching sides while sleeping is beyond painful

    @pui: Ah, glad it turned out to be hopefully nothing! Popped blood vessel? From vaginal varicose veins?! Haha, I'm still laughing that that's a thing

    @Mrs.Someone: Oh no, I still need to go register at my hospital. It would suck to go into bad labor and have to stand there filling out paperwork!

    @Apples4Teacher: Don't be afraid! I am soooo excited to do this again - I had SO much fun with my first delivery! Granted, it went pretty smoothly and I didn't hesitate to get an epidural so I didn't have any pain to worry about. It's just so exciting and fun - everything gets turned upside down!

    @xInfinity: Oh wow, I cannot imagine moving right now!! That must be insane - you are a trooper! Hopefully you're the laid-back type, and don't get stressed out too easily!

    @skipper2010: Is it crazy to think that you were here a whole year ago?! It's ridiculous how fast the first year goes

    @JennyPenny: I hope it works for you!! I'll definitely be interested to hear how it works. I'm with you - I'm need to stop growing, there's not much stretch left in my skin! Haha

  34. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    Fun new pregnancy symptom this time around - lightning crotch! I had no idea what that was, but I've heard it mentioned a couple times. It's definitely something you need to experience to understand - ouch! DH and I went to an outdoor mall to walk around last weekend and every couple steps I had a sharp shooting bolt of electricity

    Do you guys have mental images of what your baby looks like? I think Sis is going to look a lot like L. DH and I have such similar features that I can't imagine making a baby that could look too different from what we already have. L ended up looking different from what I originally imagined though - I was shocked to see her when she was born!

  35. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @swurlygurl: lmao yeah apparently it is!

  36. Mrs. M

    kiwi / 645 posts

    @swurlygurl: Lol! So true! I definitely didn't experience this the first time around and boy was I not missing out. I tried explaining it to my husband and he looked horrified and then replied, "this is why you are having the babies...I wouldn't be able to deal."

    I think baby boy is going to have a lot of the same features as his sister. So excited to find out!!!

  37. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @swurlygurl: I totally can't imagine what this baby will look like! I couldn't imagine with my other LO either but now that she's here she fits perfectly.

  38. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    @Apples4Teacher: With twins, my doctors are saying they would deliver them around 37-38 weeks. I have a c-section scheduled for 8/15, exactly when I hit 38 weeks. Eeeek!
    I have not even taken a labor/delivery class (nor do I plan to) because the plan is a c-section. So I have NO idea what to expect if, say, my water breaks or something.. other than to high-tail it to the hospital!
    So exciting that you are less than a month away from your due date!

    @Jennypenny: Ooh I am going to research what you bought. Fingers crossed that it actually works!

    @swurlygurl: so far so good! The babies are definitely a lot more active nowadays.. I LOVE feeling them move around. I think/know that I'll miss feeling them move the most about pregnancy.. cuz other than that, I'm SO over this. HAHA
    I don't even want to know about what lightning crotch feels like! Hopefully I can avoid it altogether! Hope you're managing ok!
    I have no idea what these monsters will look like. I kinda envision fat chubby babies with lots of rolls, little teeny, tiny eyes, crazy hair, and an adorable smile. That's what I"d like, anyways..

    Hope everyone is surviving the heat and the storms (at least on the East Coast)!

  39. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    Oh... at my last appointment, the doctor said the babies are 4lbs 1oz and 4lbs 2oz. At this rate, they'll reach 7 lbs by my c-section date. That means I'll be waddling around with 14 lbs of babies and XX lbs of all the other gunk!

  40. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @swurlygurl: nope, not at all. DH is German Irish and im Chinese. LO is distinctly more Caucasian than Asian. So it will be interesting to see which way #2 sways.

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