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wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I am so glad to be home! Been in the hospital for way too long. Although it was nice to have whatever you need a button away!
I'm having a tough time with recovery. I was cut and I had tearing. Plus I have really sore muscles from pushing so I feel like my body is broken! I thought I'd be so happy to have my body back!
The other challenge of course is Bf. We already supplemented once at the hospital, so I am ok with doing more depending on how many wet diapers she has. Right now I just feel like I can't even have a moment to do anything bc I spend like 30-40 min nursing every 2 hrs, then another 10-15 min pumping to stimulate supply! I just hope my milk comes soon and this is all worth it!
And LO had her witching hours between like 1-4am last night at the hospital. I actually don't mind the sleep deprivation, if my body isn't already do beat up and desperately need to heal...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I'm impressed you're home already!! I got an episiotomy and tore with Xander, so I can relate to the pain. I remember being so sore and feeling soooo weak for a while after birth.
Did you get a nice chart about how much pee/poop diapers to expect during the first week? I found that chart sooooo helpful to my sanity and a great way to judge if they are getting enough, although there's no better way than the weight checks. When is your first pediatrician appointment? And I do not envy you nursing AND pumping already - I haven't started pumping yet! I'm so impressed with your dedication!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: I totally forgot to call them, so we will go Mon if possible. I am just so confused bc we followed what the LC said at the hospital; but there are SO many diff philosophies out there. I now feel like I already nurse her around the clock, do I really need to pump every single time too?! I hope when you get to #2 it's that much less confusing!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I wish I had some advice for you!! I didn't find the LCs that helpful in the hospital with Xander but they were also really just checking his latch and telling me it looked good. No one talked to me about pumping or supplementing, but Xander also was having the correct number of wet and dirty diapers. He did end up losing 10% of his birth weight and being slightly jaundiced, but we found that out at our first pediatrician appointment. Definitely call to schedule that as soon as you can. They'll do a weight check and probably give you some more advice!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: I bet once you go to the pedi if her weight is ok you Can slow down on the pumpi. We were doing something similar with M (she was under 5lbs when we brought her home) and it was exhausting! Such a relief to be able to pump every other time instead and then only once or twice a day. This time I haven't pumped at all yet and I'm dreading getting it out. . Hopefully you can get in with your pedi first thing and get their blessing to back off a little.
honeydew / 7283 posts
Looooong night over here. J seems so unsettled - hasn't slept for more than 90 minutes at a time all night . Gas? Growth spurt? I'm worried we won't have any patience with his big sister tomorrow after no sleep tonight. She's been incredibly demanding lately and sleep deprivation makes it so much harder to keep your cool.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: Yikes! I'm sorry! There is a growth spurt right around two weeks, which I think is about where you are now, right? So that definitely could be the culprit. Really hope you guys are able to get some sleep soon!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: yup - 2 weeks on Monday. Hoping that's it. M was so colicky and every time this poor little guy cries more than usual I'm turrif that the colic has returned!! (Even tough I know that's a totally different beast)
How's your night been?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: I feel like two weeks is right around when they have a growth spurt and are starting to be mote wakeful, so it's a challenging time altogether. Not looking forward to it!
My night is going okay, but definitely not as good as the last few. Logan's had one good stretch of sleep so far (3 hours), but his others have been short, so I'm not getting as much sleep. Still not as bad as your night is sounding though...
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: that one good stretch makes all the difference! Hopefully tomorrow is better.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MrsF: The hard part with two is that you can't even hope for a nap tomorrow while the baby sleeps!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@MrsF: oh no. That's no good!
I'm on my last night feed. She slept 2 long stretches. DH is off this week. I'm so excited for company! I can't believe Darcy will be a month old on Friday!
DH is taking B to gyn this morning and I'm taking D out in the single BOB. Want to start getting the baby weight off.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@snowjewelz: As a fellow new mommy who just went through " let's get my milk in ASAP," I have to say that pumping for even 5-10 mins after a feeding really helped. Just my experience! Had him Weds afternoon, milk started to come in Friday night.
nectarine / 2028 posts
@BandDmommy: I totally feel you about exercise-ugh, with the c-section the doc's making me wait a full 6 weeks. I get it (and I don't want to screw around-it was abdominal surgery!), but waiting sucks! For now I'm walking our dogs 30-40 mins a day.
@Adira: probably a stupid question for a seasoned mama, but are you dream feeding L? I did that tonight for the first time and....knock all kinds of wood-it rocked. Might help a little with wakings?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: Nap time and they are BOTH sleeping!!
@ChiCalGoBee: I'll definitely be doing dream feeds again if they work for Logan! I haven't started yet though. Still just feeding on demand until at least our two week pediatrician appointment.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: I'm sorry about your milk. I pumped with B. He was in the NICU 11 days. It SUCKS but the pimping sessions do work. Hang in there momma!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
How long did you ladies continue to use the peri bottle? It's been a week; do I still need it?
honeydew / 7283 posts
@BandDmommy: @Adira: the double nap is the holy grail of parenthood I'm thinking
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: I stoppe the peri bottle after a week. I didn't have any tearing or stitches this time though. I'm sure it depends what you had and what feels comfortable.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: @MrsF: Thanks ladies! I probably don't need it anymore either.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I guess I am still enjoying the newborn sleep! She was super fussy during our last night at the hospital. For our first night home, when she started fussing I just shoved her a boob (around midnight/1?) And she was still sleeping when I got up at 3 to feed her again! She actually slept next to me cause I was too lazy to put her back in the rock n play...
@ChiCalGoBee: Thank you for the encouragement! I'm on day 3, technically barely since I had her almost at 11pm on Thurs so I'm giving myself till Monday. Hopefully it'll be in by the time we have her appt; if not I guess I def will have to pump then.
Thankfully the nipples are a little better. I need LC to check her latch w/ the shield and w/o though to make sure I'm not allowing this pain for no good reason.
@Adira: Since you know I had episiotomy I will probably be using it for a while! The nurse gave me a sitz bath too; did you use one last time? I think I'm making do so far with Motrin, tuck pads, and other ointments I got.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: love the sitz bath and apparently so does brennan! He showers and he loves playing with it in our shower.
Just went on walk with Darcy. It felt so good to exercise! Want to lose 20 pounds to get back to my happy weight.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Glad to hear you actually got some sleep last night and your nipples are getting used to all the abuse!
I've never done a sitz bath! Does it help?? I had an episiotomy last time and I remember being soooo sore. Tucks are AWESOME. Did you get Dermaplast too? That stuff is amazing. I think it took a week or two to start feeling better last time.
@BandDmommy: Yay for going for a walk! I seriously need to do something about my weight. Last time with Xander, I was down 25 lbs immediately after his birth, but with Logan I'm only down 15 lbs and I gained close to 50.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: Ugggh a week or two! I have so many things from the hospital, they all help so that's good. I'm so lazy to use the sitz bath though!
I cannot wait to meet with LC again tho... Today my nipples have a new kinda pain, so then I'm on my phone looking at all kinds of stuff again, so confused! And of course K chose to nurse for almost 2 hours on and off. I will say tho at the very least, that I was expecting a lot of confusion and obstacles so at least I'm not blind sided.
How often are/did you all nurse before milk came in?
pear / 1961 posts
Like @ChiCalGoBee, I'm technically a November mom, but was due late enough in November that I mostly was stalking the December boards
My DD2 was born 11/22 after a ridiculously fast 2.5 hours of labor. After 2 weeks, I think we're finally getting settled in!
@winniebee: my milk came in along the same timeline as it did with DD1...started getting heavier on day 2, and by day 3 I was pretty engorged.
@snowjewelz: DD2 was nursing between 8-10x a day before my milk came in. I didn't do any pumping in between feedings, and she did get down to almost 9% loss before it came in and she started gaining. My ped wasn't too concerned and is just having us come in for weekly weight checks until she hits birth weight (7lbs 6oz). She should be at or above that at our appt tomorrow, when she is 16 days old.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I think it took 3-5 days for my milk to come in with Xander. I don't remember the exact day because he was nursing sooooo much that I didn't even realize it was in until our 5 day pediatrician appointment and one of the pediatricians showed me how to hand express and then we saw that my milk was in.
ETA: We were nursing every 2 hours although we had a couple longer stretches the first couple days because I dudnt know any better.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@snowjewelz: Did the LC show you how to use the shield? You sort of fold/roll it like a sombrero and then put it on so that your nipple is almost to the tip already. You don't want your LO sucking your nipple up into the shield if that makes any sense.
I didn't do this the first time around and it was sooo painful. I used the shield correctly this time before I gave up on BF and moving to EP and the pain was much less.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@KayKay: Wow, that IS fast! Glad you joined us! We're a pretty chatty bunch here Plus I'm a Nov baby so more love to them!
@Adira: Since I use a shield now I keep looking to see what's on it, so that's how I know mine's not in yet plus I don't think I have that engorged feeling yet. But I don't sleep all that much so I keep wondering when I can "wake up" to feel engorged suddenly haha!
@MamaG: She didn't really... I saw her the morning of discharge and she came in like a storm and just kinda fired off instructions. Wait, but the whole point is that my nipple is flat so when I just put the shield on it never gets up to the tip. Even after LO is done nursing, my nipples don't reach all the way to the tip. Do you think if I pumped it out more before nursing it will be better? Cuz right now she is the one sucking it up the tip!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I never got that engorged feeling when my milk came in because I was nursing o much! I didn't feel engorged until Xander started sleeping longer at night!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@KayKay: welcome! Our babies are 10 days apart:-).
@snowjewelz: I know it's so easy to stress about making sure she's getting enough. I remember how frustrated I felt when I'd pump and pump and pump, and get like 3 drops of colostrum. All of a sudden at one pumping looked down and saw white! I felt like superwoman! I am very much a BF newbie, but since my son was in the NICU and I wasn't with him to feed every few hours, I needed to pump to make up for it.
My guy is very, very fussy:-(. We go for our 1-month check up tomorrow (a few days early), and I'm wondering if it's reflux? He spits up at every feeding, and is making a lot of the "eh eh eh" sounds when he cries which some website says means he's gassy, but he often won't burp. He has a few quiet moments when awake, but it's mostly a scream-fest. Somehow hoping the doc might provide some guidance!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: Maybe he farts? We already notice LO is a farter more than a burper! Just today she was fussy but once she passed gas, she passed out! I hope the doc will be able to unfold all the mysteries!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@KayKay: I missed your post earlier! Welcome and congratulations!!
@ChiCalGoBee: Sorry to hear about your fussy baby! Definitely could be gas or reflex. Have you tried gripe water at all? Hopefully the pediatrician will have some advice for you.
pomelo / 5660 posts
Ugh, looks like B has very slight case of croup. Looks like we are hitting up pediatrician tomorrow.
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