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honeydew / 7283 posts
@BandDmommy: oh no I hope B feels better soon! I'm sure that's hard on all of you.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: he is actually fine just a seal bark every once in awhile.. Going to give him shower tonight, steaming up bathroom.. Hopefully we kick it before he gets any real symptoms
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: Is croup contagious at all (are you worried about D getting it)?
Think I probably just messed up my night - Logan's been snoozing since 8:00 and I should've gone to bed, but decided to stay up to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie! Now I probably won't get any sleep, haha.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Ugh we caved and gave her some formula again. She had red pee and I know its bc my milk isn't in. Then she has been super fussy and obviously not satisfied no matter how long she was at my breast. I know she can make it at least another day (we technically just hit day 3) but it broke my heart to know she was hungry and I couldn't give her anything and I didn't want Her to suffer just so I can say we EBF... Sigh I am just an emotional mess!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@snowjewelz: OMG red pee? YIKES. Honestly, you need to take care of yourself and your daughter. Using formula to help her is NOT caving!! My son was in the NICU and needed some formula because my milk wasn't in and we needed to get his bilirubin count down. I started to feel bad, but you know what? He needed it. And it helped him heal more quickly! Using some formula now to supplement is fine! If for some reason BFing doesn't work for you? That's FINE! If you need to do breast milk and formula? Fine! Exclusively pump? Fine! Nourishing your child can come in many different shapes and forms. Please give yourself some grace, mama!
@BandDmommy: Oh no...I hope it isn't full-blown croup! You don't need that right now, goodness knows! I have a friend with two kids who are in daycare and CONSTANTLY sick-I mean year-round one of them has something. She wants to visit us to see the baby but is on "round 3 of the sickies." I wanted to say "please please please stay away until everyone is healthy for, like, a week!"
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: it's not blood! Something about Uric acid building up bc she is not well hydrated. It could be pink, red or orange. I know I'm just being emotional! I always said I'm ok with doing whatever works but when I'm in the thick of it plus the pp hormones, it's a whole other story.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@ChiCalGoBee: He had croup before and this seems to be very mild. I'm hoping he wakes up today without a cough. Fingers crossed!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: I hope everything is ok. Are you going to pediatrician this week?
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@BandDmommy: yeah.. She's prob at her growth spurt and my milk is just not in! We are hoping to go to the pedi tomorrow for a peace of mind!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@snowjewelz: sorry you are having yo supplement, I know how you feel! I was super emotional/upset when I had to supplement because everything I had read said not to introduce any bottles, but we supplemented for just 2 days and are now back to Ebf-ing. It'll be okay!
@BandDmommy: sorry to hear about B being sick. I hope we can hold off any sickness in the house as long as possible.
E has been nursing like crazy today, growth spurt? Every hour from 6 to 10 but he still gave me a 3 hour stretch of sleep thankfully.
Today was a lazy Sunday, lots of extra cuddling with E.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@Adira: I got sucked into 3 Christmas movies on Ion tonight, so instead of going to bed at 8 with Dh I was up till 10:30.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: Sorry to hear that you are struggling! But you've gotta do what you gotta do. Try not to stress about it, though I know it's hard! For what it's worth, it is totally normalfor them to fuss and act unsatisfied at the breast,especially this early. It's how they help stimulate your milk supply. Logan just did the exact same thing on day 3 for me too and my milk was already in!
@josina: haha, glad I'm not the only one! I definitely screwed myself though because now Logan isn't doing any long stretches. He's up to eat every two hours tonight. I'm exhausted!
apricot / 348 posts
@snowjewelz: wow i missed that you had had your baby!! Just tried to catch up on the thee board and still can't see it?! Anyway, congratulations. Hope you are on and healing well. BF is really tough but it does get easier. It still hurts me but not too bad.
Hope all you ladies are getting some
Good sleep. I had a 5 hour stretch the night before last. It was AMAZING! Unfortunately that wasn't repeated last night
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@josina: ah that is so great to hear! Ugh K is really driving me nuts! Either she can't get what she wants from me, or now I woke her to nurse and she is too sleepy to comply!
@Adira: right here with you! And it's reassuring to hear they just fuss no matter what Def nerve wrecking for first time parents tho!
@Mrs.Lilac: it was over on the delivery watch thread.. I know what you mean, we are s busy and chatty bunch here! How is everything going??
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: so sorry you guys are struggling Parenting at first and especially BF are SO hard at the beginning. Try not to stress about the formula. hopefully things will turn around once your milk comes in and FWIW - my DD was FF for months and is smarter and healthier than I am. Hugs!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: You're handling it amazingly though for a first time mom! Breastfeeding was so hard for me with Xander and we didn't have any obstacles like flat nipples to deal with. I cried ALL THE TIME and found it sooooooo frustrating when he would fuss at the breast! You're doing amazing!
@Mrs.Lilac: Jealous of your 5 hour stretch the other night! The longest I got last night was 2 hours. Hope we both get good stretches tonight!
pomelo / 5298 posts
@snowjewelz: keep it up and definitely supplement with formula if needed. LO had the dark orange urine too. The LC beat me up pretty badly about it. I've been pumping and formula feeding ever since then. I also would urge you to seek out a LC for further help. Our hospital has a whole unit dedicated to BF, unfortunately not all LC's are created equal
On a side note, I feel pretty rotten. I have a head cold and don't really feel like there is much of anything I can take to feel better. My pumping level has also decreased. I was consistently pumping 3-4 oz now I'm only getting 2 oz. I'm going to try to pump more frequently today since it's finally just me and K at home and see if I can't get my supply up.
I also know that I'm not fully draining when I pump for 20 minutes. I can easily hand express more immediately after I get done pumping.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Mrs.Lilac: 5 hours sounds amazing! We had two nights with 4 hour stretches and then went back to 90 minutes at a time. Ouch!
@Adira: sorry you didn't get more sleep last night
Definitely in some kind of two week growth spurt over here. I think the kid would eat for 24 hours if I let him! (Big sister needs some attention too, baby J!)
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: Sorry you're sick!! That's the worst! And it definitely can affect your supply, which sucks. Hope you feel better soon!
@MrsF: Sooooo not looking forward to the growth spurts! Hope it doesn't last too long for you!
pomelo / 5660 posts
So, no croup. Strep throat. Which is actually a better answer. Brennan only contagious for 18 hours. DH is keeping him downstairs and D and I are upstairs.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: Glad it's not croup! But bummer it's strep. I had strep throat a few times as a kid and I remember it sucking. Hope he feels better soon!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: did you get appt with ped? Definitely don't feel bad if BF isn't working for you, it doesn't work for everyone. My moms milk never came in with me and she FF me and I'm pretty awesome. LOL
pomelo / 5298 posts
@BandDmommy: Relatively good news for B. Perfect timing for your husband to be home this week!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@BandDmommy: eek I hope he feels better and none of you get it
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Just went to doc; she is very jaundice so I have to feed her as much as possible today and go back tomorrow.
She had tongue tie so we are heading to the ENT later. Hopefully that will help with her latch? Still have LC appt tomorrow
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: you would never know he's sick. :). DH said all the kids looked miserable in waiting room and B was all over the place wanting to play
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: sorry to hear about the jaundice. B had jaundice and had to go under the lights, it is not fun!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I'm sorry!! Xander was jaundiced too, which makes them so hard to feed because they are sleepy!! And the tongue tie could definitely be contributing to a bad latch and may be the reason she's not transferring well. Good luck.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: So sorry you've had all of these obstacles . We had a very similar experience with my daughter and I know how overwhelming it is
. I hope tomorrow is a better day!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
Like the other November mamas, I'm joining in since our babies are the same age. Plus DD1's birthday is 12/1/12, so I love December babies and mama's!
DD2 (C) was born 11/14 at 7:27am after a 4 hour labor. She's a much easier baby than her sister was thus far, which has been a pleasant surprise, especially because it was an uncomfortable pregnancy. She's perfect, but she does have a heart murmur. We're seeing a pediatric cardiogist and I'm on the lookout for cardiac distress (stressful!) even though she's aymptomatic so far.
I hope it's alright that I'm crashing the party! Congrats on all of your new little ones!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@rattles: welcome! My son was born 11/24 but I had a December due date so here I am
pomelo / 5660 posts
@rattles: welcome! My LO has same birth date! I was due beginning of December but apparantly DD had other plans.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@rattles: Welcome!! I'm sorry to hear about the heart murmer. My best friend was born with one too, but she's totally fine at 30!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@rattles: Yay, the more the merrier!! My sister was born with a heart murmur too, so I hope the outcome for your LO is not serious!
Man, today's been rough day. I didn't expect to be out so much today, and it has to be the day my milk comes in so I was so engorged and in pain!
Turns out the tongue tie is super minor, it got clipped anyway. Nursing has gotten a little better, and I am so relieved that my milk is in, the pain lessened on one side but not the other. I think her latch is just not good on the left vs the right?? Anyway I have the LC appt tomorrow; I hope she is nice & helpful instead of pushy/judgmental!
I didn't really like the pedi that saw LO today. LO lost 4 oz during our hospital stay, then just another oz by today. She saw the weight and right away was like, "we are going in the wrong direction. Supplement, now. Pump, now. Feed, now!"
@Adira: How long do they have to be under the light for? Do they just feed them formula when they're there for jaundice? Just want to be more informed in case LO has to go!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@snowjewelz: I had the same issue with latching. Xander's latch was decent on the left, but terrible on the right and I had so much pain nursing him on the right side! I hope the LC is able to help you!
Ugh, sorry about your pediatrician! Losing only one ounce between your hospital discharge and today doesn't seem like that big of a deal! How much has she lost overall, percentage-wise? It's really common to lose up to 10% of their birth weight in the first few days and it sounds like K hasn't lost that much.
For Xander, we didn't have to do light treatments for his jaundice. I guess it depends on their bilirubin levels? I just had to feed Xander around the clock and go back two days later to ensure he was gaining weight and then continue feeding every 2 hours until he was back up to his birth weight and his bilirubin levels were down, which was at our 2 week visit.
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@MamaG: ugh, I had a horrible cold postpartum with L, and it was the worst experience! It's so hard when you can't sleep or take anything! I hope you feel better soon!
@BandDmommy: I didn't realize they were the exact same day! I remember being jealous when I saw you were in labor so early and I was overdue I love D's name, btw!
grapefruit / 4903 posts
@MrsF: @Adira: @snowjewelz: thanks, ladies! Her cardiology appointment today went pretty well - she won't need surgery, which is obviously great! Hopefully the hole will close up on its own soon enough.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@snowjewelz: I'm sorry things are so rough right now! My son lost 7 oz in the hospital the first time. It was scary and I wish I had supplemented in the hospital like you did rather than stress about my milk not being in. The good news is that he jumped up super quickly and by the time of his 4 wk check up was 2.5 lbs over his birth weight. There's nothing wrong with nursing and topping off after and formula is not poison so don't worry about how you get the job done. Hope tomorrow's LC visit goes well!
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