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wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@Adira: oh I hope it's the same for us then, just feed around the clock and keep checking back. I'd love not to have to leave her under the light.
@rattles: that's really good to hear!
@winniebee: I feel better now.. esp after a shower! I just hope she is eating enough now. We have literally been nursing all day already!
nectarine / 2028 posts
Hi ladies-
So sorry I've been MIA-I've been introverted as I figure out N's fussiness, and I realized it'd be good for me to come on here and commiserate with other mamas in the thick of things rather than brooding by myself! We had our 4-week "well check" at the ped today. He's doing great, although she agreed that 1) he isn't sleeping enough (some days it is as little as 10 hours, but it's never anywhere near 16) and 2) all the spit up/gas/screaming is likely reflux. She suggested we begin a loose "eat/activity/sleep" schedule ASAP to see if we can get more daytime sleep going, which should help with night sleep. She also prescribed Zantac, which will hopefully help poor buddy feel better. He had a pretty good day today, and I am crossing my fingers and toes that he somehow has a good night because this mama desperately needs it!
nectarine / 2028 posts
@BandDmommy: Sorry about the strep-hope buddy is feeling better soon:-(. I had strep as an adult my first year as a kindergarten teacher and it was awful. Poor guy!
@adira: How is night sleep going? Getting any good stretches?
@rattles: Good to "see" you over here! Your baby was born two days after mine!
@snowjewelz: For me, nursing/pumping around the clock (YAY YOUR MILK IS IN!) helped break down the bili and flush it out of N's system through his poop when he was under the lights. I bet you're doing an awesome job! Gah, engorgement is rough, but soon your body will begin to regulate. Great work!
honeydew / 7283 posts
Another frustrating night over here already J cluster fed all day long, which I didn't really mind, partially because I was hoping it might help us get a longer stretch overnight. Now he seems to be straining like he has gas and fussing since about 7pm. He'll nurse for a little bit then fall asleep and wake up as soon as I put him down. He just seems so uncomfortable and he and I haven't slept for a minute. At least DH can sleep while we are nursing and j is quiet. I'm alone with both kids tomorrow and worried that I'll have zero patience with M if I don't get some sleep!
I keep telling myself one day this will all be a distant memory...
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsF: ugh I am sry! It's just one of those nights,,, there will be better ones!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: thanks He just slept for 3 hours, so I feel encouraged by that. Hopefully we get another little stretch in after this feeding.
I hope you had a good night!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MrsF: yay! 3 hrs is great! I have such a lazy nurser.. It's so hard to keep her awake and she is not draining my boobs. I know I need to start pumping but I'm so lazy and kinda scared of the pump..
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
So I pumped for the very first time since LO cannot possibly empty either side at this point and engorgement is so painful! I def feel like both sides were full but I pumped for like 15min each side and nothing really came out... I still saved it even if it's just a few sips I can give her. But I feel like I must be doing something wrong! I know there is more milk in there! They feel softer but still quite full.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: hmm.... What kind of pump are you using? Is it a double electric? Could you feel a good amount of suction and see your nipple being pulled into the flange (horn part)?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@rattles: That's good she won't need surgery!! My best friend ended up having to have one, but not until she was 12.
@snowjewelz: Yeah, I hope you just have to do round the clock feedings instead of the light! Do you have another appointment set up?
@ChiCalGoBee: Ugh, I'm sorry about the reflux. That's rough. Hopefully the Zantac will help and he'll be able to get some sleep and you guys won't be so miserable!! As for us, I got a couple okay stretches last night (2 hours each). I think he hasn't been eating quite as much during the day the last couple days, so he's making up for it at night.
@MrsF: I'm sorry!! How did the rest of your night go? I know with Logan, I have to time putting him down just right or else he immediately wakes up and wants to nurse back to sleep. What is J sleeping in? Maybe that's affecting the sleep too? Logan's in a bassinet, but we elevated the head a little bit with a blanket underneath and I think that's helping...
@snowjewelz: How soon after you nursed did you pump? I found if I did it too soon after nursing, I got nothing out, even though I didn't feel empty. I had to wait like 15 minutes to start pumping.
pomelo / 5298 posts
I'm in search of four hours of sleep! K is pretty insistent on eating every two hours or less around the clock. We also have a diaper rash already. She seems to poop often and sometimes it's very small amounts. Regardless she's irritated.
I'm still feeling crummy. And she wakes and cries every time I pump. Good times.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@MamaG: Ugh, I'm sorry! Logan poops almost every time I feed him too and it's always just a small amount. Though I think that can be pretty normal. Bummer about the diaper rash though! Try patting her bum dry after diaper changes before putting a new diaper on?
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@snowjewelz: what type of pump and what size shields are you using? The shields may not be the correct size - you can watch a video on you tube of what the correct fit is.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: B went under the lights for 3 days. He was already in the NICU, so it extended his stay by 3 days.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@snowjewelz: I pumped after feeding and barely got a half ounce each time... I actually quit with the intention of starting again this week. Its hard to want to pump when the outcome is so little. I do need a smaller shield though.
My LC told me there is no need to pump each feeding yet, and that I don't need to start until 3 weeks before going back to work.
pomelo / 5298 posts
I wish there was more help with pumping I'm only pumping at this point and haven't BF in nearly two weeks. I'm not producing enough through pumping to keep K happy. I can usually pump 3 oz 4-5x per day. I need to go figure out if I'm using the right flanges. I know I have more milk, it's just not coming out with the pump.
pomelo / 5660 posts
I've been pumping for over 3 weeks. I only pump after the lunch feed and get 3 - 4 ozs.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@BandDmommy: like 15 min each side? Nothing was coming yout anymore
@MrsF: I have a PISA. I think the flange may be too big.. At least that's what the LC said
@MamaG: LC said a smaller flange should help! She also said its normal in the beginning not to get much and to just experiment with the power lvl, duration, etc. I def plan to try a few more times to get the hang of it since I'll be going back to work!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Horray! K gained back at least 2 oz already in just one day! Her jaundice also went down, I am so relieved!
I had a good appt with the LC. She said my shield could be too big but now the challenge is to find the XS; I prob need to call Medela directly. She gave me some techniques to make nursing a lil more comfortable.
More drama with the tongue tie tho. Apparently everyone still sees it! I didn't make the appt with the doc they referred me to; I was desperate to make same day appt and I thought I could just go with whoever. So now we gotta go again to see this dr... Oh man!
pomelo / 5660 posts
@snowjewelz: that's good news about weight gain! When you pump, you do each side separately? I only pump for 10 minutes but do both boobs at same time.
honeydew / 7283 posts
@snowjewelz: so glad k's jaundice is better and Her weight is up. You're doing a great job mama!
honeydew / 7283 posts
@Adira: it turned out that we did get some sleep eventually, it's just so stressful to realize that it's 1am and we haven't slept at all! Especially knowing that big sister is going to wake up ready to go in the morning and looking for attention
J is sleeping in the rock'n'play in our room, so he is at an incline and pretty cozy in there. I'm hesitant to use the swing but give it a few more days and we might be desperate! We haven't introduced a pacifier yet either. He's 2 weeks old and nurses very well, so maybe it's time?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@josina: Half an ounce while nursing full-time is actually normal!
@snowjewelz: YAY for weight gain! That's awesome!! So maybe you won't have to use the light at all for the jaundice and can just keep feeding her to get her bilirubin levels down. And I also had to get a smaller flange with my Medela too. I think you can find them on Amazon.
@MrsF: Ugh, yes, not getting enough sleep and then having to entertain a toddler... yikes. I'm so glad we're sending Xander to daycare during the week. The one weekend we had was so stressful!! As for the pacifier, we haven't introduced one yet either. We did with Xander after his 2 week growth spurt.
pomelo / 5660 posts
My baby has almost outgrown newborn clothes? Aghhhh where is time going??? B was in newborn clothes for awhile but it looks like D will be moving up to 0 - 3 months in the next few weeks. D is gaining weight like a champ. My little peanut is not so teeny tiny. She's also wicked strong! During tummy time she holds Her head up and can rotate from side to side. She's also trying to roll. WTH
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
@MamaG: Totally feel you.. Twice I changed her and she decides to poop right away in the new diaper.
@BandDmommy: I did separate since I figured I wouldn't collect much so to use the same bottle. Maybe I'll try both at the same time next...
@MrsF: Glad you got some rest! I know, sometimes I forget when I actually took a nap! K is in her rock n play, it's been working really well for us to just bring it up/downstairs!
@BandDmommy: Wow already! K is swimming in some of her NB clothes (the only ones that fit well are hand me downs that's probably shrunk).
honeydew / 7283 posts
@BandDmommy: M didn't love the swing either. Colic baby needed the more violent bouncing of the yoga ball. We'll see if J likes it more.
pear / 1961 posts
@BandDmommy: DD1 hated the swing, awake or asleep! luckily we had just borrowed from a friend. i probably won't get one for DD2 unless lack of sleep reaches the critical threshold, since we don't have any cheap/free options where we are living now.
@snowjewelz: go K -- keep on eating! i actually wasn't able to pump much when i was engorged either. thinking the flanges were too small bc i tried to use the size (med) that i used for the majority of my pumping for DD1. now that i've evened out a bit, i'm able to pump 6-7oz with those med flanges in my once daily session.
@adira: you're lucky X is still going to daycare full-time! entertaining a toddler while trying to care for/bond with a newborn is a tough gig. it feels like someone is always being ignored...
pomelo / 5298 posts
@BandDmommy: We are almost out of NB diapers. I've already got the box of 1's ready to go when I use up these last few. She wore a NB Thanksgiving sleeper yesterday and when she stretched out, the length was tight. So many of the 0-3 clothes are so wide on her though.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@MamaG: The 0 - 3 months look sooo big! But the NB are definitely getting tight. I think we are trying to stick with NB a little bit longer because she would be swimming in 0 - 3 months. How are you feeling BTW?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
For those of you nursing and using an app to keep track of it, how much are you nursing each day? We were doing close to 4 hours the first few days, but now it's closer to just 2. I'm wondering if that's enough...?
pomelo / 5660 posts
@MrsF: Was today your first day alone with 2 LOs? How did it go? Or is it going?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: Thanks! Maybe the 4 hour days are when he's going through a growth spurt and he's not at the moment.
pomelo / 5660 posts
@Adira: that was my guess. Those are looooong days. DH said he got me an amazing gift, so I asked him "did you get boobs, so you can take over some of the feeds."...
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@BandDmommy: hahaha, that would be awesome! That's the one downside of nursing - you can't really share it! Even when you pump and provide bottles, you still have to do the work of pumping.
I did sterilize all my pump parts and bottles today! And broke out my pump to make sure it still works.
pear / 1961 posts
@adira: I'm just under 2 hours a day on average. But I have a pretty quick letdown, so LO rarely feeds longer than 15 minutes per time (and only on one side per feed). I can't imagine 4 hours/day! You guys are rockstars.
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