grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: Congrats on your good screening test! And hooray for more boys! I am definitely sad to get rid of some of my DD's clothes, too. I will really miss those little summer rompers and dresses.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: thanks!
@catlady: to be honest I have no idea how to dress little boys! is it really just t-shirts and sweatpants???
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: Congrats! Boys definitely don't have as many clothing options as girls, but they still have cute stuff! When DS was a baby I had a ton of cute little outfits for him. I loved the little printed overalls and polo shirt onsies and they do have cute rompers for boys.
As he has gotten older, yes it is just t-shirts and shorts/pants. But it makes buying clothes easy
kiwi / 706 posts
@KT326: yes! my husband said we'll totally save on impulsive clothing purchases!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: Definitely! Although whenever I'm in Target I still find myself swinging by the boys clothes to see if there is something my son would like. He has so many t-shirts!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: Lol, I totally agree on the impulse clothing buys. Even though we can't re-use our DD's clothes, we will probably still save money having a boy since I won't be so tempted all the time.
pear / 1965 posts
Girls clothing kills me. Although I love all the options sometimes its all so much. She always wants a dress if possible and dresses herself which can be interesting.
But yeah, there are way too many shades of pink. Sometimes I feel that its hard to go buy just pants, or just shirts etc...You need actual outfits. I will go and pick up a cute dress or shirt for her to wear that day and it always seems like the shade of pink leggings or whatever we need is dirty. All the pink and colors, and patterns and glitter, and prints......sometimes its hard to just piece something together.
Im not the girliest of girls. So it may just be me too! Hahaha
kiwi / 706 posts
@Rescuemom10: My daughter only wears dresses, or sometimes she'll deal with skinny jeans and a pretty top. She doesn't wear leggings unless she's just playing inside. In the fall and winter she wears tights with her dresses. I stock up on black and grey tights so they go with everything. She pretty much dresses the way I do, so it's easy!
I'll have to stop complaining about boy clothes at some point. I'm thrilled to have one of each! But new ideas take getting used to! Also, will I get peed on when I change diapers now? does that actually happen?
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@marley: If you aren't careful, yes you will get peed on. My son also peed on his own face... We always get the fresh diaper ready before we take the old one off to make it quick. Also, just placing a wipe over his penis helped if we needed to wipe his bum or it was going to take a minute to get his diaper on. Never leave it uncovered too long! Haha.
pomelo / 5789 posts
So after 3 days in a row of not puking, I was feeling much better. I was thinking now I finally hit the second tri it's going to ease up a little. So I didn't take my Diclegis last night. Why take unnecessary medicine right?
Famous last words after 3 puking sessions today!!
I guess at least I know it's been helping. My energy level is much higher today though. But yeah not skipping my dose today.
Also found the source of the smell that has been causing me not to open my fridge for 2 weeks. Gross deli meat!! I'm a vegetarian so I usually leave hubs to use/throwaway the deli meat. I took one wiff of the package and had to run to the bathroom.
I have pretty much stripped my fridge completely empty of everything except yogurt, drinks and condiments. I've put a bunch of baking soda in there.
This pregnancy has been 100x rougher with symptoms than #1 that's for sure!!! Thank goodness I work from home!!
pear / 1961 posts
@wheres_c: i made the same mistake last week...thinking the morning sickness *might* be gone and not taking my unisom/b6 -- totally regretted it the next day when i was exhausted and worthless!!
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@wheres_c: @KayKay: I did this a couple weeks ago too! Ugh it was awful. Almost out of diclegis now and I'm really hopeful my nausea will actually be gone when I run out.
cherry / 101 posts
Hi Ladies! We just got back from a week at the beach so I'm reading through the posts trying to catch back up! Being back at work is the worst!
@catlady @mk0180 @marley: Congrats on the baby boys!
@rescuemom10: Hope your DD is having an easier time with daddy being away this week. Hugs to you both!
@swurlygurl: The next time you update the list could you kindly add me to December 5th? Thank you!
As for me:
EDD: December 5th
How far along? 15 weeks
Child number? 2
Will you find out or team green? We will find out. My Materniti21 results are in, but I asked them to mail me the gender results as I wanted to open the envelope w/ DH & DS.
Feeling any movement yet? Yes. Little flutters!
Symptoms? Finally started feeling like myself again last week. Nausea/vomiting has stopped.
Most excited about: Finding out the gender.
Most worried/nervous about: I don't stop worrying until reaching viability.
Purchase anything for the baby yet? I bought baby a book since my sister had a book party. Once I know the gender I probably won't be able to stop myself from making some clothes purchases!
honeydew / 7091 posts
Let me know if I'm missing any information!
December 2016 Mamas
Dec 4: Kaykay
Dec 5: TJLove54
Dec 6: Ms.Pug
Dec 8: Digapony, catlady , stiletto_mom
Dec 12: Wheres_C
Dec 15: Swurlygurl, MrsDragon, MK0180
Dec 17: Sunshine710, Pumpkin Pie
Dec 23: Marley
Dec 24: Ocean81, Mountainbaby
Dec 25: Keepcalmcarrie
Dec 29: Winterbee, KT326, Greenthumb
Dec 30: Rescuemom10
Jan 2: Wishingforviolet (TWINS)
Jan 4: Renee0106
We're filling up on boys in this group!!
Does anyone have any silly predictions on which sex their baby is going to be (for those that don't know yet)? I'm really feeling a boy this time... I'm much more exhausted this pregnancy, potentially a preview of what's to come with chasing around an energetic little boy?? (Both my girls are fairly calm and mild-mannered... haha)
honeydew / 7091 posts
@tjlove54: A week at the beach sounds so dreamy! I could REALLY use a vacation right about now!
(Added you to the list)
pomelo / 5789 posts
I could use a vacay too!!! I'm supposed to go to San Diego without my little one in 2 weeks!! Yay! Also headed to Orlando the week after, which I was excited about but now it's hard to be excited.
cherry / 101 posts
@swurlygurl: Thank you!
@wheres_c: We visited San Diego a few years ago and loved it. The zoo is really nice there too! So exciting to have something to look forward to. I totally understand your feelings towards your Orlando trip, but hopefully you are still able to have a nice time. Anything beats being at work (or doing work b/c I think you work from home {jealous!})
kiwi / 706 posts
@tjlove54: thank you!
Just came back from my NT scan. Everything's ok, as expected, because of the negative MaterniT results. But the tech found a fibroid. Of couse I'm freaking out and googling nonstop. I emailed my OB so hopefully she'll write back soon!
pear / 1787 posts
Congratulations to all of these boy mamas! I was really nervous about having a boy, but my son is just the most incredible angel, and I'm actually really hoping this baby is a boy too (though I'll obviously also be thrilled to have a girl).
@wheres_c: How is your dad doing? I don't want to sound alarmist at all, but my dad is battling multiple myeloma (a type of blood cancer) and he first found out after needing a transfusion and getting a bone marrow biopsy. I am sending good thoughts and hoping that your dad is doing well. If it hasn't come up with your dad's doctors, PLEASE advocate for testing for multiple myeloma--as I've learned, it isn't super well known and can go without diagnosis for a long time, so that's why I bring it up. Prayers to you.
As for me, I'm still on diclegis and still not feeling great some days. I hope it goes away soon, though I'm extremely grateful for the medicine!
EDD: December 8
How far along? 14 weeks 4 days
Child number? 2
Will you find out or team green? We will find out. I need to call and schedule the anatomy scan.
Feeling any movement yet? Little flutters occasionally--very exciting!
Symptoms? Still nauseous/vomiting some days. Very tired, huge boobs. I feel like I already have the pregnant lady waddle too. And my belly popped out considerably the last two weeks.
Most excited about: The anatomy scan--excited to find out the sex but mostly to make sure everything is okay. Also excited to really show!
Most worried/nervous about: Any complications/problems that could be found during the anatomy scan/the quad marker screening.
pomelo / 5789 posts
@DigAPony: sorry to hear about your dad! My dad is out of the hospital. He claims that the doctor think his issues were due to his immunosuppressants but I really want to know if they tested for anything else.
My dad is a pretty simple kind of guy, so getting complex medical answers out of him is kind of hard.
he's definitely feeling better though which is good. Praying for your dad and his treatment!
pomelo / 5789 posts
At the ER getting fluids. Texas heat and vomiting has me super dehydrated. Hope to feel better in an hour.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
So I had a genetics appointment yesterday and found out that the province is covering NIPT for me! It's a bit later than normal -- I'm 14 weeks today, and can't actually do the test 'till Tuesday because I'm in the boonies and they only fly the blood out once a week. I opted to skip the 12 week screen because I would've had to drive five hours just for the ultrasound, so I'm glad to have the NIPT, although terrified.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@wheres_c: I just saw this, but hope you are doing better today.
@MrsDragon: That's great, best of luck!
Has anyone else "popped" yet? My body has been doing this thing where I wake up in the morning and look relatively normal, then by the end of the day, I get bloated enough so it looks like I have a bump. Woke up this morning and the bump was still there! I swear it wasn't yesterday morning. Thank goodness we announced last week.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@MrsDragon: Woohoo! That's exciting! I'm going in for my NT scan today, super nervous!
persimmon / 1071 posts
@catlady: No popping here. But I'm 12w1d. I do get the more bloated at night thing though. All day I just have more of a 'blump' then anything. haha. It's my first, I'm looking forward to looking pregnant!
persimmon / 1071 posts
@swurlygurl: I'm 'feeling' girl... but all of the old wives tales say boy. I can't wait to find out!
There's a ton of girls in my other moms group, interesting that here it's all boys so far.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@WinterBee: Good luck at your scan! Lol at "blump". I definitely had that a few weeks ago at 12 weeks too.
kiwi / 545 posts
@wheres_c: Hope you are doing better!
@catlady: Oh I've definitely popped - started showing at around 10 wks. This is what I get for not doing any ab work after DS1. Maternity clothes are the best.
Hope everybody is doing well as we head into our 2nd trimester. I am 14 weeks today. Nausea is still around but subsiding as each day passes. And the hunger has started - I've been having 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches. I believe I'm starting to feel some movement - sometimes it feels like popcorn popping in there! Cheers everyone.
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: I think I did? depending on what I'm wearing, I could look like I'm just getting fat. It also makes a big difference how I'm standing.
Hope everyone is doing well!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@wheres_c: yuck, hope you are feeling better!
@catlady: I feel huge. I definitely have some roundness going on and I'm 13 weeks today.
persimmon / 1071 posts
@catlady: Thanks! I went really well, baby looks like a baby now! We were also able to hear the heart beat for the first time! It was magical, it was beating at 168.
I have such a sense of relief after seeing the fluid behind the neck and the nasal bone. Feels pretty real! Measuring 12w2d today, but keeping original due date.
persimmon / 1431 posts
I'm still feeling nauseous. I really want to find out the gender, but at my NT scan, they said it was still too early. I could have sworn I found out with my first during the NT scan.
kiwi / 706 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I believe the genitalia isn't visible on ultrasounds until at least 15 weeks. Can you get a blood test?
persimmon / 1431 posts
@marley: I have my 16 week appt in a couple weeks, so I'll just wait until then.
Anyone have any cravings? I have fast food cravings!
kiwi / 706 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I only want potatoes in any form, orange juice with seltzer, and doughnuts. I just realized that they're all carbs. I still can't stand meat.
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