pomelo / 5789 posts
@delight: congrats! Hadn't noticed your BFP. My doctor is a casual kinda guy - pretty sure he'll slip up at some point. If he does, it's ok...
cherry / 101 posts
We had an ultrasound yesterday and baby looks good. He/she was really moving around in there! We opted for the Maternity21 test and not sure how I feel about knowing the gender so soon. We were planning to find out at 20 weeks, but this just seems so soon compared to my last pregnancy. DH hates surprises so he is super pumped to find out.
I hope everyone is feeling well. At a little over 13 weeks I am just starting to sort of feel like myself again.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
We announced today! Crazy. I'm 12 weeks; heard the heartbeat a few days ago. I declined the 12 week testing because I would have to drive stupid far for the ultrasound. So I'm hoping all is still well in there. My belly is not hideable anymore so I felt like I should just admit it, haha.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@tjlove54: yay for a good ultrasound! It's so much fun seeing them move around in there.
@MrsDragon: I'm 11 weeks today and I'm so over hiding it. It's going to be 100 today and I don't want to wear a cardigan at work. I think I look like I just ate too many bagels but I don't care. My boss and one coworker know, I'm prepping myself for the side eye from the rest of my coworkers!
pear / 1961 posts
@KT326: yeah, i wouldn't say i have a "bump" really, but definitely in the "noticeably getting fatter" stage hopefully people are giving me the benefit of the doubt that i am usually a thin/fit person. haha.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@KayKay: I really hate this stage. I carry extra weight in my stomach already, but I could usually suck it in Now I can't at all! And I haven't even gained any weight yet. My stomach muscles have just completely relaxed. Oh well.
pomelo / 5789 posts
I definitely look pregnant lol. I work remotely and havent told my boss yet. I think there is a team event in Aug so will have to tell before then.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@KayKay: @KT326: I hate this stage too! If I don't concentrate on sucking it in when I'm walking around at work, I have a noticeable bump. It has taken all my skills to put together outfits every day that don't make it too obvious. Doesn't help that I've already gained close to 10 pounds (!).
@tjlove54: Congrats on your scan! I'm 13 weeks and starting to feel a little better too. Thank goodness.
@MrsDragon: Yay for announcing!
kiwi / 706 posts
@catlady: @KT326: @KayKay: same here! I've been wearing a lot of elastic-waist dresses and the elastic keeps riding up to the top of the "bump," making me look even fatter/more pregnant. I might be paranoid but people in the office have been giving me these knowing looks, or asking me how I'm feeling while lingering after I tell them that I'm fine (?) like I have something else to tell them.
I don't even know how to "announce" in the office. I already told some people. But what about the rest? firm-wide email? lol.
pear / 1961 posts
@marley: when i was working, i just told my manager, a couple close friends, and then a couple people i was working with that i KNEW had big mouths and would love to spread the gossip
kiwi / 706 posts
@KayKay: I told my secretary who is kind of a gossip but she promised not to tell people when I told her very early on. Maybe I should just tell her to start spreading the word? that's so weird though. Maybe I'll just start walking around rubbing my belly. Ha!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@marley: Ugh, I think it's so awkward to tell people at work!
Thankfully my boss took care of that for me... (not really thankfully, I'm actually quite annoyed about it).
I told him I was pregnant on the day I had my first appointment, because I had to leave a little early (so I was 7 weeks). I had told him I was 7 weeks, AND that I was due in December. Like 10 minutes after I left, the office called a company huddle (to announce a project win), and after everyone gathered he said - in front of everybody - "Oh, is this for K's gender announcement??" Which, everybody figured out right away... So, at least it was easy for me this time!
kiwi / 706 posts
@swurlygurl: haha that's so funny! one of my bosses who I'm really close with (I told him immediately) came by to say hi the other day and starting talking by the door really loudly about pregnancy related stuff, so maybe everybody knows already and is just waiting for me to confirm it publicly. I don't mind people knowing. I feel like the people who know so far have been super nice to me, so it definitely doesn't hurt! I think it's awkward to tell people in general, even friends and family.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@marley: I told everyone at a company lunch last time (our office was very small at the time, maybe 12 people). Now there are more, so I will probably send an email to everyone. We still have fewer than 30 people so it doesn't seem too weird. My boss just told everyone in a company-wide meeting that his wife is pregnant. I could wait for the next one but I think it won't be for another month.
pear / 1965 posts
Well I saw the hubby off today. At least this is a short one and only 3.5 months. DD did pretty well. She was sad. Always harder when you see the little's all sad. Ugh
I have officially busted out Maternity jeans and man it feels wonderful. I'm 10 weeks now and told work today. It was early but for safety reasons I needed to. Something came up at work yesterday I almost had to tell someone. So figured they need to know.
So I brought in donuts with a pic on the box of my u/s and it said "Eat up!!! My mommy doesn't want to be the only one getting fat."
I work with all men. They loved it.
cherry / 160 posts
I don't have a bump yet at almost 11.5 weeks, but I need new summer clothes in general. There's no point in buying new non-maternity clothes now, but how do I figure out what fits without at least the start of a bump? Take a guess and hope for the best?
@Rescuemom10: Best of luck to you and your family! and your announcement is super cute!
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Rescuemom10: I'm so sorry - hopefully these 3.5 months will fly by! And thank you to your husband and your family for his service and sacrifice!
I have no bump or any body change either. I was 12 weeks yesterday. I thought with this being my THIRD child I would have ballooned up super early? Sometimes I even wonder if I'm even pregnant, because I have nothing to make me think so, besides lack of period and crazy extreme tiredness.
@MountainBaby: Is this your first? Typically you can buy maternity pants in your normal pant size, and the elastic belly panel grows with you to accommodate belly growth. The 'waistband' of the pants are unstructured, so the pants don't get too tight on you, assuming you don't gain an extreme amount of weight (I almost needed to size up at the end of my second pregnancy!). And same thing with Maternity shirts.
kiwi / 706 posts
@MountainBaby: I just got some j.crew maternity pants. I only have a tiny bump, it looks more like I gain 10 pounds, but the pants are perfect. They're like normal pants with an elastic front panel and oh so comfy.
I would buy some maxi dresses and tunic tops for now. Those will last you until you're 8 months, I think. With my first I didn't buy anything maternity until 8 months other than maternity pants and jeans.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@MountainBaby: If you don't have a bump yet but still want to get some new things, I'd go with stretchy non-maternity stuff that will grow with you. I was able to get alot of wear out of certain non-maternity things with my first pregnancy, for ex. long t-shirts, maxi dresses (especially empire waist), and I had one magical dress in some super stretchy jersey fabric that worked for my entire pregnancy and then still looked great for two years post-partum when I was at a variety of different weights. I wouldn't buy anything that is obviously "maternity" until you actually need them (like shirts or dresses with the ruched sides).
honeydew / 7091 posts
@catlady: Same! I only bought Maternity pants and shorts for my pregnancies. Loved Maxi dresses and longer shirts. Plus, I'm already super chesty, so my current shirts have to be sized up anyway, which nicely accommodates a baby belly
cherry / 160 posts
@swurlygurl: Yep, my first, hence the clueless questions
Thanks for the help everyone!
apricot / 431 posts
@swurlygurl: Same! I have a bump at night but that's just bloat. I blame my tiredness on my 1 year old, but that's all I got. At my appointment this week my midwife rolled her eyes and said, you are just one of "those" people. (I saw her with my daughter so we have a comfortable enough of a relationship to joke )
So I had my ultrasound this week and we saw the little bean. However, I have to go for a follow up ultrasound next week because my MW saw something else but wasn't sure what it was. The machines in my office are old, so it could have been that or it could have been a twin that didn't make it. The OB wasn't available to take a look so they are sending me to the bigger office next week. She wasn't concerned but I'm nervous!
I am trying to catch up on everyone's updates and I'm happy to see a lot of happy news!
pear / 1961 posts
@mountainbaby: when initially pregnant with my first, I bought 2 pairs of pants that were a size bigger than normal, figuring I could wear them for awhile then and again when I was losing the weight post-partum. It worked well, and honestly they weren't SO big that I couldn't wear them most of the time. I've also bought lots of flowy-type tops, not necessarily empire waist (because i don't love the look of that when not pregnant) but there are tons of options nowadays that work well with the early bloat/tiny bump. And again, great for hiding leftover pooch after baby comes out too
cherry / 101 posts
@marley: I brought in sticky buns to the office with a note that said "there's a new bun in the oven, due Dec. 2016!" along with a photo of my DS in his big brother shirt.
@rescuemom10: Thank you to your husband & family for his service and sacrifice. I hope the next 3.5 months go by quickly for all of you!
@ocean81: It's so exciting to see the little bean on the ultrasound! I had another appointment today and it never gets old. Same with hearing the heartbeat! Hope the time flies by till your next appointment!
apricot / 431 posts
@MountainBaby: With my daughter I was so excited to have a bump and to buy maternity clothes that I definitely prematurely shopped! My favorite are the ones with a couple inches of waist (I'm blacking out on what it's called. Demi?) I wore them post partum (and beyond, ha) too. The full waist pants weren't comfortable for me until I had a real bump. I recommend maxi dresses / skirts and leggings! I didn't really have a bump til around 18 or 20 weeks last time.
kiwi / 706 posts
@tjlove54: what a cute idea! I'm also jealous of you ladies' offices! Seems like you have really nice coworkers! (I work in an old fashion law firm, and there are a lot of weirdos here)
pear / 1965 posts
Thanks everyone. You all are too kind.
Last night was a little rough. Takes LO a little bit to adjust. She was really sad and told him "Daddy no go. Because I love you so much! You stay here with me and Mommy". She is 3. So as she gets older these are getting harder.
She takes it out on me, acts up, throws fits, doesn't listen, and cries a lot. She gets a lot more sneaky as if going out looking for trouble. Yeah I know a lot like a normal 3 year old. But its A LOT more than her normal toddler terror. LOL
Buuuuut usually we are good within 2 weeks. Its just an adjustment.
So anyone have any big plans for the weekend? We have a Birthday party and my daughter has a horse show.
honeydew / 7091 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: Hahahahahahaha
Oh, is that a serious question?
Yeah, definitely not exercising. Unless you count running up and down the stairs every 5 minutes for 2 hours to put K back in bed...
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: Does playing with my 4 year old count?
I have been so exhausted, working out just doesn't happen. But I try to take walks during my lunch break so at least I get some movement in.
I have the 21 day fix workout dvds, I am going to try and start doing those again (modifying where I need to, of course). I'm loosely following the meal plan, now that the morning sickness seems to be letting up I need to get more veggies in and the containers totally help me with that.
honeydew / 7091 posts
I thought it would be fun to do another roll call - see who's still hanging around the board, get to know each other a little bit!
How far along?
Child number?
Will you find out or team green?
Feeling any movement yet?
Most excited about:
Most worried/nervous about:
Purchase anything for the baby yet?
honeydew / 7091 posts
EDD: 12/15/16
How far along? 12+1
Child number? Third child!
Will you find out or team green?
We will DEFINITELY find out. Appointment scheduled for July 22nd
Feeling any movement yet?
Yesss! Just some minor movements - kind of feels like a small rollercoaster!
SERIOUS EXHAUSTION. Although not certain that's not related to pregnancy, and instead cutting out caffeine... haha. But otherwise I'm pretty much symptom-free
Most excited about:
So many things...
Excited about finding out the gender (family of three girls, DH finally gets his son??).
Excited about completing our family.
Excited about how close I am to being done with the baby stage and able to get rid of the extreme amount of baby gear and clothes I have filling my house.
Excited about seeing how excited L is to have another baby (she was only 19 months when K was born, so she didn't really care too much).
Most worried/nervous about:
Really not much. It kind of feels like old news now that it's the third baby (besides the exciting squishy new baby stuff, that's still all very exciting). I'm truthfully most nervous about having to pay for three kids in daycare!!
Purchase any baby gear yet?
No, though I will be on the lookout for something special for this baby... a stuffed animal or special blanket or something.
persimmon / 1431 posts
Ok! I feel better. My doctor totally looked at me with a stern face because I wasn't exercising.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
@Pumpkin Pie: I stopped exercising at around 6 weeks when I started feeling too sick and started back up again a week ago at around 12 weeks. I did the same thing when I was pregnant with my LO. In some ways, I'm glad to be doing it again, but honestly, I think it is making me feel worse again. I am more tired and queasy this week than the last two.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
EDD: 12/8/16
How far along? 13w1d
Child number? 2
Will you find out or team green? Finding out, hopefully next week
Feeling any movement yet? Tiny flutters!
Symptoms? Still tired and mild queasiness at night only (I'm still on diclegis though), plus my bump is really starting to be visible
Most excited about:
Completing our family and seeing LO with a sibling
Being done with the TTC and pregnancy journey
Going through all the baby phases again, and feeling a little more confident this time around
Most worried/nervous about:
Another loss, even though we've only had good news so far.
Sleep...terrified for lack of sleep again, plus with a toddler this time.
Purchase anything for the baby yet?
Not yet but hoping to do a gender reveal for DH with a cute new onesie once I find out.
kiwi / 706 posts
EDD: 12/23
How far along? 10w6d
Child number? 2
Will you find out or team green? Find out! Whenever the MaterniT Genome test results come back!
Feeling any movement yet? A little? Could be gas. I downloaded a heartbeat app and heard and recorded the heartbeat
Symptoms? Extreme fatigue, afternoon evening sickness, bloated
Most excited about: seeing the two kids together; maternity leave!
Most worried/nervous about: $$; test results; c section recovery
Purchase anything for the baby yet? Not yet! If it's a girl I won't need to get much, hopefully.
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