cherry / 175 posts
@coacheswife123: I'm glad the bag is packed, but I still feel like there is soooo much to do!
Next up is installing the car seat, but I might be getting a new car this month, but not sure. I will probably just put it in my car just in case the baby comes before we get the new one. Car shopping does not sound fun at all being 8 1/2 months pregnant.
pineapple / 12793 posts
Tonights agenda is getting the hospital bag packed. Way to go @shoemama: !
This mornings agenda was a growth scan. Baby girl is in the 90th percentile. Ouch!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I feel your pain! Our little guy is big too!!! He is really just majorly long - femur bones above the 98th percentile. Makes me wonder where I'm going to put him for the next 9 weeks?! And yay for getting the bag packed! I can't believe we will have some babies on this board so soon!
cherry / 175 posts
@oliviaoblivia: big baby!!! thats good though. my son was always 99th percentile and he's perfect
pineapple / 12793 posts
@coacheswife123: Your DH is really tall right?
@shoemama: Was your birth miserable with your big son?
I'm kinda freaking out that she weighs six pounds (+/-) already. And I still have six weeks to go.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: 6'7" - aaaaah. I'm scared. He weighs a little over 4 lbs (I'm 31 weeks today).
@shoemama: yes- how was your labor with your son??
cherry / 175 posts
@oliviaoblivia: you don't wanna know but i eventually had a c section and he came out perfectly...23 hours later (3 1/2 hours of pushing), but I am very small (only 5 feet tall and about 100 lbs when not pregnant)
pineapple / 12053 posts
Thankful for you ladies! Hope you have a great holiday! (And a great Thursday to our Canadian mamma!)
apricot / 426 posts
@birdofafeather: As a Canadian -- thanks for including me!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! (Ours was back in October).
Is anyone else swelling? My hands and feet (feet especially) are so puffy. I'm even swelling a tiny bit under my eyes. My midwife looked at it and said it's all in the normal range of swelling and I have no other indicators for pre-eclampsia or anything, but wholly moly I do not like this swelling. It makes me feel hideous! Going to try a epsom salt bath tonight! Any other tips for dealing with the swelling?
pineapple / 12793 posts
@birdofafeather: Aw! Thanks! I'm thankful for you all too!
@Jumpingjacks: I didn't realize you were a Canadian! I'm American in Canada, and REALLY missing the holiday this year. I haven't had too much swelling but maybe the other ladies will chime in.
@shoemama: 3.5 hours of pushing and then getting a c-section - you poor mama!
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Jumpingjacks: @oliviaoblivia: I was going to say mamas because I thought there are a few of you!
I walked a 5K this morning and my hands were sausages! I only have the swelling when walking a while or in my feet sitting in the car for a while (I regularly drive a couple hours on the weekends to see DH). It's definitely getting worse as the weeks roll on! I also have issues when sleeping with circulation so I'm trying to remember to wear socks at night to help.
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@birdofafeather: you are sweet! very thankful for this group of girls too!!
@Jumpingjacks: i also swell mostly in my fingers - drinking lots of water has helped!!
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@Jumpingjacks: I just noticed today I'm starting to get puffy in my face. I've heard drinking lots of water. And spending time in the pool. Apparently the pressure helps push the water back into circulation and out through urination instead of just sitting there.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@birdofafeather: I'm so thankful for all you girls, too! It's made this journey so much easier!
@Jumpingjacks: Yeah, I'm definitely swelling. My hands, especially - I am officially out of my wedding rings, which makes me so sad. When I wake up in the morning, my feet and hands are really puffy. My feet go down eventually, but my hands stay at least a little swollen all day. Chugging water helps, and I carry my compression stockings with me pretty much everywhere.
grapefruit / 4235 posts
I am starting to swell a bit too, but only after being on my feet all day, and when I eat too much salt or don't drink enough water. I have my compression socks on this am to go shopping...
I am hoping the swelling stays under control until after our NYC trip in two weeks...
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@jedeve: I wish my gym had a pool. I've been really dreading my walks and yoga - water aerobics sounds soooo good to me at this point in my pregnancy!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
I shared one on the bump thread - but wanted to post one on here too! here is a photo from my maternity shoot yesterday. I was hesitant about doing one but so glad I did. My cousin took these!
grapefruit / 4235 posts
@coacheswife123: so cute!
What are you guys putting on your Christmas lists? I ordered a bunch of nursing tops from the gap for my mom to give me...and a few non clothing/baby related items, but I'm kind of stuck now...
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@dagret: thanks! I did the same as you with nursing tops. My MIL is supposed to be getting our jogging stroller!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@coacheswife123: What a cute shot!
We had our childbirth class this weekend and now I'm totally pumped for birth! I really liked taking the class, initially I thought it would be a waste of time but I think it was really worth it.
Is anyone else taking classes?
My bump is still enormous. One dad dropped the "are you sure it's not twins?" bullsh*@ and the instructor called him out on it. Small victory, but I'll take it.
Sleep is definitely getting harder. I'm looking forward to sleeping on my belly again and being able to roll over without too much effort.
How are you ladies? Happy Thanksgivings?
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@coacheswife123: love it! what did you like about the maternity shoot?
speaking of photos, is anyone thinking of doing professional newborn photos? have you found someone? my husband isn't quite on board with the idea and i'm feeling somewhat neutral about it, but sometimes i waver and think it would be so cute!
@dagret: oh, good idea about asking for nursing tops as a holiday gift. after all this time thinking about maternity clothes, it's tough to switch gears and realize there's a whole other world of nursing tops that i need to consider (if breastfeeding works out). jeesh!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@edelweiss: I really want to do newborn shots, but I haven't found anyone I like that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for them. The lady I like wants $1250 for the shoot with six 5x7 prints - no digital files. I feel like that's crazy expensive.
You've reminded me to keep looking.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@edelweiss: I would like to, but the price range I heard was $600-$1000 - way more than we can afford!! My MIL keeps insisting that it's so "worth it," but I feel like paying rent that month will be even more "worth it."
pear / 1895 posts
We have a DSLR, so we're just going to read up on how to take decent newborn photos and do them ourselves. I mean, I wish I had the cash to drop on professional ones because I've seen some really cute pro baby pics, but it's just not gonna happen.
My husband is also going to attempt to take some maternity photos of me during Christmas (fam is renting a cabin). I'm really hoping I'm not all swollen at that point.
We went to two of the 5 childbirth class sessions that is offered near here. The second class, which focused on comfort measures, was really good! We tried different relaxation techniques and the teacher timed out a minute (typical contraction time), and we could see what made the time go by the fastest. Massage and deep breathing FTW! Ha.
Holiday gifts: I'm just hoping we get some baby stuff, man. We still only have like 4 pieces of clothing for this kid.
I've decided that I'm going to splurge on a couple of NUI organics wool sleepers ( because I'm obsessed with dressing baby in wool from head to toe to regulate his/her body temp. Since it'll be so cold.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@coacheswife123: What a great picture! I really want to do a maternity shoot, but just can't afford it. Same thing with a newborn shoot. I mean, I could afford it, but it would make things tight. I'd rather not be on a super-tight budget when baby arrives.
As for Christmas, I asked for a few things that SOUND like they're for me, but they're for me to use for baby, ha ha. People kept telling me, "Don't tell me to shop off the registry for Christmas!" So I asked for a Kindle (so I can read in baby's room during nighttime nursing sessions), a food processor (so I can make my own purees), and gift cards (like Old Navy, Gap, and Destination Maternity, for nursing gear). I tried to be tricky! But mostly, I just want people to shop off the registry!
We went to our childbirth class on the 17th and loved it. I'm so glad we did it. We've already put some of the back pain relief techniques to use, which has been great. This week we have our breastfeeding class and our newborn care class.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Oh yeah, my mom kept telling me "Don't buy clothes, you'll get a ton of clothes at the shower!" We got, like, 5 things. So now we have a total of about 10, some of which aren't newborn or 0-3 month size! Thank goodness we live near a Carter's outlet!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@oliviaoblivia: thanks! I'm so glad we took the classes too!! I would rather know and be prepared for all the options !
@edelweiss: I dont think I would have hired a pro photographer for the maternity shoot but my cousin took them for me and I'm just glad I have them. I doubt I'll even frame any of them, but they are just nice to have for my memory!! wish I would have brought DH with me! we are doing a newborn shoot with the photographer who did our wedding photos! she does a "grow with me" package so she will take his newborn pics, 6 months and 12 months pics.
@shoemama: thank you!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@littlebug: THANKS! the only reason I did it was because it was FREE.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@allison: @littlebug: I'm in the same boat for clothes. The things people did buy were either hideous or grossly out of season. Baby girl does not need a fleece jumpsuit in August! We have maybe 5 outfits and a bunch of white onesies, but that's it.
I'm having a hard time buying stuff for her. It feels weird buying clothing for someone I know nothing about. What color hair does she have? Will she look good in red?
pomegranate / 3643 posts
Same here with the clothes!! We are having our shower Dec 29th ('s still up in the air)....and I'm due January 11th. But we need to prepare for the baby before then! We've only gotten a handful of baby clothes, hardly any of which are 0-3 month and no newborn clothes.
I guess I'll just pick up a few newborn sleepers and onesies and then get stuff as we go.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@oliviaoblivia: Ha ha. The other thing I don't know about clothes is how big to buy stuff. My friend got me this adorable Christmas outfit for next year, and it's 12-18 months. My mom was like, "Oh that won't fit him by next year." Really?! He'll be 11 months old. I mean, I know babies are often in bigger sizes, but 12-18 months will be too big at 11 months? I dunno. It's hard. And with cloth diapers, his butt will be more padded, so do I need to buy even bigger sizes? It's so confusing!!!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Everyone says to not get NB sizes because they'll outgrown them, but all the moms in the what did your baby wear home thread are talking about how their kids are still//or wore NB for a few weeks.
I did return the stuff marked 5-8 pounds seeing as the doc says LO will weigh 9-10 at birth. Now I'm second guessing that decision. hrm.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@littlebug: That's funny because my MIL was like "the rule of thumb is to double a 6 month old will wear size 12 months" husband was 25lbs at 5 months so I think her perception might be off!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
I lucked out and have a cousin who had a baby in August and is handing everything down to us. Right now he has a ton of NB - way more than we will need - and also 0-3 but I am going to have to buy him a whole new wardrobe after that if the hand me downs stop coming! We have gotten some really cute sleepers/gowns as gifts but mostly in 0-3 month sizes.
Also, I found a lot of sleepers, onesies, gowns, at consignment (a huge bi-yearly sale here) that look BRAND new and I got them all for no more than 3.00 each. I was iffy about buying consignment but they grow out of them so quickly and the stuff looked brand new!
grape / 89 posts
Man, I feel you on the ugly, out of season clothes! And almost no one gave gift receipts. We got some pretty awful blankets too. I feel so terrible saying anything about it because it is the thought that counts. But it would sure have been nice to get some useful things or real outfits (other than onesies....i guess that is what happens with boys though).
pineapple / 12053 posts
yeah, the clothes things has been super weird/confusing for me! i bought a grip of 0-3 stuff and have some NB onesies as well. i also bought baby legs and a couple sleepers and other than that, i'm trying to wait until she arrives and then see if we need more NB or are skipping over it completely! i feel like you need so stuff, but it's better to wait and see how big they are first!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Kffw: YES! No one gave gift receipts! Someone bought us a training potty - what am I gonna do with that for the next 2 years until we're ready to train? And there's no receipt, it's not showing up on our "purchased" items on our registry....I can't even return it! I feel awful being so whatever about it, but c'mon - that $30 would have been much better spent on stuff we actually NEED right now!
grape / 89 posts
@littlebug: I hear ya! I know I'm going to be a much better baby gift-giver after having gone through this myself. We are going to send some of the stuff that we don't like to grandma's house and a few things to goodwill. We only received 1 small pack of diapers out of 2 showers, which shocks me!!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@Kffw: I received NO diapers - and until yesterday, no one knew we were planning to cloth diaper.
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