grapefruit / 4923 posts
@Kffw: so glad everything went well. i'm sure HR will be fine with it since your bosses are. good luck at the ultrasound!
@oliviaoblivia: @dagret: i think that's a good idea--just something for myself to organize my thoughts.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@edelweiss: Here's my draft. I tried not to put obvious stuff in there (of course I'd like to avoid a c-section) and only focus on stuff that would be more up in the air and under our control. I don't want to be too high maintenance, so I tried to just focus on what was important.
Suggestions welcome!
Birth Preferences list
Mother: Jackie (26)
Father: John (26) (Married for two years)
First child
I have Interstitial Cystitis (a painful, chronic bladder condition) and Vulvodynia (a painful condition of the vulva). Because of these problems, I am very concerned how they will affect labor and also how labor will impact my future with these conditions. I know these are somewhat rare problems, so please ask if you have any questions about them!
*Present in the room: Husband and doula. Family members can visit when I am not in active labor (check with me or husband).
*Because of my IC and VV, I plan on getting an epidural. I would like to labor as long as possible without one though and to use natural pain relief - tub, birthing ball, etc.
*Please inform me of everything going on. Clear any procedures with me or my husband first, including vaginal checks.
*I would like to labor down after receiving an epidural and wait until I feel the urge to push to push.
*We do not know the sex! Please let husband announce it to me.
*I would like to avoid an episiotomy and would prefer to tear naturally.
*We are choosing to delay cord clamping for at least two minutes, or until the cord stops pulsing (per AAP recent guidelines).
*Please place the baby on my chest immediately after birth. *Please perform any newborn checks that you can on my chest and delay other procedures until the baby has had a chance to breastfeed. Please no visitors until after the baby has fed.
*We would like to have all vaccinations.
*Breastfeeding is very important to us. I have inverted nipples and anticipate needing some help.
*Please do not give the baby any formula or pacifiers.
In case of emergency:
*In case of a C-section, husband and doula will be present. *Please narrate the surgery so we know what is happening.
*Husband should stay with baby (if possible) if there is an emergency after birth. If baby is OK and I am not, husband should have skin to skin contact with the baby.
*In case of impending death (baby), husband, mother, or qualified person should baptize baby. In case of impending death (mother), please call a priest to administer last rites.
grape / 89 posts
I had an u/s yesterday. I should here from the doc today about it. All I know for now is he is a chunky monkey with some seriously puffy cheeks and a double chin!! So adorable! His weight is estimated at 6lbs 3ozs already! I know that is usually off on the high side though. Here is one of the pics with his fist in his mouth and one of his puffy cheeks (it is a little blurry bc he was moving so much). He had the hiccups during the ultrasound and it was so cute. I can't stop looking at his pics!!!
honeydew / 7504 posts
I still plan to write up a simple birth plan, but mostly just to organize my thoughts. Most of the stuff I want (skin-to-skin, allow to tear rather than episiotomy, etc) are standard practice for the hospital we're delivering at, but I want to make sure our wishes about delayed cord clamping and avoiding interventions is noted and documented. So yeah, we have to write that up soon.
clementine / 750 posts
Well I had my appointment yesterday and baby girl has flipped to head down. Lets hope she stays that way.
pineapple / 12793 posts
@jedeve: I think your birth plan looks really good. I definitely have to say something about visitors, MIL thinks she will be attending. nope.
@Kffw: so cute! when are you due again? At 33w they estimated our girl to be 6.25 lbs.
@kayakgirl73: I'm so glad she's flipped! You must be relieved.
I had my 35w5d appointment yesterday. They aren't seeing me again until 37 weeks. I thought I'd be at weekly appointments by now. When do they start internal checks?
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@jedeve: you've thought about this so carefully! i like that you called it birth "preferences" instead of a plan. one suggestion that comes to mind is shortening things to phrases instead of sentences so it will be quicker for someone to read.
@Kffw: way too cute. look at those cheeks!
@kayakgirl73: hooray! i think my doctor starts checking for the baby's position next week. i can't tell how he's positioned based on the movements i feel, but i'm pretty sure he's not head down (hopefully that will happen soon). just curious, where and what kind of movements do you feel with the head down position?
pineapple / 12793 posts
@edelweiss: Mine has been head down since our anatomy scan. I feel a lot of movement at the very top of my uterus (right under my ribs) and kicks at my right side. I feel occasional bumps down low, but 98% of what I feel is her bum moving around under my ribs.
clementine / 750 posts
@edelweiss: I really can't tell the difference in movements. We know she flipped between Nov. 29 and Dec. 6th. I'm 35 weeks 5 days. I've been having lots of ultrasounds since my early scare at the end of September. I felt and still feel lots of movements under my right ribs and my bladder is being used as a trampoline.
@oliviaoblivia: I'm not sure when my doc starts internal checks I go back on the 13th for another ultrasound to make sure she's still head down and for my Group B swab. I really hope I'm not Group B positive as I'm allergic to Amoxocillian and therefore considered allergic to all the cillians.
pineapple / 12053 posts
@Kffw: so cute!
@kayakgirl73: yay baby girl! way to get in the right position! my doc told me that she's head down and she should stay that way. it's so weird how they can tell just by feel, although based on her movements, i was pretty sure i could feel her booty up high!
@oliviaoblivia: maybe because you're so close to 36 weeks, that waiting the extra couple days is okay? i switch to weekly at 36 weeks (although i'm going to be seen after 10 days because of the holidays). i have my group b strep test at the 36w appt and then the OB said they check progress at 38w unless i'm showing early signs of labor. i'm still undecided if i want them to check and tell me if i'm dilated/effaced. maybe i'll wait until 40w?
@jedeve: thanks for sharing again! i had to widen my margins to fit on one page, so i think that means i need to cut it down some still.
cherry / 175 posts
@oliviaoblivia: they checked me this week at 36...and nothing!
i had my strep b test and I'm negative...still having pretty constant contractions at night and in the morning they pretty much get 10-20 minutes apart. baby is head down but it doesnt matter because of the c section. I just had another blood test and I'm still anemic. I just spoke with the dr. and they want me to eat either red meat or spinach twice a day until the end. hubby is a dr and says my levels are crazy low, but my dr. seemed a little concerned.
apricot / 426 posts
@kayakgirl73: Yay for you! Glad yours flipped, this gives me hope. Mine is alternating between breech and transverse (sideways). She hasn't been head down in months, so I'm pretty nervous about that. I'm 34 weeks and everyone says there's still time...and I'm trying all kinds of things to get her to turn...!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@oliviaoblivia: I have my 36 week appointment next Friday. She said they'll do the GBS test, and start the internal exams. We have weekly appointments scheduled from then through Jan 14 (4 days after my due date)
@edelweiss: At my 34-week appointment, the OB confirmed that baby boy was still head down. My chiropractor also said he feels head down. So that's good. I mostly feel movements in the upper right part of my belly. Every now and then I feel little tickles down by my left hip. And in the past few days, I swear I've felt him slamming his head into my cervix. WEIRD. Oh, and last night, my whole belly started shaking - I swear it felt like he was having a seizure in there. I'm definitely going to mention it to my OB, but Dr. Google and I think it's just that baby got stuck and was shaking himself loose.
@kayakgirl73: Yay, she flipped!
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
I feel so out of the loop since I cant get on HB at work anymore glad to hear you ladies are all doing pretty good considering we are getting to the tail end!!!
We are doing good - except sleep is so miserable. I can't get comfortable no matter how I lay and I have BH contractions throughout the night that wake me up!
apricot / 426 posts
So last night an older female relative of mine actually told me I should be preparing my nipples for nursing by scrubbing them with a harsh towel -- good grief! What is this 1965????? Where is her common sense? Then she said I could call her anytime if I had any questions! Uh, no thanks!
cherry / 165 posts
@Jumpingjacks: Oh my Gosh! I thought I was the only one who had this happened to. An older woman I work with, asked me if I was preparing mine and roughing them up when I told her I was planning on breastfeeding. Needless to say I changed the topic really quick... how times have changed!
pear / 1895 posts
@kayakgirl73: so glad to hear baby flipped! I'm pretty sure mine is head down, but he/she moves around so much, I'm not sure if they'll stay that way.
So 2 nights ago I had contractions for about 2 hours. Not all of them were painful (BH, I guess), but some were. They ranged from 3 to 6 minutes apart. Lasting about 30 seconds each. Then last night it happened again. Except these were definitely painful. Like, I couldn't talk during them. Averaging 3 minutes apart. This went on for about 2 hours, again (though they did taper off toward the end). I called my dr. and she basically told me to drink water, lie down, and wait to see if they stopped. I really thought I was having my baby last night! I've put myself on bed rest today, and I'm going to call the dr's office tomorrow to see if there's anything I need to do.
I just don't know what this means!? Does it mean the baby might come early? I really want to make it to January...
GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts
@allison: how many weeks are you?? rest up girl and let us know what the doc says!
honeydew / 7504 posts
@allison: Oh boy! Definitely let us know what the doctor says!
@Jumpingjacks: @heartsnsunshine: What?! Thank goodness no one has gone there with me (yet). I don't know what I'd say! Yikes!
pear / 1895 posts
@coacheswife123: 34 weeks today. So... definitely want baby to cook for awhile longer!
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@shoemama: What are you levels, out of curiosity? I was told I was anemic earlier...I think I was at a 9? And so then I started trying to eat better and got to 11 and they told me to take an iron supplement. Which I tend to take at night, and then get heartburn 10 minutes later and take Tums so I doubt its helping anything. I might have those numbers completely wrong though.
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@littlebug: Does he get hiccups? Sometimes mine goes crazy when s/he has hiccups!
cherry / 175 posts
@jedeve: mine is at 11, but has not changed since the iron pills eating more red meat and spinach...probably no changes.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@jedeve: He does, but he didn't have them that morning. I had gotten up to pee, and when I got back to bed, he was moving around a bit, like he usually does - like he's settling back into position after I so rudely disturbed him by getting up. Anyway, I felt him moving around a bit like usual, but then the shaking started. It only lasted maybe 10 seconds, if that.
honeydew / 7504 posts
I know I've complained about this before, but I am really reaching the end of my patience with this. I am SO TIRED of people telling me how big I am. Every single day, someone comments on how big my belly is and how I'm not going to make it till my due date. At least 3 people walked by me today and said, "Oh, you're still here?" I wanted to yell, "YES! YES, I'm still here! Baby isn't due for another 4 1/2 weeks!" And if I have to tell the same people for the 800th time what my due date is, I will scream. I am over it. I want to start my maternity leave now just so I don't have to deal with these stupid questions and remarks. GAH, I'm so annoyed!
Ok, sorry...rant over.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@allison: i hope lots of rest and water help! let us know how everything goes.
@littlebug: no need to apologize for the rant--those repeated comments would drive anyone batshit. they're saying them because they don't know what else to say and don't realize how tiring it is for you. i know pregnancy at this stage is physically obvious, but if someone had stitches on their face, i wouldn't keep bringing it up every time i saw them. there are other things to talk about and you can treat people like a normal person. maybe they think they're making you feel special, in a good way?
@Jumpingjacks: @heartsnsunshine: my aunt suggested this multiple times! i see what she's saying, i guess, to "toughen up" the nipples. but with the 1,000 other things going on and knowing that "toughening up" will happen regardless of whether i prep for it now (assuming breastfeeding even works out in the first place), i can't say that beating up my boobs at this point is high on my list.
pear / 1895 posts
Talked to the nurse, and she said the dr thinks the contractions were due to recent travel (we went on a little road trip for the past two weeks). She said to drink tons of water and avoid lifting heavy objects. Uh. Duh? I haven't had any more painful contractions, but I've been having much more frequent BH. I'm just gonna lay low, I think.
Husband's family had an impromptu baby shower for us a few days ago. His grandmother says to me, "Ooh, your eyes are pretty puffy today!". WTF? Thanks, Nana. That makes me feel really great.
pear / 1895 posts
Just completed my birth preferences. Here it is. I tried to only put what I thought was necessary, but it still seems pretty lengthy. Hopefully the nurses won't hate me! I'm planning on providing them with coffee and donuts...
My goal is a natural, unmedicated birth. Please only suggest medically necessary interventions.
No visitors, unless specified by myself or husband
Group B Strep positive & ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN -- use Clindamycin
Freedom to move around (after GBS antibiotics)
Water labor
Intermittent fetal monitoring
Cervical checks -- please ask before administering
Freedom of position (hands & knees, squatting, water, etc)
Wait to push when body tells me to
Perineal massage, if possible
WE DON’T KNOW THE SEX! Let husband announce.
Delayed cord clamping (clamp after cord stops pulsing)
Immediate skin-to-skin contact
Husband to cut the cord
No separation from me until breastfeeding is established
NO BATH -- blood may be gently wiped away, but I would like for the vernix to remain until I am ready to bathe him/her.
NO Vitamin K
NO eye drops/ointment
NO Hep. B shot
Heel prick -- done while baby is breastfeeding
No pacifiers or bottles
We’d like to use our own diapers, blankets, clothing, etc. Please ask before using any supplied by the hospital.
pear / 1599 posts
@allison: yep keep relaxing and checking in with your dr. I unfortunately lost my mucus plug Saturday night. Went to bed and tried to relax but Sunday morning had tmi bloody mucus discharge. Called dr and had to go to labor and delivery to be checked. Been here since:( I am in early labor so they are trying to stop the contractions. Already to 5 cm though was at 3 yesterday when we got here. But baby is looking great. And had first shot of steroids for her lungs just incase. Just hit 33 weeks today so definitely hoping to keep her in as long as possible. Looks like I will miss our baby show this Saturday:(
grapefruit / 4923 posts
@pinkb: oh my goodness! stay in there as long as possible little pinkb! i'm glad that you're getting the care that you need, and that the baby is looking great. fingers crossed for you and your little one!
pineapple / 12793 posts
@allison: I hope your contractions have slowed down. Keep us posted.
@pinkb: Can't believe you are at L&D! I'm glad you got there and are able to get the steroid shots. Good luck keeping her in there for another few days mama!
clementine / 750 posts
@pinkb: I hope they can Labor stopped so she can cook a bit longer. Hopefully they can at least slow it long enough for you to get both steroid shots in.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@pinkb: Oh my goodness! Hope things slow down for you and little pinkb decides to hang out for another couple of weeks!
@allison: Yeah, definitely laying low is the way to go.
cherry / 175 posts
@littlebug: totally agree with you!!! EVERYONE asks me if there is only 1 and also tells me i'm huge and also carrying very high...which is just sooo annoying
cherry / 175 posts
@pinkb: oh wow!!! glad everything looks good with the baby! keep us posted. hope you are feeling ok
pineapple / 12053 posts
@pinkb: hope they can stop it so she can stay in there a little longer!
pomegranate / 3643 posts
@pinkb: woah! Do you know at how far along they would be ok with you delivering?
pomelo / 5628 posts
@pinkb: Best of luck with everything!
I'm still checking in on you ladies occasionally. Good luck with the home stretch!
FYI...Dylan is 9 weeks old already! He's up to 3 pounds, 9 ounces and is starting to practice taking a bottle and breastfeeding. Exciting stuff
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