Hellobee Boards


January 2013 Due Dates

  1. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @coacheswife123: sooooo jealous. So, so, so jealous. I don't know if there is a place here that does them!

    I float in the pool a lot. That's as close as I get!

  2. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: I really want to get one. Like, really really really want to get one.

  3. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: @littlebug: I'm planning on using my Christmas money (does anyone else still get Christmas money from grandparents/parents????) to pay for it- that's the only reason I'm able to get one right now, haha!

  4. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    Well I had an appt yesterday. Baby finally flipped head down. Thank goodness. Everything is coming so fast. I cant believe we are at the end of pregancy and next month is fast approaching. I had a little melt down yesterday. I just cant believe next week is xmas, and then after that comes baby. Just all happening so fast I broke down because I cant help but feel sad as ever about her coming because all I can think is her coming means DH leaving and him missing soooooo much. Lots of mixed emotions with it all. Blah!

  5. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: Yup! We get Christmas and birthday money from my Grampa. And my parents currently take money off the principal of the loan they gave us (for our mortgage refi), but in future years they will put money into baby's 529 plan for college.

  6. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @coacheswife123: booked my prenatal massage for sunday, yay!

  7. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Rescuemom10: Aw, hugs, Mama! Glad to hear that baby flipped - that's great news! I'm sure the mixed emotions about baby's arrival are so overwhelming - none of us can blame you for having a meltdown! Um, I had a meltdown on Sunday because I went to the grocery store and parked in the "Parents with Children" spot and someone gave me a dirty look. TOTAL. MELTDOWN. Our hormones and emotions are all on hyper-alert, and with your situation, I imagine it's heightened. We'll all be here for you, though!

  8. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @Rescuemom10: yay for head down ! for DH leaving. I really hope your adjustment period is super easy.

    I think I'm sick for the first time in my pregnancy. Blah. I think it is just a sinus infection: runny nose, stuffy head/headache, dry throat, stuffy nose at night when I try to sleep... I emailed my doc to see if I can take anything. I hope they hurry up and write back!

  9. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @Rescuemom10: Hugs! I'm so glad your baby is head down. And I'm so sad that you are having to deal with your DH leaving so soon. Do you have a video camera so that you can record some of her firsts for him?

    I have my first internal exam in two hours. Kind of looking forward to it and kind of really dreading it. Part of me is hoping that she'll find that I'm 7cm dilated and that I can have the baby today. Only two days left of work for me. Thank god....it's so hard just getting here everyday.

  10. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: oooh update us! my first internal exam is a week from today and I feel the same way.

  11. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    I was a little bitchy today.

    I drive halfway to my 36 week appointment (which I"m really 36w5d) and see I have a voicemail from my OB office. So I pull over to pick up my husband and hear they cancelled my appointment. So I spend 5 solid minutes calling them back trying to reschedule and get a busy signal the whole time. Finally I get through to someone. Apparently my MW had to go to a c-section (I totally understand births come first!) I ask if there was anyone else I could see that day. The receptionist says no, I'll have to come in next week.

    I told her I really wanted to see someone today because I've been in a lot of pain. (I can barely walk my hips/legs are so sore - my husband has to help me to the bathroom in the middle of the night!) But I don't get to explain that part, she just tells me to go to L&D. I was like, "why?" "Well, you said you are in a lot of pain. If you are in pain, go to L&D" "Um, it's my hips." So she says "hold on" and then suddenly I'm transferred to someone else (who I have no clue who they are), so I just start babbling - "um, I need to make an appointment? is this L&D? who am I talking to?"

    Turns out it was a nurse who said they also can't see me today. I ask if I should come in for my GBS test anyway and she finally says that someone could see me at 4:30. Then I get a call saying my MW can see me at 1.

    I feel bad being so persistent...it's not like I'm bleeding or having contractions or anything. But my husband has been begging me to go in to the doctor cause of my trouble walking and I really can't imagine going another week like this. And it seems that 36-almost-37 is a little late to be skipping appointments??

  12. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: I totally agree that this is too late in the game to be missing appointments. Don't ever apologize or feel bad for doing what is best for your body and your baby!!! I'm glad your MW can see you at 1!

  13. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    My last appointments are all jacked up. For example, I have one on Jan. 3 (36 w 6 d), then I have one Jan. 9, then another 5 days after that, then I don't have another appointment until my due date, 11 days later. I think it's kind of weird to have them less than a week apart, then more than a week and a half...

  14. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @jedeve: that sucks that you're in so much pain. I'm sorry! (and what the heck could L&D do about your hips hurting??) Are you going on maternity leave soon?

  15. shoemama

    cherry / 175 posts

    @jedeve: dont feel bad!! they should see you today!

    I'm 38 weeks today! I cannot believe it. My next appointment is with some random np because my dr is out of town until my c section. At my appointment yesterday she gave me all the paperwork and information on the repeat c section, so on the 31st the baby should be out around 9:30am pacific time! CRAZY! I'm excited and scared for the surgery.

  16. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: Ugh, being sick while pregnant is the WORST. I found that Alka Seltzer Plus cold worked for me when I had my awful cold a few weeks ago. It didn't get rid of the symptoms, but it at least took the edge off. And Nyquil at night - even though Hubs said I snored, at least I got some sleep.

    @oliviaoblivia: I had my first internal on Friday. Fair warning, for me, it was not pleasant. Cervical exams have never bothered me before, but this one was pretty uncomfortable. At that appointment, I was 36w1d, and my OB said I wasn't thinning or dilating, but was softening, so that's progress!

    @jedeve: So sorry your hips hurt! And I can't believe your office was willing to let you just skip an appointment! Glad your MW was able to fit you in a 1!

    @shoemama: OH MY GOSH!

  17. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @shoemama: so crazy to have an actual date nailed down!!!

    @littlebug: they told to get some Tylenol multi symptom. It's helping relieve some of the sinus pressure ! I'm planning on doing the neti pot when I get home !

  18. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @coacheswife123: Yeah, I tried the Tylenol, too. Pretty much same result - didn't totally clear it up, but it took the edge off so that I could at least function.

  19. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @shoemama: ah! you have a date and time! i wonder if you'll be the first of our january mommas or if someone is going to sneak out first!

  20. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @shoemama: wow how exciting! i'm sure everything will go beautifully.

    @coacheswife123: i hope you feel better soon. being sick on top of everything else is not fun!

    @jedeve: that's not bitchy. perfectly reasonable for you not to be skipping appointments at this stage. i'm sorry about the pain you're having in your legs/hips.

    @oliviaoblivia: hope the exam went well! and yay for only two more days of work!

    @littlebug: ugh on the discomfort of the exam, but that's good about the softening! about how long did the exam take?

  21. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @shoemama: the 31st! What an awesome birthday!!

  22. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @edelweiss: Not long. Couldn't have been more than 20-30 seconds, honestly. But it was just a quick cervical check and swab for GBS. Not sure if subsequent checks may be more involved?

  23. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @jedeve: I'm glad they were able to finally see you. I would have been bitchy too!

    @shoemama: I can't believe you have a date - so exciting!

    @birdofafeather: We do already have a january (october) mama!

    My appointment was boring today. My doc decided not to do the cervical check until next week. At least my GBS came back negative.

  24. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Got back. Glad I went because my next appointment will be at 38 weeks, and I don't think going 3 weeks between appointments is a good idea at this point!!

    Unfortunately the MW didn't have any recommendations for the leg pain. Does anyone here?

    I'm fully closed, and she said she is pretty sure it'll be a January baby!

  25. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: oh yeah! duh! i can't believe i forgot about little dylan! sorry MGG!

  26. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    This board has been extra active lately...let's do another one of these!



    Full term yet?:

    Are you over pregnancy?:

    Biggest discomfort:

    Excited or nervous:

    Big purchases left to buy:

    Think you'll go early or late:

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby:


    EDD: 1/11

    Team: Green

    Full term yet?: On Friday!

    Are you over pregnancy?: YES. Except enjoying eating my acidic foods I'm normally allergic to.

    Biggest discomfort: Trouble walking. Or heartburn (which I know should mean not eating the acidic foods...)

    Excited or nervous: Probably more nervous. The postpartum phase terrifies me.

    Big purchases left to buy: Our shower is on Sunday. We still need lots of clothes.

    Think you'll go early or late: Early, because my original due date was 12/30.

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: Yes! I'm really crossing my fingers for January. Although I want baby here now.

  27. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @jedeve: stretching? massage? is it muscular or skeletal? my massage therapist recommended using a tennis ball to help massage my leg muscles that were sore.

    if it's in your joints, then can you find a prenatal chiropractor? mine has been super needed these last weeks!

  28. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: I wish I had some recommendations I hope it feels better soon ! LOVING how active the board has been lately.

    EDD: Jan 23

    Team: Blue

    Full term yet?: 2 more weeks!

    Are you over pregnancy?: YES. ready to have him on the outside

    Biggest discomfort: my back from sitting at a desk all day. right now, my sinuses, though. blah!

    Excited or nervous: EXCITED!

    Big purchases left to buy: nothing big. Want to get the car seat adapter for the stroller soon, and the baby gym we registered for and never got

    Think you'll go early or late: hoping early. won't go late- we will schedule an induction after 40!

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: nope! still got a little while. I'm fine with him coming anytime after he is full term!

  29. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    EDD: Jan 21st

    Team: green

    Full term yet?: 2 more weeks!

    Are you over pregnancy?: Yes and no. Tired of carrying this big belly around everywhere, but I think I'll feel a little lonely, at first, without baby kicking me all the time.

    Biggest discomfort: Peeing constantly. I'm going to do a tally one day soon and see exactly how many times I go in 24 hrs.

    Excited or nervous: Excited. I feel really prepared, so I'm not really nervous (yet?).

    Big purchases left to buy: Nothing, I don't think

    Think you'll go early or late: I feel like I'll go early, what with the sudden increase in contractions these last couple weeks.

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: YES. I really really really want to make it to January.

  30. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @jedeve: I second the chiro, if it's skeletal. If it's muscular, maybe a good massage would help?

  31. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    EDD: jan 5 by Early scan, jan 8 by charting.

    Team: pink

    Full term yet?: yes! 37w4d today

    Are you over pregnancy?: somedays yes, some days no. I've been lucky to have a really easy pregnancy, but I certainly don't want to go to 42 weeks!

    Biggest discomfort: not being able to sleep on my stomach or roll over in bed.

    Excited or nervous: 1000% excited

    Big purchases left to buy: not much left. Once she is here I'd like to get more clothes. Oddly enough even though she is a girl I have a hard time buying things for her. I always wonder what she looks like and if she looks good in red or better in blue.

    Think you'll go early or late: I think I'll be on time. Everything has been very by the book so I think she'll hit 40w and arrive that day.

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: I'm definitely hoping she comes later rather than sooner.

  32. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    EDD: Jan 25
    Team: Blue
    Full term yet?: 2.5 more weeks...
    Are you over pregnancy?: nope, still feel like I have lots to do at work and at home.
    Biggest discomfort: this sore/numb spots under my ribs.
    Excited or nervous: A little of both.
    Big purchases left to buy: the baby monitor and breast pump.
    Think you'll go early or late: I think he will be late to spite me.
    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: I'm pretty sure he will be late, so, no.

  33. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    EDD: Jan 15th
    Team: Pink
    Full term yet?: On Christmas Day!
    Are you over pregnancy?: no, still need her to cook a while longer so we can get down the decorations, finish some schoolwork (for DH) and relax in PS for our babymoon next week!
    Biggest discomfort: really poor circulation in my hands that makes me toss and turn at night because my arms fall asleep.
    Excited or nervous: excited
    Big purchases left to buy: don't have a monitor and not sure if we're going to do it now or wait until we put her in her crib at night as we have a cosleeper for the first couple months. otherwise, she's ready to go!
    Think you'll go early or late: i think i'll go late. i'd be VERY surprised if she came early.
    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: not really as i'll be 38 weeks on New Year's Day and my mom went at least a week late with me and my brother and sister.

  34. Kffw

    grape / 89 posts

    I had my first internal today (36w+3). it wasn't that bad for me (it didn't feel good, but it wasn't painful). I'm 1cm and 50 % effaced!! She said he may be here early! Everything else was looking ok (thankfully since the last appointment was not gold).

  35. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @Kffw: yay for a good appt ! Keep us posted !

  36. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @jedeve: I third the chiro! I have been going for 3 weeks and it's been really good. I think it's the only reason I'm still surviving being up on my feet for much of the day at work PLUS my 8-block walk to the train station at the end of the day.

    @Kffw: I had another appoitment yesterday and the cervical exam wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as last week. I'm also 1cm dilated, but no thinning yet. She said baby's head is "very low."

  37. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    EDD: 1/10

    Team: Blue

    Full term yet?: Today!

    Are you over pregnancy?: Yes and no. I think it depends on the day and how I'm feeling. Now that he's full term, though, I think I will reach the point of being over it pretty quickly. Though I will miss feeling him swimming around in there.

    Biggest discomfort: At the moment, sore back. Even though I go to a chiro, it's still sore. I just think it would be WAY WORSE if I weren't getting adjusted.

    Excited or nervous: Now that I"m full-term and I'm dilating, it feels actually real. This kid is coming. And now I'm starting to feel anxious. I can't wait to meet him, but part of me wonders if I'm ready for this....?

    Big purchases left to buy: Baby carrier. And our cloth diaper stockpile, but we have time cuz we plan to use disposables for the first few weeks.

    Think you'll go early or late: I told baby yesterday that he is free to come anytime after Jan 1 but before Jan 12. Ha ha. I think I'll go a couple of days early - the 8th or 9th.

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: Yes. I definitely want him to wait until after the New Year.

  38. shoemama

    cherry / 175 posts

    EDD: January 2nd, but c section on Dec 31st

    Team: PINK

    Full term yet?: yep 38 weeks 1day

    Are you over pregnancy?: mostly, but trying to enjoy these last weeks (actually week and a half)

    Biggest discomfort: big belly and heartburn when I eat too late

    Excited or nervous: SO Excited for baby, a little nervous for c section

    Big purchases left to buy: NONE

    Think you'll go early or late: right on Dec 31st

    Are you worried about having a holiday baby: Nope...she will always have a party on her bday

  39. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @littlebug:@shoemama: congrats on being full-term!

    I posted a separate thread on this question...but DH really wants to go to a concert in New York next weekend. Am I crazy for letting him go? I'll be 36 weeks.

  40. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @dagret: have you been having any contractions or any other signs that you might deliver early?

    I'd definitely not let my husband be too far away from me, at this point, but if I wasn't having any contractions, I'd probably be okay with it?

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