Hellobee Boards


January 2013 Due Dates

  1. Jumpingjacks

    apricot / 426 posts

    Question: What is the benefit of cervical checks? Does knowing how thin/dilated you are that early on help with anything?
    I'm with midwives and they will do them if I request, but otherwise, they don't. So I haven't. Am I missing on something?

  2. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @Jumpingjacks: i don't think it really helps all that much?? you could be dilated nothing and go into labor that same day. you could be dilated 4 cm and not go into labor for weeks. but i think women and their OBs are just curious to know?

  3. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    So I had an eventful Saturday. Ran a fever of 101.3 so my OB told me to head into the hospital to get checked. Was there for about 6 hours while they gave me fluids and ran tests. Turns out I have the flu. Boo. They gave me meds and sent me home. Luckily my fever is gone today and I'm just resting and drinking lots of water. DH was on a rotation but my mom was still here so he finished it and then drove down after. He was going crazy not knowing what was going on but since baby and I were doing good, I told him to stick out the rest of his shift. He has a shift today and then a short one tomorrow and then he's only gone for a day or two at a time instead of 5 days in a row. I'm glad we've made it to this point! Hope you are all staying healthy!

  4. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @birdofafeather: oh no glad you are feeling much better now! rest up!

  5. Jumpingjacks

    apricot / 426 posts

    @Andrea: thanks!

  6. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @heartsnsunshine: After my first cervical check, I bled a fair amount. I actually thought I was losing my mucous plug. Does everything else seem ok? Baby still moving, etc? It wouldn't hurt to call and ask, though.

    @birdofafeather: Oh, that sounds terrible! Flu season is no joke this year - we've had a TON of flu patients in the hospital this year already! Hope you're feeling better.

  7. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Eugene Robert is here! 1/6/13 I can't figure out how to do a pic from my iPod. Story soon!

  8. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts

    @jedeve: Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  9. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    @jedeve: see, pregnancy ends sometime!! Welcome to the other side. HUGE congrats!!

  10. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @jedeve: yay!! congrats! cannot wait to see pics!

  11. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @jedeve: congrats!!!!!

  12. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @jedeve: Yay! Congrats! Another January baby!

  13. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    Really hoping my pregnancy party ends soon. I'm 39w4d. I have 3 more days of work left and I'm honestly not sure I'm going to make it. I am exhausted and cranky - being around people is just not good anymore, ha ha.

    I slept terribly last night - kept waking up, thinking something was happening, only to find I just had to pee. Or I was sweating through my clothes. Or whatever. I am feeling a TON of pressure in my lower abdomen/pelvis. And I just generally feel "off" today. Kind of like how I felt the day I had to go to the PETU for pre-term contractions, so who knows...maybe this is all a good sign? All I know is I am super uncomfortable and ready to go. I picked up some dates and pineapple at the grocery store yesterday, and have been using my birthing ball every night to try and move things along. The birthing ball certainly seems to help him drop or move into position, but the downside of that is that I am then 10x more uncomfortable. Ugh. Let's get this show on the road, kiddo! Plus, if I go into labor tonight, and he comes tomorrow, I win the family baby pool! Ha ha.

  14. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @jedeve: Congratulations!!!

  15. Jumpingjacks

    apricot / 426 posts

    @jedeve: Congratulations!!!!

  16. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @birdofafeather: hope you feel better soon!

    @jedeve: congratulations!!

    Leo has dropped...and my waddling has become extremely pronounced as of this weekend! Lots of pelvic pressure and pain when I walk. yay.

  17. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @birdofafeather: i hope you feel better soon! the flu is no fun whatsoever.

    @jedeve: aaaaah! congratulations!!! can't wait to hear more--hope you are enjoying your new little one.

    @littlebug: hope you win the baby pool! haha. i hear you on getting up all the time and waking in a sweat. sounds like the birthing ball is working to get him into position!

    @dagret: he's dropped--that's a great sign! although i'm sorry about the extra discomfort. hopefully you won't have it for much longer!

    i'm at 38 weeks and get my first cervical check on wednesday. no dropping or other signs from the little guy.

  18. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @jedeve: congrats!! And because I want to see a photo ASAP: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/opening-up-the-photo-upload-beta-again

  19. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: Thinking about you and your little lady. Hope you're both okay!!

    And if waking up with the sweats is a good sign then I've been doing that for the last 4 days! But I think it's the flu in this case.

  20. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @birdofafeather: Oh, the waking up sweating is nothing new - I've been doing that for months now. I just meant the general kind of "off" feeling and increased pressure.

  21. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @jedeve: Congrats!!

  22. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @littlebug: shoot! I was hoping you were onto something. I'm feeling much better but otherwise the same from the last couple weeks. My mom is convinced I won't go late but I'd still be surprised if she showed up early. Good news is DH has a short shift today and then we're only looking at him being gone for a day or two at a time! I can't believe we made it to this point but I'm so happy!!

    ETA: I'm 39weeks tomorrow.

  23. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    @jedeve: Congratulations! A boy! I think mine's a boy, too. Can't wait to see pics.

  24. Kffw

    grape / 89 posts

    Congrats to the new Mamas!! So excited for us all to have our babies!

    I had my 38 week appt on Friday (38+5) and had made no progress...still 1 cm and 50% effaced. We set an induction for midnight on Jan. 17, so at the latest baby will be here on the 18th I guess! They did an ultrasound and he is estimated at 8 lbs. I'm trying some natal induction tricks now to avoid induction! Pineapple, birthing ball and sex so far. I think I started losing my mucus plug yesterday so hopefully it is working!

  25. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Kffw: Out of curiosity, why are they inducing you? (Sorry if I missed this). I'm really trying to avoid one and like to know the reasons others' doctors have required them!

  26. Kffw

    grape / 89 posts

    Well the reason would be thaty due date came and went and the baby isnt here. Most docs don't like to let you go much more than a week after your due date bc it can be bad for the baby. I have had some very bad swelling and am at risk for pre-eclampsia, plus the baby is already a good size, so she doesn't want to drag it out. I will be almost 41 weeks at induction. Of course, we hope he comes on his own before that time!

  27. shoemama

    cherry / 175 posts

    @jedeve: congrats

  28. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: hoping things happen soon for you! You are almost there!

    @dagret: sounds like you are getting close! I do feel heavier at the bottom of my bump but not a lot of pelivc pressure at this point so I think he is still a little higher - blah!

    wondering if my doctor will talk induction at my appointment on Wednesday. While I'd like to avoid induction it would be very convenient for us to schedule one for the friday before my due date (4 days early) because of my husband's work schedule!

  29. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @Kffw: hope your natural induction techniques work, but either way, sounds like you'll get to meet the little one soon! how exciting!

  30. pinkb

    pear / 1599 posts

    @jedeve: Congrats!!

  31. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Kffw: Wow! I'm surprised they already scheduled your induction! But it must be nice to have a definite end-date in sight!

    @coacheswife123: I left work early and decided to just go ahead and start my leave. I'm feeling really tired and nauseated now, and my contractions are definitely more intense, though still not regular.

  32. edelweiss

    grapefruit / 4923 posts

    @littlebug: oh wow littlebug, this could be it--hang in there! good luck!

  33. pl0508

    GOLD / grapefruit / 4007 posts

    @littlebug: Keep us updated!!! Glad you are home resting as best you can!

  34. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @littlebug: Good luck and rest up!

    Ugh i just took a walk and I thought the baby was going to fall the heck out. I am starting to hope he isn't late.

  35. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    I may be checking into the hospital for induction tomorrow night. They would start with Cervadil. I'm just finished and uncomfortable. My due date was today and we are certain it's correct due to the IUI. However, one kink in the plan is the hospital currently has a waiting list. Ugh.

  36. Kffw

    grape / 89 posts

    @littlebug: they went ahead and scheduled so that if it
    was needed I would be able to get in. I'm delivering at a very busy hospital that delivers 20,000 babies a year so my doc wanted to avoid a wait list! Fingers crossed I won't need it!

  37. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    @Kffw: I gotcha. Well, hopefully these natural induction techniques work for both of us. I'd love to try sex, but sex has been terribly uncomfortable for me for most of my pregnancy. )c: So I'm sticking with the dates, pineapple, and birthing ball. And now that I"m officially out on leave, I'll take some walks to try to get things moving.

  38. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Kffw: Oh I see, I did my math wrong and thought you'd be 40 weeks at the induction date Thanks for sharing!

  39. Kffw

    grape / 89 posts

    @littlebug- sex was pretty hilarious since
    I can barely move around! Not very sexy! Lol! I hadn't heard about dates! I should get some too! Fingers
    crossed for both of us!

  40. allison

    pear / 1895 posts

    I bought a pineapple today! I have no idea how to pick out a good one, though, so hopefully it's okay.

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