Hellobee Boards


January 2014 symptoms

  1. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    I'm feeling ok today as far as nasuea goes. Some days are good, some are bad. BUT these vivid dreams I'm having are crazy! The night before last night I dreamt my sister was trying to kill me (uh, SCARY) and this morning I had an "adult" dream which resulted in waking my DH up for "adult" time, hahaha.

    So there's definitely 2 extremes to these dreams. I'll take the latter though.

  2. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @wahine08: lemonade and bagels! I have been living on bagels and crave lemonade all the time!! My breasts are just fuller too, not much bigger that I can tell.

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: those dreams do sound crazy! Bet DH is a fan though

    I have been feeling better yesterday and today, which scares me. Before that I was often miserable. I still feel nauseous when I really need to eat and if I eat too much (which "too much" is usually not nearly as much as I normally would've eaten pre-preg). Sometimes boobs will hurt. A few cramps here and there. I am definitely tired! I am really praying I am just "lucky" and not as symptomatic and that it's not all because of something bad. I'm hoping Monday we will at least get to Doppler the heartbeat (no u/s though, I'm almost positive). I'm 8 weeks now.

  3. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Emsmems: Likewise on not being as symptomatic as I think I should be. I'm 6 weeks today and feel pretty good other than the boobs, fatigue & random cramping. Over all I feel like this pregnancy has gone pretty good. I haven't had any major complains a side from indigestion & the low potassium issue. That's been the worse. I really want to get in sooner and hear the heart beat as well. It's hard to believe everything is okay with out that confirmation. They are checking betas & progesterone again next week so if I can just get by till then...

  4. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: ugh, yeah, that low potassium sucks. My MIL has that chronically, and the supplements hurt her stomach. Viscous cycle! If I could just hear the heartbeat I think my mind would be a little more at ease. I think...

  5. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: @Emsmems: I DEFINITELY have noticed that my symptoms go away completely some days and come back with a vengeance the next day! I wish I had more symptom free days though.. this is getting really exhausting feeling like crap most of the time.

    I think the worst part is not knowing when it's going to be bad.. OR having to prepare for feeling terrible at work or when I'm out an about.

    Eating every hour and a half is crucial for me now. I woke up at 2am needing crackers That's even with crackers before bed and then againat my 5am wake up.

  6. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @Emsmems: @Emsmems: @wahine08: I'm with you ladies! Some days I have absolutely no symptoms...and it always worries me! But then I have a day like today where I'm so exhausted I can't even make it through a 30 minute workout, and I know I'm definitely still pregnant, haha.

  7. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @amandalynn: You go, girl! I haven't even looked at my elliptical since I got my BFP. Actually, that's a lie. I put my bra's on it to dry haha! I hope I am able to get working out again in the second tri!! I miss energy =(

  8. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @wahine08: Hahaha, it's NOT easy! I've been pretty good about keeping up with exercising, but I also haven't been sick at all - just exhausted!

  9. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I went to the gym for the first time yesterday. I was suppose to meet with my trainer but she's on vacation. ..opps. meeting with her boss Saturday to set me up with a nutrition & exercise program. I'm nervous cause 20 min of weak cardio kicked my ass yesterday.

  10. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @sugar.biscuit I have found my workouts have gotten a lot harder! Running is a bit more difficult and my muscles just fatigue a lot easier. I also need to take it easier because I am finding that if I work out even slightly hard, I start to bleed ever so slightly or get brown mucus discharge (tmi, sorry). So don't over do it!!

  11. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @wahine08: @amandalynn: @Sugar.Biscuit: @MamaBehr: yeah, I walk fast and get winded. I usually take the stairs at work but haven't even been able to bring myself to do that! But I haven't even gained a pound so I can't complain! I'm really hoping for that miraculous 2nd trimester energy surge!!

  12. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Emsmems: this sounds horrible but I am so glad to hear you get winded easily because that means I'm not alone. Today I had a hard time carring on a conversation without getting winded. It was horrible! My MIL was like what is wrong with you.

  13. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: haha. It doesn't sound horrible! We are all in the same boat!! DH doesn't get it, he thinks I'm just out of shape!

  14. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Oh gosh... I get winded SO easy! I feel like a 70 year old who has smoked for 50 years! I have been having some cramping and last night I woke up with diarrhea (yep theres that tmi) and still crampy today. Not sure if its something I ate or things just getting adjusted down there. Im trying not to worry but it is really hard not too.

    Besides all that fun stuff, I am still really tired and waves of nausea. I cant wait for this stage to be done! Exciting thing is we are having LO first Bday party next weekend and we are going to wrap a 'Big Sister' tshirt for her to unwrap last and surprise our family! Eeeek we are so not people who like to do this kind of stuff but its a good opportunity to tell everyone!

  15. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    I was SO tired today y'all. It probably didn't help that DH and I went to a concert last night (Mumford and Sons, woot!) and walked a TON and didn't get back till midnight. I was *exhausted*. I skipped church this morning and have been feeling yucky all day. I felt a tiny bit better after eating dinner. The only things sounding edible are crackers, english muffins, spaghetti... basically, CARBS. Haha. I normally try to avoid carbs too! Oh well. Baby wants what baby wants, am i right? Lol.

  16. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I definitely notice the more worn out I feel, the worse the nausea seems to be! And carbs and cheese are all I seem to want, I totally feel you!!

  17. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Lindsay05: I can't wait to hear how things go when you tell everyone. We were talking with our parents this weekend & trying to figure out how to tell the rest of the family. Best we have is for DH to announce it during grace but usually the whole family says it so idk how we are going to get around that one.

    I have been feeling scary good for almost the last week. My boobs still hurt, I get occasional fatigue & constipation has set in. I worked in the yard all day yesterday hauling dirt, digging holes, filling holes, mowing & felt fine. Last few nights I'll wake up and just start praying that everything is okay with our baby. I have labs Wednesday morning & should have results by the end of that day. In the mean time I'll try not to go crazy.

  18. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @lindsay05 That's an AWESOME way to announce it! I love that idea!

    @sugar.biscuit I have started to feel pretty good myself. The exhaustion is pretty consistent, but the nausea is starting to calm down a bit. And my constipation has been pretty bad. I have had to get up in the middle of the night to poop a few times (sorry tmi). That's the worst.

  19. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: Ugh, yes! All I want to eat is carbs...I'm really trying to control that craving, though...it's tough!

  20. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: maybe say DH has a 'grace' for todays meal and BOOM! Haha hope you can do that it would be a great idea!

    @MamaBehr: Thanks! It should be interesting!

    So I had a doctors appointment today and I thought I would get to hear the heartbeat but apparently its too early yet we dont have our dating scan until June 21st so im bot sure if we should even still announce this weekend! It would be such a great time to do it. Technically I will be almost 11 weeks. UGH!

  21. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Lindsay05: Did they do the u/s transvaginally? Or was it an abdominal scan?

  22. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @wahine08: no scans yet first one is on the 21st and it will be abdominal. I thoughg the doctor may do the doppler but didnt.

  23. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @lindsay05 I'm so sorry that you didn't a scan today. It is so strange. I guess each doctor just has his or her own protocol. At least on the 21st you will be guaranteed to see something that looks a little more like a baby!

  24. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @MamaBehr: Yeah for sure. Its just making me question whether we should do the announcement now or not. I am sure all is well but I hate to make a huge production of it and then something isnt right.

  25. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Well 8 weeks today and I could barely brush my teeth without wanting to vom.

    I'm going in for a cleaning in July but I wonder if I should schedule them more frequently while pregnant. I feel like my teeth are really being neglected because when I brush in the morning I start dry heaving

    Anyone else have a trick for getting through this morning routine?

  26. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @MrsH: Hey lady! Some people say humming while brushing helps. Nothing helped me. I honestly passed on my cleaning cuz I still gag at 16.5 weeks. I didn't wanna vom on the dental staff. Eeeeeeeeew.

  27. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    I wish I had this t-shirt today cause I would wear it proudly! My trick of eating a skinny pinto burrito & having fiber cereal last night worked.

  28. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: lmao. I told my DH yesterday that i pooped - oh the romance.

  29. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Lindsay05: I'm sorry you didn't even get a scan That's really a bummer. How far are you again? I feel like I'm going to start posting my weeks just because I keep forgetting how far people are!!

    @MrsH: I pushed my cleaning out until August because there was no way I could sit through that right now! When I brush, I have to clench my teeth almost like a grin to hold it back. I hear grinning/smiling represses the gag reflex?? It helps me! I just take a second to pause and grin like an idiot haha. DH thinks it's hilarious, of course =|

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I LOVE THIS!!! I need one so bad. I'm not a super regular girl to begin with, so it's always a celebration haha. I always tell DH, like "YAAAAAY!" He thinks it even helps my mood. I do not doubt this logic.

  30. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    Today is the first day in a LONG time I haven't struggled with m/s in the morning while waking up. I didn't wake up ravenously hungry but I ate my couple bites of Kashi Honey & Flax granola bar anyway.

    I'm 8w3d and I have an appt today for the dating scan! Last scan they took showed me at 6w5d (which set me back about 4 days from where I thought I was) For some crazy reason, I'm hoping they'll stick me back where I thought I was haha. Anything to make the first tri shorter!!

    I have a tilted uterus so I've heard that makes dating the baby early difficult.. anyone else heard of this?

  31. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @wahine08: Which way is your uterus tilted? Mine is forward and my OB mentioned it to me. I measured 3 days small, but I knew my O date, etc. Also, I'm 10w1d today and baby is already showing a bit. Thanks to that tilted uterus!

  32. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @wahine08: how was your scan?

  33. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @VEGMAMA: My uterus is tilted forward!

    @MrsH: My scan went really well! I measured BACK to my original due date, which puts me at 9w (SO glad!!!) I think my tilted uterus did have something to do with the measurement but who knows. It was so small last time we looked and now baby looked like a little gummy bear!

  34. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Copied from the Due Dates & Appointments thread.

    My labs came back great! She said my HCG was threw the roof (I think she said over 1,000) & my progesterone was at 25 (which she said is good) & to continue taking my supplement.

    I seriously had to pull over and cry while I was talking to the nurse. (I'm so glad this didn't happen while I was at the gym, that would have been embarrassing!) I go back in two weeks for more labs. She said to try and get an appointment set for July 5th so we can hear the heart beat. We plan on telling DH's family that weekend so it will be perfect timing.

    I am seriously over the moon right now. I have been feeling so good the last week I was terrified something was wrong.

  35. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    Hey Ladies,

    How are the symptoms going?? I'm 9w2d and actually, this past week (since Monday) has been gentle! I'm knocking on wood it stays this way. I've noticed my bloat has gone down quite a bit but I'm still left with the smallest pooch (a bit bigger then my normal pooch, haha) so I'm hoping this is the beginnings of my bump!!

    Also, my nails have NEVER looked better haha.. but on the same note, my skin has never looked worse! Thank goodness for mineral make up!

  36. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @wahine08 I have to say this week I have started to feel worse!!! Ugh. Yesterday my nausea was worse (though mild compared to others) and the exhaustion was terrible. I'm so over the first trimester......

    This sounds dumb, but the fun and novelty of being pregnant doesn't exist the third time around. I just want to get to 15 weeks, I'm so tired of this nonsense. With my first pregnancy, every day was kind of exciting and this time I'm just over it.... OVER IT Anyone else?!?!

    Sorry for the rant, I'm just so tired all the time that I can't be a good mom to my current kids, a good wife to my husband, and my house looks like a disaster zone (and I'm not a clean freak....)

  37. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @MamaBehr: Ugghh I hear ya, even the second time around is not fun at all. I told my husband that if this one is a boy, we are DONE! lol.

    @wahine08: Glad to hear it's gentle for you! I am so jealous!

    I am 10w4d and I am so so so tired. Like, I had a breakdown this morning with DH because I told him I could not handle another day of parenting and pregnancy. I am sure I could sleep standing up right now. I thought at 9 weeks I had hit my peak but it's still going strong. Please please be over with soon

  38. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MamaBehr: This is my first pregnancy (to this point, at least) and I'm already over the 1st Tri FOR SURE. It's just full of anxiety and precautions right now, so it's not AS enjoyable as I would've hoped pregnancy would be so far. The best parts are just planning and looking forward to the future. I know it'll get better, it's just GETTING to that point that seems forever long.

    I totally feel for you. My SIL is 1 week ahead of me and this is her 3rd as well. She is EXHAUSTED and really feeling a lot of symptoms, which she didn't as much in her last pregnancies. I can't imagine nursing this first trimester crap on top of managing a household! I'm sure you're doing great!

    @Lindsay05: The exhaustion is hitting me harder now, as well. I had to go to my car at work to nap for 20 min yesterday!! The only thing that's let up a little is the nausea. You're ALMOST there girl!! Hang in there! I hope you start feeling some relief soon!

  39. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @MamaBehr: I'm over not feelings well but at the same time so grateful that I'm having symptoms - with our last BFP ending in a m/c I'll gladly take the horrible symptoms

    Still having crazy bad heartburn and wanting to vom as soon as I start trying to brush my teeth. At least I've been able to eat semi normally this week. I'm going to ask for heartburn meds when I go see the dr.

  40. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    I'm smack dab in the middle of week 11, and feeling some dull cramping (almost like ovulation pain) on my left side. Hoping this means baby is growing & stretching. I thought the cramping was done, so it freaked me a little, but I imagine this is just the beginning of weird cramps, punches, bumps, and pains. Hooray for the 1st trimester ending in a few weeks!

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