Hellobee Boards


January 2014 symptoms

  1. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MrsH: This is true! Bad symptoms are "good" and I have to try to be more positive.

    @VEGMAMA: I get tight crampiness too. It just started up again. No spotting and it's not painful, so I'm just chalking it up to growing and stretching too.

  2. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    HOLY HORMONES!!! Today DS is super sick, he was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, which requires breathing treatments every three hours (even during the NIGHT!!), and I have had so many break downs today! I cried after I got off the phone with the nurse when we made the doctors appointment; I cried on the way TO the doctors appointment; I cried on the way home. I'm tearing up just writing this. I know I'm overreacting, but I can't help it! DS will be fine in a few days, but these hormones sure make it hard to be reasonable when I need to be.

    @MrsH I need to be thankful for the bad symptoms, and I'm the first one to get worried when the symptoms disappear.

  3. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @wahine08: @MamaBehr: I'm hoping my horrible heartburn and nausea today means baby is thriving.

  4. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Argh and I just puked I have to go to a birthday party an hour away in like ten minutes

    Does anyone have any home remedies or nausea??

  5. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @MrsH: somebody told me sucking on jolly ranchers helped.. Haven't tried it, but now that I remembered that just now I will!

  6. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    New symptom. Super sensitive skin! I was only outside for an hour! Normally I wouldn't even be pink.

  7. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: Ahh! I haven't spent much time outside yet this summer...I wonder if I'll have this too!

    I had some spotting last night for the first time (I'm 8 weeks) - - terrifying!!!! It was just a tiny bit, and when I called the doctor's office they told me not to worry unless it turns into actual bleeding. It's gone away, but was still absolutely no fun. Ugh!

  8. Emsmems

    persimmon / 1331 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: Yowza! Ouch! That looks painful!

    @amandalynn: I'm glad it went away!

    Just some encouragement to all my fellow nauseous ladies, my OB said nausea peaks between 8-10 weeks and then should start subsiding. I hope he's right!!

  9. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    So I've been having some really intense cramping all weekend (I never had anything this painful with my son) but no spotting or anything. I guess I'll call my OB office tomorrow to see what they say :-\ It's been so painful at some points I feel physically exhausted.

  10. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: hang in there, Mama. I hope that everything is Ok!! Maybe the OB on call would have some suggestions for you?

  11. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    So last night I ended up getting a fever of 101.3 but I was able to bring it down with Tylenol. Then I slept for 13 hours, woke up with worse cramps and a fever again so I called the OB and they said to go straight to the ICC (the closest thing we have to an ER at the hospital on base) so now I'm waiting for DH to get home from work to watch our toddler so I can go in :-\

  12. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: sorry you are having a rough go at it. I know it might be a lot of work but can you bring your toddler with you?!

  13. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @MrsH: Hubby is already home with him And I'm in the waiting room. DS currently has a undiagnosed rash and I wouldn't want to expose him to something else (like staph) by bringing him to the hospital unnecessarily. (He's got an appointment with a dermatologist next week)

  14. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    We live on base, and my husband works on base. His work is like 10 minutes from home and we can see the hospital from our back yard. It's really convenient!

  15. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: glad you got in!

  16. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @MrsH: now I'll probably be waiting for like a year, lol. I brought my tablet and I'm watching Pitch Perfect to pass the time! Haha

  17. Honeydew

    kiwi / 568 posts

    I guess I've been lucky without any MS. Just wondering if any of you have been or are pg with no MS.

    The only symptoms I have is exhaustion, sore boobs, gassiness, and getting dizzy.

  18. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Honeydew: How far along are you? My MS has been really minimal (only puked twice). Just a little nagging queasiness from week 7 until now (week 11).

    Sounds like your other symptoms are making up for the lack of MS!

  19. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Ohhh, the waiting. Wishing you lots of luck mama ... Hoping you're back to feeling like yourself soon!

  20. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Honeydew: I've felt really good and I'm 7+4 today. No MS at all & MAYBE nausea once. My boobs are sore & I'm constipated... that's it right now.

  21. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @navy_mommy I hope you were seen quickly and everything is ok!

    @honeydew I haven't had terrible MS, just some slight nausea. I'm pretty exhausted, constipated, and my boobs are HUGE! And, I have noticed my finger nails are growing quickly.

  22. Honeydew

    kiwi / 568 posts

    I'm at 9w5d. Very little nausea. Just tired. And no MS. Maybe it's because I'm eating seemingly every 2-3 hours.

  23. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: you okay?

  24. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: they have no idea what's causing the severe cramping, but my HCG levels are where they should be for between 8 and 9 weeks so no ultrasound. So I just get to deal with the pain and wonder what the hell is wrong.

  25. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: that's not cool. Hope your cramping stops soon. Its hard not to mind F yourself with every symptom, especially cramps.

    ETA: good news is your levels are still up!

  26. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: They didn't want to do an U/S? you're far enough along I would think. I'm glad your levels are up though!

  27. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    It seems as though my symptom changes always happen on a weekend Saturday night my nausea and terrible indigestion returned and haven't gone away since! I was hoping it would get better since week 9 was a breeze!

    I also got a stinkin' UTI. I went to the Dr. yesterday and got a rx for Macrobid (safe antibiotic for pregnancy) I'm annoyed that this is happening since antibiotics always make my stomach feel upset- now it's way worse then normal when I take it.

    10w 1d and hanging in there!

    How are you ladies feeling??

  28. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @wahine08: feeling pretty good still. Constipation is a B though.

  29. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I think my antibiotics are making the constipation WORSE. I still feel the need to go but I can't

  30. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Ready for the puking to stop!

    @wahine08: lots of cranberry juice!

  31. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MrsH: Oh man, I am drinking it but it's giving me some nasty heartburn and indigestion- of course!! haha

  32. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @wahine08: heart burn & indegestion is the worse! Mine is so back not pregnant that the doctor kept me on my meds during pregnany.

    Have you tried eating a fiber cereal? I've noticed when eat it regularly I'm not as bad.

  33. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Ahhh hang in there ladies, we are getting soo close!

    I am 11.5 weeks and I am starting to feel better *knock on wood*. Two days now with no naps and no real signs of nausea. Im hoping the worst is behind me!

  34. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    Ahh hopefully all of these yucky symptoms will go away over the next few weeks for all of us - we're getting close!!

    This week, I think I'm finally starting to develop some "real" morning sickness. I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far, but there have been several days this week where I just feel awful no matter what I do.

    Also, finally developed the super-smelling ability I keep hearing about...almost got sick from the smell of my dog's spit the other night, and I could spell some unpeeled bananas from across the kitchen!

  35. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @amandalynn: ahh, the dogs dry dog food set me off yesterday.

  36. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MrsH: Dog food is the worst. I have a problem with it even when I'm not pregnant. It just hits ya right in the gut!

    Mine is much worse in the evenings, starting around 3-4pm... If I wasn't taking unisom + b6 I don't think I'd be doing half as well (if well is what you'd call this!)

    Hanging in there!!

  37. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Anyone else have EWCM? It looked like what I would normally have when ovulating but a little thicker & cloudy but streatchy. This kinda weirded me out this morning cause I wasn't expecting it.

  38. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I did have that around week 8. It was weird but went away in a few days. As of then, I'm just getting your average, gross discharge. It's not thick like EWCM but it's consistent and obnoxious! I hear it's normal.

  39. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: @wahine08: I've heard discharge is pretty normal throughout pregnancy.

  40. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @wahine08: @MrsH: I called the nurse & the Dr. Said it was probably pregnancy mucus. Unless I started cramping, bleeding, or noticed signs of an infection I should be okay.

    I'm a little crampy & have been having pelvic twinges but nothing I haven't had before. I think my uterus is just stretching...at least I hope that's what it is.

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