Hellobee Boards


January 2014 symptoms

  1. Mrs. Garland

    blogger / apricot / 378 posts

    @wahine08: Yes! We actually had a minor freak-out last week when my husband noticed that my stomach was completely flat again. But, yeah, by the end of the day it was nice and round. I wore a form-fitting shirt yesterday for the first time in a while and you could DEFINITELY see something!

    So, I'll be 11 weeks on Wednesday and last week I actually thought my symptoms were getting better - I could eat normally again without nausea and actually had some energy, but that's all GONE now. I spent the entire day on the couch feeling like I was going to die - still haven't thrown up at all but I almost wish I would because I'm so sick of feeling like this! Crossing my fingers that these symptoms ease up again before our vacation in a couple of weeks.

  2. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @wahine08 we officially announced this weekend too!!! I couldn't believe all the love we got on fb, especially considering this is our third

    @sugar.biscuit I hear ya on the tummy thing. I may not have twins in there, but I have already had two in there and I feel HUGE!

    And, I have GREAT NEWS!!! The second trimester has started to actually kick in! Today I am 14 weeks 1 day, and I WASN'T EXHAUSTED AT 6PM! I have been noticing that I'm not as tired as I was and I haven't had a huge wave a nausea in a while Sooo happy to be feeling good again. I was beginning to forget what it felt like to not want to go to bed at 6pm.

  3. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    11w2 and I'm feeling good! Had a great workout today, and as long as I remember to take my extra B12in the morning I don't really get nauseous or exhausted. I do get full really quick and if I eat too much I feel like crap and I've been having really intense dizzy spells. The doctor said that's probably because of my pregnancy blood pressure issues (I had severe gestational hypertension with ds, they're assuming it'll happen again)

  4. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @amandalynn: I had the same thing happen to me at week 11. Like, to the DAY. I felt pretty good the days up to it and then WHAM.. it felt like the beginning again! It let up after a few days, but I was pretty exhausted. I definitely cried from irritation!

    @MamaBehr: Aww congrats on the announcement! We got a lot of response too, mostly from DH's FB which I thought was odd haha. He never goes on there! I think it's because he's a little older though- more of his friends are having kids already so it's like he's part of the 30+ club, lol. My FB is still littered with parties and Vegas pics =P

    That's so great that you're feeling good!! I'm so excited to get to that point! I still get random queasies but it's definitely fading.

    @Navy_Mommy: I've had a couple dizzy spells but nothing too bad! Hopefully they don't stick around too long!

  5. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @wahine08: my last pregnancy I would go from blacking out from my blood pressure dropping so low to swelling up from it getting so high within an hour. My body just doesn't like pregnancy, lol. Hopefully if I gain less weight this time it'll be better! Last time I gained almost 60 pounds.

  6. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: Oh man, that's good to know that it can happen! I hope being huge during the winter helps a little bit as opposed to the summer- staying alert during the heat is hard enough as it is!

    Do you have any plans on how to not gain as much weight? This is my first so I'm kind of just eating what sounds good but not as much.. not sure how long my plan will last though!

  7. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @wahine08: I just went a little binge crazy last time. We had just gotten stationed on the other side of the country and my husband got deployed so I was really alone. So I drowned my sorrows in junk food. I was borderline under weight when I got pregnant and gained 20 pounds REALLY quickly. This time I'm just being more realistic about what i can eat and continuing to work out. And I'm still breastfeeding DS so that'll help, lol.

  8. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @wahine08: but if you or your doctor feel you're gaining tomuch weight, you really should reevaluate your diet. Everyone says, you're pregnant, you're fine but it can have serious health risks. The entire time I was in labor my blood pressure didn't dip below 160 over 110.

  9. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Here's this week's update thing...

  10. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    Well I still am feeling exhausted. Especially when im home, I NEED to nap. I feel so lazy, i do about half hour of housework then I need to sit down and relax. How the heck am I even going to be able to move at 35+ weeks?!

  11. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Lindsay05: how far are you?

  12. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    @Lindsay05: Oh girl, same here. I wonder how anyone has a baby AND gets pregnant. I feel like I need 2 naps per day just to function on a "normal" level.

  13. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Vegmama: you make it work. Lol. It's definitely harder being pregnant with a toddler, but it's not THAT bad.

  14. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    Yesterday I felt super bad ass being 11 weeks pregnant with a 25 pound toddler tied to my back and carrying a 40 pound bag of dog food out to the car. Lol.

  15. Lindsay05

    pomegranate / 3759 posts

    @Navy_Mommy: 14 weeks and yes you make it work! Really have no choice!

    @Vegmama: Yes its hard! Sleep when baby sleeps has never been so true!

  16. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    @Lindsay05: well I hope you feel better soon!

  17. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @vegmama no joke, that's why we are done with three. I couldn't imagine going through the first trimester with THREE kids to chase after. It was so much harder this time around with a three year old and 15 month old, than when I just had my daughter and was pregnant. Mad props to all the ladies out there who have more than three, I can't do it again.

    @Navy_Mommy I'm dizzy a lot more with this pregnancy too, and I never had blood pressure issues. It sure is true that each pregnancy is different!

    @Lindsay05 I hope you feel better soon! I have noticed a huge improvement this week, we have the same due date. So hopefully you aren't too far`away from getting your energy back!

    @wahine08 With my first I gained 50 ish pounds, with my second 40 ish pounds and I'm hoping to stick to the same 40ish with this one as well. I just don't do well when I don't feel well. I find that I binge eat. This time around I'm actually working out while pregnant, so hopefully that helps a little.

  18. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I have horrible gas the past few days, lol. It's amazing how painful something as simple as a fart can be...

  19. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    What I thought was fading TOTALLY came back and bit me in the behind yesterday! Right after lunch, I was feeling so gross. I almost thought I was going to be sick! I'm 13w2d and totally thought it'd be pretty much gone by now!

    It didn't fade until before dinner and happened again after dinner. I'm still taking my Unisom so I think that helped last night a lot once it kicked in. Phew!

    Anyone experiencing early 2nd Tri M/S?? I hope this is just a hormone surge like I've read and passes quickly! SO READY to be feeling good!!

  20. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @wahine08: I'm not quite at the second tri. 12w2d but I haven't felt well for weeks and now I'm getting dizzy too :(. I've been trying to eat a small snack meal ever couple of hours because it seems to be the only thing that helps.

    Example: we went to the east coast last week and I puked in three different airports

  21. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    My symptoms have all pretty much let up (except for the exhaustion, which I don't know will ever go away) which I'm really excited about. I just had another vivid dream though and this time it wasn't good. I dreamt that DH was flirting and dancing with this really pretty girl and totally ignoring me. I woke up feeling torn between knowing it was only a dream and crying because maybe he doesn't find me desirable anymore, now that I'm pregnant. I know it's totally not true, but these stupid hormones are really hard to think logically through! UGH. I had to get out of bed because I was starting to cry really hard and I didn't want to wake him up. I don't even know if I'll tell him, but I just had to get it out of me somehow. I hate hormones!!

  22. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I hate it when my DH cheats on me in my dreams. I usually play it off by smacking him & telling him to stop cheating on me in my dreams. He gives me a silly look then tell me he only has eyes for me. Then everything is all better!

  23. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug I have vivid dreams as well, and they can affect the rest of my day. And, hormones this time around are CRAAAaaaaAAAAaaaaAAAAZY! I cry over stupid things and overreact (I'm sure you can imagine how great that is with a three year old and 16 month old.... ugh I hope they don't pick up bad habits)

    @MrsH that doesn't sound very fun. But, you can now say you have thrown up all over the country! That's pretty exciting. I've only thrown up in two states.

    @wahine08 I thought my MS was all gone, but I've had it a few times this week (I just feel sick, I don't throw up, but that's how it's been the whole time). I'm 14 weeks 6 days today...

  24. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I had my first officialy preg hormone breakdown this weekend and it was NOT pretty haha. I'm not usually too bad with PMS but this was angry to fury to depressed in less than 30 min! Hormones are running wild!! haha Of course, this started because DH walked into the kitchen and said, "Man it's a mess in here!" What on earth was he thinking...? haha

  25. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @wahine08: haha, yeah what WAS he thinking? These hormones really are crazy. It hasn't been too bad really, but when it flares up, it REALLY flares up.

    After DH woke up that morning, I ended up sobbing and telling him about it and how it's just hard with everything with my body is changing etc etc. So I just told him he needs to tell me I'm pretty more often, haha. We also ended up DTD later, which helped my confidence level. He said he was afraid of coming on to me when I haven't been feeling well/tired. He said this was all new to him too, so he was unsure of what he should be doing. Which was really sweet and I didn't really realize that he is being affected too, not just me. So that helped.

  26. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Its amazing how this morning I felt like I had no belly & by the end of the day it was HUGE! I've been extra hormonal lately but it doesn't help that I have busted DH lying about smoking...AGAIN! I have the nose of a blood hound now. He is not going to get away with that anymore lol. Also the heat is kicking my butt! Headaches, back aches, light headed, dizzy, heart racing, my knees and hips hurt.

    ALSO I'm probably just imagining things but sometimes I think I feel the babies moving. Like they are having little spasms or something, like flutters or bubbles. I'm not even 12 weeks yet so I keep telling myself I'm crazy & it's just gas.

  27. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: haha, I totally feel you on the belly thing. I felt huge today! I almost felt like I was getting bigger by the minute and I was going to bust outta my pants! I was at target looking at the maternity section today and I might succomb and get myself some shorts for the rest of the summer.

  28. Punky

    cherry / 168 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: I'm chubby to begin with but my stomach is soft in the morning and like rock hard by the time I go to bed. My husband actually told me I look pregnant last night. I was excited because it was the first time I felt I actually looked pregnant and not just fat.

  29. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: This weekend I definitely realized I have a bump. It's not big, but I can tell it's baby since I wake up with it. I normally wake up with a flat tummy!

    By the end of the day, I'm definitely rocking a bump though.. after meals especially

  30. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    Yup pretty sure I'm feeling the babies move. I've been feeling stuff for a while now but about 4-5 times today I have had tickles & bumps. I can't wait for our appointment on Wednesday & my fingers are crossed we get to finally hear the heart beats!

  31. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: How exciting!! I can't wait to feel the baby move!

  32. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    Has anyone started to burp a lot more? It started last week, and I have these hiccup/burp things and it hurts sometimes! It sometimes doesn't always come out as a burp, I just half hiccup and I think the spasm of that makes my chest hurt. It's the weirdest thing! I'm going to ask my Dr about it at my next appointment. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but it's definitely annoying!

  33. MamaBehr

    pomegranate / 3275 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug I haven't had an issue with burping, that doesn't sound very fun.

    Has anyone had an issue with plugged ears? I remember it being an issue with my other pregnancies, but I just can't stand it! I woke up at 11:30 to pee and it was plugged (like so bad that I couldn't hear our white noise or my daughter crying on the monitor). It's the same ear every pregnancy, and I know it is only going to get worse, so am I alone? I have an appointment tomorrow and I'll be asking the OB/GYN about it. Oh, and headaches! I've had so many headaches.... ugh

  34. Sugar.Biscuit

    nectarine / 2063 posts

    @MamaBehr: I've had a lot more ear wax. It's so gross & I can relate with the headaches!
    @abbydabbydoodlebug: That could have something to do with fact that the baby is moving up more & maybe pressing on your diaphragm? Sounds logical but who knows!

  35. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I am definitely burping a lot more but it's more like regular burps. I wake up with a lot of burping.. I'm wondering if it's because I think I'm sleeping on my back (I'm normally a side sleeper) I wake up on my back a lot at night.

    @MamaBehr: @Sugar.Biscuit: Same here with the ear wax/plugged ears! I thought it was allergies or something but I definitely think it could have something to do with these MASSIVE headaches I'm getting!

  36. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    @abbydabbydoodlebug: I'm way gassy and I'm never gassy.

    Decaf coffee finally tastes good again - woohoo! On the down side I still dry heave whenever I brush my teeth and the all day sickness really isn't getting any better.

  37. abbydabbydoodlebug

    nectarine / 2636 posts

    @Sugar.Biscuit: that's what I was thinking too. Everything shifting around and pushing gas out more frequently, lol.

    @wahine08: @MrsH: I'm glad I'm not the only one! But I'm sorry at the same time, haha.

    I've found that I *need* to eat some sort of protein at every meal. So I can't just have a salad like I've been craving. I get sick otherwise.

  38. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    Feeling a little stressed today... I picked up a 4 yr old yesterday at work for a minute (no other option) and everyone yelled at me when they found out, a few hours later started having period like cramps for 45 minutes. Ugh... I don't know why but it totally freaked me out and is stressing me out that I screwed up and will have hurt the baby. I called our triage nurse and she said it should be fine and the cramping had stopped so not to worry, but I can't stop worrying! I just wish I could fast forward to our next appointment and hear the heartbeat again. I don't know why I can shake the worry but it is stuck with me today, anyone else get stressed or worried still about your pregnancy? Please tell me I am overreacting and to relax!

    By the way, I probably sound like a total nut case for being stressed! Sorry! Maybe it's the hormones?

  39. wahine08

    clementine / 957 posts

    @MrsH: Aw man I'm so sorry to hear that Are you trying anything for the nausea? I am still taking my unisom + B6 and I really do believe it's helped me a lot. I also have NO problems sleeping which is nice!

    @creativemomma15: You're not a nut case! I would be paranoid too but believe me, I had weird cramps so often and I'm still getting weird pains and stitches in my sides and pelvic area at 15w. I think it's just your body stretching and adjusting. I tried to feel my "fundus" or uterus and I got crampy just poking around. It kind of scared me so I stopped trying to feel for it!

    Some extra water and rest might help the cramps stop too. I noticed I get crampier when I'm a little dehydrated. I'm still so bad at drinking tons of water!

  40. Vegmama

    pear / 1799 posts

    How are you ladies feeling?? I posted last week that I was starting to feel like I wasn't pregnant anymore (besides sore breasts, there was nothing).

    Hearing the baby on Thursday was amazing! AND, over the weekend, I think I felt the baby moving.

    I'm noticing a Braxton Hick contraction once every few days (mostly at night).

    Trying to keep really hydrated. Our anatomy scan isn't on the calendar yet, but we are so excited for that in the next few weeks.

    Hope you're all feeling better now that we're in 2nd trimester territory!

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