Hellobee Boards


January 2020 moms!

  1. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @jaguar: how neat!!! Iโ€™m so excited we are aiming for the same day!!! Big babes are the best! So cuddly from the start

  2. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: @Jessiemuller88: Thanks I would love to have family nearby to help but in the absence of that probably need to just spend the money to hire stuff out. I got so sick of bleeding money this year on our renovations, that I've been trying to be super frugal in everything else. But it can be exhausting.... I restrained myself tonight, though and told DH that we're not taking apart the ductwork to look for a dead animal in it ourselves and it will be well worth the money to have a professional who knows how to take it apart come fetch it out ๐Ÿ˜‚ Plan is to work until LO's daycare closes for Christmas on the 20th, unless baby comes before then. Last time I worked until I went into labor at 41+ weeks, so at least having a due date over the holidays improves upon that....

    Does anyone else get nightly contractions that come at very regular intervals and are uncomfortable, but lead to nothing? I've had braxton hicks since mid-pregnancy, but for the past week most evenings I've had very regularly spaced contractions that start mid-evening and last until I fall asleep. Wondering if this is going to go on for a month..

  3. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Ugh I totally feel you not wanting to spend another dime; hopefully you can have some peace about just not caring anymore and spend the $ for peace of mind!

    I feel like those contractions will probably continue till birth At least from what I can remember.... I'm only 29 weeks but the BHs have really picked up!

  4. helloperidot

    cherry / 236 posts

    @periwinklebee: oh, hi, me! With my 2nd, I had prodromal labor every night for the last...oh, six weeks? Highly annoying. I wouldn't say they led to nothing...they led to me walking around dilated at a 3 for a few weeks. And that was its own kind of annoying.

    Sorry I'm not being more positive. ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm so over pregnancy at this.point-- 34 weeks and I'm still throwing up. F this noise, man.

  5. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: It's crazy to imagine them here in December!

    @helloperidot: Still throwing up - you POOR thing!

    @periwinklebee: I'm having lots of BH as well and they're pretty sharp this time around. They got so bad the other day that I'd literally stand up and BAM, get another one. :o

  6. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @helloperidot: "prodromal labor every night for the last...oh, six weeks?" hah hah -ugh - that's going to be me! At least at this point I'm 37 weeks, so even if they don't induce until 42 it's impossible to have 6 left I really hope you feel better soon

    @graceandjoy: @jaguar: It's nuts. I know they say BH prepares your body for labor, but last time I had far fewer and labor will still pretty fast. If it's too much faster this time, I don't know how I'll get to the hospital.

    Speaking of which, my biggest worry is coverage for LO. His daycare closes the Friday before Christmas, MIL won't be here til the evening before Christmas the following Tuesday, and literally everyone seems to be clearing town. And that's right around my due date... Gotta find more people to ask, which I hate doing....

  7. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    Man the 3 hour glucose test was miserable. And k now in limbo waiting for my fate! The drink was more concentrated and soooo nasty. Had to take off work and was SO hungry by the time I was done.

  8. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: ugh it really is the worst! My doctor let me lie down in a room during the 3 hour wait. I hope yours was as kind to you! Fingers crossed you passed!!

  9. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Ohhh I would've loved to nap in between now that I think about it! I was just on my phone trying to do work emails, and watching all the day time talk shows I never watch haha. I went to sleep after the kids last night, it totally wiped me out!

  10. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @graceandjoy: Hope you're feeling ok today!!!

  11. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @jaguar: Thanks!! I feel good, I just haven't started the whole GD shebang b/c I haven't had time to go grocery shopping.

  12. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: did you get your results from the 3 hour??

    How is everyone doing? My insomnia is at an all time high right now, but I guess itโ€™s good prep for having newborns around... just had an ultrasound, baby girl is weighing in at 4lb 15 oz and baby boy is at 5lb 7 oz. Both look good and Iโ€™m on track for December 27th.

    My nursery is almost finished, and I only have a few loads of baby laundry left. All my Christmas shopping is done. Iโ€™m feeling ready!!!

  13. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Oh I failed alright! I just have had no time this weekend to grocery shop and kept forgetting to check on my stash of needles/test strips!

    So excited for you t o meet your babies soon!

    I have to be extra diligent this time of the year b/c both my girls bdays are Dec so I literally just have a spreadsheet going on with everything I need to do. I just need to start wrapping stuff!!

  14. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: oh no! Iโ€™m sorry you failed, but it sounds like you know what you are doing, so that must make things easier.

    Thank you! I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s so close!

    Wow two December birthdays and Christmas is a lot! I guess Iโ€™ll be in the same boat as you next year do they have a combined party, or do you throw two separate!?

  15. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: So we haven't done any actual birthday parties. DD1 had a 1st bday party with family/friends, then we combined DD2's 1st bday with DD1's 3rd bday but even smaller, just family. We just do special things on their own days (decorated house, balloons, cake all in theme, and either go to their daycare/school or send stuff in). We're also going away after Christmas for 2 nights so that's kind of our celebration. I don't think we'd ever do a whole class party; when they're older and have their own circles I'll probably just let them pick a few friends to do something.

  16. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Was thinking about you and hoping that being off work for the home stretch has made it more bearable. I get all DS's colds since being pregnant, but he gave me a particularly nasty one a week and a half ago, which has made sleep even worse here as well. But what can you do ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ I'm just trying, with at best moderate success, to not let the lack of sleep turn me into an emotional grump....

    @graceandjoy: Having holidays come at end of pregnancy is definitely a bit nuts. I was feeling a bit guilty that the craziness/exhaustion may mean DS gets the short end of the stick with Christmas celebrations - already totally forgot about a couple of events that would have been fun to do. DH didn't celebrate much growing up but we did and loved it, now that LO is getting old enough to appreciate it, I want to do something.... We bought a smallish 4 foot tree that we could just carry home from around the corner over the weekend, to keep it manageable, I ordered some Christmas books that I hope he'll enjoy, and ordered stockings/stocking stuffers/a main gift for LO. Next on the agenda, wrapping - hopefully the belly doesn't get too much in the way, feeling huge ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I've had so many contractions with this baby... kind of curious if it's actually doing anything or just there to annoy me...

  17. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: I was totally unprepared for DD2 to come 12/20, right before Christmas! Luckily, DD1 was just 2 so I don't even think she remembers anything. I def have gotten more & more prepared as each year passes by, learning from the last haha. I am literally a birthday/Christmas machine with pre-budgeted money, spreadsheets to refer to, etc to make my life easier!

    I finally counted and I'd be 37 weeks on 1/25; I think that would give me enough of a break after Christmas/New Years for yet another birthday lol

  18. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: I need to learn from you!

    DS is a late January birthday, I feel like it's a decent break...

  19. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: I hope sooooo! I really started the spreadsheet b/c I could not for the life of me keep track of who I need to gift for both kids' school! That just expanded to I might as well list out everything else haha. I'm a total spreadsheet freak though! And another huge help was I am a avid budget-er, so I budget year around for this so when the time comes I don't feel like I'm panicking feeling like my spending is spiraling out of control or something.

  20. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: we have done the same with DS. Family and a few friends tops. Haha Iโ€™m glad you are getting a break with number 3!

    @periwinklebee: being off work has made me feel like a new person! Yes I am still sore and tired, but itโ€™s much more manageable because I can rest when I need to. Iโ€™m sorry you are catching the crud from DS. I hope you feel better!! Maybe your contractions will lead to labor soon!!!

  21. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    I am SO tired. Wishing the next few weeks could fast forward a bit. It's meant to be 43o (in CELCIUS) today and I'm over it, haha.

  22. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: So glad the rest is helping!

    DS apparently was repeating all day at daycare, "baby in tummy coming soon", and then when i picked him up grabbed my tummy and demanded "let go baby" ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can hope! DH will be gone for an interview two days at the end of this week on the other side of the country, and I really need the week to put work in order, and finish preparing things, but of course she'll probably come at the most inconvenient time, whether when DH is away or two weeks late in January ๐Ÿ˜†

    @jaguar: That sounds awful, ugh... total opposite hear, snow and ice everywhere, thank goodness for grippy snow boots with my messed up center of gravity... But I'm sure it's still much better than the heat. Hang in there, only 2.5 more weeks (or less)!

  23. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @jaguar: Oh man I feel for you! If only you lived in this side of the world you'd be nice & toasty

    @periwinklebee: Hahaha he is ready!!

  24. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    I got around to ordering the "postpartum recovery" items yesterday - pads, colace, lanolin - and it all came flooding back to me how uncomfortable things can be for awhile after delivery. Ugh, and it takes a long time to fully recover... Kinda dreading both the tearing aspect and the bf ailments, even though I'm still bf my toddler, it's just completely different to have an infant. I haven't had a clogged duct since my supply dropped around 12 months, but based on how many I had with DS, I'm sure they will be back in my near future.... I think it's hitting me harder the second time around that there is a baby that has to get out of my body somehow in the near future, because i actually know what to expect ๐Ÿ˜‚

  25. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    TMI question - sorry in advance for the grossness but I HAVE to know, ๐Ÿ˜‚ : I went to pee, and noticed a fairly large amount of very thick, globby mucous. Definitely not normal discharge. But there also wasn't any blood in it at all, just a big chunk of yellowish mucous, basically snot-like. I'm pretty sure last time when I lost my plug there was blood. Does this sound like it could be losing the plug? How long before labor did this start happening for you? I think last time it started maybe 4 or 5 days before labor, but I can't even really remember...

  26. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    @periwinklebee: I remember pink or red flecks in the mucus plug. But fingers crossed this is it for you!! I wanted to ask if you ever tried taking sunflower lecithin as a preventitive for your clogged ducts? That is part of my postpartum list of things. It helps keep the milk "slippery" and moving through the ducts. Best way I can describe it.

  27. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @honey786: Thank you! In all honesty I started almost panicking because I need at least another few days to tie up odds and ends, but of course babies have their own timeline! I did try the sunflower lecithin - unfortunately I had bad GI side effects. I would instead use just one soy lecithin pill when I had a clog, which helped some while being easier on my wimpy digestive system...

  28. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: It could be! With DD2 apparently I was leaking fluid all weekend long before going into labor and I had no idea, haha! And DD1 was induced so I really don't have much experience with distinguishing this stuff.

    I think 2nd time PP is def easier! I tore bad and also had to be cut with DD1 so anything was an improvement from that haha.

  29. kayla0416

    apricot / 275 posts

    @periwinklebee: That sounds like your mucus plug! With my first, mine wasn't bloody at all, it was just like you described. With both of my girls, I lost my plug about 1-2 weeks before they were born.

  30. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: I hope so, ugh, being cut sounds awful. I can't complain because I had a pretty standard birth with standard tearing, but I still involuntarily cringe thinking about it....

    @kayla0416: Thank you! I could go for a week or two from now (leaving aside difficulties of finding a babysitter for LO right before Christmas, ๐Ÿ˜‘ ), would definitely beat going past 41 weeks like last time!

    The real question of importance, though, should I order some cute newborn Christmas jammies to have on hand, or will that jinx it ๐Ÿ˜‚

  31. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Hehe, doesn't hurt to just have a set sitting around

  32. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: I caved, hah hah, The thought of LO and an itty bitty newborn in matching Christmas jammies is just too cute to bear! Sure I jinxed it now!!!

  33. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Haha! I was lucky that I still had DD1's Christmas newborn outfit since DD2 came before Christmas!

  34. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: so, so sweet!!!

  35. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Wouldn't be all that bad to have a cuddly little newborn on Christmas morning

  36. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts


    DS apparently talked all day again at daycare about the baby coming, and went from saying "baby coming soon?" in a questioning voice to gleefully proclaiming "baby coming, baby coming, it's coming, it's coming, it's coming!" Definitely attracted some attention yelling this with massively pregnant me walking down a crowded sidewalk ๐Ÿ˜‚ and then shouted it to his father as he walked in the door, who was like "what! now? seriously!"). If this continues, I may not be able to take him in public, lol

  37. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: Eeeek! My mucus plug came away in stages - started globby and yellow and then blood when the big piece came out. How you feeling?

    I feel like this baby could come anytime. ANYTIME. I have so much pressure and I am so uncomfortable... and today's 36week scan showed baby so far down, it's crazy! Totally engaged and arms and legs beating the crap out of me, haha. :o

  38. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Oh and today's weight estimate is 2.9kg today - or 6lb4oz already!!! My poor ladybits.

  39. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jaguar: Eek, thinking of you! And jealous of the scans. I don't get one after the 19 week anatomy scan unless they think something is wrong, so no idea on size or anything... I'm chugging along, no signs of labor yet, trying to check the most central things off my to-do-list. My main concern at this point is that she does not come Thursday or Friday while my husband is on the west coast. Fingers crossed....

  40. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: I have no experience with losing the mucus plug, but it sounds like your body is gearing up to me!! Matching jammies will be too cute!!!!

    @graceandjoy: oh my gosh! Your girls are so precious! I canโ€™t wait to have squishy babies to snuggle

    @jaguar: big girl! Iโ€™m right there with you. So uncomfortable and ready. Only 16 days from our date though! Hang in there!

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