Hellobee Boards


January 2020 moms!

  1. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: so close!!! really glad the Benadryl is providing some relief!

  2. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: thank you for the reminder! I know he will adjust and it will be so worth it for him to have siblings. It’s sweet your girls are so close!

    @periwinklebee: thank you! You are SO close too!!! Any more signs of labor? FX she waits until your MIL comes in town!

  3. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: hah hah, nothing happening here!

    As for your older LO, I know it will be a major transition, but I bet he is going to ultimately *love* having two younger siblings. So much built in fun and built in playmates once they get a bit older!!! And I'm sure you will be a rockstar at managing everything...

  4. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @yellowbeach: this is probably the last one! 35 weeks 4 days!

  5. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: perhaps fittingly, the Christmas jammies that you persuaded me to order for baby girl (it didn't take much persuasion!) just got cancelled 😂 I feel like it's a sign that she's not coming until January...

    @Jessiemuller88: you look amazing!

  6. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Next week is BABY WEEK! Ermagerd!

    Baby girl is head down super low and engaged, I'm 37 weeks and we have induction officially booked for 27th now. I am SO uncomfortable! She's gonna be a chunker!

  7. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: oh no! I hope it’s not a sign for you!

    @jaguar: I can’t believe it!! It’s so neat we get to meet our babes on the same day!! I can’t wait to hear all about your birth ❤

  8. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    Ugh, this baby really wants to stretch and just doesn't have the space. I was up puking at midnight because she was really pressing on my stomach, while simultaneously having lightening crotch and feeling her repeatedly kick or punch some nerve in my hip... Then of course the toddler was up for the day at 5:30. Don't even see @Jessiemuller88: how you are managing two - total pregnancy rock star!

    @jaguar: @Jessiemuller88: So exciting that you will be meeting your babies in just a little over a week!!

  9. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: ugh that’s horrible you are puking again. I’m so sorry momma! You are ALMOST there! I just keep repeating that to stay sane. Honestly I feel pretty awful. They have zero space. My stomach is rock hard because it’s stretched to the max, and I can literally feel both of their heads and butts jutting out of it. It’s so painful. They are still both breech too, so I am constantly gasping for air because their heads are crushing my lungs... 9 more days... 9 more days... sorry for the misery rant!

  10. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: You are adorable! Can't wait to meet the babies!

    @jaguar: So exciting! The end is near!

    @periwinklebee: That is so awful!! I hope it's just a one time thing!

    I keep checking back here in case someone suddenly gives birth

    I had the mother of all leg cramps this morning that kept me up for like an hour... Man these last stretch symptoms really are no joke!

  11. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: SO SO CLOSE... I had an hvac guy come last week who has two year old twins (still feeling bitter about how much that mouse that died in my heating duct cost me). Anyways, he said that looking back at pictures of his wife full term with twins, they couldn't believe she was able to do it and feel so incredibly proud... Take lots of pics now and be reminding your husband for years to come about everything you went through to bring those sweet babies into this world 😂

    Hopefully this child stops putting the brunt of her weight on my stomach, ugh, I'd barely eaten anything for dinner too. It happens periodically...

    Counting down the days until the weekend when I can spend some time laying on the couch... Fortunately my toddler loves books and is really happy with me laying on the couch as long as I'm reading to him. We should do something fun with him for Christmas - he loves lights - but given that it's less than a week from my due date I also want to give myself permission to be lazy... last year we went to zoo lights - giant traffic jam to get there, my husband spent an hour and a half driving around the parking lot waiting for a space, and it was too crowded to move. Definitely not repeating that...

  12. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: thank you 😘

    @periwinklebee: that stupid mouse!!! Sorry it’s been such a pain in the rear! I am really proud to have made it this far. I was so worried about pre-term labor, and here I am, nearly full term.

    That’s awesome your toddler is content laying around and reading. My son has like a new burst of energy in the afternoons that has been hard for me to keep up with!

  13. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Omg when this bub was breech it was SO uncomfortable - I can't imagine two heads in my ribs!! You have done an AMAZING job baking them both!

    @periwinklebee: Oh you poor love! The lightning crotch is so freaking uncomfortable isn't it? xx

    @graceandjoy: Sympathies on the leg cramps! I have had some doozies this pregnancy... hopefully they bugger off once the baby is out!

  14. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I'm lucky that right now he doesn't want to be out of my sight (we'll see how long that continues, lol) so even if he's running around like crazy, it's easy to keep an eye on him!

  15. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    So ladies that have had vaginal deliveries or smaller headed babies or I don't know what crowd I'm looking for...

    It feels like my pelvis is literally about to split open, it's painful to walk. I'm only 29+1, but my son's head literally NEVER engaged because it was so damn big that I don't know if this is normal. It started about 10 days ago when I squatted down to tie my son's shoe at the zoo and it feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs.

    Is this normal? I don't see my doctor again until New year's Eve.

  16. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Sams Mom: I’m lurking for babies on this thread but it sounds like SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction). It’s fairly common and feels awful. I would have described mine as it felt like someone kicked my pubic bone as hard as they could with a steel toed boot. There are some things you can do to help it be less awful but only having the baby will fix it. It was awful with my third but felt so much better right after birth. Tends to get worse each pregnancy. Some of the important things are keeping your legs together when you do almost anything - get in and out of car, turn over in bed, don’t lift your leg to put your pants on (sit down instead), etc.

    ETA also pregnancy chiro helped mine some I think

  17. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    Probably TMI, but had some bloody discharge (no recent cervical check or other "activities" that would have irritated anything...) Anyone else experience this? It is making me on edge, as this is how labor started with DS and I have had some contractions since... but it could also easily mean nothing (have been having contractions for months..).

    My toddler is going through some kind of sleep regression and has been up between 4 and 5 for the day for the past three days. And it's 8 degrees today, with a coat that doesn't button, 😑

    @Sams Mom: I have felt the bowling ball between the legs sensation for quite awhile, both my babies have been very low and engaged. But it's not excruciating, just a lot of pressure.

  18. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: sending you good thoughts, blood always meant labor for me but you never know!!

  19. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: I think it's normal; I've been feeling that way for a while, and both my babies were in the 6 lb range. I don't know how many times I've said 'I feel like my vagina is about to split open' lol!

    @periwinklebee: Uggh I know it feels like negative degrees here today, and doesn't help that it's getting closer to Christmas! I agree that you're def progressing, BUT that can still mean days! Sending you good thoughts that baby will NOT come before Christmas (or come by tomorrow, lol)

  20. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Sams Mom: my son never engaged either (also a huge head and breech) but I have heard of what @bhbee: mentioned. Sounds miserable, and I hope you find a way to get some relief.

    @periwinklebee: definitely sounds like things are progressing for you! I never lost my mucus plug and had a c-section with DS, so I have no personal experience. The cold and sleep regression sound awful. It’s 33 degrees here and we think that’s cold!!!!

    I’m 36 weeks tomorrow! I feel so cranky and on edge. I’m hoping the festivities next week take my mind off my discomfort. 8 days and counting!

  21. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bhbee: @graceandjoy: @Jessiemuller88: Thanks! Nothing more here besides the usual sporadic, irregular contractions, so who knows what my body is doing. At this point, I will gladly take it if she comes anytime before Jan 2 so I don't have to go back to the office then, but won't hold my breath 😂 Did find someone who can watch LO over the weekend if needed, so I think we more or less have coverage until MIL comes...

  22. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @bhbee: @graceandjoy: @periwinklebee: @Jessiemuller88: thanks! My best friend is a chiro, but lives about 40 minutes away. She told me she'd adjust me next time she sees me, and send some stretches and stuff to do to help.

    I know I've got 9w5d to my c section, and I don't think I really want her to come any sooner, but 50 days sounds pretty unbearable with the hobble/waddle I have going.

  23. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: A lot or a little? I had a little a few days before Georgia and a HUGE clump the night I went into labour.

  24. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Sams Mom: Ouch!! It's maybe a combo of a head down baby and a pelvic issue, but it really is painful isn't it? xx

  25. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    Ugh, for two hours tonight I had pretty painful, regular contractions, granted only lasting 15-20 seconds... with more bleeding. And it was getting sufficiently painful that I thought we might need to start calling babysitters. But once I got the toddler to bed and sat down with the contraction timer, they spaced way back out. Still painful but at like 15-20 minute rather than <5 minute intervals, and still only lasting around 30 seconds. I think I had a somewhat atypical labor with LO, where I went from nothing straight to very painful contractions lasting at least a minute, 3-5 minutes apart, in the span of less than an hour...So i don't know quite what to make of this... normal in the days or weeks leading up to labor? It's making me worried about going into real labor at 3am when who knows if anyone we could call to watch LO would hear the phone and pick up...

  26. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: sorry I keep crashing this thread but I had to comment because it reminded me of my labor with #2. I had real contractions one night for a couple hours, even got the hormone shakes, but I think I kind of started to freak out about childcare and they petered out. I was so mad when I went to bed the next night still no labor (my first was just real labor from the start). But woke up around midnight with increased bleeding and very regular contractions, I could still putter around cleaning and such for a couple hours but felt it was real. My water broke around 3, it went up to 11 on intensity and I had a baby by 4:30. Luckily we were able to get ahold of my brother who lives 45 min away and he got there at 3:45 so we could leave.

    Anyway, the point of this story is, whatever is happening is probably doing real work so as soon as you get longer regular contractions I’d take it seriously. My first was not fast so I didn’t take things seriously enough! Even though we know a couple people who had accidental home births!

    ETA but rest, anytime you can, in case you still have a bit of a wait!

  27. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: Maybe send out a warning message to your babysitters that things MIGHT be taking off.. but you'll of course let them know. xxx

  28. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bhbee: ugh, my nightmare. With a labor that lasted <5 hours with LO1, and nothing much besides BH before, I'm nervous about how fast this could go...

    @jaguar: Thanks!

    Contractions got close and much more painful when BF DS this morning, so I'm on my way to L&D in an uber now. DH is taking LO to daycare. It's rush hour, which could mean an hour plus to get there (though traffic is usually better on Friday, fingers crossed) and I'd rather be safe than sorry....

  29. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    Seem to have spaced out some since I stopped BF, but figure I can walk around the hospital a bit when I get there. They have been groan and grimace through painful, with lots of bleeding this morning, so really hope it's not some sort of intense bf-induced false labor...

  30. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: glad you’re there! Better to be safe for sure. I have no experience with bf and labor but I hope you are holding that baby soon

  31. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: I’m also glad you went! You are in my thoughts! I know that has to be nerve- wrecking going alone in an Uber. Keep us updated! FX you meet your baby soon

  32. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Keep us posted, sending good thoughts

  33. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @bhbee: @Jessiemuller88: @graceandjoy: thank you! Walked around the hospital for awhile and admitted now. It’s been slower and more sporadic than with ds, but no complaints as my main priority was getting here in plenty of time!

  34. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: have they checked to see how dilated you are yet? you must be somewhat dilated for them to admit right?

  35. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @periwinklebee: babies are funny like that wishing you a smooth delivery and baby cuddles soon!

  36. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @Sams Mom: Yes. I'm sorry. I experienced it with my second pregnancy but not my first. I couldn't lift my leg up, my husband had to help me get dressed, and if I took a wonky step, I felt like I was going to split in two at my pubic bone.


  37. crazydoglady

    nectarine / 2431 posts

    @periwinklebee: Thinking of you and hoping for the smoothest delivery possible!

  38. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: I’m so excited for you!

  39. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Keep coming back here to check lol. I just came back from DD2's 3rd birthday celebration at preschool; so I'm hoping you you are giving birth today lol! 12/20 is a great day! Jussst far away enough from Christmas lol!

  40. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    She’s here! Things went very smoothly. Lots of contractions, almost no progress while I waited the requisite four hours for strep b antibiotics to take effect so doctor could break my water. Then after that went from 5 cm to baby in arms in 20 minutes. Dh was narrowly saved from having to deliver her himself when he screamed the baby was coming and a midwife from another practice happened to be walking right outside the door and dashed in to catch her. So in love, thank you all for the support!

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